Thesis by Romualdo A PereiraJr
Springer - Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence AI 2017: Advances in Artificial Intelligence , 2017
In this work, we apply text mining algorithms on Twitter messages made available by PAN2015. In t... more In this work, we apply text mining algorithms on Twitter messages made available by PAN2015. In the first step, we applied IBM Watson algorithms to obtain the results of Big Five personality analysis, namely OCEAN: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeable-ness and Neuroticism. Then, we applied a Deep Learning algorithm on the resulted IBM Watson scores, in order to minimize the Root Mean Square Error. In this way, we achieved better results than using the IBM Watson algorithms alone. The dataset contains messages in English from 152 distinct authors.

This thesis proposes an epistemological and theoretical framework for the idea of a Genetic Archi... more This thesis proposes an epistemological and theoretical framework for the idea of a Genetic Architecture of Information, founded by the General Theory of the Architecture of Information, proposed by Lima-Marques (2011); under the discipline of Architecture of Information, proposed by Siqueira (2012); and considerations of Genetic Phenomenology. The Genetic Architecture of Information comprises two main aspects: the genesis and genetic intentional information. The Genesis of Intentional Information ideally occurs as a phenomenon in one of the stages of the phenomenological reduction; and the Genetic of Intentional Information is characterized and identified in a qualitative analogy between the Information Science and Genetics,
within its four main study approaches, namely: Classical, Molecular, Population and Quantitative. Ontologically, we mainly consider the genome, genotype and phenotype of objects (endurants) and processes (perdurants) in association with terms of information. As results, we present the Genetic Architecture of Information; high-level ontologies developed in analogy between Information Architecture and Genetics aiming to elicit terms of information and biological processes that involve information; and some practical applications, such as phenotypic similarity (textual, visual, acoustic and in research social networks), technological evolution and innovation by means of memetics, information hereditability, and genetic manipulation of information.
Key-words: Intentional Information; Genesis of Information; Genetics of Information; Architecture of Information; Genetic Phenomenology.
This work regards the ground station software development for the experiments – PLASMEX, ORCAS, P... more This work regards the ground station software development for the experiments – PLASMEX, ORCAS, PHOTO and MAGNEX – that constitute the payload of the first small Brazilian satellite for scientific applications. Named SACI-1, it shall be launched as piggyback of China-Brazil Earth Resource Satellite (CBERS) piggyback, by the chinese launcher Long March IV, on october of 1998. Focusing on the space plasma database, this dissertation describes the software and its functional features, facilities, implementation, configuration and security.
Book Chapters by Romualdo A PereiraJr
Neste artigo, nós apresentamos a Arquitetura Genética da Informação - GeneInfo, que propõe a gêne... more Neste artigo, nós apresentamos a Arquitetura Genética da Informação - GeneInfo, que propõe a gênese do fenômeno da informação e suas características genômicas (genoma, genótipo e fenótipo da informação) nas abordagens de estudo mais comuns da genética: clássica, molecular, populacional e quantitativa. Nós construímos duas ontologias: uma relacionada à informação na genética e outra da genética da informação, nos domínios da Tecnologia e Ciência da Informação e Sistemas Biológicos, respectivamente. De maneira a ilustrar a aplicação desta nova arquitetura, nós também apresentamos dois casos de busca
por similaridade fenotípica, uma textual e outra imagética.
Published Papers by Romualdo A PereiraJr

In the twenty years of operation, the mission center software designed to process, archive and di... more In the twenty years of operation, the mission center software designed to process, archive and disseminate environmental data collected by satellites, developed by the Brazilian Institute for Space Research (INPE), have evolved under the influence of three generations of information architectures. From the standalone applications within individual organization, the mission center software evolved to integrated sets of client and server database components. With the migration of the Brazilian Data Collection System to INPE Northeast Regional Center (INPE-CRN), in 2008, and the growing interdependence among the organizations, that are the owners of the data collection platforms, the modernization of the environmental data archiving, processing and dissemination facilities were required by the Brazilian Environmental Data System (SINDA). Focusing on the view of information as corporate resources supported by IT tools and techniques, the third generation of information architecture actually guides the new version of SINDA, under the process of
development supported by Brazilian Space Agency (AEB). Architecture of Information is a useful approach to separate technology and information architectures. The approach addresses knowledge management, the intelligent systems and a more holistic view of information, driven by the development of multi-dimensional architecture and open information patterns. This paper presents the architecture of information framework for
SINDA, focusing on the construction of dimensional models, business process modeling (BPM), and customized IT tools/techniques, such as business intelligence, Rich Internet Applications (RIA), Semantic Web, mobile applications and Grid Computing and Constraints Programming. As a result, the new SINDA will improve the system governance based on the engine rules certified by end-users. Also the system scalability is improved by means of multi-telemetry media, space temporal system database, and environmental data integration supported by open patterns.
Cet article décrit le concept, l'architecture et les critères qui ont été adoptés pour spécifier ... more Cet article décrit le concept, l'architecture et les critères qui ont été adoptés pour spécifier le cahier de charges de Ia station TT&C en bande S faible coílt de Natal, ainsi que les solutions retenues pour l'intégration de l'ensemble. Décrit, également, les principales fonctionnalités des divers sous-systêmes, de Ia cha?ne informatique, et les modifications qui ont été introduites postérieurement par l'INPE/CRN pour Ia transformer en station multi-mission et l'adapter aux exigences des nouveaux programmes. Les résultats obtenus dans Ia poursuite et Ia réception des sateilites brésiliens sont aussi présentés et des améliorations sont proposées pour augmenter son actuelie performance.
The scientific microsatellite platforms are moving towards operational independence among their s... more The scientific microsatellite platforms are moving towards operational independence among their scientific payloads. This paper highlights how SACI (Brazilian Scientific Application Satellite) project took on this challenge in terms of ground operation system. A scientific investigator support in controlling his/her own experiment was provided using Internet facilities. During satellite lifetime, the users are allowed to edit, organize and schedule remotely their Telecommands via WEB pages based on predict passages.
Keywords: Flight Plan, autonomous operational routine, client-server web-based system.
After being treated for long time by non-academic institutions as vulnerable technology, in terms... more After being treated for long time by non-academic institutions as vulnerable technology, in terms of reliability, Open Source has recently being pointed out by suppliers as a good alternative for software developers. This paper presents an example of using Open Source Software in INPE/CRN Ground Station in order to control small satellites. There is an emphasis on using Linux Operating System, a low cost environment to provide effectiveness and support efficient solutions for an user-friendly web application.
The work related in this document was initiated with the development of a satellite signal recept... more The work related in this document was initiated with the development of a satellite signal reception system using the Software Defined Radio (SDR) concept initially addressed to the construction of a lowcost reception station for the Brazilian Data Collecting System.

Focusing on the microsatellite SACI-1 application, this paper addresses the Ground solutions adop... more Focusing on the microsatellite SACI-1 application, this paper addresses the Ground solutions adopted to control it
such as unattended control of a satellite passing, quick-look of payload data in real time, playback of telemetry data
and remote mission planning by the investigators through the Internet. Matching the satellite orbit with the SACI-1
Ground Station position (in Natal, northeast of Brazil), the satellite visibility shall occur twice a day, in 5-8 minutes
passes, with an average of ~18 Mbytes per pass. As a consequence of both the SACI-1 short contact and the high data
payload acquired by the on-board scientific experiments, the Ground-Satellite protocol communication has been
robustly implemented and the TM/TC application software shall provide essential autonomous features. In order to
meet those requirements with low cost, a compact satellite control system in ground was designed to aggregate in a
same environment the functionality of Ground Station, Control Center and Mission Center.
The study of the space plasma environment is the goal of the experiments named: PLASMEX, ORCAS, M... more The study of the space plasma environment is the goal of the experiments named: PLASMEX, ORCAS, MAGNEX and PHOTO. They constitute the payload of the first small Brazilian satellite for scientific applications (SACI-1). The SACI-1 is a low earth polar orbit satellite which shall be launched as China- Brazil Earth Resource Satellite (CBERS) piggyback, by the Chinese launcher Long March IV, in the beginning of 1998. All the space plasma data measured by the SACI-1 payload will be received and archived in the SACI-1 Ground Station by a software system which uses the relational data modeling to build the system database. Focusing on the space plasma data base, this article describes the Ground Station software facilities such as: quick-looks of the SACI-1 remote sensing data and the data access in raw form from the investigators, via Internet.

Imagine a place to teach and/or learn any subject in any language. This could be at home for both... more Imagine a place to teach and/or learn any subject in any language. This could be at home for both teachers and learners, virtually joined by their common interests in a portal with many state-of-art e-Learning resources in an environment of Rich Internet Applications - RIA. Thus, there is a new pedagogical paradigm: teacher at home and learner at home. Survival depends essentially on the quality of virtual classes and interactivity. This paper introduces a virtual class environment which uses rich resources for the teaching-learning process, including audio and video tools for all participants, administered by a tutor; instantly evaluation of the class in course, providing feedback dashboards of audio/video quality; interactivity between all the participants; editing tools; notebook; presentation tool; media and file sharing; chat room and others.
Keywords: e-Learning, Virtual School, RIA.

The continuous virtual formation and capacitating of multiplier teachers in the domain of the Bra... more The continuous virtual formation and capacitating of multiplier teachers in the domain of the Brazilian Space Program, in our point-of-view, is the best way to introduce in elementary, mid and high school effective content related to the space area, as: satellites and space platforms, space vehicles, astronomy, remote sensing, meteorology and environmental sciences. Thus, the focus of this project is to use homemade e-Learning technologies with social responsibility for the digital inclusion of teachers, especially those who live in the interior of Brazil, with no privileges to participate in presential classes, generally held in the Brazilian great metropolis. Our interest is to create a new paradigm for the usage of electronic media that is not based on a simple copy of the live module used in classrooms, but that takes advantage of the tools and the strength of Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
Keywords: e-Learning, Space Program, Digital Inclusion, Virtual School; e-Government.
Accepted Papers by Romualdo A PereiraJr
Our purpose in this paper is to analyze the similarity relation between r... more Our purpose in this paper is to analyze the similarity relation between researchers
considering their scientific production. The "Input a word, analyze the word" process could be
summarized as follows: words input
in titles of a corpus are analyzed, tokenized and
converted in stems. Then, similarity and clustering algorithms are applied in order to discover
and identify semantic researcher networks based on the common interests disclosed in the
titles of their publi
shed works. The source of information is the Lattes Platform, the Brazilian
official curriculum vitae database. The concept of relevance is taken in account when
selecting the type of scientific production, only considering complete approved works for
odics or events and, also, chapters in books. We will present a study case in a specific
domain of knowledge.
Considering the epistemological concept of "information" by means of Phenomenology, this paper pr... more Considering the epistemological concept of "information" by means of Phenomenology, this paper provides information scientists and philosophers with an astonishing new way of possibilities to understand this complex primitive informational concept. We intend to explain the exact moment when "information" is generated (the Genesis of Information), arguing that it is only possible to occurs in the Phenomenological Reduction (or Phenomenological Epoché) context, when an observer is able to view the world as a world of essences, free from any contamination that presuppositions of conceptual framework or psyche might contribute. Regarding the intentionality point-of-view of Husserl, the Phenomenology founder, and the question of "Being" of Heidegger, we are interested in unveil the pure essence of the observer mental process against an amorph reality.
Submitted Papers by Romualdo A PereiraJr
In this paper we present the Genetic Architecture of Information - GeneInfo, which states the gen... more In this paper we present the Genetic Architecture of Information - GeneInfo, which states the genesis of information phenomenon and its genomics characteristics (genome, genotype and phenotype of information) in the most common approaches of genetic areas: classic, molecular, populational and quantitative genetics. We have built two ontologies: one for the information in genetics and other for the genetics of information, in the domains of Technology and Information Science and Biological Systems, respectively. In order to illustrate the application of this new architecture, we also present two cases of phenotypic similarity searches, one textual and another imagetic.
Keywords: Architecture of Information; Ontologies; Genetic of Information; Similarity Search.
Talks by Romualdo A PereiraJr
Apresentação no Seminário de Arquitetura da Informação - SemAI, em 19/11/2014, na UnB, sobre ques... more Apresentação no Seminário de Arquitetura da Informação - SemAI, em 19/11/2014, na UnB, sobre questões de Arquitetura da Informação relacionadas a Internet das Coisas e abordagens de recuperação da informação.
Palestra orientada às seguintes questões: (1) Como fazer uso da tecnologia para superar as limita... more Palestra orientada às seguintes questões: (1) Como fazer uso da tecnologia para superar as limitações humanas? (2) O que se pode esperar de um mundo totalmente conectado? (3) Qual o significado do "eu" em uma era de Small Data e Big Data? (4) Que ações a curto, médio e longo prazos as empresas devem adotar para se tornarem competitivas na era do IoT? (5) Na Web of Science, a IoT se caracteriza por artigos com os seguintes conceitos-chave: gestão, segurança, serviços, design e dados. O que significa isso?
Palestra orientada às seguintes questões: (1) Como fazer uso da tecnologia para superar as limita... more Palestra orientada às seguintes questões: (1) Como fazer uso da tecnologia para superar as limitações humanas? (2) O que se pode esperar de um mundo totalmente conectado? (3) Qual o significado do "eu" em uma era de Small Data e Big Data? (4) Que ações a curto, médio e longo prazos as empresas devem adotar para se tornarem competitivas na era do IoT? (5) Na Web of Science, a IoT se caracteriza por artigos com os seguintes conceitos-chave: gestão, segurança, serviços, design e dados. O que significa isso?
Academic Advisor by Romualdo A PereiraJr

Este trabalho é o resultado de um estudo realizado em um banco público brasileiro para investigar... more Este trabalho é o resultado de um estudo realizado em um banco público brasileiro para investigar a perda de eficiência durante a implantação do seu processo de CRM causada por deficiências na infraestrutura tecnológica deste processo e que poderiam ser resolvidas através de soluções já disponíveis no próprio banco. O conselho diretor de um banco público brasileiro decidiu implantar a gestão do relacionamento com o cliente, ou CRM. A implantação iniciou-se com o planejamento e desenho da estrutura organizacional para operar o processo, e logo depois começou o desenho do processo em si. Foi adquirida uma ferramenta corporativa para executar a maior parte das tarefas do CRM com prazo de implantação completa de quatro anos. Porém houve uma mudança no cenário externo que demandou algumas ações imediatas do banco, e antes mesmo de qualquer implantação parcial da ferramenta de CRM adquirida, algumas demandas foram encaminhadas à unidade para execução manual em caráter de emergência. Como não havia experiência ou cultura de CRM dentro da organização, foi contratada uma consultoria externa para ensinar os primeiros passos, e a partir daí iniciou-se uma busca para obter conhecimentos sobre o seu cliente, suas necessidades e seus padrões de consumo e comportamento. A consultoria indicou que neste momento emergencial as técnicas de mineração de dados, ou data mining, deveriam ser utilizadas como principal ferramenta. E por isso também foi iniciado um processo de busca, coleta e centralização de dados sobre produtos, clientes, canais e suas interações entre si, em diversos sistemas corporativos. A aplicação de software utilizada para executar a mineração de dados foi o SAS, que já estava em uso na unidade como banco de dados para alguns processamentos simples de informações mensais. Porém, ao utilizar-se desta infraestrutura de hardware, software e armazenamento, houve alguns atrasos no tempo inicialmente previsto nas entrega de amostras para análise, modelagem e testes de mineração de dados e modelagem estatística. Foi realizado um estudo comparando a infraestrutura utilizada por esta unidade com as infraestruturas já disponíveis no banco e que demandam baixo esforço para implantação, e verificou-se que com pequenas mudanças, baixo investimento e pouco tempo estas poderiam ser substituídas para economizar esforço de desenvolvimento e de operação de processos de mineração de dados aplicados em CRM.
Thesis by Romualdo A PereiraJr
within its four main study approaches, namely: Classical, Molecular, Population and Quantitative. Ontologically, we mainly consider the genome, genotype and phenotype of objects (endurants) and processes (perdurants) in association with terms of information. As results, we present the Genetic Architecture of Information; high-level ontologies developed in analogy between Information Architecture and Genetics aiming to elicit terms of information and biological processes that involve information; and some practical applications, such as phenotypic similarity (textual, visual, acoustic and in research social networks), technological evolution and innovation by means of memetics, information hereditability, and genetic manipulation of information.
Key-words: Intentional Information; Genesis of Information; Genetics of Information; Architecture of Information; Genetic Phenomenology.
Book Chapters by Romualdo A PereiraJr
por similaridade fenotípica, uma textual e outra imagética.
Published Papers by Romualdo A PereiraJr
development supported by Brazilian Space Agency (AEB). Architecture of Information is a useful approach to separate technology and information architectures. The approach addresses knowledge management, the intelligent systems and a more holistic view of information, driven by the development of multi-dimensional architecture and open information patterns. This paper presents the architecture of information framework for
SINDA, focusing on the construction of dimensional models, business process modeling (BPM), and customized IT tools/techniques, such as business intelligence, Rich Internet Applications (RIA), Semantic Web, mobile applications and Grid Computing and Constraints Programming. As a result, the new SINDA will improve the system governance based on the engine rules certified by end-users. Also the system scalability is improved by means of multi-telemetry media, space temporal system database, and environmental data integration supported by open patterns.
Keywords: Flight Plan, autonomous operational routine, client-server web-based system.
such as unattended control of a satellite passing, quick-look of payload data in real time, playback of telemetry data
and remote mission planning by the investigators through the Internet. Matching the satellite orbit with the SACI-1
Ground Station position (in Natal, northeast of Brazil), the satellite visibility shall occur twice a day, in 5-8 minutes
passes, with an average of ~18 Mbytes per pass. As a consequence of both the SACI-1 short contact and the high data
payload acquired by the on-board scientific experiments, the Ground-Satellite protocol communication has been
robustly implemented and the TM/TC application software shall provide essential autonomous features. In order to
meet those requirements with low cost, a compact satellite control system in ground was designed to aggregate in a
same environment the functionality of Ground Station, Control Center and Mission Center.
Keywords: e-Learning, Virtual School, RIA.
Keywords: e-Learning, Space Program, Digital Inclusion, Virtual School; e-Government.
Accepted Papers by Romualdo A PereiraJr
considering their scientific production. The "Input a word, analyze the word" process could be
summarized as follows: words input
in titles of a corpus are analyzed, tokenized and
converted in stems. Then, similarity and clustering algorithms are applied in order to discover
and identify semantic researcher networks based on the common interests disclosed in the
titles of their publi
shed works. The source of information is the Lattes Platform, the Brazilian
official curriculum vitae database. The concept of relevance is taken in account when
selecting the type of scientific production, only considering complete approved works for
odics or events and, also, chapters in books. We will present a study case in a specific
domain of knowledge.
Submitted Papers by Romualdo A PereiraJr
Keywords: Architecture of Information; Ontologies; Genetic of Information; Similarity Search.
Talks by Romualdo A PereiraJr
Academic Advisor by Romualdo A PereiraJr
within its four main study approaches, namely: Classical, Molecular, Population and Quantitative. Ontologically, we mainly consider the genome, genotype and phenotype of objects (endurants) and processes (perdurants) in association with terms of information. As results, we present the Genetic Architecture of Information; high-level ontologies developed in analogy between Information Architecture and Genetics aiming to elicit terms of information and biological processes that involve information; and some practical applications, such as phenotypic similarity (textual, visual, acoustic and in research social networks), technological evolution and innovation by means of memetics, information hereditability, and genetic manipulation of information.
Key-words: Intentional Information; Genesis of Information; Genetics of Information; Architecture of Information; Genetic Phenomenology.
por similaridade fenotípica, uma textual e outra imagética.
development supported by Brazilian Space Agency (AEB). Architecture of Information is a useful approach to separate technology and information architectures. The approach addresses knowledge management, the intelligent systems and a more holistic view of information, driven by the development of multi-dimensional architecture and open information patterns. This paper presents the architecture of information framework for
SINDA, focusing on the construction of dimensional models, business process modeling (BPM), and customized IT tools/techniques, such as business intelligence, Rich Internet Applications (RIA), Semantic Web, mobile applications and Grid Computing and Constraints Programming. As a result, the new SINDA will improve the system governance based on the engine rules certified by end-users. Also the system scalability is improved by means of multi-telemetry media, space temporal system database, and environmental data integration supported by open patterns.
Keywords: Flight Plan, autonomous operational routine, client-server web-based system.
such as unattended control of a satellite passing, quick-look of payload data in real time, playback of telemetry data
and remote mission planning by the investigators through the Internet. Matching the satellite orbit with the SACI-1
Ground Station position (in Natal, northeast of Brazil), the satellite visibility shall occur twice a day, in 5-8 minutes
passes, with an average of ~18 Mbytes per pass. As a consequence of both the SACI-1 short contact and the high data
payload acquired by the on-board scientific experiments, the Ground-Satellite protocol communication has been
robustly implemented and the TM/TC application software shall provide essential autonomous features. In order to
meet those requirements with low cost, a compact satellite control system in ground was designed to aggregate in a
same environment the functionality of Ground Station, Control Center and Mission Center.
Keywords: e-Learning, Virtual School, RIA.
Keywords: e-Learning, Space Program, Digital Inclusion, Virtual School; e-Government.
considering their scientific production. The "Input a word, analyze the word" process could be
summarized as follows: words input
in titles of a corpus are analyzed, tokenized and
converted in stems. Then, similarity and clustering algorithms are applied in order to discover
and identify semantic researcher networks based on the common interests disclosed in the
titles of their publi
shed works. The source of information is the Lattes Platform, the Brazilian
official curriculum vitae database. The concept of relevance is taken in account when
selecting the type of scientific production, only considering complete approved works for
odics or events and, also, chapters in books. We will present a study case in a specific
domain of knowledge.
Keywords: Architecture of Information; Ontologies; Genetic of Information; Similarity Search.
Até o momento verifica-se que o uso de redes de Petri se concentra em meios informais e manuais, possuindo pouco uso, o que impede a modelagem com o uso dessas redes.
Neste trabalho é proposto o uso de redes de Petri para dinamizar a modelagem de sistemas e suas aplicações na área de tecnologia da informação, e em especial será utilizado para verificação, a rede do metrô de Brasília-DF integrado a outros modais de transportes.
equações não-lineares.
Ao final da dissertação, é proposto um novo modelo de processo simplificado para o planejamento estratégico do Gabinete do Ministro. Também é apresentada uma nova estrutura de fluxograma do planejamento estratégico, visando uma melhor forma de execução das atividades da Coordenação.
pode ser considerada uma das responsáveis por essa mudança
consumo, visto que o acesso às redes sociais só é possível, em
equipamentos e softwares, e demais dispositivos, proporcionados pela Tecnologia da Informação.
Palavras-chave: Tecnologia da Informação; Monitoramento de clientes; Marketing negativo.
Recentemente, a possibilidade de integrar e unificar informações de diversas fontes, atrelada a uma massa de dados maior e disponível nas instituições e empresas, abre a oportunidade para as análises de padrões a partir da adoção mais forte de sistemas de informações geográficas.
Dessa maneira, o futuro requer cidades inteligentes, levando em consideração tecnologias que verifiquem a qualidade do ar, a energia usada, o tráfego em tempo real, sensores, a participação da população, mapas em 2 e 3D.
Sendo assim, este trabalho é resultado de estudo baseado nessa nova perspectiva da tecnologia da informação. Comunicar, integrar, analisar e entender para onde a cidade cresce e como ela cresce, por meio do uso de sistemas de informações geográficas; estudar os fenômenos, entender os padrões e o comportamento de uma cidade, da cidade real à cidade legal. Objetiva-se empoderar os gestores do Governo do Distrito Federal para um planejamento urbanístico e habitacional mais justo.
Palavras-chave: MOOC. Ensino a Distância. Open edX.
Palavras-chaves: gerenciamento de projetos, scrum, kanban, pmbok, Sisp, organização pública, métodos ágeis, métodos tradicionais, roadmaps.