Papers by Tribhu Nath Dubey
B. Aadhar, 2021
Improvement in the status of women in India and the empowerment of the lot is intricately related... more Improvement in the status of women in India and the empowerment of the lot is intricately related to the protection of their Human Rights. Across the castes, classes, regions and religions, women’s rights are threatened particularly when women aspirations, education and awareness challenge the traditional and patriarchal social structure. Thus, this paper briefly reviews the instances of human rights violations with respect to women in India on the basis of secondary data on the subject and argues that that there are various forms of violence which hamper the protection of human rights of women in India.
Rajasthan Journal of Sociology, 2017
Healthy gender demography is a precursor to a healthy society. It is also warranted towards inclu... more Healthy gender demography is a precursor to a healthy society. It is also warranted towards inclusive and equitable development. The disparities and disadvantages concerning gender relation and demography need to be evaluated. With some fruitful efforts towards betterment from disadvantages and disparities In Rajasthan, the prevailing gender situation and crime against women are alarming. In the light of decadal and recent data the present paper tries to understand analytically and comparatively the occurrence and enumeration of violence towards women in Rajasthan in its various forms.
Rajasthan Journal of Sociology, Oct 2015
It is about the state of sociology in Rajasthan in the neo-liberal regime. It advocates how we ne... more It is about the state of sociology in Rajasthan in the neo-liberal regime. It advocates how we need to improve and strengthen the profession of sociology in the state of Rajasthan.
Women in Imdia ISBN-10: 1482821389, ISBN-13:978-1482821383, 2014
The way our ecology is threatened and nature is exploited beyond recovery, the entire mankind is ... more The way our ecology is threatened and nature is exploited beyond recovery, the entire mankind is at stake. If continued with same thoughtlessness, soon we all are bound to perish. There are some serious dilemmas before the poor, naked and wretched of the third world. The ‘enlightened west‘ gave birth to the quest of unbounded and limitless growth of material wealth, creation of ‘surplus value’ and profit maximization. We must rethink the ‘development’ notions, categories and philosophies of the west and feminizing the entire discourse seem to be most suitable answer to the problem.

Present study is an exploration into gender relations with relation to water equity in household ... more Present study is an exploration into gender relations with relation to water equity in household consumption and irrigation on the basis of an empirical study of a village in the Command Area Development Project of river Chambal. An attempt has been made to look into the inter-play of caste status and economic status of the family on the use of water and equity and locate the women in that inter-play. It finds that lack of irrigation propels outmigration and lands men and women in unequal and disadvantageous employment situation along with degradation in caste status. The study reaffirms that use and availability of water is gendered, unequal, stratified and patriarchal even in a comparatively water rich village. It also encounters that hydrological administrative arrangements are intangible and biased and government facilities available reinforce the water inequity, gender relations and gender roles.
Rajasthan Journal of Sociology, 2012
‘साहित्य का समाजशास्त्र’ भारतीय समाजशास्त्र की किंचित अल्प विकसित विधा है| इस आलेख में इसके कारणो... more ‘साहित्य का समाजशास्त्र’ भारतीय समाजशास्त्र की किंचित अल्प विकसित विधा है| इस आलेख में इसके कारणों की पड़ताल करते हुए पूर्व-आपातकाल की परिस्थितियों में रचित हिंदी साहित्य के चर्चित उपन्यास ‘रागदरबारी’ के समाजशास्त्रीय मूल्यांकन और समाजशास्त्रीय महत्त्व को अभिव्यक्त करने का प्रयास किया गया है| इस अध्ययन में इस उपन्यास को भारतीय ग्रामीण अध्ययनों की एक कड़ी मानते हुए उपन्यास में वर्णित समाज को सम्पूर्ण क्रांति और आपातकाल की पूर्वपीठिका के रूप में देखते हए जातीय संस्तरण और प्रभु जाति के व्यावहारिक प्रभावों को समझने के साथ-साथ सामाजिक मूल्यहीनता, शिक्षा व्यवस्था की निःसारता और सामाजिक मोहभंग की तात्कालिक परिस्थितियों को व्यक्त करने का प्रयास है|
Health dynamics and marginalised communities, Jan 1, 2007
Book Reviews by Tribhu Nath Dubey
Rajasthan Journal of Sociology, 2021
The present volume very painfully echoes the view that prior to Nehru's death, primary education ... more The present volume very painfully echoes the view that prior to Nehru's death, primary education in India was rapidly deteriorating, with a complete disregard for its core goal. Gijubhai and Tagore, the last of the great critics of the system of education, had died and forgotten. There has hardly been any credible and audible voice to suggest that our elementary schools were a source of human resource destruction.
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Papers by Tribhu Nath Dubey
Book Reviews by Tribhu Nath Dubey