Papers by Angelica Monteiro
Sustainable development goals series, 2024
This chapter presents a thematic analysis of videos created by girls during digital storytelling ... more This chapter presents a thematic analysis of videos created by girls during digital storytelling workshops and discusses how this process can contribute to promoting competences for democratic culture and wellbeing. Empathy, especially for victims of bullying, was a highly relevant competence throughout the narratives. The analysis focused on wellbeing and the need to recognize differences and to be accepted and respected. The workshops enabled a space for girls to express their concerns and views on wellbeing, a fundamental condition for promoting and sustaining conditions for democratic participation.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jan 16, 2024

International Journal of Instruction, Apr 1, 2024
In the 21st century, there has been an increase in political and academic orientations pointing t... more In the 21st century, there has been an increase in political and academic orientations pointing to the need for school education to follow a transforming pedagogy that will enable it to fulfil its social contract. Along with this idea, there has also been a growing recognition that educational interventions should consider the school as a whole and the different agents that are part of it. With these ideas as a reference, a study was conducted using documentary analysis to identify how a Portuguese school considers these guidelines when planning and evaluating its activities. The school activity plan and the evaluation report were analysed using the whole school approach (WSA) analytical framework. The concepts of transformative pedagogy and the WSA impact how schools organise their activities and involve students in analyzing real-life situations, influencing processes in which students learn to make decisions that can contribute to sustainability.

Digital Education Review, Jun 29, 2023
The challenges of a knowledge-based society require the development of digital skills recognizing... more The challenges of a knowledge-based society require the development of digital skills recognizing the potential of learning supported by technologies. Within this scope, and based on research published over the last decade, a scoping review of 66 articles was performed to create a framework derived from existing literature to analyse approaches to identify views about learning supported by digital technologies in prison environments. The results allowed both the presentation of an evolutionary perspective of the state of art regarding digital technologies in prison education and to identify four views: Technical, Humanistic, Regulatory, and Organizational and Community. These views and the critical recognition of the approach that underpins them can contribute to understanding complementary roads to reach the political goals recommended for contemporary prison education, putting the focus on the promotion of conditions of lifelong learning in line with the challenges of the 21st century.
Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social, Dec 4, 2023

CEPS journal, May 28, 2024
• European education tools and policies show growing social concerns for inclusion while embracin... more • European education tools and policies show growing social concerns for inclusion while embracing standardised approaches that may put diversity at risk. The Erasmus+ programme is a tool that aims for cultural awareness and European citizenship while promoting a linkage with the needs of the globalised labour market, starting with the higher education field. Given the programme's expansion to other education fields, namely school education, adult education, and vocational education and training, it remains uncertain how such an extension influences scientific research about Erasmus+ mobility and the relative position assumed therein by each field. Taking emancipatory and instrumental perspectives as a reference, the present study aimed to ascertain which concepts drive the published research about Erasmus+ mobility, mapping their position in the different education fields embraced by the programme. To do so, a literature review was conducted covering articles published between 2014 and 2022. The data analysed through content analysis showed that concepts driving emancipatory and instrumental perspectives are present in the selected articles, although approaches that are not directly linkable to either perspective prevail. The data also show that higher education remains the hegemonic field in Erasmus+ mobility research, indicating that studies focused on the programme's effects occur mainly in this education field. These findings highlight the importance of in-depth knowledge about the programme's effects on school education, adult education, and vocational education and training.

REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación
In the 21st century, international organizations such as the United Nations and UNESCO have been ... more In the 21st century, international organizations such as the United Nations and UNESCO have been pointing out the education role in the development of competencies to live in line with the sustainability and the objectives of the 2030 Agenda. The pedagogical/curricular practices aligned with a transformative pedagogy that mobilizes the agency power of the students constitute adequate procedures for the sustainability and the development of the objectives of the 2030 Agenda. Through a questionnaire, a study collected data from the pedagogical/curricular practices of 20 teachers from six countries, Denmark, Cyprus, Portugal, Italy, Latvia, and the Republic of North Macedonia, who belong to a European project aiming for sustainability and the development of skills. The analysis of the practices planned and developed by these teachers revealed that critical thinking was one of the most developed skills in the students. Although teachers valued the learning aspects of social issues and t...

Higher Education in Europe has undergone massive changes due to technological advancements and ad... more Higher Education in Europe has undergone massive changes due to technological advancements and adjustments resulting from the Bologna Process, by which learning should be accessible for all regardless of social exclusion reasons, such as imprisonment. The resulting massification of access to Higher Education requires flexible and inclusive training provision focused on the student. These are the primary aims of Distance Learning at the Open University of Portugal. The aim of this paper is to understand the viewpoints of twenty-six respondents (students, applicants to courses and senior rehabilitation technicians) on the reality of Higher Education in Distance Learning and e-Learning in a Portuguese prison. This study occurs in a context of a non-positivist paradigm, placing the emphasis on the perception of individuals through a qualitative methodology. The results obtained from interviews show that the education process has many weaknesses and limitations mostly due to the lack of facilities, educational and technological resources, and support from teachers. The conclusion is that it is essential to provide better conditions for prisoners receiving this type of education, as it can be an opportunity for obtaining professional qualification and for personal development, thus increasing their prospects of success in the future. RESUMEN La enseñanza superior en Europa ha venido experimentando grandes transformaciones gracias a los avances tecnológicos y a los cambios derivados del proceso de Bolonia, que prevé la creación de condiciones para que todos tengan acceso al aprendizaje, independientemente de factores de exclusión social, como la reclusión. La subsiguiente masificación del acceso a la Enseñanza Superior exige una oferta educativa flexible, centrada en el estudiante e inclusiva: son estas las prioridades de la Educación a Distancia de la Universidad Abierta en Portugal. Este artículo tiene como objetivo conocer las impresiones de veintiséis individuos (estudiantes, candidatos a estudiantes y técnicos superiores de reeducación) sobre la realidad de la Enseñanza Superior en la modalidad de Educación a Distancia y aprendizaje virtual (e-Learning) en una cárcel portuguesa. Este estudio se encuadra en un paradigma no positivista y hace hincapié en la percepción de los individuos, recurriendo a una metodología de carácter cualitativo. Los resultados, obtenidos mediante entrevistas, revelan la existencia de enormes debilidades y limitaciones en el proceso educativo, debido, sobre todo, a la falta de instalaciones y medios, recursos pedagógicos y tecnológicos, y apoyo de los profesores. Se ha concluido que es fundamental crear mejores condiciones de asistencia a distancia en las cárceles, porque esta formación superior puede ser una oportunidad de cualificación profesional y desarrollo personal, que incrementa sus perspectivas de éxito en el futuro.

Caderno Seminal
Este artigo objetiva refletir sobre alguns desafios enfrentados pela escola pública para garantir... more Este artigo objetiva refletir sobre alguns desafios enfrentados pela escola pública para garantir o acesso da leitura literária aos estudantes, em contexto de retorno às aulas presenciais após o período mais agudo da pandemia por Covid-19. Para tanto, considera a utilização de estratégias de leitura que promovam a proficiência leitora, a partir de uma perspectiva sociointerativa-cognitivista do processo de leitura, respaldada por estudos teóricos de Solé (1998) e Tedesco (2012/2013). Para tecer considerações sobre a formação de hábitos de leitura, a pesquisa apresenta a análise de dados extraídos de um questionário aplicado entre março e abril de 2022 para 84 alunos, não identificados, de 6º ano de duas escolas da Rede Municipal de Ensino do Rio de Janeiro[1], fundamentando-se na pesquisa de Paulino e Cosson (2009/2020/2021) no que se refere ao conceito de letramento literário. Alguns dos resultados obtidos apontam para a necessidade de garantir maior frequência dos estudantes à Sa...

Revista Panorâmica online, Jun 26, 2021
Resumo: A crise pandémica COVID-19 provocou o encerramento das instalações de ensino e a interrup... more Resumo: A crise pandémica COVID-19 provocou o encerramento das instalações de ensino e a interrupção das aulas presenciais em Portugal, à semelhança do que aconteceu em outros países. Na educação superior, a passagem de um modelo presencial para o ensino remoto emergencial evidenciou a necessidade de se repensar a tríade "ensino, aprendizagem e investigação" face aos novos condicionalismos e à luz de compromissos pré-assumidos pela União Europeia, em termos de qualidade e de avaliação da qualidade. Neste artigo apresentase o relato de experiências pedagógicas de 13 docentes de uma instituição superior do Norte de Portugal, realizadas durante o período de confinamento social. Na análise desses relatos emergem, quer desafios enfrentados pelos professores, com a urgência do confinamento, no que se refere ao ambiente académico, aos métodos de investigação, aos recursos disponíveis e às possibilidades de um ensino com investigação, quer lições para o futuro, quanto ao papel do digital nos processos de ensino-aprendizagem.

Revista Brasileira de Educação, 2023
The article analyses prison education policies, within the right to education framework of the te... more The article analyses prison education policies, within the right to education framework of the ten largest prison populations in the world identified in the World Prison Brief database of the Criminal Policy Research Institute at the University of London, which aggregates world data on the prison system. Focused on education in prisons in these ten countries, it mobilized articles published in journals indexed by SCOPUS and EBSCOhost, from 2015 to 2021, and official documents on educational and penal policies. The study showed that, despite the international legal and normative advance, the right to education in prisons still needs to be ensured in some countries. The education conceptions vary among education as formation (emancipation); education as correctional training (indoctrination); and education as a legal-normative discourse (theoretical adherence to international agreements). The last two orientations show the urgency of debates within the scope of the United Nation's 2030 Agenda.

Educação & Sociedade, 2018
RESUMO: O artigo estudou as percepções de reclusas sobre formação na modalidade e-learning, num e... more RESUMO: O artigo estudou as percepções de reclusas sobre formação na modalidade e-learning, num estabelecimento prisional feminino de Portugal. A análise do curso e da formação, inscritos no paradigma de aprendizagem ao longo da vida, objetiva estudar a possibilidade do e-learning constituir um dispositivo de diferenciação pedagógica que promove a inclusão digital. Os dados relativos ao percurso de aprendizagem em regime de e-learning foram recolhidos por dois questionários e um grupo focal. A análise dos dados evidencia que essas formandas, reclusas, consideram que a experiência de formação em e-learning lhes devolveu a confiança de que ainda têm capacidade de realizar novas aprendizagens, com impacto em perspectivas relacionadas a uma futura inserção no mercado de trabalho. Palavras-chave: Aprendizagem ao longo da vida. Inclusão digital. E-learning. Educação prisional.
Revista Brasileira de Educação, 2023
PALAVRAS-CHAVE políticas educacionais; educação nas prisões; direitos humanos; aprendizagem ao lo... more PALAVRAS-CHAVE políticas educacionais; educação nas prisões; direitos humanos; aprendizagem ao longo da vida.

Educação & Sociedade, 2016
RESUMO: O artigo estudou as percepções de reclusas sobre formação na modalidade e-learning, num e... more RESUMO: O artigo estudou as percepções de reclusas sobre formação na modalidade e-learning, num estabelecimento prisional feminino de Portugal. A análise do curso e da formação, inscritos no paradigma de aprendizagem ao longo da vida, objetiva estudar a possibilidade do e-learning constituir um dispositivo de diferenciação pedagógica que promove a inclusão digital. Os dados relativos ao percurso de aprendizagem em regime de e-learning foram recolhidos por dois questionários e um grupo focal. A análise dos dados evidencia que essas formandas, reclusas, consideram que a experiência de formação em e-learning lhes devolveu a confiança de que ainda têm capacidade de realizar novas aprendizagens, com impacto em perspectivas relacionadas a uma futura inserção no mercado de trabalho. Palavras-chave: Aprendizagem ao longo da vida. Inclusão digital. E-learning. Educação prisional.

EAD em Foco, Dec 27, 2016
O nosso trabalho pretende descrever o processo de desenho e implementação de objetos de aprendiza... more O nosso trabalho pretende descrever o processo de desenho e implementação de objetos de aprendizagem orientados para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de resolução de problemas, numa escola superior do ensino politécnico português. Com a apresentação de um caso prático, demonstramos a utilização de um objeto de aprendizagem elaborado no âmbito de uma unidade curricular de Informática e Sistemas de Informação de um curso de licenciatura na área da Saúde, cuja metodologia de implementação se baseou na Problem Based Learning. Enquadrados num modelo de ensino-aprendizagem sustentado na participação ativa dos estudantes e orientado para a resolução de problemas por meio das TIC, o recurso ao método dos 3E permitiu o desenvolvimento de objetos de aprendizagem diversificados e consonantes com o processamento diferencial de informação dos estudantes, garantindo os resultados de aprendizagem definidos. Palavras-chave: Tecnologias da informação e da comunicação, Metodologias de ensino, Objetos de aprendizagem, Ensino superior.

Revista Conhecimento Online
The effects of the pandemic crises in education have revealed social inequalities in the youth fi... more The effects of the pandemic crises in education have revealed social inequalities in the youth field but have also provided an opportunity to rethink the demands of education in an increasingly digital world. Framed on youth policies and on the 3 areas of Digital Citizenship defined by the Council of Europe – being online, well-being online and rights online – the present study explores policies and practices in youth digital literacy and citizenship education, with the aim of answering the following questions: What are the strands of digital citizenship education? How do teachers and school leaders perceive practices regarding young people and media and information literacy? What are the main challenges of digitalisation regarding social justice for young people facing vulnerable situations? Data were collected by a questionnaire submitted in 2020 to 120 teachers and school leaders from Portugal, Bulgaria, and Turkey, complemented by documental analysis. The results allow identify...

Praxis Educativa
Este estudo pretendeu: identificar plataformas e tecnologias digitais (PTD) mais utilizadas em at... more Este estudo pretendeu: identificar plataformas e tecnologias digitais (PTD) mais utilizadas em atividades escolares; verificar efeitos da pandemia, devida à COVID-19, no seu uso; sistematizar vantagens ou contributos e problemas/dificuldades encontrados. Dados de questionários respondidos por 1753 professores e 2041 alunos de escolas públicas portuguesas revelaram o aumento da frequência de uso das PTD, para fins e objetivos idênticos à pré-pandemia. Ambos os grupos consideraram que as PTD promovem práticas educativas inovadoras, sendo o acesso à internet e a falta de conhecimentos nesta área um obstáculo. Durante a quarentena, os professores referiram sobretudo a falta de comunicação com alunos e a desigualdade social e os alunos a dificuldade de compreensão das matérias e a falta de contacto com colegas e professores. Conclui-se ser necessário investir no acesso generalizado à internet e às PTD e no desenvolvimento de competências digitais de professores e alunos, por forma a dimi...
International Journal of Lifelong Education

The conditions for safe Internet access and the development of skills enabling full participation... more The conditions for safe Internet access and the development of skills enabling full participation in online environments are recognized in the Council of Europe’s strategy for child rights, from 2022. The guarantee of this right has implications for experiences inside and outside the school context. Therefore, this article aims to compare the perceptions of students from different educational levels, who participated in a digital storytelling workshop, regarding online safety, searching habits, and digital competences. Data were collected through a questionnaire survey completed by 84 Portuguese students from elementary and secondary schools. A non-parametric multivariate analysis of variance was used to identify differences as children advance across educational stages. The results revealed that secondary students tend to spend more time online, and demonstrated more advanced search skills. Interestingly, the youngest children exhibited higher competences in creating games and prac...
Papers by Angelica Monteiro
dos ambientes educativos, de forma a desenvolver experiências didáticas inovadoras através da recriação de práticas, da partilha com os pares e da interação com os alunos e com a comunidade educativa.
Projeto desenvolvido pela unidade de investigação Research in Education and Community Intervention – RECI do
Instituto Piaget