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contributed to test design, data collection and analysis, and writing up; they are listed alphabetically. Maria Lobo contributed to test design as well as data collection and analysis. The rest of the authors provided descriptions of the... more
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      Cognitive ScienceLanguage AcquisitionChild Language
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      Cognitive ScienceSpeech-Language Pathology/ Communication Disorders
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceRelative Clause
Background-Implicit learning is a process of learning that occurs outside of conscious awareness and may be involved in implicit, exposure-based language training. However, research shows that implicit learning abilities are variable... more
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The aim of the current paper is to present and discuss the development, structure, content, and use of a flexible, scalable and cost-effective cloud-based software system used in the iRead project.The iRead Project (Infrastructure and... more
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    • Reading difficulties
Studies on the processing of non-active (NACT) voice have indicated that passive sentences are more difficult to comprehend and require more time to process. Children with Reading Difficulties (RDs) face problems with sentence... more
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      Applied PsycholinguisticsLanguage Culture and CommunicationPsychology and Cognitive Sciences
Τhe present study investigates whether Greek-speaking children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) face difficulties in the acquisition of gender in determiner-noun contexts, as expressed via agreement οn the determiner. The results... more
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We addressed an understudied topic in the literature of language disorders, that is, processing of derivational morphology, a domain which requires integration of semantic and syntactic knowledge. Current psycholinguistic literature... more
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      PsychologyDerivational Morphology
Studies on the processing of non-active (NACT) voice have indicated that passive sentences are more difficult to comprehend and require more time to process. Children with Reading Difficulties (RDs) face problems with sentence... more
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      Applied PsycholinguisticsLanguage Culture and CommunicationPsychology and Cognitive Sciences
Introduction: Sentence production impairments in aphasia often improve with treatment. However, little is known about how cognitive processes supporting sentence production, such as sentence planning, are impacted by treatment. Methods:... more
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    • Psychology
This study develops a single elicitation method to test the acquisition of thirdperson pronominal objects in five-year-olds for sixteen languages. This methodology allows us to compare the acquisition of pronominals in languages that lack... more
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      Cognitive ScienceLanguage AcquisitionChild Language
Numerous studies have shown that language impairments, particularly semantic deficits, are evident in the narrative speech of people with Alzheimer’s disease from the earliest stages of the disease. Here, we present a novel technique for... more
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Cross-linguistic studies in agrammatism have attested asymmetries in the comprehension of semantically reversible structures with canonical vs. non-canonical argument order. Recently, these asymmetries have been interpreted within the... more
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    • Psychology
In this paper, the process of designing an annotated Greek Corpus of Aphasic Discourse (GREECAD) is presented. Given that resources of this kind are quite limited, a major aim of the GREECAD was to provide a set of specifications which... more
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      Computer ScienceNatural Language ProcessingCorpus Linguistics and Discourse AnalysisCorpus Annotation
In this paper we present a web-based data collection method designed to elicit narrative discourse from adults with and without language impairments, both in an in-person set up and remotely. We describe the design, methodological... more
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    • Computer Science
The aim of this study was to explore the effect of dose-dense sequential chemotherapy with or without paclitaxel primarily on disease-free survival (DFS) and secondarily on overall survival (OS) in patients with high-risk operable breast... more
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      Internal MedicineHematologic DiseasesCombined Modality Therapy
Objective Nowadays, smartphones are becoming an indispensable tool due to the popular use of useful applications (apps) that can be downloaded and installed to aid our everyday lives. The quantity of apps manifested as tools for mobile... more
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      Computer ScienceMedicineMobile apps
Objectives Assessment of the psychometric characteristics of the Greek version of the brief World Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument (WHOQOL-BREF) in patients with advanced cancer and pain, and exploration of the association... more
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    • Public health systems and services research
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyDevelopmental Psychology
Objective: The aim of the present study was to test whether psychological distress and personality variables are independently associated with health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in colorectal cancer patients, after adjusting for age,... more
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      PsychologyOncologyPsychological TestsSex Factors