Papers by Eurico Carrapatoso

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2016
There are several approaches in the area of rehabilitation that invoke technology for a more comp... more There are several approaches in the area of rehabilitation that invoke technology for a more comprehensive and dynamic learning process aimed at the physical and psychological recovery of a disabled person, with a view to their reintegration and possible recovery. The existence of collaborative tools used to support the rehabilitation by using communication and cooperation between patients, family and therapists on knowledge sharing and collaborative knowledge building has been the subject of studies. The research topic "Exercises and Serious Games Applied to Rehabilitation" arises from the concern to understand and adapt the use of technologies for rehabilitation, and so the present work proposal aims to conduct an information collection to identify potential factors in order to adapt the technological tools to the patient's rehabilitation process. To support research we intend to analyse and work only with a specific area of rehabilitation, the physical part with a focus on body members to rehabilitate. The research involves understanding the different processes of rehabilitation and efficiency rates. It proposes to address a new methodology within the educational and rehabilitation programs that have not received the attention of current researches, and aims to relate the patient rehabilitation process with existing technological means and to investigate how this relationship can contribute to a more effective solution in the rehabilitation process. This study will be
developed in the research I&D group GILT (Games, Interaction and Learning Technologies at ISEP (Superior Institute of Engineering of Porto) and in cooperation with institutions working in the area of rehabilitation, in order to obtain information and different points of view.
The end result is expected to propose methodologies and to develop a platform with a set of exercises and serious games facilitators of the rehabilitation process the body members.

A proximidade das tecnologias com a reabilitação foi acentuada nos últimos tempos como resultado ... more A proximidade das tecnologias com a reabilitação foi acentuada nos últimos tempos como resultado do desenvolvimento tecnológico. O que levou à evolução de um sistema tradicional baseado quase exclusivamente na ligação entre terapeuta e paciente, para sistemas com recursos a tecnologias, onde estes assumem um papel de apoio à terapia. O artigo apresenta uma visão geral do estado da arte, das limitações e as questões mais preocupantes relativas aos sistemas de informação destinados à reabilitação de idosos com base em exercícios e jogos sérios. O objetivo desta revisão foi recolher informações relevantes do estudo, a fim de apoiar e orientar a pesquisa atual, bem como informar do trabalho a desenvolver, estudo e concepção de uma plataforma tecnológica e recursos para o uso de jogos sérios e exercícios de reabilitação de pessoas idosas. O artigo conclui com observações gerais sobre o uso de exercícios e jogos sérios na reabilitação de adultos idosos e sugestão para trabalho futuro.
2008 Eighth Ieee International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Jul 1, 2008
The aim of this paper is to present an Constructivism Approach for an Educational Adaptive Hyperm... more The aim of this paper is to present an Constructivism Approach for an Educational Adaptive Hypermedia Tool. The learning platform has a constructivist approach, assessing the user knowledge and presenting contents and activities adapted to the characteristics and learning style of the student. The platform allows the students and teachers to autonomously create and consolidate knowledge, with permanent automatic feedback and support, through instructional methodologies and educational activities explored in a constructivist manner.
Sixth Ieee International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2006
Learning objects repositories intend to endorse reutilization but this purpose has not been fully... more Learning objects repositories intend to endorse reutilization but this purpose has not been fully achieved yet. In this paper, we describe a project addresses the effective reuse of learning objects in repositories. The initial model presented and discussed introduces new requirements in the way contents are stored and searched and in the contextual definition of learning objects. Considering IMS LD templates, we propose examples of its use for learning objects.
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Software engineers use abstraction to better understand, model and reason about the surrounding w... more Software engineers use abstraction to better understand, model and reason about the surrounding world. Recently Architecture Description Languages (ADLs) introduced new levels of abstraction with potential use at runtime to support system evolution. In this paper we propose the FORMAware architecture that blends run-time architectural representation with a reflective programming model to address adaptation issues and promote the proximity between design and development. Reflection opens up composition architecture through a replaceable default style manager that permits to execute architecture reconfigurations. This manager enforces the structural integrity of the architecture through a set of style rules that developers may change to meet other architectural strategies. Each reconfiguration runs in the scope of a transaction that we may commit or rollback.
6Th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, 2011
Abstract Several developments have been observed recently in areas such as Web development, socia... more Abstract Several developments have been observed recently in areas such as Web development, social networks, interface design, recommendation systems and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The integration of these developments can provide a superior experience, greater than the sum of their individual contributions, regarding user satisfaction. This paper proposes an integration of all these innovations in e-tourism, more specifically by the development of a Web based geographic information platform ...
Distribution is an important feature of some of the services presently offered in the Internet. T... more Distribution is an important feature of some of the services presently offered in the Internet. The creation of distributed services, when compared with centralised ones, is much more complex, leading to service creation processes that have higher costs and are more time consuming. In this paper we briefly present a novel service creation methodology defined in SCREEN, an ACTS project, suitable for CORBA distributed platforms, and the work carried out using this methodology in the creation of a distributed digital library.

A alteração da Lei de Bases do Sistema Educativo Português, impulsionada pelo Processo de Bolonha... more A alteração da Lei de Bases do Sistema Educativo Português, impulsionada pelo Processo de Bolonha, abre várias oportunidades de utilização do e-Learning não só no âmbito da formação contínua, mas também no contexto da formação inicial. Tal como em muitas outras instituições, o Moodle foi a opção de b-Learning mais natural e viável para a Escola Superior de Educação de Bragança. Com os recentes cursos (Plano Bolonha) foram identificados novos requisitos: necessidade de obter informação actual sobre os programas e conteúdos das diferentes disciplinas para suportar a tomada de decisão de inscrição em novas disciplinas; exigência de uma aprendizagem rápida; e obtenção de informação para suportar processos interdisciplinares. Essa informação reside na plataforma de e-Learning. Contudo, o Moodle não possui um mecanismo de pesquisa próprio que permita localizar e recuperar informação sobre os recursos de aprendizagem, garantindo que o objecto de aprendizagem propriamente dito não seja visualizado por utilizadores ou alunos não autorizados. A geração (semi)automática de metadados para facilitar a localização e recuperação dos objectos de aprendizagem foi a solução encontrada para responder aos requisitos identificados sem afectar a estrutura global do sistema de e-Learning. Assim, este artigo tem como principal objectivo descrever as actividades de especificação e desenvolvimento da solução encontrada.
ABSTRACT Web Services emerged in the last few years to allow the exchange of data in distributed ... more ABSTRACT Web Services emerged in the last few years to allow the exchange of data in distributed environments using common Internet technologies and has been used mainly to build business-to-business applications. This paper presents a prototype application that enables the cooperative editing of digital video clips, using web services to build the underlying cooperation infrastructure.
More and better accesses to the Internet increase the interest in using it to carry not only data... more More and better accesses to the Internet increase the interest in using it to carry not only data but also voice and video. The IP Telephony (IPTel) was born in this context and offers a framework to create multimedia communication systems. The Session Initiation Protocol, used in the IPTel architecture, is a protocol for signaling and call control between two or more participants. This paper presents telephony over IP service. Different protocols typically used in IPtel are analyzed and the architecture and functionality of SIP protocol are explained. Different mobility modes provided by SIP through the application layer are described. Finally we present the sIPtel, a Java application that supports real audio and video communications and uses the SIP protocol for call signaling.

A sociedade em que vivemos exige-nos uma contínua e rápida actualização dos conhecimentos para qu... more A sociedade em que vivemos exige-nos uma contínua e rápida actualização dos conhecimentos para que possamos adaptar-nos e reagir às constantes mudanças profissionais e sociais. A interiorização do conceito de educação ao longo da vida tem vindo a impulsionar novas formas de auto-aprendizagem, tais como: a aprendizagem através de conteúdos Web dispersos localizados por motores de busca e a aprendizagem através de conteúdos disponibilizados por sistemas de e-Learning. No entanto, o crescimento da Web tornou cada vez mais problemática a descoberta e a recuperação desses objectos de aprendizagem. Neste sentido, propõe-se, por um lado, o recurso a metadados e ontologias para a pesquisa de objectos de aprendizagem dispersos e, por outro, o uso de mapas de conceitos, descritos através da tecnologia XTM (XML Topic Maps), para organizar e apoiar a recuperação de objectos de aprendizagem em cursos de e-Learning e, consequente, geração de planos de formação personalizados. Assim, este artigo sugere uma arquitectura para um sistema de pesquisa de conteúdos de aprendizagem baseado em tecnologias de e-Learning, tecnologias da Web Semântica e tecnologias de Agentes.
... 22. W3C. XForms 1.0. Recommendation REC-xforms-20060314, XForms Working Group, March 2006. 23... more ... 22. W3C. XForms 1.0. Recommendation REC-xforms-20060314, XForms Working Group, March 2006. 23. Alvin Yew, Christos Bohoris, Antonio Liotta, and George Pavlou. Quality of Service Management for the Virtual Home Environment. ...
RESUMO Mais e melhores acessos à Internet, bem como um preço atractivo, fazem com que seja cada v... more RESUMO Mais e melhores acessos à Internet, bem como um preço atractivo, fazem com que seja cada vez maior o interesse em transportar voz e vídeo sobre redes de dados. Neste contexto nasceu a Telefonia sobre IP, que oferece através desta infra-estrutura a oportunidade de ...

Educational Technology & Society
This document is a survey in the research area of User Modeling (UM) for the specific field of Ad... more This document is a survey in the research area of User Modeling (UM) for the specific field of Adaptive Learning. The aims of this document are: To define what it is a User Model; To present existing and well known User Models; To analyze the existent standards related with UM; To compare existing systems. In the scientific area of User Modeling (UM), numerous research and developed systems already seem to promise good results, but some experimentation and implementation are still necessary to conclude about the utility of the UM. That is, the experimentation and implementation of these systems are still very scarce to determine the utility of some of the referred applications. At present, the Student Modeling research goes in the direction to make possible reuse a student model in different systems. The standards are more and more relevant for this effect, allowing systems communicate and to share data, components and structures, at syntax and semantic level, even if most of them still only allow syntax integration.

In the past few years, the demand for courses in science and technology has been decreasing bot... more In the past few years, the demand for courses in science and technology has been decreasing both in Portugal and elsewhere, in spite of the need quantified by the EU for an additional 600 000 scientific research workers in Europe by 2010, in conjunction with a 15% growth of technology graduates. Acknowledging the importance of attracting the younger generations for the practice of science and the prospect of a professional career in Science or Engineering, the University of Porto organized a seminar focused on the communication of Science and the enthusiasm of making Science, with the aim of identifying successful strategies for reversing the emerging trend and promoting the appeal of science and technology among the youngsters. The paper summarises the key issues addressed during the seminar, pointing out the main conclusions. Index Terms science and engineering education, motivation in science and technology, promoting scientific literacy, skill shortage in science and engineering.
Papers by Eurico Carrapatoso
developed in the research I&D group GILT (Games, Interaction and Learning Technologies at ISEP (Superior Institute of Engineering of Porto) and in cooperation with institutions working in the area of rehabilitation, in order to obtain information and different points of view.
The end result is expected to propose methodologies and to develop a platform with a set of exercises and serious games facilitators of the rehabilitation process the body members.
developed in the research I&D group GILT (Games, Interaction and Learning Technologies at ISEP (Superior Institute of Engineering of Porto) and in cooperation with institutions working in the area of rehabilitation, in order to obtain information and different points of view.
The end result is expected to propose methodologies and to develop a platform with a set of exercises and serious games facilitators of the rehabilitation process the body members.