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"Daniel Dinis da Costa School of Education, Newcastle University This study explores the factors underlying student-teachers’ perceptions of 3Ddescriptive geometry education in Mozambique. A grounded theory mixed-method approach was... more
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      Perception3D visualisationTeachers' and Students' ConceptionsHistory of Mozambique
"This study paper discusses the current approaches to prevailing neglect of informal learning both at TVET institutions and industry in Mozambique. A qualitative small-scale case study was conducted to collect data based on 17 respondents... more
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      Informal LearningLearning in Informal Settings
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    • Spatial Visualization and Reasoning
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      Informal LearningIrregular/Informal Settlements StudiesMozambiqueEducational Leadership, Teacher leadership, informal social and political networks in schools, cultures and Policy development
Aprendizagem informal no desenvolvimento das habilidades vocacionais: O caso de aprendizes e artesãos/mestres nos arredores de Maputo, Moçambique Daniel Dinis da Costa, PhD (Newcastle-Upon-Tyne) [email protected] O presente estudo... more
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      Informal LearningAprendizagem Informal
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      Informal LearningLifelong LearningVocational EducationVocational Training
This research study analyses the instructors’ perceptions of pedagogical approaches at TVET colleges and institutes in Mozambique. The study employs a thematic analysis of qualitative data using QSR NVIVO 2.0. In particular, the study is... more
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      EducationLifelong LearningHigher EducationCritical Pedagogy
This research article reports about the phenomenon or casual learning that takes place at world of working as a stage or point for developing necessary skills for the demands of multiple professions in the industry in Mozambique. In terms... more
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      Informal LearningWork-Based LearningApprenticeship
[There is a growing recognition that elements of heuristic significance play a large part in practical 3D descriptive geometry when a graphical method of solving space or solid analytic problems is employed (Slaby, 1976). Some of these... more
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This study was anticipated that would be exploratory aiming at analysing gender-related difference in spatial abilities in learning of fundamentals of three-dimensional descriptive geometry by Mozambican civil engineering students...
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      Gender Studies3D visualisationSpatial AbilitiesStereotomy, Descriptive Geometry, History of Masonry Architecture
O presente estudo visa explorar as concepções dos alunos na aprendizagem da geometria descritiva (GD) no grupo C, do II Ciclo do Ensino Secundário moçambicano. O processo de ensino e aprendizagem da geometria tridimensional caracteriza-se... more
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      Scientific VisualizationMozambiqueEstudios de GéneroSpatial Abilities
Esta pesquisa tem por objectivo analisar como um projector ortogonal (PO) desenvolve nos estudantes pré-universitários a habilidade de visualização 3D em geometria descritiva. Visualização espacial é um dos componentes da inteligência... more
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      3D visualisationGeometria Descritiva
Online book that was organised following a conference on cross-curricular areas: education, peace and citizenship in which I have contributed in designing the cover page.
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      EducationPeace and Conflict StudiesEducational ResearchEducation for Citizenship
Esta sebenta compreende cinco textos que propõe iniciar um debate aprofundado sobre a investigação-acção. O objectivo é cada participante construir uma base teórica e prática sólida a fim de utilizar a investigação-acção para o... more
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    • Metodologias Da Investigação Educacional
A presente sebenta é um complemento à directiva de tarefas que o estudante resolve durante a sua aprendizagem. O texto compreende informações-de-base sobre as técnicas de recolha de informações que o estudante precisará de usar durante... more
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    • Metodologias Da Investigação Educacional
This research was anticipated that would be bibliographic as yet a book review that seeks to reflect on understanding of the architecture of Prata’s (1990) Mozambican modern Portuguese-Emakuwa [– Elómwe –Meto –... more
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      Philosophy Of MathematicsMathematics Education3d ModelingDescriptive Geometry
"a ação supervisora deve assumir um caráter praxiológico, capaz de alterar positivamente, o processo educativo" (Mendes, 1985:17)
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      Training and SupervisionSUPERVISÃO E FORMAÇÃO DE PROFESSORESSupervisão pedagógicaEnsino Superior de qualidade
This study investigates Technical-Vocational Education and Training (TVET) gradu-ates’ or informal technical-vocational training leavers’ employability and entrepre-neurships in Mozambique. From these two perspectives, so a chicken-or-egg... more
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      EntrepreneurshipEmployabilityEmployability SkillsEntrepreneurship Education
The aim of this study is to investigate the use of multimedia software to stimulate students’ senses in learning 3D-descriptive Geometry in a public secondary school in Mozambican Gaza Province.
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      MultimediaSocial MediaInteractive and Digital MediaInteractive Multimedia
This study reports on an investigation of Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) graduates on ‘on-job’ and ‘self’ trained employability.
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      Higher EducationEmployability SkillsPerceptions of Vocational Educators regarding TVET in Economic developmentCurriculum Develoment in TVET