Papers by António Pinto Almeida

A fasciolose e uma zoonose causada pelos parasitas Fasciola hepatica e F. gigantica, actualmente ... more A fasciolose e uma zoonose causada pelos parasitas Fasciola hepatica e F. gigantica, actualmente considerada uma parasitose emergente/re-emergente, devido ao aumento crescente de infeccoes humanas. Devido ao polimorfismo do quadro clinico e a baixa sensibilidade dos metodos parasitologicos, o diagnostico e feito principalmente por metodos serologicos. Contudo, estes metodos apresentam algumas limitacoes sendo, por isso, a melhoria dos testes imunologicos, nomeadamente, a utilizacao de antigenio homologo, de grande relevância para a especificidade e rapidez do diagnostico. Este trabalho tem como objectivo comparar a sensibilidade e especificidade de duas preparacoes antigenicas de F. gigantica pelo metodo Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)e Western-blot, em soros de individuos originarios de Cabo Verde e suspeitos de fasciolose, onde o parasita F. gigantica e o agente etiologico da parasitose.

Frontiers in Microbiology, 2016
Schistosomiasis is one of the most common human parasitic diseases whose socioeconomic impact is ... more Schistosomiasis is one of the most common human parasitic diseases whose socioeconomic impact is only surpassed by malaria. Praziquantel (PZQ) is the only drug commercially available for the treatment of all schistosome species causing disease in humans. However, there has been stronger evidences of PZQ-resistance on Schistosoma mansoni and thus it is very important to study the phenotypic characteristics associated with it. The aim of this study was to evaluate morphological alterations in S. mansoni PZQ-resistant adult worms and eggs, by comparing a PZQ-resistant strain obtained under PZQ drug pressure with a PZQ-susceptible strain. For this, scanning electronic microscopy was used to assess tegumental responsiveness of both strains under PZQ exposure, and optical microscopy allowed the monitoring of worms and eggs in the presence of the drug. Those assays showed that PZQ-susceptible worms exposed to the drug had more severe tegumental damages than the resistant one, which had only minor alterations. Moreover, contrary to what occurred in the susceptible strain, resistant worms were viable after PZQ exposure and gradually regaining full motility after removal of the drug. Eggs from resistant strain parasites are considerably smaller than those from susceptible strain. Our results suggest that there might be a difference in the tegument composition of the resistant strain and that worms are less responsive to PZQ. Changes observed in egg morphology might imply alterations in the biology of schistosomes associated to PZQ-resistance, which could impact on transmission and pathology of the disease. Moreover, we propose a hypothetical scenario where there is a different egg tropism of the S. mansoni resistant strain. This study is the first comparing two strains that only differ in their resistance characteristics, which makes it a relevant step in the search for resistance determinants.

PLOS ONE, 2015
Background Schistosomiasis is a neglected disease caused by a trematode of the genus Schistosoma ... more Background Schistosomiasis is a neglected disease caused by a trematode of the genus Schistosoma that is second only to malaria in public health significance in Africa, South America, and Asia. Praziquantel (PZQ) is the drug of choice to treat this disease due to its high cure rates and no significant side effects. However, in the last years increasingly cases of tolerance to PZQ have been reported, which has caused growing concerns regarding the emergency of resistance to this drug. Methodology/Principal Findings Here we describe the selection of a parasitic strain that has a stable resistance phenotype to PZQ. It has been reported that drug resistance in helminths might involve efflux pumps such as members of ATP-binding cassette transport proteins, including P-glycoprotein and multidrug resistance-associated protein families. Here we evaluate the role of efflux pumps in Schistosoma mansoni resistance to PZQ, by comparing the efflux pumps activity in susceptible and resistant strains. The evaluation of the efflux activity was performed by an ethidium bromide accumulation assay in presence and absence of Verapamil. The role of efflux pumps in resistance to PZQ was further investigated comparing the response of susceptible and resistant parasites in the absence and presence of different doses of Verapamil, in an ex vivo assay, and these results were further reinforced through the comparison of the expression levels of SmMDR2 RNA by RT-PCR. Conclusions/Significance This work strongly suggests the involvement of Pgp-like transporters SMDR2 in Praziquantel drug resistance in S. mansoni. Low doses of Verapamil successfully reverted drug PLOS ONE |

Marine drugs, 2021
The Estremadura Spur pockmarks are a unique and unexplored ecosystem located in the North Atlanti... more The Estremadura Spur pockmarks are a unique and unexplored ecosystem located in the North Atlantic, off the coast of Portugal. A total of 85 marine-derived actinomycetes were isolated and cultured from sediments collected from this ecosystem at a depth of 200 to 350 m. Nine genera, Streptomyces, Micromonospora, Saccharopolyspora, Actinomadura, Actinopolymorpha, Nocardiopsis, Saccharomonospora, Stackebrandtia, and Verrucosispora were identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing analyses, from which the first two were the most predominant. Non-targeted LC-MS/MS, in combination with molecular networking, revealed high metabolite diversity, including several known metabolites, such as surugamide, antimycin, etamycin, physostigmine, desferrioxamine, ikarugamycin, piericidine, and rakicidin derivatives, as well as numerous unidentified metabolites. Taxonomy was the strongest parameter influencing the metabolite production, highlighting the different biosynthetic potentials of phylogenetically r...

O diagnóstico da fasciolose é feito principalmente por métodos serológicos, devido ao polimorfism... more O diagnóstico da fasciolose é feito principalmente por métodos serológicos, devido ao polimorfismo do quadro clínico e à baixa sensibilidade dos métodos parasitológicos. Contudo, estes métodos apresentam algumas limitações, pelo que a melhoria dos testes imunológicos, nomeadamente, a utilização de antigénio homólogo, pode ser um factor relevante para a especificidade do diagnóstico. Este estudo teve como objectivo a produção e avaliação de antigénios total e deslipidizado de F. gigantica no imunodiagnóstico da fasciolose pelos métodos de Micro-ELISA e Western-blot, em comparação com os de F. hepatica. Foram analisados 111 soros de indivíduos cabo-verdianos e 67 de indivíduos residentes em Portugal, de ambos os sexos, com suspeita clínica de fasciolose. Os antigénios, total e deslipidizado, foram produzidos a partir de vermes adultos de F. gigantica recolhidos de bovinos na ilha de Santiago (Cabo Verde). Os antigénios totais das duas espécies de Fasciola apresentaram a mesma sensibilidade (100%), mas a especificidade foi superior para o antigénio total de F. gigantica (95,2%), na detecção de IgG. À semelhança dos antigénios totais, os deslipidizados demonstraram uma sensibilidade de 100%. Contudo, a especificidade foi superior (95,2%) quando se utilizou o antigénio deslipidizado de F. hepatica em relação à obtida com F. gigantica, cujo valor foi de 90,5%. Quanto à detecção de IgM anti-Fasciola, os valores de sensibilidade e especificidade foram de 97% e 90,5%, respectivamente, para os antigénios totais dos dois parasitas. Na pesquisa de IgM anti-parasita, as sensibilidades foram 94% e 83% para os antigénios deslipidizados de F. gigantica e F. hepatica, respectivamente, com uma especificidade de 90,5% para ambos os antigénios deslipidizados. No Immunobloting, a fracção antigénica de 24 kDa foi comum nas quatro preparações antigénicas, quer para IgM quer para IgG anti-Fasciola, pelo que a sua caracterização poderá ser Produção e Caracterização de Antigénios de Fasciola gigantica e sua Avaliação no Imunodiagnóstico de Fasciolose iv relevante para o desenvolvimento de métodos com maior especificidade e reprodutibilidade, melhorando significativamente o diagnóstico. A banda de 26 kDa, presente apenas no antigénio total de F. gigantica, parece ser específica deste parasita. Este facto leva-nos a concluir que esta banda poderá ser objecto de mais estudos, no sentido de vir a terse um diagnóstico diferencial entre as duas espécies de Fasciola.

Schistosomiasis is a chronic neglected tropical disease saddling millions of people in the world,... more Schistosomiasis is a chronic neglected tropical disease saddling millions of people in the world, mainly children living in poor rural areas. Praziquantel (PZQ) is currently the only drug used for the treatment and control of this disease. However, the extensive use of this drug has brought concern about the emergence of PZQ-resistance/tolerance by Schistosoma mansoni. Studies of Schistosoma spp. genome, transcriptome, and proteome are crucial to better understand this situation. In this in vitro study, we compare the proteomes of a S. mansoni variant strain stably resistant to PZQ and isogenic to its fully susceptible parental counterpart, identifying proteins from male and female adult parasites of PZQ-resistant and PZQ-susceptible strains, exposed and not exposed to PZQ. A total of 60 Schistosoma spp. proteins were identified, some of which present or absent in either strain, which may putatively be involved in the PZQ-resistance phenomenon. These proteins were present in adult p...

The extensive use of Praziquantel (PZQ), the only drug available to treat schistosomiasis, has br... more The extensive use of Praziquantel (PZQ), the only drug available to treat schistosomiasis, has brought concern about the emergence of PZQ-resistance/tolerance bySchistosomaspp., thus reaffirming an urge for the development of new treatment alternatives. Therefore, it is imperative and urgent to study this phenomenon trying to understand what is involved in its occurrence. Studies ofSchistosomaspp. genome, transcriptome and proteome are crucial to better understand this situation. By stepwise drug pressure from a fully susceptible parasite strain, our group selected aS. mansonivariant strain stably resistant to PZQ and isogenic to its fully susceptible parental counterpart, except for the genetic determinants of PZQ-resistance phenotype. Based on this, the objective of this study was to compare the proteomes of both strains, identifying proteins from male and female adult worms of PZQ-resistant and PZQ-susceptible strains, exposed and not exposed to PZQ, which were separated by high-...

Schistosomiasis is one of the most common human parasitic diseases whose socioeconomic impact is ... more Schistosomiasis is one of the most common human parasitic diseases whose socioeconomic impact is only surpassed by malaria. Praziquantel (PZQ) is the only drug commercially available for the treatment of all schistosome species causing disease in humans. However, there has been stronger evidences of PZQ-resistance on Schistosoma mansoni and thus it is very important to study the phenotypic characteristics associated with it. The aim of this study was to evaluate morphological alterations in S. mansoni PZQ-resistant adult worms and eggs, by comparing a PZQ-resistant strain obtained under PZQ drug pressure with a PZQ-susceptible strain. For this, scanning electronic microscopy was used to assess tegumental responsiveness of both strains under PZQ exposure, and optical microscopy allowed the monitoring of worms and eggs in the presence of the drug. Those assays showed that PZQ-susceptible worms exposed to the drug had more severe tegumental damages than the resistant one, which had only minor alterations. Moreover, contrary to what occurred in the susceptible strain, resistant worms were viable after PZQ exposure and gradually regaining full motility after removal of the drug. Eggs from resistant strain parasites are considerably smaller than those from susceptible strain. Our results suggest that there might be a difference in the tegument composition of the resistant strain and that worms are less responsive to PZQ. Changes observed in egg morphology might imply alterations in the biology of schistosomes associated to PZQ-resistance, which could impact on transmission and pathology of the disease. Moreover, we propose a hypothetical scenario where there is a different egg tropism of the S. mansoni resistant strain. This study is the first comparing two strains that only differ in their resistance characteristics, which makes it a relevant step in the search for resistance determinants.
Papers by António Pinto Almeida