Papers by Konstantinos Tsitselikis
On language planning as an instrument of ethno-cultural integration, see Anderson (1983).
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Oct 1, 2018

Comparative Southeast European Studies
Since its creation in 1830, the Greek state has taken advantage of the long experience of the Ott... more Since its creation in 1830, the Greek state has taken advantage of the long experience of the Ottoman millet system when dealing with its own Muslim populations. In 1881 (and again in 1913), when a Muslim minority was officially recognised and its legal status was regularised, millet-like internal institutions such as local community councils, minority schools, muftis and vakıfs were fitted into a minority protection framework. Today the legal status governing the Turkish/Muslim minority of Western Thrace has been preserved as an institutional fossil, as a hybrid ʺneo-milletʺ keeping millet-like minority rights in parallel to the nexus of rights that citizenship entails. However, this legal status of the minority often creates conflicts of legal norms, as it is the case with the enjoyment of linguistic rights on the basis of religious affiliation or the application of the Shari‛a. Which principle will prevail? Minority rights or fundamental human rights? Community affiliation or citizenship? Examining the legal status of Islam in Greece, one could draw useful lessons for the ongoing discussions on the place of Islam in Europe.
Giza eskubideak eta erlijio aniztasuna, 2010, ISBN 9788498682236, págs. 97-116, 2010
We are grateful to Serkan Yolaçan of TESEV Democratization Program, who patiently and diligently ... more We are grateful to Serkan Yolaçan of TESEV Democratization Program, who patiently and diligently worked with us in the finalization of this report. He was most understanding of our last minute corrections and had to work under considerable time pressure to make sure that the report was authored on time. We thank him very much for his excellent coordination and support throughout the project.
Old and New Islam in Greece, 2012
Providing an interdisciplinary look at Greece’s Muslim minority and migrant communities, this boo... more Providing an interdisciplinary look at Greece’s Muslim minority and migrant communities, this book provides an exhaustive legal analysis of regulations and broadens our understanding of the political management of ethnic and religious otherness, while placing these phenomena in historical context.
Old and New Islam in Greece, 2012
Providing an interdisciplinary look at Greece’s Muslim minority and migrant communities, this boo... more Providing an interdisciplinary look at Greece’s Muslim minority and migrant communities, this book provides an exhaustive legal analysis of regulations and broadens our understanding of the political management of ethnic and religious otherness, while placing these phenomena in historical context.
Old and New Islam in Greece, 2012
Providing an interdisciplinary look at Greece’s Muslim minority and migrant communities, this boo... more Providing an interdisciplinary look at Greece’s Muslim minority and migrant communities, this book provides an exhaustive legal analysis of regulations and broadens our understanding of the political management of ethnic and religious otherness, while placing these phenomena in historical context.
Old and New Islam in Greece, 2012
Providing an interdisciplinary look at Greece’s Muslim minority and migrant communities, this boo... more Providing an interdisciplinary look at Greece’s Muslim minority and migrant communities, this book provides an exhaustive legal analysis of regulations and broadens our understanding of the political management of ethnic and religious otherness, while placing these phenomena in historical context.
Old and New Islam in Greece, 2012
Derechos humanos y diversidad religiosa, 2010
... Una visión desde la Europa Suroriental: comunidades religiosas minoritarias en sociedades de ... more ... Una visión desde la Europa Suroriental: comunidades religiosas minoritarias en sociedades de mayoría ortodoxa. Autores: Konstantinos Tsitselikis; Localización: Derechos humanos y diversidad religiosa / coord. por Eduardo ...
Tsitselikis, Konstantinos. Old and new Islam in Greece : from historical minorities to immigrant ... more Tsitselikis, Konstantinos. Old and new Islam in Greece : from historical minorities to immigrant newcomers / by Konstantinos Tsitselikis. p. cm.-(Studies in international minority and group rights ; v. 5) Includes bibliographical references and index.
Greece and Turkey in Conflict and Cooperation, 2019

Legal and political percepts pertaining to ethnic belonging in Greece are closely linked to the i... more Legal and political percepts pertaining to ethnic belonging in Greece are closely linked to the ideological understanding of Greekness, a legacy of the Ottoman Greek-Orthodox millet system. Complementary to this image of the national self, minority protection law on Muslims and Jews was and still is partially formed through millet-like paradigms. Greece's territorial expansion made all inhabitants of the annexed provinces Greek citizens en masse: in addition to those that were deemed eligible to belong to the Greek nation, Jewish and Muslim communities also acquired Greek citizenship. For these communities the self-autonomy of the Ottoman millet structure in education and religious matters was transformed into minority protection, through special rights (community schools, Moufti's jurisdiction, Muslim foundations, military conscription) attributable through religion to citizens of the state.
Multiple Citizenship as a Challenge to European Nation-States, 2007
Multiple Citizenship as a Challenge to European Nation-States, 2007
Papers by Konstantinos Tsitselikis