Papers by Tiziana Nannavecchia

Migrant literature is the artistic exemplification of border-crossing: from the linguistic hybrid... more Migrant literature is the artistic exemplification of border-crossing: from the linguistic hybridity that brings the author into breaking the boundaries between native and acquired languages, to the concoction of genres and styles which make migrant works eclectic and unique; migrant words become reminders of the struggle between home and away, a conflict that the itinerant being tries to resolve within literature.
The case proposed here is that of Italian-Canadian literature, a sub-system within the multicultural mosaic of Canadian literature: the pluralization of selves, languages, and places enacted in the works by Italian migrant writers becomes symbolic of the border breaking and bridging between genres, languages and cultural experiences.
In the process of writing, in their search for identity and roots, the three migrant authors analyzed occupy the space in-between home and away to finally realize that there is no home to go back to, because ‘this’ is now Home.
Italy has been at the forefront of self-translation debates for years. In 1999, the country hoste... more Italy has been at the forefront of self-translation debates for years. In 1999, the country hosted a series of seminars dedicated to self-translation in poetry, followed by the very first conferences solely dedicated to the topic at the universities of Udine (in 2010 and 2012), Pescara (in 2010) and Bologna (2011). The proceedings of these first three relevant events have been published and attest to the existence of a growing interest in the question. This paper aims at giving an overview on the visibility/invisibility of self-translation in Italy based on the volumes published by the centres of research that organized the three above-mentioned Italian seminar and conferences.
Papers by Tiziana Nannavecchia
The case proposed here is that of Italian-Canadian literature, a sub-system within the multicultural mosaic of Canadian literature: the pluralization of selves, languages, and places enacted in the works by Italian migrant writers becomes symbolic of the border breaking and bridging between genres, languages and cultural experiences.
In the process of writing, in their search for identity and roots, the three migrant authors analyzed occupy the space in-between home and away to finally realize that there is no home to go back to, because ‘this’ is now Home.
The case proposed here is that of Italian-Canadian literature, a sub-system within the multicultural mosaic of Canadian literature: the pluralization of selves, languages, and places enacted in the works by Italian migrant writers becomes symbolic of the border breaking and bridging between genres, languages and cultural experiences.
In the process of writing, in their search for identity and roots, the three migrant authors analyzed occupy the space in-between home and away to finally realize that there is no home to go back to, because ‘this’ is now Home.