Papers by Carlos E . Montúfar Salcedo
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews
Hagar is a woman and a slave, she is also a foreigner, an expatriate and the surrogate of Sara, A... more Hagar is a woman and a slave, she is also a foreigner, an expatriate and the surrogate of Sara, Abraham's legitimate wife. However, Hagar and later her son Ishmael would underestimate Sara and Isaac, triggering their own escape and exclusion twice into the desert. The text develops a hermeneutic analysis, recognizing that any attempt at interpretation is a principle of dialogue whose objective is reflection on the relationship between the human being (Agar) and God, overcoming all social, ethnic or gender barriers. God exists for the ordinary human because that God is sensitive to his own being, to his own misery. It is the God who sees me, who redeems me, who exempts me from death.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews
The Accreditation is the public and temporary recognition of the educational institution, program... more The Accreditation is the public and temporary recognition of the educational institution, program or professional career that has participated in a process of evaluation of its institutional management, and, in areas of social link, research and academia. The university accreditation is part of the process of quality management that includes the evaluation and sometimes the categorization of institutions and careers. From the World Conference on Higher Education held in Paris in 2009, higher education was defined as a social public good, in which States must ensure their quality. This research analyzes initiatives established in Latin America, the United States and the European Space in the search to guarantee quality under the conceptual axis of accreditation, examining the pertinence of categorization in the Ecuadorian experience.

Revista De Investigacion Silogismo, May 23, 2014
La busqueda de instrumentos idoneos para apreciar la realidad fenomenologica es fuente de continu... more La busqueda de instrumentos idoneos para apreciar la realidad fenomenologica es fuente de continuas experiencias. La imprecision, la incertidumbre, la falta de especificidad, la vaguedad, la inconsistencia y la complejidad del mundo real son un desafio permanente a nuestra presuncion de conocimiento. El presente articulo analiza la sensibilidad de nuestros metodos epistemologicos para descubrir el saber. Siendo el lenguaje nuestro vinculo con la realidad expresada, es igualmente un tamiz que segrega, dispersa y clasifica inconscientemente la percepcion de nuestra realidad. Comprendiendo como nuestra realidad, la percepcion que nuestro imaginario construye de ella. En este contexto surge la interrogacion: ?Es la ciencia, tal cual la conocemos en occidente, una generalizacion inductiva del lenguaje, y es este lenguaje representativo de la realidad?
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews
Uncertainty refers to that human experience related to ignorance or disagreement about a phenomen... more Uncertainty refers to that human experience related to ignorance or disagreement about a phenomenon or thing; However, human beings need to submit to uncertainty in order to develop courage, tranquility, certainty and even audacity in their survival. The antipode to uncertainty would be faith, which from theology is the gift of God. Anthropologists equate faith with religion and assert that it is not determined by anything other than itself and, consequently, cannot be reduced to any type of ethnographic explanation. However, faith has an immense capacity to transform the way of being, acting and understanding oneself of human beings. That is, it is an element of profound human transformation with the power to produce factuality. Is the factual power of faith a prize even longed for by human reason?
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 18(01), 1224–1228, 2023
Uncertainty refers to that human experience related to ignorance or disagreement about a phenomen... more Uncertainty refers to that human experience related to ignorance or disagreement about a phenomenon or thing; However, human beings need to submit to uncertainty in order to develop courage, tranquility, certainty and even audacity in their survival. The antipode to uncertainty would be faith, which from theology is the gift of God.
Anthropologists equate faith with religion and assert that it is not determined by anything other than itself and, consequently, cannot be reduced to any type of ethnographic explanation. However, faith has an immense capacity to transform the way of being, acting and understanding oneself of human beings. That is, it is an element of profound human transformation with the power to produce factuality. Is the factual power of faith a prize even longed for by human reason?
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 16(02), 112–115, 2023
Hagar is a woman and a slave, she is also a foreigner, an expatriate and the surrogate of Sara, A... more Hagar is a woman and a slave, she is also a foreigner, an expatriate and the surrogate of Sara, Abraham's legitimate wife. However, Hagar and later her son Ishmael would underestimate Sara and Isaac, triggering their own escape and exclusion twice into the desert. The text develops a hermeneutic analysis, recognizing that any attempt at interpretation
is a principle of dialogue whose objective is reflection on the relationship between the human being (Agar) and God, overcoming all social, ethnic or gender barriers. God exists for the ordinary human because that God is sensitive to his own being, to his own misery. It is the God who sees me, who redeems me, who exempts me from death.

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 17(03), 920–926, 2023
The Accreditation is the public and temporary recognition of the educational institution, program... more The Accreditation is the public and temporary recognition of the educational institution, program or professional career that has participated in a process of evaluation of its institutional management, and, in areas of social link, research and academia. The university accreditation is part of the process of quality management that includes the evaluation and sometimes the categorization of institutions and careers. From the World Conference on Higher Education held in Paris in 2009, higher education was defined as a social public good, in which States must ensure their quality. This research analyzes initiatives established in Latin America, the United States and the European Space in the search to guarantee quality under the conceptual axis of accreditation, examining the pertinence of categorization in the Ecuadorian experience.

Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 2018
Cholera is a diarrheal disease caused by the ingestion of food or water contaminated with Vibrio ... more Cholera is a diarrheal disease caused by the ingestion of food or water contaminated with Vibrio cholerae. Cholera remains a global threat. Each year there are between 1.3 and 4 million cases in the world and between 21,000 and 143,000 deaths. Haiti has a population of 11 million habitants, however, it only has 911 doctors. Despite the progress made since 2010, when an earthquake sruck the country causing the death of 300,000 people, it would trigger the longest and most serious cholera epidemics ever remembered. The objective of the research was to analyze the contribution of the modification of the treatment protocol in the control of the epidemic, based on the antibiotic therapy (doxycycline / erythromycin) of all diagnosed patients, regardless of their degree of dehydration, whether mild, moderate or severe. At the end of 2016, when the protocol modification was initiated, 41,421 cases were recorded. During 2017, there were 13,681 cases, which corresponded to a decrease in the i...
Revista Palobra, "palabra que obra", 2016
Los movimientos de población han contribuido al desarrollo del conocimiento, a incrementar los in... more Los movimientos de población han contribuido al desarrollo del conocimiento, a incrementar los intercambios de información y al desarrollo mutuo de sociedades y culturas, que la geografía o las fronteras allende limitaban, no obstante a partir de los atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2001, la percepción de la inseguridad global se convierte en argumento convincente para cerrar las fronteras y limitar la movilidad humana, más aun luego de los atentados de Paris de noviembre 2015. Desde el surgimiento de lo que se considera como el nuevo paradigma de la inseguridad global, la movilidad humana ha sido representada como factor de riesgo. Este texto por consiguiente propone la necesidad de re-examinar las representaciones habituales de los fenómenos migratorios y sus supuestas relaciones con la inseguridad global.

La multinacional Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) es la creadora del Ranking de Universidades de Latinoa... more La multinacional Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) es la creadora del Ranking de Universidades de Latinoamérica a partir del año 2011. Este ranking
categoriza las universidades a nivel mundial y por regiones. Actualmente
utiliza como categorías la reputación académica a partir de una encuesta global (30%), la reputación ligada al empleador en encuestas (20%), la relación estudiante docente (10%), número de artículos por facultad y citas bibliográficas por articulo (20%), profesores con PhD (10%), impacto en la web (10%). No obstante estos indicadores no fueron siempre los mismos y han sufrido ciertas variaciones, lo cual dificulta la comparación de resultados anualmente. El presente análisis es de tipo observacional y exploratorio cualitativo desde el enfoque interpretativo hermenéutico, el cual se suscita en base a la amplia difusión e influencia del QS, la siguiente interrogante:
clasificación académica pertinente para América latina? ¿Es adecuado que un ranking de esta naturaleza sea considerado para decidir la política pública en educación superior por los Estados latinoamericanos?
Palobra, 2016
Los movimientos de población han contribuido al desarrollo del conocimiento, a incrementar los in... more Los movimientos de población han contribuido al desarrollo del conocimiento, a incrementar los intercambios de información y al desarrollo mutuo de sociedades y culturas, que la geografía o las
fronteras allende limitaban, no obstante a partir de los atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2001, la percepción de la inseguridad global se convierte en argumento convincente para cerrar las fronteras
y limitar la movilidad humana, más aun luego de los atentados de París de noviembre 2015.
Desde el surgimiento de lo que se considera como el nuevo paradigma de la inseguridad global, la movilidad humana ha sido representada como factor de riesgo. Este texto por consiguiente propone
la necesidad de re-examinar las representaciones habituales de los fenómenos migratorios y sus supuestas relaciones con la inseguridad global.

Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 2018
Cholera is a diarrheal disease caused by the ingestion of food or water contaminated with Vibrio ... more Cholera is a diarrheal disease caused by the ingestion of food or water contaminated with Vibrio cholerae. Cholera remains a global threat. Each year there are between 1.3 and 4 million cases in the world and between 21,000 and 143,000 deaths. Haiti has a population of 11 million habitants, however, it only has 911 doctors.
Despite the progress made since 2010, when an earthquake sruck the country causing the death of 300,000 people, it would trigger the longest and most serious cholera epidemics ever remembered. The objective of the research was to analyze the contribution of the modification of the treatment protocol in the control of the epidemic, based on the antibiotic therapy (doxycycline / erythromycin) of all diagnosed patients, regardless of their degree of dehydration, whether mild, moderate
or severe. At the end of 2016, when the protocol modification was initiated, 41,421 cases were recorded. During 2017, there were 13,681 cases, which corresponded to a decrease in the incidence of 66.9%

Medical Case Reports and Reviews. Volume 1(3): 1-3, 2018
Cholera is a diarrheal disease caused by the ingestion of food or water contaminated with Vibrio ... more Cholera is a diarrheal disease caused by the ingestion of food or water contaminated with Vibrio cholerae. Cholera remains a global threat. Each year there are between 1.3 and 4 million cases in the world and between 21,000 and 143,000 deaths. Haiti has a population of 11 million habitants, however, it only has 911 doctors. Despite the progress made since 2010, when an earthquake sruck the country causing the death of 300,000 people, it would trigger the longest and most serious
cholera epidemics ever remembered. The objective of the research was to analyze the contribution of the modification of the treatment protocol in the control of the epidemic, based on the antibiotic therapy (doxycycline / erythromycin) of all diagnosed patients, regardless of their degree of dehydration, whether mild, moderate
or severe. At the end of 2016, when the protocol modification was initiated, 41,421 cases were recorded. During 2017, there were 13,681 cases, which corresponded to a decrease in the incidence of 66.9%.

La democracia se basa en coexistencia social con ciudadanos libres e iguales, vinculados con meca... more La democracia se basa en coexistencia social con ciudadanos libres e iguales, vinculados con mecanismos contractuales. El autoritarismo en oposición es una particularidad de la autoridad que imputa la voluntad de quien representa al poder en ausencia de consenso ocasionando arbitrariedad. Este tipo de régimen requiere sustento popular establecido en el bienestar económico de sus ciudadanos, generando tolerancia al autoritarismo, sobre todo con apoyo de las juventudes. Realizamos un estudio de opinión con jóvenes universitarios sobre la preferencia entre democracia plena y democracia autoritaria mediados por bienestar económico. El 86% de los encuestados manifestó favoritismo por un gobierno autoritario a condición de bonanza económica (pleno empleo, buenas remuneraciones, acceso gratuito a la educación). La juventud percibe en los gobiernos autoritarios una democracia de respuesta oportuna que asegura el derecho al acceso de bienes y servicios en un orden internacional compartido, divergente y sembrado de conflictos y extremismo ideológico. ¿Es adecuada esta tendencia para un nuevo mundo global donde prime la tolerancia?
Recibido: 3 de abril de 2017/ Aceptado: xxx
Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) is the creator of the Universities Ranking in Latin America since 2011.... more Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) is the creator of the Universities Ranking in Latin America since 2011. This ranking categorizes universities worldwide and by region. Categories currently used as academic reputation from a global survey (30 %), reputation linked to employer surveys (20 %), student teacher ratio (10 %), and number of articles per faculty and citations per article (20 %), teachers with PhD (10%), and the impact on the web (10%). However, these indicators were not always the same and have undergone certain changes, making it difficult to compare results annually.

La multinacional Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) es la creadora del Ranking de Universidades de Latinoa... more La multinacional Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) es la creadora del Ranking de Universidades de Latinoamérica a partir del año 2011. Este ranking categoriza las universidades a nivel mundial y por regiones. Actualmente utiliza como categorías la reputación académica a partir de una encuesta global (30%), la reputación ligada al empleador en encuestas (20%), la relación estudiante docente (10%), número de artículos por facultad y citas bibliográficas por articulo (20%), profesores con PhD (10%), impacto en la web (10%). No obstante estos indicadores no fueron siempre los mismos y han sufrido ciertas variaciones, lo cual dificulta la comparación de resultados anualmente. El presente análisis es de tipo observacional y exploratorio cualitativo desde el enfoque interpretativo – hermenéutico, el cual se suscita en base a la amplia difusión e influencia del QS, la siguiente interrogante: ¿Puede considerarse al “QS world university ranking” un instrumento de clasificación académica pertinente para América latina? ¿Es adecuado que un ranking de esta naturaleza sea considerado para decidir la política pública en educación superior por los Estados latinoamericanos?

Educar proviene del latín “educere” es decir extraer, conducir y “educare” que significa instruir... more Educar proviene del latín “educere” es decir extraer, conducir y “educare” que significa instruir, introducir, alimentar. En consecuencia educar es un proceso de socialización y enculturación cuya finalidad es adquirir capacidades y descubrir potencialidades del individuo alineado en valores. El Ecuador del siglo XXI vive un proceso de cambio que incluye la educación universitaria. El gobierno propuso la refundación del Estado incorporando en la Carta Magna (2008) los principios de un nuevo pacto social a partir del desarrollo del Buen vivir, una respuesta ética para mejorar la calidad de vida. Estudiantes de la Universidad local participaron en un estudio exploratorio del cual 63% estimó como motivo causal de sus estudios ser mejor humano y 37% una alta remuneración. Sin embargo en el subgrupo de estudiantes de cursos superiores los resultados fueron opuestos: 37% manifestó que su finalidad de estudio era ser mejor humano y para el 63% obtener altas remuneraciones.

La democracia se basa en coexistencia social con ciudadanos libres e iguales vinculados con meca... more La democracia se basa en coexistencia social con ciudadanos libres e iguales vinculados con mecanismos contractuales. El autoritarismo en oposición es una particularidad de la autoridad que imputa la voluntad de quien representa al poder en ausencia de consenso ocasionando arbitrariedad. Este tipo de régimen requiere sustento popular establecido en el bienestar económico de sus ciudadanos, generando tolerancia al autoritarismo, sobre todo con apoyo de las juventudes. Realizamos un estudio de opinión con jóvenes universitarios sobre la preferencia entre democracia plena y democracia autoritaria mediados por bienestar económico. 86% de encuestados manifestaron favoritismo por un gobierno autoritario a condición de bonanza económica (pleno empleo, buenas remuneraciones, acceso gratuito a la educación). La juventud percibe en los gobiernos autoritarios una democracia de respuesta oportuna que asegura el derecho al acceso de bienes y servicios. ¿Es adecuada esta tendencia para un nuevo mundo global donde prime la tolerancia?
Análisis de la construcción dela opinión política a través de la cultura.
Papers by Carlos E . Montúfar Salcedo
Anthropologists equate faith with religion and assert that it is not determined by anything other than itself and, consequently, cannot be reduced to any type of ethnographic explanation. However, faith has an immense capacity to transform the way of being, acting and understanding oneself of human beings. That is, it is an element of profound human transformation with the power to produce factuality. Is the factual power of faith a prize even longed for by human reason?
is a principle of dialogue whose objective is reflection on the relationship between the human being (Agar) and God, overcoming all social, ethnic or gender barriers. God exists for the ordinary human because that God is sensitive to his own being, to his own misery. It is the God who sees me, who redeems me, who exempts me from death.
categoriza las universidades a nivel mundial y por regiones. Actualmente
utiliza como categorías la reputación académica a partir de una encuesta global (30%), la reputación ligada al empleador en encuestas (20%), la relación estudiante docente (10%), número de artículos por facultad y citas bibliográficas por articulo (20%), profesores con PhD (10%), impacto en la web (10%). No obstante estos indicadores no fueron siempre los mismos y han sufrido ciertas variaciones, lo cual dificulta la comparación de resultados anualmente. El presente análisis es de tipo observacional y exploratorio cualitativo desde el enfoque interpretativo hermenéutico, el cual se suscita en base a la amplia difusión e influencia del QS, la siguiente interrogante:
clasificación académica pertinente para América latina? ¿Es adecuado que un ranking de esta naturaleza sea considerado para decidir la política pública en educación superior por los Estados latinoamericanos?
fronteras allende limitaban, no obstante a partir de los atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2001, la percepción de la inseguridad global se convierte en argumento convincente para cerrar las fronteras
y limitar la movilidad humana, más aun luego de los atentados de París de noviembre 2015.
Desde el surgimiento de lo que se considera como el nuevo paradigma de la inseguridad global, la movilidad humana ha sido representada como factor de riesgo. Este texto por consiguiente propone
la necesidad de re-examinar las representaciones habituales de los fenómenos migratorios y sus supuestas relaciones con la inseguridad global.
Despite the progress made since 2010, when an earthquake sruck the country causing the death of 300,000 people, it would trigger the longest and most serious cholera epidemics ever remembered. The objective of the research was to analyze the contribution of the modification of the treatment protocol in the control of the epidemic, based on the antibiotic therapy (doxycycline / erythromycin) of all diagnosed patients, regardless of their degree of dehydration, whether mild, moderate
or severe. At the end of 2016, when the protocol modification was initiated, 41,421 cases were recorded. During 2017, there were 13,681 cases, which corresponded to a decrease in the incidence of 66.9%
cholera epidemics ever remembered. The objective of the research was to analyze the contribution of the modification of the treatment protocol in the control of the epidemic, based on the antibiotic therapy (doxycycline / erythromycin) of all diagnosed patients, regardless of their degree of dehydration, whether mild, moderate
or severe. At the end of 2016, when the protocol modification was initiated, 41,421 cases were recorded. During 2017, there were 13,681 cases, which corresponded to a decrease in the incidence of 66.9%.
Anthropologists equate faith with religion and assert that it is not determined by anything other than itself and, consequently, cannot be reduced to any type of ethnographic explanation. However, faith has an immense capacity to transform the way of being, acting and understanding oneself of human beings. That is, it is an element of profound human transformation with the power to produce factuality. Is the factual power of faith a prize even longed for by human reason?
is a principle of dialogue whose objective is reflection on the relationship between the human being (Agar) and God, overcoming all social, ethnic or gender barriers. God exists for the ordinary human because that God is sensitive to his own being, to his own misery. It is the God who sees me, who redeems me, who exempts me from death.
categoriza las universidades a nivel mundial y por regiones. Actualmente
utiliza como categorías la reputación académica a partir de una encuesta global (30%), la reputación ligada al empleador en encuestas (20%), la relación estudiante docente (10%), número de artículos por facultad y citas bibliográficas por articulo (20%), profesores con PhD (10%), impacto en la web (10%). No obstante estos indicadores no fueron siempre los mismos y han sufrido ciertas variaciones, lo cual dificulta la comparación de resultados anualmente. El presente análisis es de tipo observacional y exploratorio cualitativo desde el enfoque interpretativo hermenéutico, el cual se suscita en base a la amplia difusión e influencia del QS, la siguiente interrogante:
clasificación académica pertinente para América latina? ¿Es adecuado que un ranking de esta naturaleza sea considerado para decidir la política pública en educación superior por los Estados latinoamericanos?
fronteras allende limitaban, no obstante a partir de los atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2001, la percepción de la inseguridad global se convierte en argumento convincente para cerrar las fronteras
y limitar la movilidad humana, más aun luego de los atentados de París de noviembre 2015.
Desde el surgimiento de lo que se considera como el nuevo paradigma de la inseguridad global, la movilidad humana ha sido representada como factor de riesgo. Este texto por consiguiente propone
la necesidad de re-examinar las representaciones habituales de los fenómenos migratorios y sus supuestas relaciones con la inseguridad global.
Despite the progress made since 2010, when an earthquake sruck the country causing the death of 300,000 people, it would trigger the longest and most serious cholera epidemics ever remembered. The objective of the research was to analyze the contribution of the modification of the treatment protocol in the control of the epidemic, based on the antibiotic therapy (doxycycline / erythromycin) of all diagnosed patients, regardless of their degree of dehydration, whether mild, moderate
or severe. At the end of 2016, when the protocol modification was initiated, 41,421 cases were recorded. During 2017, there were 13,681 cases, which corresponded to a decrease in the incidence of 66.9%
cholera epidemics ever remembered. The objective of the research was to analyze the contribution of the modification of the treatment protocol in the control of the epidemic, based on the antibiotic therapy (doxycycline / erythromycin) of all diagnosed patients, regardless of their degree of dehydration, whether mild, moderate
or severe. At the end of 2016, when the protocol modification was initiated, 41,421 cases were recorded. During 2017, there were 13,681 cases, which corresponded to a decrease in the incidence of 66.9%.
Key words: cholera, protocol of treatment, epidemic control.