"Daniel Dinis da Costa School of Education, Newcastle University This study explores the factors underlying student-teachers’ perceptions of 3Ddescriptive geometry education in Mozambique. A grounded theory mixed-method approach was... more
"This study paper discusses the current approaches to prevailing neglect of informal learning both at TVET institutions and industry in Mozambique. A qualitative small-scale case study was conducted to collect data based on 17 respondents... more
Aprendizagem informal no desenvolvimento das habilidades vocacionais: O caso de aprendizes e artesãos/mestres nos arredores de Maputo, Moçambique Daniel Dinis da Costa, PhD (Newcastle-Upon-Tyne) [email protected] O presente estudo... more
This research study analyses the instructors’ perceptions of pedagogical approaches at TVET colleges and institutes in Mozambique. The study employs a thematic analysis of qualitative data using QSR NVIVO 2.0. In particular, the study is... more
This research article reports about the phenomenon or casual learning that takes place at world of working as a stage or point for developing necessary skills for the demands of multiple professions in the industry in Mozambique. In terms... more
[There is a growing recognition that elements of heuristic significance play a large part in practical 3D descriptive geometry when a graphical method of solving space or solid analytic problems is employed (Slaby, 1976). Some of these... more
This study was anticipated that would be exploratory aiming at analysing gender-related difference in spatial abilities in learning of fundamentals of three-dimensional descriptive geometry by Mozambican civil engineering students...
Online book that was organised following a conference on cross-curricular areas: education, peace and citizenship in which I have contributed in designing the cover page.
Esta sebenta compreende cinco textos que propõe iniciar um debate aprofundado sobre a investigação-acção. O objectivo é cada participante construir uma base teórica e prática sólida a fim de utilizar a investigação-acção para o... more
A presente sebenta é um complemento à directiva de tarefas que o estudante resolve durante a sua aprendizagem. O texto compreende informações-de-base sobre as técnicas de recolha de informações que o estudante precisará de usar durante... more
This research was anticipated that would be bibliographic as yet a book review that seeks to reflect on understanding of the architecture of Prata’s (1990) Mozambican modern Portuguese-Emakuwa [– Elómwe –Meto –... more
"a ação supervisora deve assumir um caráter praxiológico, capaz de alterar positivamente, o processo educativo" (Mendes, 1985:17)
This study investigates Technical-Vocational Education and Training (TVET) gradu-ates’ or informal technical-vocational training leavers’ employability and entrepre-neurships in Mozambique. From these two perspectives, so a chicken-or-egg... more
The aim of this study is to investigate the use of multimedia software to stimulate students’ senses in learning 3D-descriptive Geometry in a public secondary school in Mozambican Gaza Province.
This study reports on an investigation of Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) graduates on ‘on-job’ and ‘self’ trained employability.