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      EconomicsEconometricsApplied EconomicsDeveloping Country
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      EconometricsFinancial EconomicsEmpirical FinanceTime Series
In the Grossman and Helpman (1994) model of endogenous trade protection, sectoral lobbies try to influence an incumbent government that maximizes a weighted sum of political contributions and aggregate welfare. We empirically investigate... more
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      EconomicsParameter estimationCanadian
In this paper, we empirically analyze the effects of trade reforms on import demand and derive their implications on economic development in Turkey, a country that underwent sudden and substantial trade liberalization in the mid-1980s.... more
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    • Economic Social
Using singular spectrum analysis (SSA), we model the realized volatility and logarithmic standard deviations of two important futures return series. The realized volatility and logarithmic standard deviations are constructed following the... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsRisk ManagementEconophysics
We examine the forecasting performance of a number of parametric and nonparametric models based on a training-validation sample approach and the use of rolling short-term forecasts to compute root mean-squared errors. We find that the... more
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      MarketingEconometricsForecastingRoot-Mean Square Error
We would like to thank Richard Clarida for useful discussions. 1 The acronym SMARMA stands for structural multivariate autoregressive moving average (model).
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      MarketingEconometricsForecastingRational Expectations
Using Turkish industry-level data from 1983 to 1990, we find that politically organized industries receive both higher protection and promotion than unorganized ones. Tariff rates are decreasing (increasing) in the import-penetration... more
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      EconomicsEconomics and Politics
Using exchange rate uncertainty (ERU) and sociopolitical instability (SPI) as measures of macroeconomic imbalances and political disorder, respectively, we investigate the link between these two factors and private investment in Latin... more
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      Development EconomicsProperty RightsDevelopmentApplied Economics
We extend earlier work on the NoVaS transformation approach introduced by Politis (2003a,b). The proposed approach is model-free and especially relevant when making forecasts in the context of model uncertainty and structural breaks. We... more
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      Time SeriesModel Uncertainty
In this paper, we explore the extent of exchange rate pass-through for the USA, UK and Japan using a post-Bretton Woods industry-level dataset. We then investigate how di®erent channels of exchange rate pass-through a®ect domestic and... more
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      Applied EconomicsMoney and FinanceExchange Rate Pass-through
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We examine whether industry-level forecasts of CPI and PPI inflation can be improved when we use the "exchange rate pass-through" effect, that is, when we account for the variability of the exchange rate and import prices. We build a... more
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      MarketingEconometricsEconomic TheoryForecasting
We build on extant theory of the MNC, MNC subsidiaries, absorptive capacity and Penrose's concept of 'productive opportunity' to develop a framework on the MNC and absorptive capacity (AC) that allows us to explore the role of... more
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      KnowledgeAbsorptive CapacitySubsidiariesMULTINATIONAL CORPORATION
In this paper I propose a novel optimal linear filter for smoothing, trend and signal extraction for time series with a unit root. The filter is based on the Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) methodology, takes the form of a particular... more
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      Time SeriesForecastingTrading StrategiesCointegration
Using a newly developed dataset of daily, value-weighted market returns we construct and analyze the monthly realized volatility of the Athens Stock Exchange (A.S.E.) from 1985 to 2003. Our analysis focuses on the distributional and time... more
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      Time SeriesWorking PapersAthens Stock ExchangeMultinational Finance
This paper explores the connection between inflation and its higher-order moments in the case of the Spanish economy from 1975 to 1999. We found evidence of a strong positive correlation between aggregate inflation and the distribution of... more
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      Higher Order ThinkingPhillips curveCross SectionSmall samples
The effects of scheduled macroeconomic announcements on the real-time intraday return volatilities, covariances, and correlations between the Eurodollar futures and the U.S. Treasury bond futures markets are studied. These announcements... more
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      Futures marketsFuturesInterest Rate
We propose structural models of investment for the econometric estimation of the real option markup. Count data models offer flexible specifications for bringing real option investment models to aggregate market data. The empirical... more
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In this paper, we investigate the informational content of retained and distributed earnings for future profitability and market mispricing. We find that there are systematic differences in the persistence among the components of retained... more
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