Papers by Muhammad Nadeem Anwar

Resilience is the ability to succeed despite barriers that make it difficult for the students to ... more Resilience is the ability to succeed despite barriers that make it difficult for the students to succeed. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between resilience and academic achievement of secondary level students of Gujranwala, Pakistan. A Resilience scale was used to collect data. The sample consisted of 127 secondary students, including 52 boys and 75 girls. The data revealed that there was no association between resilience and achievement as measured through marks obtained in 10 th grade. The boys are more resilient than girls at the secondary level in Pakistan. determined that resilience scale was the best instrument to study resilience in the adolescent population due to psychometric properties of the instrument and applications in a variety of age groups, including adolescence. Resilience can be predicted by student's relationships with adults and peers. According to , the resilient students get more GPA than their non-resilient counterparts coming from the same socio-economic status.

The major purpose of the present study was to explore the relationship between Creative Thinking ... more The major purpose of the present study was to explore the relationship between Creative Thinking and Academic Achievements of Secondary School Students. The study was conducted using survey design method. A total number of 256 students participated in the study. Participants were selected using random table. Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking [TTCT] was used to measure creative potential of participants on four elements. Pearson Correlation and one-way ANOVA were used to verify hypothesis. Results revealed a statistically significant relationship between i) creative thinking and students' academic achievements on different aspects of test of creative thinking, ii) creative thinking and academic achievements. However, the relationship could be altered when different level of academic achievement is examined and when creative thinking measure employed. The study has considerable implications for education as a whole.
Any behavior that does not conform to social organizational norms is considered deviant. Observin... more Any behavior that does not conform to social organizational norms is considered deviant. Observing school timings, teaching classes regularly and behaving properly with students and colleagues are basic school norms. This study was conducted to test whether there is any deviation in organizational, interpersonal, behavior, among rural-urban male-female primary school teachers. The results revealed higher organizational deviations among primary school teachers as compared to interpersonal deviation. Male teachers show greater degree of deviation. The remedial measures demand incentives (performance based promotion), motivation, appreciation, proper monitoring system and training facilities.

Any behavior that does not conform to social organizational norms is deviance. This study was con... more Any behavior that does not conform to social organizational norms is deviance. This study was conducted to test whether there is any difference in organizational deviance and interpersonal deviance behavior, deviance behavior of male-female university teachers. All teaching staff of the University of Sargodha was target population and for convenience fifty lecturers of post graduate level were selected randomly for the sample. Of these respondents 26 were male and 24 were female. A broad and theoretically derived measure of deviant behavior in the workplace was used. This measure was developed by Rebecca J. Benett (University of Toledo) and Sandra L. Robinson (University of British Columbia). The results of this study reveal that the ratio of organization deviance in the university's workspace is more dominant as compared to interpersonal deviance and the male teaching staff of University of Sargodha is more deviant at workplace as compared to female teaching staff.

Decision making can be regarded as an outcome of mental processes (cognitive process) leading to ... more Decision making can be regarded as an outcome of mental processes (cognitive process) leading to the selection of a course of action among several alternatives. Every decision making process produces a final choice. The output can be an action or an opinion. The purpose of this descriptive survey was to explore the Decision making practices in administrative and academic matters in the universities of Pakistan. A sample of nineteen universities was selected by applying stratified random sampling technique. The respondents, i-e members of university bodies; teachers and administrative officers were selected randomly. Three questionnaires constructed on Likert's fivepoint scale were used for data collection. Data was tabulated and analyzed by using the F-ratio and Chi-square. The survey results revealed that overall decision-making practices in the universities were found unsatisfactory and, most of the decisions were made without application of management decision-making techniques.

Creative thinking is an important human characteristic. It is the best thought as a process, requ... more Creative thinking is an important human characteristic. It is the best thought as a process, requiring a mixture of ingredients, including personality traits, abilities and skills. This article compares the differences in creative thinking abilities between students with high and low levels of academic achievements. A total number of 208 secondary school students participated in this study. Two groups were formulated i-e high achievers (n=104) and low achievers (n=104). Analysis of data was done using t-test for independent sample to estimate the comparison at 0.05 levels. A self developed instrument was used to measure the creative thinking potential. Results of the study revealed that there was no difference between high achievers and low achievers in terms of creative thinking abilities. However, girls and the students belonging to urban areas found better in their creative thinking.
Papers by Muhammad Nadeem Anwar