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T h e purpose of these studies is to characterize children's conception of reversal and its relation to a reference state. A reversal is the move from one state to some prior state of affairs. For example, shoes that hare been TIED can be... more
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      EnglishLanguage DevelopmentLanguageComparative Study
This study was designed to follow up children's early spontaneous uses of from to mark oblique agents by giving 40 children (aged 2 ; 5-6; I), and 1 0 adults, grammatical and ungrammatical sentences containing from, with, and by to... more
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      Language AcquisitionSemanticsEnglishSyntax
Although non-profit organizations in Russia have been growing, the independent sector still faces many obstacles. Despite this, many local NGOs work successfully in social spheres, including work with disadvantaged youth. In this paper,... more
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    • Computer Science
Fieldnotcs can be used, and how valuable a resource preliminary exploration into one aspect of Wetan formation of relative clauses. Wetan is one of reportedly five distinct of Wetan, in the Babar Archipelago of Eastern Indonesia (Collins... more
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In Cambodia, orphan dance shows were once popular as a way to preserve endangered art forms and to cultivate children's dignity and well-being. But they came to be seen as exploitative instead, and today are nearly nonexistent. This... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesMultidisciplinaryCambridge University
This paper argues that the Egyptian revolution of 25 January 2011 has to be understood in the context of neoliberal economic shift. The two decades of economic liberalisation policies were accompanied by authoritarianism while at the same... more
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      Political SociologySocial MovementsComparative PoliticsMiddle East Studies
This paper examines the transformation of Syrian political economy from 1970 until 2005. I argue that Syria has undergone two important phases of political and economic transformation, from building a centralized state and economy in the... more
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical EconomyMiddle East StudiesInternational Development
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      Political EconomyMiddle East StudiesNeoliberalismMiddle East Politics
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      Middle East StudiesWar StudiesAmerican Foreign PolicyColonialism
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical EconomyComparative Political EconomyState Formation and Sovereignty in Middle East
The Syrian uprising passed its one year mark with the Ba’th regime still in power. Since the beginning of the uprising, however, peaceful protests have declined and have been replaced by armed struggle. What were the factors that... more
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      Political SociologyComparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict Studies
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      International DevelopmentAfghanistanAmerican Foreign Policy in the post-Soviet spaceState-building in the Failed States
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      Middle East StudiesIsrael/PalestineLebanonSyriac Studies
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      Development StudiesMiddle East StudiesSyrian StudiesSyria
The Sinai region of Egypt, especially north Sinai has become the focus of a military campaign by the Egyptian state over the past two years. The Egyptian government and media have presented the escalation of the conflict in the region as... more
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      Middle East StudiesPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismRadicalizationEgypt
In this paper I argue that the relative unity of domestic and external forces supporting the status quo and the disunity and lack of organization of the protest movement have played an important role in determining the outcome of the... more
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      Middle East StudiesRevolutionsEgyptMiddle East Politics
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      Housing PolicySlums, Favelas, and Shanty-townsSlums Studies
In this chapter, I provide a comparative analysis of the political economy of Egypt and Tunisia in the post-Arab uprisings period. Political analysts have concluded that Egypt has reverted to authoritarianism, while Tunisia is holding... more
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      GlobalizationMiddle East StudiesInternational Political EconomyNeoliberalism
Introduction Our understanding of the uprising in the Arab world over the past year has been heavily shaped by the mainstream media, reflecting its powerful role in focusing our attention on the uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt, and Syria,... more
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      Middle East StudiesSyriac StudiesMiddle East PoliticsArab Spring (Arab Revolts)