Thesis Chapters by Ronnie Midigo

This is a Cross-sectional analytical community based study on determinants of a birth place among... more This is a Cross-sectional analytical community based study on determinants of a birth place among reproductive aged women in their last delivery in Mtaa location, Kwale County. The specific objectives of the study were to establish demographic, socio-cultural, environmental, and economic and health institutional factors associated with the choice of a birth place. The influence of the mother's knowledge, attitude and practice on choice of place of birth was also explored. Maternal and child health is a component of the SDGs. The study randomly sampled 231 mothers as participants. A pretested semi-structured questionnaire was used for quantitative data collection. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS. 22). The key conclusions were that; the proportion of home delivery in Mtaa location was 74% while the national indicator is 36%; thus higher comparatively. Health facilities were located far from the community and there was a positive association between the number of children a woman had, and the choice of a birth place. The influence of cultural practices was noted to have played a negative influence on hospital delivery. Among the recommendations were that; men should be put on board when deciding maternal issues, health facilities should be placed closer to the community and an all inclusive approach should be instituted to curb the negative cultural belief influence. Results may be used to improve quality of delivery care for mothers, to inform on policy and to promote health education for service providers.

This paper sets out to explore the leadership styles and employee job satisfaction by gender amon... more This paper sets out to explore the leadership styles and employee job satisfaction by gender among government employees in the Ministry of Sports, Culture and the Arts, Kenya. The study adopted cross-sectional survey techniques and involved collection of quantitative data. Structured questionnaire were prepared in Likert Scale, and adopted the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) format. To measure employee job satisfaction, the researcher used the Work Quality Index (WQI) .MLQ was adopted to evaluate the behavior of leaders they feel best match their satisfaction. The index was used to measure the extent to which leaders demonstrate behaviors' associated with transformational and transactional leadership. Theoretically, leadership styles (independent variable) affected the employee job satisfaction and gender being an intervening variable caused differences in employee job satisfaction. The study was conducted the Month of March 2016. Using random sampling, 222 employees were sampled to participate in the study. Further, all the 29 directors were sampled. The researcher distributed 298 questionnaires, out of which 251 complete questionnaires were returned (222 line employees and 29 directors). The researcher found that the dominant leadership styles were transformational and transactional and employees were moderately satisfied with their job. The findings indicated significant differences in job satisfaction based on the employees' gender.
Papers by Ronnie Midigo
Open Access Journal of Nursing
World Journal of Advance Healthcare Research, Apr 8, 2005

Skilled delivery at all births is considered to be the single most critical intervention for ensu... more Skilled delivery at all births is considered to be the single most critical intervention for ensuring safe motherhood, because it hastens the timely delivery of emergency obstetric and newborn care when life-threatening complications arise. This study aimed at investigating demographic and economic factors associated with uptake of skilled delivery services among women of reproductive age living in Mandera central Division of Mandera County, Kenya. The study adopted multi stage random sampling technique where a list of all locations, respective sub locations and villages was compiled then simple random selection was applied to select participating units. Both quantitative and qualitative data was collected. Pretested and standardized structured questioner, key informant interview (KII) guides and focused group discussion (FGD) guide was used to collect the data. A research team was selected, recruited and trained on data collection protocol and etiquette. Data was analyzed using sta...

JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia), 2019
Constructivist teaching and learning approach is one of teaching approach gaining popularity base... more Constructivist teaching and learning approach is one of teaching approach gaining popularity based on its principles of learner centered education. This study investigated the effectiveness of constructivist method of instruction on learning biology and challenges facing its implementation in secondary school students. The study design was quasi-experimental non-equivalent groups with a post-test examination. A total sample participated in this study was 477 students and 12 teachers. The instruments used in this study were; constructivist instruction manual, post-test, attitude questionnaire, and teacher’s questionnaire. The data collected was analyzed descriptively using mean and standard deviation values, while t-test and ANOVA were used to test the differences between group means at α=0.05 level. The study established that constructivist method of instruction was more effective in learning biology compared to conventional methods. Moreover, the both positive learner and negative ...

US-China Education Review A, 2016
Learner achievement is influenced by the instructional methods adopted during the learning proces... more Learner achievement is influenced by the instructional methods adopted during the learning process. Different class categories and individual levels present varied learning contexts determining the application of a mixture of appropriate instructional methods, which can enhance knowledge retention and application. Available studies in Kenya have focused on the general achievement of students. This study examined the linkage between instructional methods and learning achievement in different class categories. The study design was quasi-experimental non-equivalent groups with a pre-test and a post-test. Primary data were obtained from four boys', four girls', and four mixed schools with a total of 477 students. Data were analyzed descriptively using mean and standard deviation values while t-tests and analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests were used to test for significance in difference between group means at α = 0.05 level. The study found out that learner achievement in the control group was characterized by poor mean gain (Boys' classes = 7.51; Girls' classes = 7.69; and Mixed classes = 7.07) as compared to the experimental group (Boys' classes = 9.30; Girls' classes = 40.13; and Mixed classes = 23.30), implying that the constructivist instructional approach positively improves learner achievement. Comparison of the mean gain revealed that girls' classes improved by 40.13, mixed sex classes by 23.30, and boys' classes by 9.30. This implies that learner achievement in girls' classes improves when the constructivist instructional approach is used. All the learners instructed through the constructivist approach registered marked improvement in achievement. We recommend that biology teachers, especially those in girls' secondary schools, should consider using the constructivist instructional methods for enhanced learner achievement. Further, investigations into constructivist learning using some other assessment strategies other than the 5Es (i.e., engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, and evaluation) instructional model as well as effects of constructivist instructional approaches in different study locations should be explored in other studies. Finally, we recommend that the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in Kenya through the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) come up with policies to guide the application of appropriate learning approaches for different classroom categories as applicable.

AIMS Public Health, 2019
Excessive alcohol use is a significant public health problem globally. Alcohol use typically begi... more Excessive alcohol use is a significant public health problem globally. Alcohol use typically begins in adolescence or early adult life, and effective prevention strategies focused on this age group are needed to avoid development of Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). AUD is a worldwide problem resulting in millions of deaths, including hundreds of thousands of young lives lost. It is not only a causal factor in many diseases, but also a precursor to injury and violence. Furthermore, its' negative impacts can spread throughout a community or a country, and beyond, by influencing levels and patterns of alcohol consumption across borders [1]. This study sought to ascertain the influence of socio-cultural factors in AUD among adults. The study adopted a descriptive cross-sectional study design. Stratified random sampling techniques were used to sample alcohol users across the county. Both descriptive (frequencies and percentages) and inferential (chi-square test) statistics were employed in data analysis. Content analysis was used to identify emerging themes in the interviews conducted. The study established that 65% of alcohol users in Muranga County have symptoms of AUD. Socio-cultural factors were found to influence AUD. Based on the findings, it was recommended that the Ministry of health and NACADA should organize sensitizations and awareness drives on alcohol abuse on the worrying trends of AUD together with their associated morbidities. The study also recommended deliberate efforts towards implementation of sound policies aimed at curbing the growth of the AUD.

Journal of Education and Practice, 2018
The purpose of this study was to determine the factors determining Students’ career choice in Ken... more The purpose of this study was to determine the factors determining Students’ career choice in Kenya. The study sought to determine the influence of factors of opportunity and personality on career choice among students in Kenyan universities. The study adopted descriptive survey design and targeted 3,000 students in the faculty of Arts at the University of Nairobi. A simple random sampling was used to draw a sample of 500 respondents. Data was collected by use of questionnaires. Data was analyzed using SPSS (version 23). A total of 457 questionnaires were filled by the respondents. The findings showed that opportunity factors influence student’s career choices. Such includes perception of ideal job, mentorship opportunities and education opportunity. Personal factors also influenced student’s career choices. Such factors included personal interest personal value and personal skills. The study concludes that students require mentorship so as to develop ideas regarding their careers a...

Excessive alcohol use is a significant public health problem globally. Alcohol use typically begi... more Excessive alcohol use is a significant public health problem globally. Alcohol use typically begins in adolescence or early adult life, and effective prevention strategies focused on this age group are needed to avoid development of Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). AUD is a worldwide problem resulting in millions of deaths, including hundreds of thousands of young lives lost. It is not only a causal factor in many diseases, but also a precursor to injury and violence. Furthermore, its’ negative impacts can spread throughout a community or a country, and beyond, by influencing levels and patterns of alcohol consumption across borders [1]. This study assessed the demographic factors associated with AUD. The Study adopted a descriptive cross-sectional study design. Stratified random sampling techniques were used to sample alcohol users across the county. A pre-tested, close-ended questionnaire and Key Informant Interview guide was used to collect data. Both descriptive (frequencies and perc...

Article history Received: 2 December 2019 Accepted: 17 December 2019 Published Online: 31 Decembe... more Article history Received: 2 December 2019 Accepted: 17 December 2019 Published Online: 31 December 2019 Background: Tuberculosis is one of the deadliest and disabling diseases in the world today. The infection exacts its greatest toll on individuals during their most productive years. TB patients record different perceived health related qualities of life(PHRQoL) which could be attributed to certain environmental, social and physical factors. The objective of the study was to determine the demographic factors associated with the PHRQoL among urban and rural Tuberculosis patients in Kenya. Cross sectional design was adopted. The study applied the multi-stage sampling technique. Random sampling method was used to select the TB clinics that participated in the study. Simple random sampling according to probability proportionate to TB patient’s population was preferred to select the study participants. Chisquare test determined association between the various demographic factors and the...

Mentorship is a lifelong relationship in which a mentor helps a mentee full potential in career c... more Mentorship is a lifelong relationship in which a mentor helps a mentee full potential in career chosen pathways. Some common ways of implementing mentorship are face-to-face or one-onone mentorship, grouping and e-mentorship. Mentorship relationship require, both mentor and mentee to mutually benefit and may be used to address career and education based issues that often face learners when transiting to spheres of life. Mentorship prepares learners to effectively and efficiently handle career and social issues that contract them. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of mentorship on post-secondary school student’s attitude towards career and choice for further education. The study utilized quantitative data collection methods to collect data from 67 post-secondary education students on attitude towards career and further education pathways. The study used a baseline and end line surveys to compare change in attitude and career pathways of mentees in a mentors...

In the world, more than half of pregnant women are anaemic. The burden of disease is heavy yet po... more In the world, more than half of pregnant women are anaemic. The burden of disease is heavy yet poorly estimated. Knowledge of the current situation in our environment is necessary. This knowledge will enhance early detection and timely management of anaemia in pregnancy. This was an analytical cross-sectional study that employed both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. The aim of the study was to determine the socio-demographic factors associated with anaemia among women of reproductive age attending antenatal clinics in Garissa County Referral Hospital. Data were collected using structured questionnaires and the Key Informant Interview Guide by two research assistants. Validity and reliability were ensured by pre-testing the questionnaires. A total of 366 out of 384 expected women were interviewed. Six Key Informant Interviews were also conducted. The Nursing officer-in-charge of maternal and child health Clinic, as well as five nurses attending to the antenatal c...

Imperial journal of interdisciplinary research, 2017
The study investigated application of constructivist instructional method in teaching biology amo... more The study investigated application of constructivist instructional method in teaching biology among leaners in different class categories in Homabay County, Kenya. The hypotheses formulated for the study compared the effects of constructivist and conventional methods of instruction on learning Biology in different classroom categories. The study design was quasi-experimental non-equivalent groups with a pre-test and a post-test. The experimental group was assigned to constructivist method of instruction while the control group, conventional methods of instruction. Target population for the study was 61,115 students enrolled in 196 secondary schools of Homabay County. Participants were purposively assigned into the two instructional groups. Instruments used in the study were; a constructivist instruction manual, a pre-test, a post-test and an attitude questionnaire. Data collected for the study was analyzed descriptively using mean and standard deviation values while t-tests and ANOV...

This study set to investigate the extent to which computer based instruction could improve learne... more This study set to investigate the extent to which computer based instruction could improve learner’s performance in Art and Design in Kenya’s secondary schools. The study design was quasi-experimental. The target population for the study were form two students doing Art and Design and their subject teachers. Nine boys’ and nine girls’ schools were used in the study, a total of eighteen public secondary schools in Kenya. Four hundred and fifty students and eighteen teachers were respondents in the study. The treatment groups had three hundred students while control groups had one hundred and fifty students. Each treatment group had three schools which were instructed using computer based instructional approach. Control group comprised three boys’ and three girls’ schools both instructed using traditional methods of instruction. The study tools were pre-test and post-test exams. Data were analyzed using statistical Package for Social Scientist version 22. The study found that learners...

Globally, approximately 52% of the female population (26% of the total population) is of reproduc... more Globally, approximately 52% of the female population (26% of the total population) is of reproductive age. Most of these women and girls will menstruate each month for between two to seven days. Menstrual hygiene is an important part of the basic hygiene, sanitation, and reproductive health services to which every woman and girl has a right. Most girls lack adequate information on menarche, puberty, and Menstrual Hygiene Management. This predisposes them to reproductive tract infections. This study sought to establish the socio-cultural factors influencing the adoption of menstrual hygiene practices among adolescent girls in public secondary schools in Malindi Sub County. The study adopted a cross-sectional analytical. Data was collected using both qualitative and quantitative methods. The study established that most of the school-going adolescents in Malindi Subcounty (64%) have good menstrual hygiene practices. The socio-cultural factors influencing menstrual hygiene practices inc...

Caregivers are entrusted with provision of the needs of those who are incapacitated by disabiliti... more Caregivers are entrusted with provision of the needs of those who are incapacitated by disabilities in the society. However, they face many challenges in the process of caregiving. This study investigated the health and wellbeing challenges experienced by caregivers of children living with disabilities and to explore the coping mechanisms employed by caregivers of children living with disability. It adopted descriptive cross-sectional study design and a qualitative phenomenological method of data collection. In-depth interviews were conducted to collect data from sixteen (16) primary caregivers of children with disabilities. Data were audio recorded, transcribed and analyzed using Max Qualitative Data Analysis Software Version 12. Authority to collect the data was sought from county government Embakasi Constituency. The study established health consequences of caregiving included physical activity limitations, physical exhausted during caregiving, side effects of some of the medicat...

International Journal of Education, Culture and Society, 2017
The purpose of this study was to find out the extent of integration of computer technology into t... more The purpose of this study was to find out the extent of integration of computer technology into teaching and learning Biology in secondary schools of Rachuonyo South Sub-County, Kenya. The target population consisted of students and biology teachers in the Sub-County. Data was collected by use of questionnaires and an observation check list. From the study, most schools had few computers; teachers had inadequate training on use of computer applications; most teachers did not use computer technology for personal growth and instructional purposes. Inadequate number of computers in the sampled schools was the major challenge facing the integration of computer technology into the instruction process. The study recommends increased accessibility of computers, adequate training on use of computer technology and development of a policy framework to guide on the path to effective computer integration into instruction process.
Thesis Chapters by Ronnie Midigo
Papers by Ronnie Midigo