Alberto Gomes
Degree in Geography (UPorto), Master of Coastal Zone Sciences (UAveiro) and PhD in Physical Geography (UPorto).
Develops research and has published on Tectonic Geomorphology, Fluvial and Coastal Geomorphology, Natural Hazards and Geographic Information Systems.
It has published on various themes and develops research in Portugal, Spain, Cape Verde, Brazil and Angola.
Currently, is the President of the Portuguese Association of Geomorphologists (APGEOM)
Develops research and has published on Tectonic Geomorphology, Fluvial and Coastal Geomorphology, Natural Hazards and Geographic Information Systems.
It has published on various themes and develops research in Portugal, Spain, Cape Verde, Brazil and Angola.
Currently, is the President of the Portuguese Association of Geomorphologists (APGEOM)
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Papers by Alberto Gomes
Na área vestibular do rio Mondego, Ramos (2008); Ramos et al. (2009) distinguiram seis episódios de escavação-agradação, cujos níveis foram designados por M1 a M6 (do mais alto para o mais baixo), situados abaixo da superfície culminante do enchimento sedimentar e acima da planície aluvial actual (3m de altitude).
A maioria dos níveis inferiores correspondem a terraços sedimentares, com associações de fácies deposicionais distintas nos vários níveis.
As associações de fácies que caracterizam M1, M2 e M3 (depósitos dos níveis mais antigos) são de natureza areno-cascalhenta e lutítica associadas a processos fluviais, bem como arenosas finas de génese eólica. Contudo, as fácies são difíceis de analisar espacialmente, nomeadamente as cascalhentas, por os depósitos estarem dispersos em retalhos e porque a unidade subjacente (do Cretácico) também é conglomerática. São exemplos destes depósitos os que se observam na Serra de S. Bento (126m de altitude; 123m acima da planície aluvial); Serra de Castros (118m) e Serra de Moinhos (100m).
O registo sedimentar de M4, M5 e M6 (terraços mais recentes) é o que está melhor preservado e as associações de fácies distinguem-se claramente das dos terraços mais antigos. A sua observação pode fazer-se entre Lares e Vila Verde, a altitudes que rondam os 10-20m. Interpretam-se associações de fácies fluviais, estuarinas e de praia.
Palabras clave: paleossismologia, falhas activas, geomorfologia tectónica, falha da Vilariça
Abstract: Two new trenches were recently opened in the central segment (Vilariça) of the Manteigas-Vilariça-Bragança fault to undertake a detailed paleoseismological study at Quinta do Vale Meão (Vilariça Basin) and an exploratory study at Quinta da Canameira (Longroiva Basin), respectively. Preliminary results show that recent sediments are deformed and faulted in Vale Meão, while at Canameira they showed apparent deformation requiring further exploration to confirm the observations. The new data obtained in Vale Meão confirmed the paleoseismic activity previously inferred from a nearby trench, though the deformation observed in this study was much lower than expected. The smaller amount of deformation that was detected at the Vale Meão trench may be due to the predominant strike-slip (left-lateral) kinematics and to strain distribution in the affected fine grained sediments, which are locally more than 8 m thick.
m, covered by fine to very coarse pebbly yellowish sands, with a fossiliferous travertine breccia at top; 10-12 m, with yellowish very coarse sandstones, with a travertine breccia at top; and 6-8 m, with a marine conglomerate and an upper coarse sandstone.
The culminant marine platform and associated marine deposits are correlated with the important marine incursion dated as 3.7 Ma and the five marine terraces that are located above the modern wave-cut platform ate correlated to the periods of highest sea-level during the Pleistocene MIS’s. In Furninha cave, the succession of aeolian fine sands intercalated with levels rich in fossils containing industries of Middle to Upper Palaeolithic should bracket the interval 80-12ka (MIS4, MIS3 and MIS2), coeval with the lowering of sea-level and cold climate conditions. The consolidated late Pleistocene aeolian pink fine sands are covered by whitish loose fine sands (MIS1).