Papers by Anna Marie Sibayan

Digital Scholarship in the Humanities
Situated within the debate that has taken place in the recent years on how Digital Humanities can... more Situated within the debate that has taken place in the recent years on how Digital Humanities can break down barriers between countries of the Global North and South (Intersectionality in Digital Humanities Conference, 2016), and how materials in minority langauges can have presence in the network for the generation of new knowledge (Thieberger, 2017; Rodríguez-Ortega and Cruces Rodríguez, 2018), the objective of this article is to explain how (and if) digitalization and Digital Humanities can facilitate research in the Philippines, as well as make it visible, and how this can be facilitated by cooperation projects, citing the example of the project Philperiodicals, carried out by the University of Antwerp and the University of the Philippies. What opportunities and difficulties were encountered upon proposing a project with such characteristics? What problems (ethical, at times) do we encounter when subsidizing projects in the South from the North? We shall address these questions ...

The present dissertation, which contributes to the dearth of research on the acquisition of Spani... more The present dissertation, which contributes to the dearth of research on the acquisition of Spanish as a foreign language by Filipinos, is a pseudolongitudinal study of their Spanish interlanguage (IL) whose two-fold objective is to provide a descriptive analysis of their developing IL based on errors produced in their speech as influenced by language proficiency levels and crosslinguistic similarity of their other known languages, and to identify the thresholds of their IL based on the prompted and unprompted self-repair of these errors. Participants of the study were four groups of students learning Spanish in a Philippine university who have had 432 hours, 1,008 hours, 1,872 hours, and 2,160 hours of formal instruction in Spanish, respectively. They were recorded in their own classroom contexts and individually in order to build two complementing oral corpora for the analysis of their speech. For the gathering of monologic data elicitation procedures from the research project El ...

Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 2020
Dentro del debate de los últimos años sobre cómo las Humanidades Digitales pueden romper las barr... more Dentro del debate de los últimos años sobre cómo las Humanidades Digitales pueden romper las barreras entre los países del Norte y del Sur global (Intersectionality in Digital Humanities Conference, 2016), y de cómo materiales en lenguas minoritarias pueden tener presencia en la red para construir nuevo conocimiento (Thieberger, 2017; Rodríguez-Ortega and Cruces Rodríguez, 2018), el objetivo de este artículo es plantear cómo (y si) la digitalización y las Humanidades Digitales pueden facilitar y visibilizar la investigación en Filipinas, y de qué manera esto se puede facilitar con proyectos de cooperación a partir del caso del proyecto Philperiodicals desarrollado por la Universidad de Amberes y la Universidad de Filipinas. ¿Qué oportunidades y dificultades se han encontrado al plantear un proyecto de estas características?, ¿qué problemas (a veces éticos) encontramos a la hora de subvencionar proyectos en el Sur desde el Norte? Se darán aproximaciones a estas preguntas a partir del actual estado de la cuestión de la digitalización y las Humanidades Digitales en Filipinas. Finalmente se ofrece una serie de buenas prácticas a partir de los debates y experiencia del proyecto Philperiodicals, con la esperanza de que nuestras dificultades y conversaciones previas sean de utilidad para el desarrollo de proyectos semejantes en lo que se ha dado en llamar el Sur global.

This paper aims to draw attention to two aspects of foreign language (FL) learning that emerged f... more This paper aims to draw attention to two aspects of foreign language (FL) learning that emerged from the roundtable discussion with various stakeholders on the decolonial dimension of FL enterprise in the country, which took place in April 2019 at the UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies (UP CIDS). First, the implicit reinforcement of the one-nation-one-language ideology, inexorably embedded in our notions of foreign languages, is problematized, with particular reference to foreign language policies, materials, and teaching methods. Secondly, considerations for foreign language teaching approaches and materials are put forward, taking into account the sociolinguistic and historical features of a postcolonial setting such as the Philippines. Challenges in integrating a decolonial framework in the institutional conceptualization and policies on foreign language teaching in the Philippines conclude this paper.

The inclusion of foreign language units in the Philippine high school curriculum calls for an urg... more The inclusion of foreign language units in the Philippine high school curriculum calls for an urgent examination of how we multilingual Filipinos learn the not-so-foreign Spanish as a foreign language (FL). Filipinos have been learning Spanish since the 1950s, yet little is still known about the learning of a language that is not exactly foreign to us. The present study, which considers adolescent learners who not only speak the country’s two official languages but other languages as well, aims to shed light on how multilingual Filipinos learn Spanish as FL by examining how language similarity affects FL learning as evidenced by productions of crosslinguistic influence (CLI) in speech. Monologic and classroom interaction data were gathered from four groups of participants of different proficiency levels. Results were very interesting: English, Filipino, and Romance languages contributed to the majority of CLI production in terms of vocabulary, where English and Filipino were mostly manifested in content words, while Romance languages in function words. For grammar and syntax, English was dominant, while for pronunciation, it was both Filipino and English. Influence from other Philippine languages was scarce, if at all. In light of these findings, this paper concludes with insights on current FL teaching practices.

This study examines the Spanish interlanguage of adult Filipino students in a conversational clas... more This study examines the Spanish interlanguage of adult Filipino students in a conversational class in the Philippines through the analysis of their prompted and unprompted self-repairs. It is known that errors indicate progress in one’s interlanguage (Corder, 1981), however, repairs of such errors not only indicate progress, but likewise represent the maximum limit of the same interlinguistic system (van Hest, 1996). Transcripts of five 50-minute long sessions were analyzed into four parts: according to error types, corrective feedback types, uptake moves, and types of self-correction. Results include the frequency and distribution of successful and unsuccessful prompted and unprompted self- repairs related to most frequently committed errors. The findings are twofold: on the one hand, errors that are binary in nature (e.g. ser-estar) are successfully repaired by the students with the aid of the professor; on the other, errors on verbal and nominal agreement, as well as inadequate use of terms belonging to the same semantic group, are not only detected independently but also successfully repaired by the students. These brought about the awareness of errors as frequently committed but not as often detected. Furthermore, observations suggest excessive focus on form effective for as long as both the teacher and the students agree on the importance of corrective feedback in their practice of correct usage of the target language.
KEYWORDS: interlanguage, corrective feedback, prompted self-repairs, unprompted self-repairs, focus on form
Book Reviews by Anna Marie Sibayan
Reseña del artículo: “Working Memory and the Observed Effectiveness of Recasts on Different L2 Ou... more Reseña del artículo: “Working Memory and the Observed Effectiveness of Recasts on Different L2 Outcome Measures” por Andrea Révész, publicado en Language Learning, 62(1), 2012, 93-132
Teaching Documents by Anna Marie Sibayan
Papers by Anna Marie Sibayan
KEYWORDS: interlanguage, corrective feedback, prompted self-repairs, unprompted self-repairs, focus on form
Book Reviews by Anna Marie Sibayan
Teaching Documents by Anna Marie Sibayan
KEYWORDS: interlanguage, corrective feedback, prompted self-repairs, unprompted self-repairs, focus on form