University of the People
Resumen: Este texto analiza la técnica literaria de la ruptura de la cuarta pared en la narrativa desde una perspectiva literaria, para sugerir un incremento en su producción en los últimos años. Asímismo, se exponen las principales... more
Resumen: Colin B Harvey, escritor y académico explora en este texto las diferentes maneras en las que la ciencia ficción y la fantasía, producciones culturales masivas en estos últimos 15 años, aplican técnicas que traspasan las barreras... more
Quizá sea extraño pensar que un autor como J. R. R. Tolkien despreciara públicamente el trabajo de Shakespeare. El escritor de El Señor de los Anillos afirmaba que se le estaba dando demasiada importancia a dicho autor, y abogaba por una... more
The social value of women during the Renaissance limited their intellectual interests to marriage and obedience to their partner. When a woman did not follow this pattern, she was considered a spinster. Women who showed intellectual... more
Llegir és un regal que els llibres ens donen. Podem llegir gràcies als contes. Llegir és una il•lusió per als sentiments. Quan llegeixo em diverteixo i omplo d'emoció el meu cos, amb il•lusió.
En este artículo se estudiará la noción de poelítica en poemas y canciones del marco cronotópico de la región Este-Nordeste de la península ibérica del siglo XXI, tanto en valenciano como en castellano, para sugerir que esta prominencia... more
Virginia Woolf is held to be one of the great feminist writers of modern times. In To the Lighthouse, we find Woolf's presentation of a family which is at war with itself, while surrounded by war in the world. In this paper, I would... more
This paper presents a new aphasia test, one which is easy to administer, and is aimed at the people who have studied English as a Second Language (ESL). The prime aim of the test is to benefit Indians, but people from other non-native... more
This paper proposes to discuss the basic aspects of language formation in the brain – its location, before proceeding to discuss aphasia. The paper draws upon the research carried out at University of Liverpool, where it was shown that... more
This paper draws upon recent researches on language, carried out using various scanning and imaging techniques, like EEG, PET and fMRI. The findings of various researches suggest that parts of the right hemisphere, relative to Broca's... more
This is a chapter from my book 'Macbeth: Critically Annotated Shakespeare'. Citation should be as follows: Mallik, Nilanko. 'Shakespeare's Verse Style: A Study of the Gradual Development of Blank Verse, Couplets and Prose.' Macbeth:... more
This is part of a chapter from my book 'Macbeth: Critically Annotated Shakespeare'. Citation should be as follows: Mallik, Nilanko. 'Role of Witches in Macbeth' in 'Macbeth - Textual Analysis'. Macbeth: Critically Annotated Shakespeare.... more
This book is for students who need a comprehensive understanding of the poems which are generally studied in English courses at undergraduate or post-graduate levels. This book features some of the representative poets of the Victorian... more
This book discusses an alternative approach to treatment of aphasia and other speech disorders, using Shakespearean text. The book discusses 4 case studies and lists in detail how various passages, carefully chosen from Shakespeare's... more