Papers by Javier Panete Pérez

Revista Española de la Transparencia, 2019
Los medios de comunicación juegan un papel fundamental a la hora de transmitir a los ciudadanos u... more Los medios de comunicación juegan un papel fundamental a la hora de transmitir a los ciudadanos una información plural sobre las candidaturas electorales. Esta afirmación es mayor en los medios públicos, sometidos a una estricta regulación en campaña electoral, teniendo que dedicar un tiempo y un orden proporcionales a cada candidatura según los votos obtenidos por éstas en las anteriores elecciones equivalentes (los llamados “bloques electorales”). Los periodistas utilizan criterios legales para elaborar la información política, una circunstancia impuesta por la Ley Electoral (LOREG) y la doctrina de la Junta Electoral Central y ampliamente criticada por las asociaciones de periodistas. Este artículo compara, mediante un análisis de contenido con variables cualitativas y cuantitativas, el ejercicio de transparencia de varias televisiones. Así, ofrece un nuevo concepto de transparencia aplicada a los medios. Se analiza la cobertura de cada televisión y los mensajes que éstas emiten ...
Medicina Clínica Práctica, 2021
Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie VII, Historia del Arte, 1992
La Universidad de Harvard guarda entre sus fondos un dibujo de Baccio del Bianco que representa l... more La Universidad de Harvard guarda entre sus fondos un dibujo de Baccio del Bianco que representa la escena introductoria de la comedia Perseo y Andrómeda de Calderón. Se trata de uno de los escasos testigos iconográficos que conservamos de la escenografía española del Siglo de Oro, y esto le confiere un valor singular para el historiador del teatro. Pero para el historiador del arte también constituye un documento precioso sobre las ideas estéticas de esa época, pues lo que allí se representa no es ni más ni menos que alegorías de las tres artes que conforman la comedia; y entre ellas, al lado de la Poesía y de la Música, no falta la Pintura.
Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie VII, Historia del Arte, 1993
Cuando Casilda, recién casada con Peribáñez, describe a su amiga Inés las mieles de su nuevo esta... more Cuando Casilda, recién casada con Peribáñez, describe a su amiga Inés las mieles de su nuevo estado comenta sobre su servicio de mesa: «Sacóla en limpios manteles, no en plata, aunque yo quisiera; platos son de Talavera, que están vertiendo claveles»'.
Disparidades. Revista de Antropología, 2020
Mediante la comparación de las fuentes literarias y de archivo que nos han quedado sobre unas imp... more Mediante la comparación de las fuentes literarias y de archivo que nos han quedado sobre unas importantes fiestas religiosas celebradas en 1622 en Madrid, en este artículo se ha tratado de hacer un estudio valorativo del significado de las llamadas «relaciones de fiestas», y de identificar algunas de las leyes que las rigen.
Clinical Case Studies and Reports, 2019

Enfermería Global, 2014
Determinar los factores que influyen en la realización de una episiotomía selectiva en mujeres nu... more Determinar los factores que influyen en la realización de una episiotomía selectiva en mujeres nulíparas. Material y método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en el Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet (HUMS) de Zaragoza con una muestra de 568 mujeres nulíparas. Se comparó la existencia o no de episiotomía tras el parto con las variables: edad materna, nacionalidad, edad gestacional, peso fetal, hora de nacimiento, sexo fetal, analgesia empleada y profesional que asiste el parto, así como la existencia de desgarros y los resultados del pH de la arteria umbilical fetal. Resultados: La tasa de episiotomía en las mujeres nulíparas en el HUMS de Zaragoza es de un 62%. Entre los factores que influyen en la realización de una episiotomía se encuentran el mayor peso del feto (p =0,000), así como el criterio individual del profesional que asiste el parto. Otros factores como la edad gestacional, el sexo fetal, la analgesia epidural, la hora de nacimiento o la nacionalidad no influyen en su realización. El no hacer episiotomía incrementa los desgarros perineales de primer grado, y en menor medida los de segundo, sin que ocasione un mayor riesgo para el bienestar fetal. Enfermería Global Nº 35 Julio 2014 Página 399 Además, su no realización permite la posibilidad de mantener el periné íntegro tras el parto, principalmente entre las mujeres más jóvenes. Conclusión: Sería recomendable revisar los protocolos de política selectiva de episiotomía para conseguir disminuir su tasa e igualar los porcentajes existentes entre los diferentes profesionales ABSTRACT Objective: To determinate factors affecting the performance of a selective episiotomy in nulliparous women. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at the Miguel Servet University Hospital (HUMS) of Zaragoza within a sample of 568 nulliparous women. The performance of episiotomy was compared to postpartum variables such as: maternal age, nationality, gestational age, fetal weight, time of birth, fetal sex, analgesia used and professional attending the birth, as well as the existence of tears and pH results fetal umbilical cord artery. Results: The rate of episiotomy in nulliparous women at HUMS of Zaragoza is 62%. Factors influencing the performance of an episiotomy are greater fetal weight (p=0,000), as well as individual professional judgment attending childbirth. Other factors such as gestational age, fetal sex, epidural analgesia, time of birth or nationality do not affect the above mentioned performance. Lack of episiotomy increases first degree perineal tears and, to a lesser extent, the second degree, without causing an increased risk for fetal wellbeing. In addition, it allows the possibility of maintaining the full perineum after birth, mainly among younger women. Conclusions: It would be advisable to revise the protocols of selective policy for episiotomy rate decrease and equalize rates between different professionals.

International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2014
Objective: Community-genotype methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CG-MRSA) isolates are ... more Objective: Community-genotype methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CG-MRSA) isolates are known to be more virulent and clinically aggressive in children. The goal of the present study was characterize the molecular epidemiology of MRSA isolates causing infections in Colombian children. Methods: An observational and prospective study was conducted between April 2009 and June 2011 at 15 hospitals in Bogotá , Colombia. A detailed epidemiological profile was made of 162 children infected with MRSA. The isolates were subjected to antimicrobial susceptibility testing, molecular characterization including 21 virulence genes, SCCmec, spa and agr typing, multilocus sequence typing (MLST), and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Results: Among all isolates included in the study, 85.8% were obtained from patients whose infectious process was initiated in the community; of these, 69,8% occurred in patients without healthcareassociated risk factors. The molecular characterization of the isolates showed a high proportion (95.1%) containing a community-genotype profile with a high prevalence of SCCmec type IV, PVL-positives, and also related to CC8. Most CG-MRSA isolates (143, 92.9%) were genetically related to the pandemic clone USA300, differing by the presence of SCCmec IVc and the absence of the arginine catabolic mobile element (ACME). Conclusions: An increase in the frequency of CG-MRSA infections has been reported worldwide. In this study we found that almost all MRSA infections in our pediatric population were caused by communitygenotype isolates, supporting the success of the CG-MRSA clones.
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2013
Six multiresistant, NDM-1-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae strains were recovered from an outbreak... more Six multiresistant, NDM-1-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae strains were recovered from an outbreak that affected six neonatal patients in a Colombian hospital. Molecular analysis showed that all of the isolates harbored the bla NDM-1 , qnrA , and intI1 genes and were clonally related. Multilocus sequence typing showed that the isolates belonged to a new sequence type (ST1043) that was different from the sequence types that had previously been reported. This is the first report of NDM-1-producing isolates in South America.
2014 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC), 2014
This paper proposes extending Monte Carlo Localization methods with visual information in order t... more This paper proposes extending Monte Carlo Localization methods with visual information in order to build a long term robot localization system. This system is aimed to work in crowded and non-planar scenarios, where 2D laser rangefinders may not always be enough to match the robot position with the map. Thus, visual place recognition will be used in order to obtain robot position clues that can be used to detect when the robot is lost and also to reset its positions to the right one. The paper presents experimental results based on datasets gathered with a real robot in challenging scenarios.
UNCA Liver Studies, 2023
This paper presents an unknown to date hypothesis linking Barcelona's urban transformation under ... more This paper presents an unknown to date hypothesis linking Barcelona's urban transformation under Ada Colau's leadership to an increase in cholestasis cases, highlighting an amusing correlation.

The current Standard Model (SM) of fundamental interactions has in its lightest particle, the neu... more The current Standard Model (SM) of fundamental interactions has in its lightest particle, the neutrino, a key to open the door for a much profound understanding of the laws of the fundamental interactions. However, due to the low interaction cross section of the neutrinos, it is very hard to get information about them. Basic questions are the exact masses of the neutrinos and their hierarachy, the precise value of the mixing parameters and, in particular, the presence or not of a significant leptonic CP violation. Furthermore, there is overall the fundamental question of the nature of the neutrino particle: Majorana or Dirac, i.e., wether the neutrino is its own antiparticle or not. The scientific comunity is running numerous experiments to solve these questions, most of them in underground conditions to maximize the visibility of the neutrino signals. This Thesis deals with NEXT, a 'double beta zero neutrino' (2β0ν) experiment, and with Super-Kamiokande, a proton decay and neutrino detector. NEXT (Neutrino Experiment with a Xenon TPC) is a 2β0ν experiment designed to study if neutrino is a Majorana particle. These type of experiments is the only known way to solve this question. This decay is a special case of double beta decay, where the nuclei can't decay β but it's possible to decay twice. Because the neutrinos annihilate each other, all the energy of the reaction corresponding to the mass difference between parent and daughter nuclei is shared only between the two electrons. In the case of the 136 Xe isotope of NEXT, this energy is 2458 keV. Thus, NEXT searches for a narrow peak at this value in the two-electron total energy spectrum. However, radioactive contaminations in the materials of the experiment can fake that signal and it is absolutely necessary to reduce and quantify the corresponding background from all the components of the detector down to tolerable values. Relevant for NEXT are the isotopes 208 Tl and 214 Bi, because photons emitted in their decays can have energies very close to the 2β0ν signal.
The NEXT-100 time projection chamber, currently under construction, will search for neutrinoless ... more The NEXT-100 time projection chamber, currently under construction, will search for neutrinoless double beta decay (2β0ν) using 100kg at 15bar of high-pressure xenon gas enriched in the 136 Xe isotope to 90%. It will be running in the Canfranc Underground Laboratory (LSC) under
ABSTRACT This paper presents a systematic comparative study involving two fundamental mechanisms ... more ABSTRACT This paper presents a systematic comparative study involving two fundamental mechanisms envisaged to play a crucial role in 4G networks, namely, fractional frequency reuse (FFR) and coordinated multipoint transmission (CoMP). A simulation framework is developed to assess the performance of the most relevant coordination schemes under different user scheduling policies while also revealing what are the corresponding optimum settings for the FFR component. Moreover, for one particularly interesting CoMP technique, namely, zero-forcing (ZF) precoding, a novel power allocation strategy is proposed that is shown to significantly enhance its performance. Simulation results serve to confirm the benefits of combining both techniques, FFR and CoMP, in comparison to non-coordinated architectures.
Journal of hematotherapy, Feb 1, 1999

We propose the construction of LEGEND-1000, the ton-scale Large Enriched Germanium Experiment for... more We propose the construction of LEGEND-1000, the ton-scale Large Enriched Germanium Experiment for Neutrinoless $\beta \beta$ Decay. This international experiment is designed to answer one of the highest priority questions in fundamental physics. It consists of 1000 kg of Ge detectors enriched to more than 90% in the $^{76}$Ge isotope operated in a liquid argon active shield at a deep underground laboratory. By combining the lowest background levels with the best energy resolution in the field, LEGEND-1000 will perform a quasi-background-free search and can make an unambiguous discovery of neutrinoless double-beta decay with just a handful of counts at the decay $Q$ value. The experiment is designed to probe this decay with a 99.7%-CL discovery sensitivity in the $^{76}$Ge half-life of $1.3\times10^{28}$ years, corresponding to an effective Majorana mass upper limit in the range of 9-21 meV, to cover the inverted-ordering neutrino mass scale with 10 yr of live time.
El Real Alcazar De Madrid Dos Siglos De Arquitectura Y Coleccionismo En La Corte De Los Reyes De Espana Palacio Real Septiembre Noviembre 1994 1994 Isbn 84 86763 91 6 Pags 112 132, 1994
Papers by Javier Panete Pérez