Papers by Nihad H A S A N Haji
Lārk, Apr 1, 2021
The giving of Arabic grammar to the languages of the world, especially the Hebrew language, is cl... more The giving of Arabic grammar to the languages of the world, especially the Hebrew language, is clear. What the Arabic-language scholars presented in their linguistic research has become a perfect example of his approach that seeks to provide a correct structure for his language. Compositions, so they followed the method and method that the Arabs used in their linguistic research, and this study will show what Ibn Jinnah presented by using the Arabic term that he used in his linguistic subject and described his grammatical topics and mentioned the same Arab frontiers in many places, so his books were similar to the Arabic linguistic literature.
Lark Journal of Philosophy, Linguistics, Jan 31, 2019
تعد دراسة علم اللهجات العربية القديمة من الدراسات اللغوية المهمة في مجال الأبحاث التي تعنى باللغا... more تعد دراسة علم اللهجات العربية القديمة من الدراسات اللغوية المهمة في مجال الأبحاث التي تعنى باللغات السامية الجزرية؛ لأن عن طريقها يمكننا معرفة التطور الدلالي للألفاظ ومعرفة دور تلك المفردات من معانيها المختلفة تبعا لاختلاف التطور التاريخي والجغرافي لبناء لغتنا العربية الحالية، والوقوف على طريقة استخدام الاقوام العربية البائدة للمصطلحات والخصائص اللغوية في فترات تكوين اللسان العربي الأول للكلم، لهذا الأمر دور مهم وبارز في دراسة اللغة العربية الحالية بلهجاتها المختلفة. اذ نحاول ان نقدم في بحثنا هذا مظاهر التأثير الآرامي في اللهجات العربية البائدة وهل ساهم هذا التأثر في أن تفقد تلك اللهجات سماتها القديمة ومدى مطابقتها مع العربية الحالية وهل التأثير الآرامي باقي إلى يومنا هذا في العربية الباقية
Kufa Journal of Arts
The Arabic language, along with the ancient Yemeni languages and the Semitic Abyssinian languag... more The Arabic language, along with the ancient Yemeni languages and the Semitic Abyssinian languages, constitutes one linguistic division called the Southern Semitic Division, and that is because the ties of kinship that bind it to these two branches are much stronger than the ties of kinship that link it to the Division of the Northern Semitic languages, as appears from the balance between them in the origins of words.

Journal of the College of Languages, 2015
The Pentateuch of Samaritan is a secret document for Samaritans .It was their Resource in History... more The Pentateuch of Samaritan is a secret document for Samaritans .It was their Resource in History, Regulations and Ethics because according to their believe it is afflatus from God to the Prophet Moses (Peace upon him). According to the study position it was exposed for such study .The Samaritans got benefit from the Pentateuch a lot of texts in the field of their Researches, which are related to the Language, Literature and Jurisprudence. In this Research, we try to present an investigation for a Manuscript that had written in the Middle ages by one of the Samaritans Sect, which is considered one of the oldest Sects in the World. The manuscript is considered as tests for the Samaritans according to what had been displayed by the work writer. We did a Universe investigation according to the Texts and in heritage investigation in Europe .At the beginning we did translate the Samaritans texts that come in Arabic language by relying on the Arabic translation for the Samaritans Torah .We did a great effort to present a lexicon study for some terms that have been used by the writer according to the Dictionaries and Lexicons which are related to the Semitic Languages .The shortage of Samaritans Lexicons made us rely essentially on the Hebrew Lexicons with making comparison between the both Lexicons. At the end of the work, we present a Lingual study for what characterized with this Manuscript, specially it was written in the middle ages like other Texts that are known in the modern studies of the Semitic Languages with a name "Arabic Samaritan". These writings started in early of the 10th century and on that presented a brilliant literal works discussed the culture of this penetrated Sect in Ancient History.

The Samaritan doctrine was influenced by Islam, as the Samaritan creed was reformulated. From thi... more The Samaritan doctrine was influenced by Islam, as the Samaritan creed was reformulated. From this perspective, the research idea emerged to elucidate the Islamic influence (particularly the Mu'tazilite sect) on the Samaritan sect, and how they coincide in using doctrinal terminologies regarding the divinity. The aim of this research is to clarify the concept of divinity at the level of terminologies used in the interpretation of the Holy Scriptures by both the Mu'tazilites and the Samaritans. It seeks to explore the doctrinal values that influenced the Samaritans regarding divinity, while highlighting points of disagreement and the fundamental principles of being a prophet within the Samaritan sect. This will be evidenced through samples from the heritage and sacred texts, showcasing their influence on the concept of monotheism, the use of textual and rational inference in proving the existence of God, the categories of monotheism, and the attributes and types thereof. This will be examined in light of Islamic theology's methodology.
Lark Journal of Philosophy, Linguistics, and Social Sciences, May 24, 2019
معظم المعلومات عنهم ترد من مصادر معادية لهم، وخاصة المُسجّل في العهد القديم، ومنها مثلا سفر نحميا... more معظم المعلومات عنهم ترد من مصادر معادية لهم، وخاصة المُسجّل في العهد القديم، ومنها مثلا سفر نحميا وعزرا والمكابيون وغيرها. كما أن يوسفوس يشير إليهم بشكل معاد تماماً. أما كتابات السُمَرة أنفسهم فهي متأخرة ومنها مثلا كتب الأيام، الثاني والثالث (تولده)، والرابع (يسوع)، والخامس (شلشه)، والسادس (أبو الفتح) المكتوب بالعربية. أن العقيدة السامرية هي منحى يهودي يتقاطع أحيانا مع بعض ما يرد في العهد القديم ويختلف مع الربانيين في أمور كثيرة على سبيل المثال، السمرة لا يعترفون سوى باسفار موسى الخمسة، وكذلك يمارس السمرة التعبد في جبل جرزيم (تل الرأس)، ويقدمون الحمل كأُضحِيَّةِ في عيد الفصح، اضافة إلى ذلك يمتلكون تقويماً خاص بهم، ولديهم طقوسهم الدينية الخاصة بهم، ولايعترفون بالتلمود، ومن خلال هذا الدراسة نحاول ان نوضح وبشكل مختصر ابرز ماتتميز به تلك الطائفة العريقة الموغلة في القدم قدم التاريخ.
The fall of Samaria marked a new era in the history of the northern kingdom. The leading... more Abstract
The fall of Samaria marked a new era in the history of the northern kingdom. The leading citizens were deported by Sargon, while exiles from other parts of the Assyrian Empire were imported by Shalmaneser III, Add Nirari III, Tiglath Pileser III and Shalmaneser V, Sargon II, Sennacherib, and Ashurbanipal. Sargon carried off 27,290 people, as he recounted in his annals, 48 probably mostly influential people from the city of Samaria itself. Yamauchi estimates that 500,000 to 700,000 people lived in Israel at this time.49 Thus Sargon neither desolated nor depopulated the land; he merely took away its independence and its leading citizens. In 720 B.C. Samaria, together with Arpad, Samira, and Damascus, joined in a revolt against Assyria headed by Hamath.50 It is likely that large scale deportations were carried out by these kings as a result of this and similar revolt.

Athar Al-Rafedain Journal (AARJ), 2022
The singer's book Al-Muġniya fī iḫtiṣār at-tawṭi’a,is by Eleazar Ben Pinḥas b. Yūsuf, different i... more The singer's book Al-Muġniya fī iḫtiṣār at-tawṭi’a,is by Eleazar Ben Pinḥas b. Yūsuf, different in its arrangement and subject than the book of Tawtea in the grammar of Hebrew and Samaritan languages by Abu Ishaq Ibrahim B. farag As-samiri, whereas the author of the singer's book had added some corrections that he suggested to the Book of Al-Tawtea. We are trying in this paper to present a study and investigate the manuscript of the book of Tawtea that is called " the singer in abbreviating the Tawtea" that had written as texts which is known in Semitic linguistics (Arabic- Samaritan), that had narrated in both languages, The Hebrew and the Samaritan. These literal outputs that had uttered at the middles ages ( Bilingual ) written by the Samaritan sect at the field of language, literature, Jurisprudence, Mosaic Act regarding the Samaritan doctrine.
Lark Journal of Philosophy, Linguistics, and Social Sciences, 2021
The giving of Arabic grammar to the languages of the world, especially the Hebrew language, is cl... more The giving of Arabic grammar to the languages of the world, especially the Hebrew language, is clear. What the Arabic-language scholars presented in their linguistic research has become a perfect example of his approach that seeks to provide a correct structure for his language. Compositions, so they followed the method and method that the Arabs used in their linguistic research, and this study will show what Ibn Jinnah presented by using the Arabic term that he used in his linguistic subject and described his grammatical topics and mentioned the same Arab frontiers in many places, so his books were similar to the Arabic linguistic literature.
Lark Journal of Philosophy, Linguistics, and Social Sciences, 2014
The Samaritans manuscripts are written in Arabic script with vocalized letters. However, the scri... more The Samaritans manuscripts are written in Arabic script with vocalized letters. However, the scribe errs in the vocalization more often than not. The Arabic expression is characterized with a good deal of sophistication, though it is occasionally marked with dialectical features, following the style of most of the texts written in the so-called Middle Arabic.

Lark Journal of Philosophy, Linguistics, and Social Sciences, 2013
دراسة اللغة العبرية السامرية تُعتبر من الدّراسات المهمة، وخصوصا فيما يتعلق بنحو اللغة التي لم تأخ... more دراسة اللغة العبرية السامرية تُعتبر من الدّراسات المهمة، وخصوصا فيما يتعلق بنحو اللغة التي لم تأخذ المساحة المناسبة من اهتمام الباحثين، إلا قليلهم؛ كما أن دراسة لغات "الكتاب المقدس" مهمّة جدّا ومنها العبريّة السامريّة والتي تُعتبر واحدة من أهمّ تلك اللغات، حيث ما زال السامريّون يحتفظون بأقدم نسخة توارتيّة في العالم كـُتبت بلغتهم، وهي بحد ذاتها لغة الرّموز التي كانت مستعملة من قبل الإنسان صاحب الأبجدية الأوّلى، والتي يدلّ كل حرف منها على عضو من أعضاء جسم الإنسان، وقد يخلط البعض أحيانا بينها وبين العبرية من جهة، والآرامية من جهة أخرى، إلا أننا وفي بحثنا المتواضع هذا نحاول أن نسلط الضوء على بعضا من خصائص تلك اللغة التي تميزها عن باقي نظائرها من اللغات السامية الأخرى والتي تمتد جذورها الى أعماق بعيدة في تاريخ البشريّة. وكذلك نوضح للقارئ الكريم ان هناك لغة تسمي اللغة العبرية السامرية وانها تختلف عن العبرية في الخط والنطق للالفاظ وفي القواعد النحوية.

Lark Journal of Philosophy, Linguistics, and Social Sciences, 2019
Ancient Arabic dialectology is an important linguistic discipline falling within the studies conc... more Ancient Arabic dialectology is an important linguistic discipline falling within the studies concerned with Arabian Semitic languages for two main reasons. Firstly، only through this interdisciplinary field can we realize the semantic development of words through their variant meanings and references following certain geo-historical developments and changes. Secondly، we will understand how ancient Arab tribes used words، phrases، and utterances through the linguistic course of Arabic. This plays a considerable role in the way we understand how modern Standard Arabic، along with its local varieties، has developed. We attempt in this paper at revealing the Aramaic influence on Arabian obsolete varieties، showing whether such influence has contributed in the loss of linguistic characteristics of the said varieties، how far they comply with the modern varieties of Arabic، and whether there the Aramaic influence is still potential. The paper aims basically at manifesting the common Semitic characteristics، regardless of the orthography used، where the obsolete Arabian varieties have been written in various orthographies or writing systems، some with a Nabataean whereas others with an ancient south Arabian script.

An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities), 2023
The textual frame of this research is about the Samaritan Pentateuch. It represents the developme... more The textual frame of this research is about the Samaritan Pentateuch. It represents the development in the textual history of the linguistic qualities in the Samaritan Pentateuch. The research will present the study comprehensive linguistic qualities, creating an important resource of lexicographical information. to describe the Samaritan Pentateuch, the witnesses for the Hebrew spoken in the Late Second Temple period, and that by itself is important step to describe the Hebrew Samaritan Pentateuch of this period, Through the semantical analysis, and also the etymological . This seems especially important in light of the following considerations the Semitics linguistics.
The Samaritan Hebrew language used some words which are otherwise unknown in Hebrew language. From another side probably meeting with the Tiberian tradition of Biblical Hebrew with many cases that agreed, the different between the two is the phonetical system which we will make it clear in this research through the examples of the Samaritan Pentateuch.
مجلة عود الند العدد 81 الناشر. د. عدلي الهواري , 2013
كانت الثقافة العربية الإسلامية سائدة في جميع البلدان التي تقع تحت الحكم الإسلامي، وبلغت ذروتها في... more كانت الثقافة العربية الإسلامية سائدة في جميع البلدان التي تقع تحت الحكم الإسلامي، وبلغت ذروتها في القرنين التاسع والعاشر الميلادي، مما جعل النتاج الفكري لتلك الأقاليم التي كانت خاضعة تحت ذلك النفوذ الثقافي العظيم يصطبغ بالطابع العربي بشكل من الأشكال. هذه الحقيقة لم يغير فيها كون بعض التراث الفكري جاء من غير المسلمين، فالأثر العربي كبير واضح كل الوضوح في مادة كثيرة من التراث اليهودي الذي وصلنا مكتوبا بما يصطلح على تسميته بـ"عربية اليهود" من المراكز اليهودية التي كانت واقعة تحت تأثير الثقافة العربية السائدة في تلك الأقاليم

Larq journal for philosophy, linguistics and social sciences, university of wasit, 2018
The view points of the Jews and the Samaritans are, in essence one, there are only some diminutiv... more The view points of the Jews and the Samaritans are, in essence one, there are only some diminutive aspects that they vary by because the fundamental doctrine is from Israel; they have disagreed with each other on incidents of the most important. The Samaritan doctrine adopted spiritual ideas for its sensitivity to the faith. Regarding their latest time and the appearance era more than the Jews who tried to close the pathway, in front of the thought of the Savior descendants of the sons of Ishmael and said that Christ peace be upon him. We also note the difference between the Samaritans and the Jews in the issue of evil spirits, and the latest time and prophecies’ for the expected promised despite the different Samaria and the Jews in the legitimacy of affiliation of Imam Al Mahdi, who guides the world to the path of truth.

Journal of the College of Languages, Baghdad University , 2015
The Pentateuch of Samaritan is a secret document for Samaritans .It was their Resource in History... more The Pentateuch of Samaritan is a secret document for Samaritans .It was their Resource in History, Regulations and Ethics because according to their believe it is afflatus from God to the Prophet Moses (Peace upon him). According to the study position it was exposed for such study .The Samaritans got benefit from the Pentateuch a lot of texts in the field of their Researches, which are related to the Language, Literature and Jurisprudence. In this Research, we try to present an investigation for a Manuscript that had written in the Middle ages by one of the Samaritans Sect, which is considered one of the oldest Sects in the World. The manuscript is considered as tests for the Samaritans according to what had been displayed by the work writer. We did a Universe investigation according to the Texts and in heritage investigation in Europe .At the beginning we did translate the Samaritans texts that come in Arabic language by relying on the Arabic translation for the Samaritans Torah .We did a great effort to present a lexicon study for some terms that have been used by the writer according to the Dictionaries and Lexicons which are related to the Semitic Languages .The shortage of Samaritans Lexicons made us rely essentially on the Hebrew Lexicons with making comparison between the both Lexicons. At the end of the work, we present a Lingual study for what characterized with this Manuscript, specially it was written in the middle ages like other Texts that are known in the modern studies of the Semitic Languages with a name "Arabic Samaritan". These writings started in early of the 10th century and on that presented a brilliant literal works discussed the culture of this penetrated Sect in Ancient History.
مجمع اللغة العربية الاردني, 2015
يقدّم هذا البحث دراسة في نحو اللغة العبرية السامرية، يهدف من خلالها إلى إبراز أهم المصادر العربية... more يقدّم هذا البحث دراسة في نحو اللغة العبرية السامرية، يهدف من خلالها إلى إبراز أهم المصادر العربية لتي رجحنا أن مؤلف كتاب التوطيه قد اطّلع عليها؛ وذلك من خلال مقارنة مخطوطة كتاب التوطيه مع تلك المصادر، وهي مقارنة تعتمد اعتمادا كليا على ما استخدمه صاحب كتاب التوطيه من مصطلحات نحويّة عربية خالصة، بل تتعدى حقل المصلحات كمفردات دالّة إلى المفاهيم التي تقدمها هذا المصطلحات، لتطال طريقة التعبير عن هذه المفاهيم وتعريفاتها. كما سلّط البحث الضوء كذلك على استخدام اللغة العربية من قبل اليهود السامرة وكذلك على أثر الثقافة الإسلامية في نحو اللغة العبرية في القرون الوسطى.

University of Sharjah , 2017
The ahl ul-dimmah with their coexistence of the Islamic Civilization for a long time, in the land... more The ahl ul-dimmah with their coexistence of the Islamic Civilization for a long time, in the land Easts and Wests, and with their study of the Arab intellectual product, were influenced directly and largely with what they saw of religious and philosophical discussions and arguments of Muslims and their respect to ahl ul-dimmah, which was stemmed from the texts of the Holy Quran and the Traditions.
These matters naturally made ahl ul-dimmah in turn look at their holy texts and to inquire seriously about the validity extent of these texts and the truth of their holiness, so they review the convulsive stances towards the Islamic authority in the middle ages, as well as after the prevalence of the Islamic rule in Andalusia, which gave enough freedom to ahl ul-dimmah so as to practice their religious rituals.
The basic objectives of this research is to show the most important Arabic translations of the holy books presented by ahl ul-dimmah by the Rabbanite and Karaite Jews and Samaritans, and those produced by the Christians too in the middle ages, the influence extent of the Islamic culture in translating those holy texts, and the illustration of those translations written in Arabic, the Judaeo-Arabic and Christian Arabic. The translation of the Bible, and particularly of the Torah, into Arabic beginning in the ninth century in the environs of Baghdad and in Palestine and elsewhere opened a whole new scholarly era in Jewish life and thought that extended from the eastern shores of the Mediterranean to Spain, and reached even across the into medieval Europe.
Keywords: Arabic Translations, ahl ul-dimmah, Bible,

The Journal of the College of Islamic Sciences, 2019
The Semitic languages and Their Role in Restoring the Islamic Heritage Number 59 1 sifr 1441 A.... more The Semitic languages and Their Role in Restoring the Islamic Heritage Number 59 1 sifr 1441 A.H 30th Sep 2019 M Journal Islamic Sciences College 172 This study is an attempt to introduce examples of writings ,known in Comparative Semitics as (Judeo-Arabic, Samaritan-Arabic) texts which are written in Semitic script as well as of Biblical Texts. An attempt is made to show the role that these literary works played in the Islamic history and civilization. One of these works is the Genizah writings that played an important role in providing so fair account of life during the Islamic era in the various aspects of life in general and in the religious field in particular and it highlighted the sound relationships that prevailed at that time in dealing with the others who are embracing different faiths (The Dhimis) under the Islamic tolerance that Cambridge university classified them as Islamic documents, kept them in independent boxes and introduced them to researchers in order to convey the Islamic heritage which was written by the Jews and other Dhimmi people. In addition to these documents, there are also the Samaritan documents which are classified in many world libraries as documents of Islamic heritage because most of them are bilingual and were written in old Hebrew script and Arabic script. Those bilingual texts which were written during the Islamic rule were common among Samaritans and were focused on tackling Islamic world issues in the religious, historical and civilizational fields as well as on studies of relevance to these religious sects. The significance of the present study lies in showing the very important role that the study of Hebrew language and script and other Semitic languages can play in knowing a lot of knowledge and science and in transferring the Arab-Islamic heritage that was written by Jewish writers in order to highlight its importance and make full use of it in the various branches of knowledge such as, Arabic language, comparative Semitic linguistic studies, Theology, and many relevant disciplines. So, this study is an attempt to shed light upon these document which contributed in transferring the Islamic heritage to other cultures.
Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 2019
The research attempts to provide a study that explain the origin of the vocalization system in th... more The research attempts to provide a study that explain the origin of the vocalization system in the Samaritan language according to the logic of contrastive philology of the Semitic languages` family and the linguistic analysis adopted in the historical linguistics approach through looking at the holy Scripture texts. The major purpose of the study is to find conclusive linguistic evidence that prove the presence of Arabic language influence on the formation of vocalization in the Samaritan Hebrew language in order to identify the precise vocalization in the Samaritan Pentateuch and how the Samaritan cult followers utter their language in their religious rituals.
Papers by Nihad H A S A N Haji
The fall of Samaria marked a new era in the history of the northern kingdom. The leading citizens were deported by Sargon, while exiles from other parts of the Assyrian Empire were imported by Shalmaneser III, Add Nirari III, Tiglath Pileser III and Shalmaneser V, Sargon II, Sennacherib, and Ashurbanipal. Sargon carried off 27,290 people, as he recounted in his annals, 48 probably mostly influential people from the city of Samaria itself. Yamauchi estimates that 500,000 to 700,000 people lived in Israel at this time.49 Thus Sargon neither desolated nor depopulated the land; he merely took away its independence and its leading citizens. In 720 B.C. Samaria, together with Arpad, Samira, and Damascus, joined in a revolt against Assyria headed by Hamath.50 It is likely that large scale deportations were carried out by these kings as a result of this and similar revolt.
The Samaritan Hebrew language used some words which are otherwise unknown in Hebrew language. From another side probably meeting with the Tiberian tradition of Biblical Hebrew with many cases that agreed, the different between the two is the phonetical system which we will make it clear in this research through the examples of the Samaritan Pentateuch.
These matters naturally made ahl ul-dimmah in turn look at their holy texts and to inquire seriously about the validity extent of these texts and the truth of their holiness, so they review the convulsive stances towards the Islamic authority in the middle ages, as well as after the prevalence of the Islamic rule in Andalusia, which gave enough freedom to ahl ul-dimmah so as to practice their religious rituals.
The basic objectives of this research is to show the most important Arabic translations of the holy books presented by ahl ul-dimmah by the Rabbanite and Karaite Jews and Samaritans, and those produced by the Christians too in the middle ages, the influence extent of the Islamic culture in translating those holy texts, and the illustration of those translations written in Arabic, the Judaeo-Arabic and Christian Arabic. The translation of the Bible, and particularly of the Torah, into Arabic beginning in the ninth century in the environs of Baghdad and in Palestine and elsewhere opened a whole new scholarly era in Jewish life and thought that extended from the eastern shores of the Mediterranean to Spain, and reached even across the into medieval Europe.
Keywords: Arabic Translations, ahl ul-dimmah, Bible,
The fall of Samaria marked a new era in the history of the northern kingdom. The leading citizens were deported by Sargon, while exiles from other parts of the Assyrian Empire were imported by Shalmaneser III, Add Nirari III, Tiglath Pileser III and Shalmaneser V, Sargon II, Sennacherib, and Ashurbanipal. Sargon carried off 27,290 people, as he recounted in his annals, 48 probably mostly influential people from the city of Samaria itself. Yamauchi estimates that 500,000 to 700,000 people lived in Israel at this time.49 Thus Sargon neither desolated nor depopulated the land; he merely took away its independence and its leading citizens. In 720 B.C. Samaria, together with Arpad, Samira, and Damascus, joined in a revolt against Assyria headed by Hamath.50 It is likely that large scale deportations were carried out by these kings as a result of this and similar revolt.
The Samaritan Hebrew language used some words which are otherwise unknown in Hebrew language. From another side probably meeting with the Tiberian tradition of Biblical Hebrew with many cases that agreed, the different between the two is the phonetical system which we will make it clear in this research through the examples of the Samaritan Pentateuch.
These matters naturally made ahl ul-dimmah in turn look at their holy texts and to inquire seriously about the validity extent of these texts and the truth of their holiness, so they review the convulsive stances towards the Islamic authority in the middle ages, as well as after the prevalence of the Islamic rule in Andalusia, which gave enough freedom to ahl ul-dimmah so as to practice their religious rituals.
The basic objectives of this research is to show the most important Arabic translations of the holy books presented by ahl ul-dimmah by the Rabbanite and Karaite Jews and Samaritans, and those produced by the Christians too in the middle ages, the influence extent of the Islamic culture in translating those holy texts, and the illustration of those translations written in Arabic, the Judaeo-Arabic and Christian Arabic. The translation of the Bible, and particularly of the Torah, into Arabic beginning in the ninth century in the environs of Baghdad and in Palestine and elsewhere opened a whole new scholarly era in Jewish life and thought that extended from the eastern shores of the Mediterranean to Spain, and reached even across the into medieval Europe.
Keywords: Arabic Translations, ahl ul-dimmah, Bible,
ما يعرف في علم الأبحاث بمنهج علم اللغة التأريخي، ودراسة البنية الآثارية (اركيولوجيا
فلسطين). الذي نستعرض من خلاله تاريخ الجذور الأثنية لفلسطين وعربيتها معتمدين في ذلك
على أقدم النصوص المدونة من اللغات الشرق القديم التي ذكرت فلسطين فضلا عن نصوص
الكتاب المقدس من التوراة السامرية التي اختلفت عن التوراة اليهودية، إذ كانت تشير إلى أن
أصل الأرض لم يكن يهودياً بتاتاً، وإنما كان كنعانياً فضلا عن الأقوام الأخرى القاطنة معها
ضمن ما يعرف بلاد (فليسيا القديمة) فلسطين الحالية، وان ما جاء بعد ذلك هو عبارة عن
شعوب دخيلة على جغرافيتها، وسوف نوضح سبب عدم اعتراف السامرة بقدسية جبل عيبال
وهيكل سليمان الذي يقدسه اليهود الربانيين، وكيف أعده السامرة من الزيف الطارئ على تاريخ
فلسطين، وإن جبل جرزيم هو قبلة أتباع موسى الحقيقيين، إذ يسكن السامرة الآن في مدينة
نابلس الفلسطينية رغم ديانتهم الموسوية الإسرائيلية وتوراتهم الخاصة، لا أنهم يعدون أنفسهم
جزء من الشعب العربي الفلسطيني ويرفضون الاعتراف بدولة إسرائيل، من جانب آخر نعتهم
اليهود بأنهم شعب دخيل جاء إلى ارض الميعاد أورشليم في أثناء الترحيل الآشوري وهم من
أصول لا تنتمي إلى ديانة بني إسرائيل وهم من بلاد كوتا في وادي الرافدين.
الغاية الأساس من البحث: تقديم دراسة تاريخية مقارنة وفق نصوص اللغات السامية
القديمة التي تناولت تاريخ فلسطين، مع بيان زيف الموجودات الآثارية غير الأصلية التي
وضعها اليهود ونسابها إلى تأريخهم رغم حقيقة الأقوام السامية العربية الأخرى التي سكنت
The aim of the research: counting the words mentioned by Ibn Abbas as being consistent with the Semitic languages and comparing them with their counterparts from the dictionaries of the Semitic languages, and neglecting the words of other languages that he mentioned which do not belong to the Semitic languages family.
The paper aims to clarify the importance of these texts in the heritage of the Eastern (Semitic) civilizations, with reference to the most important characteristics of written and linguistic properties, by presenting particular samples of these texts. The paper is an attempt to answer the questions concerning the relationship between the two linguistic patterns in the fields of literary and non-literary writings of these texts. It is observed that, sometimes, the grammar of these languages does not agree with the grammar of the Arabic language as set up by Arab grammarians. Were these characteristics due to the influence of the authors of these texts, members of the Samaritan and Syriac sect, in their original languages, and their application in their writings ?
The method adopted in this study is the comparative method in addition to the descriptive method.
From this perspective, the pages of this booklet aim to introduce the grammar of the Samaritan language, as it has not received adequate attention from many Arab researchers specializing in Semitic languages. When discussing the grammar of the Samaritan Hebrew language, it is important to highlight the most important Arabic terms used by Samaritan grammarians to describe the grammar of the Samaritan Hebrew language. The field of terminology extends beyond individual words to the concepts they convey, encompassing the expression of these concepts, their definitions, and the use of the Arabic language by the Samaritans, as well as the influence of Islamic culture on the grammar of the Hebrew language in the Middle Ages. The first person to provide a precise and systematic description of the Samaritan Hebrew language was "Shams al-Hukama" Abu Ishaq Ibrahim ibn Faraj ibn Maruth, author of "Al-Tawtiyah," which is considered the first organized work in the field of Samaritan Hebrew grammar (12th century AD). He was well-versed in the efforts of his predecessors in Arabic and Hebrew grammar, and this study relies on a collection of references, sources, and manuscripts that address the heritage and culture of the Samaritan sect, including:
The Samaritan Torah written in the ancient Samaritan Canaanite script.
Arabic translations of the Samaritan Torah.
Direct information about the Samaritan language from some members of the Samaritan sect.
One of the primary sources used in this study is the book "Al-Tawtiyah" on the grammar of the Samaritan Hebrew language, authored by Abu Ishaq Ibrahim ibn Faraj ibn Maruth al-Samiri in the 12th century.
مكتبة الاسكندرية
مكتبة الإسكندرية هي مؤسسة ثقافية وعلمية مرموقة تقع في مدينة الإسكندرية بمصر. تأسست المكتبة في العصر الحديث لإحياء ذكرى المكتبة العريقة التي كانت موجودة في العصور القديمة، والتي كانت تعتبر واحدة من أعظم مراكز المعرفة في العالم القديم.
تتمثل مهمة مكتبة الإسكندرية في الحفاظ على التراث الثقافي والمعرفي للمنطقة، وتعزيز البحث العلمي، وتشجيع الحوار بين الثقافات. وهي تضم مجموعة واسعة من الكتب والمخطوطات والوثائق التاريخية، بالإضافة إلى مرافق بحثية وثقافية متنوعة.
تشتهر مكتبة الإسكندرية بتصميمها المعماري المميز الذي يجمع بين الحداثة واللمسات التاريخية. تضم المكتبة قاعات قراءة ضخمة، ومتحفًا للآثار، ومركزًا للمؤتمرات، ومعارض فنية، ومختبرات علمية، ومجموعة من الأقسام المتخصصة في مختلف المجالات.
تعد مكتبة الإسكندرية مركزًا مهمًا للبحث والتعليم، حيث تستضيف العديد من الندوات والمؤتمرات الدولية، وتوفر موارد بحثية قيمة للباحثين والعلماء. كما أنها تلعب دورًا نشطًا في الحفاظ على التراث الثقافي للمنطقة، من خلال جمع الوثائق التاريخية والمخطوطات النادرة، والحفاظ عليها، وإتاحتها للباحثين والمهتمين.
تضم المكتبة أيضًا مركزًا للتوثيق والدراسات الإنسانية، والذي يركز على دراسة وتوثيق تاريخ وحضارة منطقة البحر الأبيض المتوسط. كما أنها تحتضن العديد من المعارض المؤقتة والدائمة التي تعرض مختلف جوانب الثقافة والتاريخ.
مكتبة الإسكندرية هي رمز للتعلم والتبادل الثقافي، وتسعى إلى تعزيز التفاهم بين الشعوب من خلال الحفاظ على التراث المعرفي وتسهيل الوصول إليه. إنها وجهة مهمة للباحثين والزوار المهتمين بالتاريخ والثقافة والعلوم.
مكتبة الاسكندرية ترجمة الى الانكليزية
The translation of the text about the Library of Alexandria into English is as follows:
The Library of Alexandria is a prestigious cultural and scientific institution located in the city of Alexandria, Egypt. Established in modern times, it aims to revive the memory of the ancient library, which was one of the greatest centers of knowledge in the ancient world.
The mission of the Library of Alexandria is to preserve the cultural and intellectual heritage of the region, promote scientific research, and encourage intercultural dialogue. It houses a vast collection of books, manuscripts, and historical documents, along with various research and cultural facilities.
The Library of Alexandria is renowned for its distinctive architectural design, which blends modernity with historical touches. It features expansive reading halls, an archaeological museum, a conference center, art exhibitions, scientific laboratories, and specialized departments covering diverse fields.
The library serves as an important center for research and education, hosting numerous international seminars and conferences, and providing valuable research resources for scholars and scientists. It also plays an active role in preserving the cultural heritage of the region by collecting historical documents and rare manuscripts, preserving them, and making them accessible to researchers and enthusiasts.
The library also houses the Documentation and Human Studies Center, which focuses on studying and documenting the history and civilization of the Mediterranean region. It showcases various temporary and permanent exhibitions that highlight different aspects of culture and history.
The Library of Alexandria is a symbol of learning and cultural exchange, striving to foster understanding among peoples through the preservation and accessibility of knowledge heritage. It is an important destination for researchers and visitors interested in history, culture, and science.
It is known that the HS language is not an easy language, since it requires a lot of effort, perseverance and precision to get to know its secrets independently of the Hebrew language and the Aramaic language with which it shares many affinities.
To study the grammar of the HS language, it is necessary to know its history, which includes its roots, its calligraphy and its contacts with other Semitic languages. Compared with the works on Hebrew, Hebrew or Judeo-Arabic lexicography, the studies on bilingual dictionaries written in Arabic and HS are quite inferior, which indicates that there is a noticeable shortage in the field of scientific knowledge regarding the HS language.
One of the reasons that encouraged me to choose the current topic for my doctoral thesis was the ambition to know the secrets of this ancient language that is rooted in history. My modest knowledge of the Canaanite and Phoenician writing used by the Samaritans motivated me to investigate the elaboration of this book considered