PhD Dissertation Title by Maria Tomadaki
Books by Maria Tomadaki
The book includes the critical edition of 236 iambic poems by John Geometres, one of the most cre... more The book includes the critical edition of 236 iambic poems by John Geometres, one of the most creative and interesting Byzantine poets. The poems deal with a variety of subjects (e.g., Byzantine emperors, historical figures and events, saints, relics, iconographic types, theological and philosophical matters, ancient authors) and reflect the cultural and historical developments of tenth-century Byzantium.

by Ida Toth, Andreas Rhoby, Anna M Sitz, Canan Arıkan-Caba, Matthew Kinloch, Maria Tomadaki, Estelle INGRAND-VARENNE, Desi Marangon, Nikos Tsivikis, Roman Shliakhtin, Nicholas Melvani, Efthymios Rizos, Ivana Jevtic, Nektarios Zarras, Brad Hostetler, Georgios Pallis, Maria Lidova, Alex Rodriguez Suarez, Meriç T. Öztürk, and Ivan Drpić The volume 'Materials for the Study of Late Antique and Medieval Greek and Latin Inscriptions in ... more The volume 'Materials for the Study of Late Antique and Medieval Greek and Latin Inscriptions in Istanbul' is a revised and updated edition of the booklet originally produced for the Summer Programme in Byzantine Epigraphy. This collection of 37 essays has been prepared by Ida Toth and Andreas Rhoby to provide a broad coverage of Constantinople's (Istanbul's) inscriptional material dating back to the period between the 4th and the 15th centuries. It is intended as a comprehensive teaching tool and also as a dependable vademecum to the extant traces of Istanbul’s rich late antique and medieval epigraphic legacy:

by Foteini Spingou, Charles Barber, Nathan Leidholm, Thomas Carlson, Ivan Drpić, Alexandros (Alexander) Alexakis, elizabeth jeffreys, Theocharis Tsampouras, Mircea G . Duluș, Nikos Zagklas, Ida Toth, Alexander Riehle, Brad Hostetler, Michael Featherstone, Emmanuel C Bourbouhakis, Shannon Steiner, Efthymios Rizos, Divna Manolova, Robert Romanchuk, Maria Tomadaki, Kirsty Stewart, Baukje van den Berg, Katarzyna Warcaba, Florin Leonte, Vasileios Marinis, Ludovic Bender, Linda Safran, Sophia Kalopissi-Verti, Rachele Ricceri, Luisa Andriollo, Alex J Novikoff, Annemarie Carr, Marina Bazzani, Greti Dinkova-Bruun, Renaat Meesters, Daphne (Dafni) / Δάφνη Penna / Πέννα, Annemarie Carr, Alexander Alexakis, Jeremy Johns, Maria Parani, Lisa Mahoney, Irena Spadijer, and Ilias Taxidis ISBN: 9781108483056
Series: Sources for Byzantine Art History 3
In this book the beauty and m... more ISBN: 9781108483056
Series: Sources for Byzantine Art History 3
In this book the beauty and meaning of Byzantine art and its aesthetics are for the first time made accessible through the original sources. More than 150 medieval texts are translated from nine medieval languages into English, with commentaries from over seventy leading scholars. These include theories of art, discussions of patronage and understandings of iconography, practical recipes for artistic supplies, expressions of devotion, and descriptions of cities. The volume reveals the cultural plurality and the interconnectivity of medieval Europe and the Mediterranean from the late eleventh to the early fourteenth centuries. The first part uncovers salient aspects of Byzantine artistic production and its aesthetic reception, while the second puts a spotlight on particular ways of expressing admiration and of interpreting of the visual.
Papers by Maria Tomadaki
Emanuela Timotin, Lidia Cotovanu, Ovidiu Olar (eds.), The Akathistos Hymn in the Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Traditions, The History of a Liturgical Masterpiece Between Text and Image (Supplementa Études byzantines et post-byzantines 5/1), Heidelberg, 2024
Maria-Lucia Goiana and Krystina Kubina (eds.), Cult, Devotion, and Aesthetics in Later Byzantine Poetry, 2024
A Forgotten Liturgical Poem on the Passion of Christ (BHG 413m)* * Ι sincerely thank Maria-Lucia ... more A Forgotten Liturgical Poem on the Passion of Christ (BHG 413m)* * Ι sincerely thank Maria-Lucia Goiana, Krystina Kubina, and Ioannis Vassis for their careful reading of my paper and corrections. Any errors remain my own. I extend my thanks to father Chrysostomos, who kindly sent me an image of the Epitaphios' fresco from the Transfiguration Monastery. I am also grateful to several people and institutions for providing me with manuscript images of the poem:

Göttinger Septuaginta, 2024
Manuscript Ra 271 is a Psalter Catena from the eleventh-century, which is dis!nguished for its el... more Manuscript Ra 271 is a Psalter Catena from the eleventh-century, which is dis!nguished for its elegant script and its variety of exege!cal scholia on the Psalms. Among the numerous scholia, authored by both renowned and anonymous writers, two unpublished commentaries on Psalms 104 and 135 stand out. These par!cular scholia, wri"en in red ink, were added to the manuscript by a later hand, possibly by a scribe from the fourteenth century. These texts, known as hypotheseis, are brief summaries that refer to the subject-ma"er of each Psalm (Ps. 104, Ps. 135) and connect them to the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark was one of the most important sacred objects of the Israelites, which contained the tablets of the Ten Commandments. Although it has been lost, the Holy Scriptures provide detailed descrip!ons: it is depicted as being plated with pure gold and having on the top two cherubim stretching their wings. The Ark of the Covenant, Apse Mosaic (c. 805 AD), Byzan!ne ar!st, Germigny-des-Prés, France © Holly Hayes The first exege!cal passage is placed on f. 182v and informs the reader that Psalm 104 was sung when David and the Israelites placed the Ark in David's tent. The informa!on draws from 1 Chronicles 16, where part of the same Psalm is quoted, albeit with different wording.
in F. Albrecht – R. Kratz (eds.), Editing the Greek Psalter, 2024
JÖB, 2023
The article includes the editio princeps, an English translation and a commentary of an unpublish... more The article includes the editio princeps, an English translation and a commentary of an unpublished Byzantine lament in elegiac distichs. The poem is preserved in a philosophical manuscript that belonged to the cardinal Bessarion (cod. Marc. gr. Z 197) and is dedicated to a learned man called Trikanas Kantzas, who is not known from other sources. It is distinguished by its secular style, its adaptation of Homeric language and its emotional expression of feelings of grief.
Göttinger Septuaginta, 2023
Göttinger Septuaginta, 2023
In the northwest plains of Thessaly, in Greece, lies Meteora, a majes!c landscape of unique natur... more In the northwest plains of Thessaly, in Greece, lies Meteora, a majes!c landscape of unique natural beauty. "Suspended in the air" on top of its towering rocks stand six Orthodox monasteries, which preserve a large number of Byzan!ne and post-Byzan!ne manuscripts. I recently had the opportunity to visit three of these convents and study their Psalter manuscripts thanks to the kind permission of the monas!c authori!es and the financial support of the Gö!ngen Academy of Sciences and Humani"es in Lower Saxony., 2022
Des cahiers à l'histoire de la culture à Byzance, Hommage à Paul Canart, codicologue (1927-2017), 2021
Cette contribution porte sur les caractéristiques principales et quelques exemples représentatifs... more Cette contribution porte sur les caractéristiques principales et quelques exemples représentatifs des épigrammes dédiées à l’apôtre Paul dans les livres manuscrits byzantins. La première partie de la contribution présente un aperçu de ce corpus et comporte des informations sur la nature paratextuelle de ces poèmes, leurs aspects paléographiques, leurs genre et contenu. La seconde partie comprend le texte et la traduction de certaines épigrammes spécifiques et donne un aperçu sur les plus communes représentations poétiques de Paul, de même que sur leurs principales sources littéraires. Cette analyse est corroborée dans l’épilogue par une brève comparaison entre les épigrammes livresques sur Paul et d’autres poèmes byzantins composés en son honneur., 2022

A Companion to Byzantine Poetry , 2019
in W. Hörandner – A. Rhoby – N. Zagklas (eds.), A Companion to Byzantine Poetry. Brill's ... more in W. Hörandner – A. Rhoby – N. Zagklas (eds.), A Companion to Byzantine Poetry. Brill's Companions to the Byzantine World 4 (Leiden 2019) pp. 191-211. John Geometres is one of the most important poets in 10th century Byzantium. The chapter ‘Ioannes Geometres: A Poet Around the Year 1000’ offers his short biography as an intellectual and military officer, followed by a presentation of his poems and epigrams in iambic, hexameters and elegiacs. These are divided into four different categories: 1. poems on contemporary society, 2. poems on objects, 3. satirical and invective poems and 4. personal poems, prayers, hymns. Each category is illustrated by a discussion of some characteristic examples and observations on their context. Not only the thematic variety of Geometres’ poetry, motifs and techniques are revealed, but also his ability to compose poems in different genres, meters and styles. In this way, a full picture of the poetic qualities of this fascinating Byzantine personality is presented., 2022
While preparing a descrip!on of a thirteenth-century Psalter manuscript from Sinai, Codex Sinai!c... more While preparing a descrip!on of a thirteenth-century Psalter manuscript from Sinai, Codex Sinai!cus gr. 66 (Ra 1831), I encountered an unusual commentary on sixteen prognos!c figures, formed by dots, in the ini!al folios of the codex.[i] These folios were probably added to the manuscript during the sixteenth century along with the prognos!c figures, which are found on the verso of every folio in the Psalter. The func!on of these figures is to provide a kind of oracular knowledge to readers who may access it by selec!ng at random a specific folio of the Psalter. The commentary and the figures are part of a man!c apparatus applied to the whole manuscript by a prac!!oner who must have been well acquainted with the medieval method of divina!on called geomancy. In geomancy, sixteen pa"erns of dots (called σχήματα in the Greek tradi!on) were inscribed on a surface such as sand, the ground, or the pages a book. These pa"erns were considered heavenly signs that offered predic!ons and advice to those who were seeking for an answer to a personal issue. Each of the figures has a special meaning, offering either a posi!ve or a nega!ve predic!on for the life of the individual who consults them. For instance, a person who would like to know whether he is going to conquer his enemies could obtain a predic!on for either victory or defeat, depending on the figure that is found on any par!cular folio of the Psalter. This method was especially popular in the Arabic world and was likely transmi"ed to the Greeks and to the West through the Arabs. It is therefore not accidental that the applica!on of such a man!c method appears in a Sinai!c manuscript, since the Sinai monastery always had a close rela!onship with Arabs. The Arabic scribal notes that are o*en found in the margins of Sinai!c manuscripts a"est this close rela!onship. An interes!ng ques!on that s!ll needs to be explored is why this method was found in a monas!c context? Since the official church condemned the prac!ce of magic, did the monks prac!ce it secretly?[ii]
Περιοδικό Ποιητική (Φθινόπωρο-Χειμώνας), 2021
Translation in Modern Greek of nine poems composed by Anne-Marie Demoen.
PhD Dissertation Title by Maria Tomadaki
Books by Maria Tomadaki
Series: Sources for Byzantine Art History 3
In this book the beauty and meaning of Byzantine art and its aesthetics are for the first time made accessible through the original sources. More than 150 medieval texts are translated from nine medieval languages into English, with commentaries from over seventy leading scholars. These include theories of art, discussions of patronage and understandings of iconography, practical recipes for artistic supplies, expressions of devotion, and descriptions of cities. The volume reveals the cultural plurality and the interconnectivity of medieval Europe and the Mediterranean from the late eleventh to the early fourteenth centuries. The first part uncovers salient aspects of Byzantine artistic production and its aesthetic reception, while the second puts a spotlight on particular ways of expressing admiration and of interpreting of the visual.
Papers by Maria Tomadaki
Series: Sources for Byzantine Art History 3
In this book the beauty and meaning of Byzantine art and its aesthetics are for the first time made accessible through the original sources. More than 150 medieval texts are translated from nine medieval languages into English, with commentaries from over seventy leading scholars. These include theories of art, discussions of patronage and understandings of iconography, practical recipes for artistic supplies, expressions of devotion, and descriptions of cities. The volume reveals the cultural plurality and the interconnectivity of medieval Europe and the Mediterranean from the late eleventh to the early fourteenth centuries. The first part uncovers salient aspects of Byzantine artistic production and its aesthetic reception, while the second puts a spotlight on particular ways of expressing admiration and of interpreting of the visual.