Papers by Nikos Marantzidis
East European Politics and Societies, Sep 1, 2002
South European Society and Politics, Jun 1, 2000
... Speaking Pontian Greeks NIKOS MARANTZIDIS This article examines the relationship between ethn... more ... Speaking Pontian Greeks NIKOS MARANTZIDIS This article examines the relationship between ethnic identity and political behaviour, focusing on a case-study of a specific ethnic group, the Turkish-speaking Pontian Greeks, during the years 1920-2000. ...
Cornell University Press eBooks, Jan 25, 2023
Sortir du communisme, changer d'époque, 2011
East European Politics and Societies: and Cultures, 2002

Http Www Theses Fr, 1994
A partir de l'etude de trois communes rurales, cette etude recherche les particularites socia... more A partir de l'etude de trois communes rurales, cette etude recherche les particularites sociales, economiques, politiques, et culturelles qui ont conduit une partie de la paysannerie grecque a s'orienter vers le communisme, les traits caracteristiques du communisme rural grec indiquent l'enracinement profond du systeme communiste dans la vie sociale du pays et sa capacite de s' adapter dans le monde rural. En s'imposant, jusqu'aux annees 1980, dans la conscience populaire commela seule reelle ideologie radicale il a en meme temps exprime une bonne partie de l'identite paysanne et rurale et a pu equilibrer entre le modernisme et l'archaisme, la tradition et le changement social. Du rapport entre les ruraux et le communisme s'est produit un changement mutuel; les ruraux "ont appris" qu'ils pouvaient revendiquer une societe a l' interieur de laquelle ils auraient un statut plus eleve et le communisme a compris qu'il fallait "cacher" son identite proletarienne s'il voulait penetrer a l'interieur de ce monde rural.

Left and Right in Greece from the 20th into the 21st century The article explores the evolution o... more Left and Right in Greece from the 20th into the 21st century The article explores the evolution of left/right division in Greece, drawing upon macro sociological theories regarding social and political cleavages. It analyses the major historical divisions that have given meaning to the left/right dichotomy and have structured Greek party system over a century. Among a series of wars, civil quarrels, economical and political crises, which have taken place throughout the Twentieth century, two civil conflicts have marked political rivalries and configured political identities: the National Schism (1915-1917) and the Civil War (1943-1949). They have established a three-camp party system, which had endured until the 1967-1974 military dictatorship. The democratization of the country and the liberalization of political institutions in the post-junta era gave birth to new coalitions and political formations, which established a two-party system on the basis of right/anti-right dichotomy. ...
This dataset provides individual data on political attitudes, including electoral turnout and vot... more This dataset provides individual data on political attitudes, including electoral turnout and voting preferences. The dataset also includes data on attitudes on a wide range of issues, evaluations of the economy and a range of survey experiments. Last, but not least it also includes data on media usage.

Ethnic community and Political behaviour: The electoral behaviour of a group of Muslim gypsies in... more Ethnic community and Political behaviour: The electoral behaviour of a group of Muslim gypsies in West Thrace in Greece. This study attempts to relate the notion of ethnic group with that of political-electoral behavior. The empirical field of analysis will be based on a group of Muslim gypsies in Thrace. The theoretical starting point of the present article is the correlation between the characteristics of the ethnic group which are determined by historical circumstances and do not stand for physical or almost physical realities. These characteristics originate from the level of significance of the occurring differences between the ethnic group and other groups as acknowledged by the former, whereas this significance derives from the resulet of various influences. The residents of Ifestos in the city of Komotini, are Muslims and speak Turkish. These are the elements that define the Muslim minority in Greece. However their electoral behaviour differs from the rest of Komotini’s Musl...

Journal of Peace Research, 2004
This article examines the literature on the Greek Civil War and evaluates the changing trends on ... more This article examines the literature on the Greek Civil War and evaluates the changing trends on the field. Based on over 1,800 entries, it reassesses and describes the qualitative characteristics of the literature, connecting the production with the political implications and conjunctions of the Cold War era, Greek politics and the post-Cold War period. Scholarly research has mainly examined the international and domestic level of political actions, mainly through a single point of view of political identities and Cold War categorizations. The post-Cold War period allowed research to focus on marginalized issues such as ethnic identities, gender, case studies and local histories. This new trend is based on a new set of conceptual and methodological tools (e.g. oral history, gender studies and electoral studies) and combines various disciplines far from dominant in the Greek 1940s scholarly literature (e.g. anthropology, political science, etc.). Although this trend is still in prog...
European Journal of Political Research, 2010
Repatriated refugees{1} , people forced to leave their region of residence for another country,... more Repatriated refugees{1} , people forced to leave their region of residence for another country, which they believe to be their homeland, offer a unique theoretical perspective within the wider framework of the study of nationalism. Being both refugees and repatriated, ...
Examines the degree to which religion and religious heritage contribute to the formation of polit... more Examines the degree to which religion and religious heritage contribute to the formation of political behaviours. The author analyses how cultures and identities, imparted from generation to generation and apparently independent from the modern state's political framework, are able to influence people's political choices. Also discussed is how individuals and social groups use cultures and traditions within new frameworks, not only to accomplish greater mobilisation but also to justify their political choices. Thus, the author examines the role of religion and religious heritage as a means of formulating the political and electoral behaviour of a specific ethnic group. The author uses the culture, tradition and political tendencies of Turkish-speaking refugees in the Greek section of Western Macedonia as examples.

Politique et Sociétés, Nov 21, 2008
Cette étude vise à établir une corrélation entre deux notions assez répandues dans le domaine des... more Cette étude vise à établir une corrélation entre deux notions assez répandues dans le domaine des sciences sociales et notamment de la sociologie politique : le clientélisme politique et l'exclusion sociale. Nous souhaitons mettre en relation ces deux notions afin de rechercher les formes que les relations clientélistes prennent, aujourd'hui, dans le cadre des populations exlues, et plus précisément, dans les communautés tsiganes en Grèce. Notre effort se concentre sur l'analyse de l'action des clients, et non sur celle des patrons. Nous n'étudierons pas comment les leaders politiques essaient de profiter de leur position dans l'appareil étatique ou du contrôle qu'ils exercent sur les ressources de l'Etat, en d'autres termes, faire des faveurs personnelles et les échanger contre des votes 1. Par contre, nous examinerons les mécanismes qui incitent les exclus, c'est-à-dire les clients, à établir de tels types de relations. De plus, nous n'entrerons pas dans le débat sur les différences entre clientélisme et patronage, patrons et courtiers (brokers), etc. Ainsi nous ne faisons aucune distinction entre clientélisme et patronage, et chaque fois que nous employons le terme patron, nous entendons tous les types de patrons. 1. Sur les diverses stratégies des patrons, voir, par exemple: Alex Weingrod, «Patrons, patronage and political parties», Comparative Studies in Society and History, n<> 10, 1968, p. 376-400; Ernest Gelner et John Waterbury (dir.), Patrons and clients, Duckworth, London, 1977 ; S.N. Lemarchand et René Lemarchand (dir), Political clientelism, patronage and development, Beverly Hills-London, Sage, 1981 ; Ersi Zacopoulou, Les relations de clientèle en milieu rural et en milieu urbain,
Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 13608740508539614, Nov 19, 2007

Southeastern Europe, 2016
The burden of this paper is to assert the significance of the 2011 movement of the Greek indignad... more The burden of this paper is to assert the significance of the 2011 movement of the Greek indignados for Greek politics during the Great Recession. Acknowledging the systematically feeble analysis of the nexus between non-institutional and electoral politics in social movement literature, the authors analyze the emergence, development, and heritage of the Greek indignados, focusing squarely on their impact on public opinion and the domestic party system, both at the level of interparty, as well as intraparty dynamics. The authors’ conclusions are drawn mainly from an analysis of political party discourse, public opinion data, and interviews conducted on the field, catering equally for the supply and demand side of the novel political claims that surfaced during the first years of the Greek sovereign debt crisis. The authors point to the crucial contribution of the movement’s discourse in facilitating voter defection from the traditional two-party system that ruled Greece for more tha...

Int Sociol, 1999
The article relates to two much-discussed concepts in the field of social sciences: clientage rel... more The article relates to two much-discussed concepts in the field of social sciences: clientage relations and social exclusion. Using the city of Sofades in central Greece - where about 2000 Gypsies live - as their empirical research field, the authors attempt the analysis of the following: (1) whether the socially excluded Gypsies of the area form clientage relations, (2) whether their political clientage relations show any particular traits when related to other types of clientage relations and (3) whether political clientage relationships help socially excluded groups surmount their exclusion or not. Even though the dominant theories about clientage relations associate the evolution of those relations with the evolution of a particular society, the study of the clientage relations in Sofades shows that within a society there may coexist more than one type of clientage relationships - from the most traditional to the most modern.
Papers by Nikos Marantzidis