Papers by Stamatis Poulakidakos

Anthropological Researches and Studies, 2024
Objectives. Drawing heavily on theories focusing on the ways media represent health issues, and m... more Objectives. Drawing heavily on theories focusing on the ways media represent health issues, and more specifically pandemics, the current research seeks to scrutinize the information conveyed by the Greek media to the public regarding the coronavirus pandemic. It also explores the ways that agenda-setting and framing affect the representations of the coronavirus pandemic. These two (agenda setting and framing) are highly influential concerning the conceptualization of a crisis. Material and methods. The research method implemented is quantitative content analysis. For the scope of the current research, 2389 research units (TV bulletins news items and online news articles) were gathered and analyzed. This research covers, in temporal terms, the period during which the Greek media started focusing on the coronavirus issue in tandem with the developments of the coronavirus crisis worldwide and in Greece, namely from February 1 st until April 30 th , 2020. Results. Our results showed that the time period (either before or after the announcement of the first death in Greece due to the pandemic) was a crucial factor in the media coverage of the pandemic. Second, pandemic issues were presented through thematic frames, which outweighed the episodic ones. Finally, the Greek media were found to place more emphasis on governmental measures decided during the pandemic compared to personal and social precautionary measures. Conclusions. The media coverage of the pandemic increased dramatically after the announcement of the first death in Greece. In this rationale, the media of our research increased significantly both the time (TV news bulletins) and extent (news sites) of the coverage of the pandemic. Thus, the event of the first death announcement appears to constitute an important milestone and can be used as an independent variable for the examination of the coverage of the pandemic in different countries/media systems. Apart from that, we have seen a prevalence of thematic and human-interest frames.

Journalism practice, Jun 25, 2024
(Online) hate speech appears as a growing problem in Greece and Cyprus attributed to prejudices t... more (Online) hate speech appears as a growing problem in Greece and Cyprus attributed to prejudices toward specific groups, the evolution of online media, lack of awareness and of appropriate educational tools to recognize and counter it. Communication professionals and media practitioners produce hate speech content both intentionally, to gain visibility and unintentionally due to their inability to recognize it. This paper presents a study conducted simultaneously for the first time in Greece and Cyprus that explored the issue of (online) hate speech, approaching it in a socio-centric rationale as hate discourse. The issue was researched through a qualitative inquiry with semi-structured interviews and focus groups conducted in Greece and Cyprus. According to the personal and professional perceptions of the public communication experts who participated in our research, hate speech impacts predominantly vulnerable social groups, and the deficiency in legal frameworks in both countries enables rather than combats this pathogenesis. This paper contributes toward a better understanding of hate speech in the two countries and how public communication practitioners perceive and experience it.

Anthropological Researches and Studies, vol. 14, 143-161., 2024
Objectives. Drawing heavily on theories focusing on the ways media represent health issues, and m... more Objectives. Drawing heavily on theories focusing on the ways media represent health issues, and more specifically pandemics, the current research seeks to scrutinize the information conveyed by the Greek media to the public regarding the coronavirus pandemic. It also explores the ways that agenda-setting and framing affect the representations of the coronavirus pandemic. These two (agenda setting and framing) are highly influential concerning the conceptualization of a crisis. Material and methods. The research method implemented is quantitative content analysis. For the scope of the current research, 2389 research units (TV bulletins news items and online news articles) were gathered and analyzed. This research covers, in temporal terms, the period during which the Greek media started focusing on the coronavirus issue in tandem with the developments of the coronavirus crisis worldwide and in Greece, namely from February 1 st until April 30 th , 2020. Results. Our results showed that the time period (either before or after the announcement of the first death in Greece due to the pandemic) was a crucial factor in the media coverage of the pandemic. Second, pandemic issues were presented through thematic frames, which outweighed the episodic ones. Finally, the Greek media were found to place more emphasis on governmental measures decided during the pandemic compared to personal and social precautionary measures. Conclusions. The media coverage of the pandemic increased dramatically after the announcement of the first death in Greece. In this rationale, the media of our research increased significantly both the time (TV news bulletins) and extent (news sites) of the coverage of the pandemic. Thus, the event of the first death announcement appears to constitute an important milestone and can be used as an independent variable for the examination of the coverage of the pandemic in different countries/media systems. Apart from that, we have seen a prevalence of thematic and human-interest frames.
Springer eBooks, 2022
This chapter analyses the campaign in Greece and Portugal, two of the countries that fared worst ... more This chapter analyses the campaign in Greece and Portugal, two of the countries that fared worst in the aftermath of the economic crisis of 2007–2008. The authors conclude that this was the first election since the crisis in which the political discourse in both member states adopted a moderately more optimistic tone than in previous campaigns. Nevertheless, the focus in 2019 was still on welfare issues, such as (un)employment, wages, pensions and taxation.
Routledge eBooks, Jun 9, 2023
Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research, Feb 5, 2023
Routledge eBooks, Jun 9, 2023
Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, Jan 13, 2023
Springer eBooks, 2022
This chapter analyses the campaign in Greece and Portugal, two of the countries that fared worst ... more This chapter analyses the campaign in Greece and Portugal, two of the countries that fared worst in the aftermath of the economic crisis of 2007–2008. The authors conclude that this was the first election since the crisis in which the political discourse in both member states adopted a moderately more optimistic tone than in previous campaigns. Nevertheless, the focus in 2019 was still on welfare issues, such as (un)employment, wages, pensions and taxation.

Media Events, 2016
This chapter looks at the applicability of Dayan and Katz’s framework of ‘media events’ (1992) to... more This chapter looks at the applicability of Dayan and Katz’s framework of ‘media events’ (1992) to the recent spontaneous event of EuroMaidan and how two international broadcasters, Russia Today (RT) and the BBC, managed this unpredictable and unfolding event. The wave of demonstrations and civil protests in Ukraine now labelled EuroMaidan was triggered by an abrupt refusal by Ukrainian President Yanukovich to sign an Association Agreement with the European Union. The unrest started on 21 November 2013 in the capital Kiev and soon after spread to the rest of Ukraine. It embraced a wider set of demands, including the resignation of the President, acknowledgment of human rights abuse during the suppression of the protest, extensive government corruption. EuroMaidan culminated in a set of violent clashes in mid-February 2014 leading to a so-called ‘Ukrainian revolution’ and ousting of the President. I will focus on two international broadcasters — RT and the BBC — to explore how they framed the event before it became a ‘revolution’.

at the end of the article Παράγοντες που επηρέασαν το ιατρικό και το νοσηλευτικό προσωπικό για το... more at the end of the article Παράγοντες που επηρέασαν το ιατρικό και το νοσηλευτικό προσωπικό για τον εμβολιασμό κατά της γρίπης Α/Η1Ν1 ΣΚΟΠΟΣ Διερεύνηση των παραγόντων που επηρέασαν τις γνώσεις, τη στάση και τη συμπεριφορά του ιατρικού και του νοσηλευτικού προσωπικού γενικών νοσοκομείων ως προς τη γρίπη Η1Ν1. ΥΛΙΚΟ-ΜΕΘΟΔΟΣ Η παρούσα μελέτη σχεδιάστηκε ως επισκόπηση και συσχέτιση με τη χρήση αυτο-συμπληρούμενου ερωτηματολογίου. Το ερωτηματολόγιο περιελάμβανε δημογραφικά δεδομένα, ερωτήσεις γνώσης και άποψης για την πανδημική γρίπη, καθώς και ερωτήσεις συμπεριφοράς για το εμβόλιο κατά του Η1Ν1. Το δείγμα της μελέτης (n=715) επιλέχθηκε με τυχαία στρωματοποιημένη δειγματοληψία από πέντε μεγάλα νοσοκομεία της Αττικής. ΑΠΟΤΕΛΕΣΜΑΤΑ Από τους 715 συμμετέχοντες, ποσοστό 81,2% δεν εμβολιάστηκε κατά του ιού της γρίπης Α/Η1Ν1, 63,2% δεν συνέστησαν οι ίδιοι σε κάποιον να εμβολιαστεί, ενώ το 56,8% συνέστησε σε άτομα να αποφύγουν τον εμβολιασμό. Οι παράγοντες που βρέθηκε να επηρεάζουν το ιατρονοσηλε...

Though Instagram has existed since 2010, Greek politicians seem to have taken advantage of it as ... more Though Instagram has existed since 2010, Greek politicians seem to have taken advantage of it as a strategic communication tool rather recently (especially during 2017 and 2018). Drawing heavily on theories of political personalisation in the field of political communication, the current chapter examines, for the first time in Greece, in a comparative way the visual communication strategies of the party leaders of the three biggest (in terms of their parliamentary power after the July 2019 general election) Greek political parties, during two different periodsa non-electoral one ( ) and an electoral one (2019), so as to point out similarities and differences in the Instagram communication strategies of the politicians per period. Instagram's use on behalf of the Greek politicians during both periods provides us with several differences as well as similarities in terms of the usage patterns. Political communication evolves according to changes in the communication field. Just as the television age gave rise to new televised forms of political communication, social media create the conditions for newer forms of political communication (Karadimitriou & Veneti, 2016, p. 336). Nowadays, citizens, organisations, corporations as well as politicians capitalise on the affordances of social media (Ekman & Widholm, 2017, p. 17). Studies on social media platforms like Facebook and particularly Twitter have shown that they can provide a platform for politicians to promote their political image to the electorate in the best way possible (Avedissian
The scope of this paper is to examine the representations of terrorism within center-left and cen... more The scope of this paper is to examine the representations of terrorism within center-left and center-right online media in the UK, Germany, Greece and Turkey, by analyzing comparatively which particular cases attract the journalistic interest in these countries. 1 The rationale of the current research grounds itself on the agenda setting approach in terms of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of terrorism presentation in the news sites. By applying the rationale of content analysis through a coding protocol, we explore the journalists' conceptions and specific understanding in these countries about historical roots of terrorism as well as its economic, social and cultural dimensions and consequences.
Revistei Române de Jurnalism ºi Comunicare: REDACTORI ªEFI
Through content and discourse analysis we explore whether the private life of persons, is being c... more Through content and discourse analysis we explore whether the private life of persons, is being commented upon in the Greek blogosphere, concerning their social status, their political identity and the aspect of their private life that is being commented upon. Important theoretical and practical issues concerning the blogosphere are being addressed; do anonymity/pseudonimity within the blogosphere favour the negative commenting of individuals, especially or the protagonists in the public sphere? What are the indices of such negative commenting discourse? Which kinds of blogs are more likely to favour negative commenting? Do their authors provide evidence or other documentation?
The Hellenic Parliament by Duncan Rawlinson * * * Nefeli Lefkopoulou is a political analyst and f... more The Hellenic Parliament by Duncan Rawlinson * * * Nefeli Lefkopoulou is a political analyst and fundraiser at Vouliwatch * * * Ioannis P. Sotiropoulos is a Ph.D. candidate and Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Energy for South-East Europe (IENE)
Papers by Stamatis Poulakidakos
Using data from the Eurobarometer survey we try to establish a link of prevailing poverty and unemployment inside EU and distrust to the EU. The statistical analysis supports the idea that there is a strong positive relationship between higher risk of poverty and higher unemployment at European level and the ratio of distrust to the European Union.