Universidade do Porto
"The emergency of economic growth theory in the late eighties has been raising some important questions regarding the link between mainstream analysis and heterodoxy perspective. Some radical papers have been claiming that this new... more
- by António Neto
This paper presents a simple and exploratory analysis of the Portuguese unemployment based on trend/cycle decomposition methods.
- by António Neto
Unemployment is one of the most important subjects in macroeconomics. Its constant presence in almost any economy raises a question that many economists and researchers have tried to answer: why is there unemployment? One of the simplest... more
- by António Neto
Unemployment is one of the most intriguing phenomena in Economics, especially in macroeconomics. Presently, since several countries, in particularly, Greece, Portugal and Spain are in some kind of recession, one of the most important... more
The Solow-Swan Model is the baseline of the Neoclassical Economic Growth Models. With simple but powerful assumptions the Solow-Swan model results are clear and consistent. Therefore this model is the common starting point for studying... more
This paper is part of the wwwforeurope project, an international research project that aims to identify the best strategies to overcome the financial crisis and to guarantee “Welfare, Wealth and Work for Europe in the long-run”. Taking... more
- by António Neto
A fixação do salário mínimo tem sido uma das questões mais debatidas na actualidade, constituindo uma preocupação constante da autoridade reguladora. Apesar do seu objectivo principal ser a garantia de um nível de vida digno a todos os... more
School Choice Theory is one of the research areas in Economics that has an immediate application to reality: every year, thousands of students around the world have to enroll at a new school. This paper introduces the Portuguese School... more
Este trabalho introduz a temática de Crescimento Económico, os seus principais indicadores e alguns modelos base necessários à compreensão do fenómeno. O capítulo I esboça uma introdução genérica, cobrindo temas como o Rendimento per... more