Papers by Paula Valeria MUNOZ CHIRINOS

original project, the uncertainty of a long transitional phase, until the birth and maturation of... more original project, the uncertainty of a long transitional phase, until the birth and maturation of this final academic product. Through all the stages of this intellectual process, my supervisors were extremely supportive and pushed me to keep working and improving my work. Moreover, Raúl and Kurt worked very closely while supervising my project. The three of us met innumerable times to talk about my progress, doubts, and challenges. During these meetings and through numerous email exchanges, my supervisors made sure they were on the same track while guiding me. Thank you both for your mentorship. I could not have asked for more accessible and engaged advisors. I would also like to thank the other members of my dissertation committee. Henry Dietz, Wendy Hunter, Javier Auyero, and Ken Greene also contributed to the development of this project. Henry was my advisor when I began my doctoral studies. His interest and dedication to Peruvian politics have always been moving for me. Our brown-bag meetings throughout these years were always encouraging. I also learned a lot during Wendy's Latin American Politics and Ken's political parties graduate seminars. I am particularly grateful with Javier with whom I met several times when I was trying to re-frame my project. His experience studying poor people's politics in Latin America and his intellectual generosity were extremely helpful to clarify my ideas. This help came when I needed it the most. Henry, Wendy, Javier, and Ken also gave me valuable vi feedback for a dissertation-related article and chapters of my dissertation. In addition, the comments, criticisms, and suggestions they provided during my dissertation defense were exceptional. As a college and good friend of mine used to tell me, I had un comité de lujo (a "luxury" committee). Many other persons at the Department of Government of The University of Texas at Austin gave me invaluable support. Among the many professors that contributed to my academic advance I am indebted to Catherine Boone. Her Political Economy seminar and Research Colloquium were very important for my academic education. Different staff members were also very helpful through the years I spent at the Department of Government. In particular, Annette Carlile, our Graduate Coordination, was always kind, patient, and supportive. She helped me with the university procedures and saved me from making awful errors more than once. Annette also invited me many chocolates that helped me keep going during the sometimes tedious hours of dissertation writing... More generally, this dissertation was possible thanks to grants and fellowships provided by the Department of Government and the Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies at The University of Texas at Austin. During these years I also learned from my peers and friends. I thank the participants of the Latin American Faculty-Student Group for their constructive comments and criticisms of my work. There are no words to express how much I owe to two very good friends and generous colleges: Austin Hart (UT-Austin) and Ezequiel González de Ocanto (Notre Dame). Austin and Ezequiel encouraged me and gave me insightful suggestions to improve my project during the most challenging stages of the research process. Daniel Nogueira-Budny read some of my chapters and accompanied me very closely during the last (crazy) stage of writing. Ilana Lifshitz accompanied me as well. We met always throughout the semester during office hours and, more importantly, vii for food and drinks. Other colleagues and friends also made grad school and life more
La Politica Va Al Cine 2014 Isbn 9789972573101 Pags 179 193, 2014
por su generosidad y paciencia al absolver mis dudas sobre la aplicación de los modelos de regres... more por su generosidad y paciencia al absolver mis dudas sobre la aplicación de los modelos de regresión Beta. Asimismo, agradezco a José Incio por su trabajo de asistencia para recolección de información en la etapa inicial del proyecto. Finalmente, a Eduardo Dargent y Javier Torres por sus generosos comentarios a una versión preliminar de este trabajo.
Papers by Paula Valeria MUNOZ CHIRINOS