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A wireless mesh network (WMN) comprises of mesh access points (MAPs), mesh routers and mesh clients (MCs), where MAPs are almost static and form the back-bone of WMNs. MCs are wireless devices and dynamic in nature, communicating among... more
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      Wireless networksWormhole Attacks
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      Time ComplexityBlock CipherLinear EquationsSide Channel attacks
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      Search AlgorithmInternal StructureBlock Cipher
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      Distributed SystemProvable SecurityMobile AgentRandom Oracle Model
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      Information SystemsHealth CareElectronic Health RecordsComputer Security
Abrantes, J.; Porter, A.; Meyers, W.; Stace, R.; Susilo, W.; Krishna, A.; Zhou, Z. Q.; Judge, D.; Franks, R.; and Xia, T. B., "CSCI: A LEAP into the future" (2008).
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    • Game Based Learning
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    • Ad hoc network
—An electric vehicle (EV) is a promising and futuristic automobile propelled by electric motors, using electrical energy stored in batteries or another energy storage device. Due to the need for the battery to be recharged, the cars will... more
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With their increasing popularity in cryptosystems, biometrics have attracted more and more attention from the information security community. However, how to handle the relevant privacy concerns remains to be troublesome. In this paper,... more
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      Information SecurityIT SecuritySecurity Model
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      EvaluationElectronic Health RecordsAccess To InformationApplied Economics
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      SensorAuthenticationMathematical SciencesScheme
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      EngineeringDigital SignatureCryptographyMathematical Sciences
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      EngineeringDigital Signatures
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Concurrent signature, introduced by Chen, Kudla and Paterson, is known to just fall short to solve the long standing fair exchange of signature problem without requiring any trusted third party (TTP). The price for not requiring any TTP... more
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Fair exchange protocol aims to allow two parties to exchange digital items in a fair manner. It is well-known that fairness can only be achieved with the help of a trusted third party, usually referred to as arbitrator. A fair exchange... more
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      Distributed ComputingComputer SoftwarePublic key cryptographyKey
Wireless handheld devices which support e-mail and web browsing are increasingly popular. The authenticity of the information received is important, especially for business uses. In server-aided verification (SAV), a substantial part of... more
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      DelegationComputer SoftwareHandheld Device UseSignature Verification
Enforcing strong authentication is an option to mit- igate phishing. However, existing authentication methods, like traditional digital signatures, require unrealistic full deployment of public key infrastruc- ture(PKI) and destroy email... more
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In this paper, we propose a new ID-based event-oriented linkable ring signature scheme, with an option as revocable-iff-linked. With this option, if a user generates two linkable ring signatures in the same event, everyone can compute his... more
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      Theoretical Computer ScienceAnonymityMathematical SciencesID