Papers by Athanasios Bakopoulos

arXiv:1812.06941 [hep-th]
We consider the Einstein-scalar-Gauss-Bonnet theory in the presence of a cosmological constant Λ,... more We consider the Einstein-scalar-Gauss-Bonnet theory in the presence of a cosmological constant Λ, either positive or negative, and look for novel, regular black-hole solutions with a non-trivial scalar hair. We first perform an analytic study in the near-horizon asymptotic regime, and demonstrate that a regular black-hole horizon with a non-trivial hair may be always formed, for either sign of Λ and for arbitrary choices of the coupling function between the scalar field and the Gauss-Bonnet term. At the far-away regime, the sign of Λ determines the form of the asymptotic gravitational background leading either to a Schwarzschild-Anti-de Sitter-type background (Λ<0) or a regular cosmological horizon (Λ>0), with a non-trivial scalar field in both cases. We demonstrate that families of novel black-hole solutions with scalar hair emerge for Λ<0, for every choice of the coupling function between the scalar field and the Gauss-Bonnet term, whereas for Λ>0, no such solutions may be found. In the former case, we perform a comprehensive study of the physical properties of the solutions found such as the temperature, entropy, horizon area and asymptotic behaviour of the scalar field.

Phys.Rev. D97 (2018) no.8, 084037
In the context of the Einstein-scalar-Gauss-Bonnet theory, with a general coupling function betwe... more In the context of the Einstein-scalar-Gauss-Bonnet theory, with a general coupling function between the scalar field and the quadratic Gauss-Bonnet term, we investigate the existence of regular black-hole solutions with scalar hair. Based on a previous theoretical analysis, which studied the evasion of the old and novel no-hair theorems, we consider a variety of forms for the coupling function (exponential, even and odd polynomial, inverse polynomial, and logarithmic) that, in conjunction with the profile of the scalar field, satisfy a basic constraint. Our numerical analysis then always leads to families of regular, asymptotically flat black-hole solutions with nontrivial scalar hair. The solution for the scalar field and the profile of the corresponding energy-momentum tensor, depending on the value of the coupling constant, may exhibit a nonmonotonic behavior, an unusual feature that highlights the limitations of the existing no-hair theorems. We also determine and study in detail the scalar charge, horizon area, and entropy of our solutions.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 120 (2018) no.13, 131102
We consider a general Einstein-scalar-Gauss-Bonnet theory with a coupling function f(ϕ). We demon... more We consider a general Einstein-scalar-Gauss-Bonnet theory with a coupling function f(ϕ). We demonstrate that black-hole solutions appear as a generic feature of this theory since a regular horizon and an asymptotically flat solution may be easily constructed under mild assumptions for f(ϕ). We show that the existing no-hair theorems are easily evaded, and a large number of regular black-hole solutions with scalar hair are then presented for a plethora of coupling functions f(ϕ).

Gen.Rel.Grav. 49 (2017) no.3, 44
In this work, we focus on the theory of gravito-electromagnetism (GEM)—the theory that describes ... more In this work, we focus on the theory of gravito-electromagnetism (GEM)—the theory that describes the dynamics of the gravitational field in terms of quantities met in electromagnetism—and we propose two novel forms of metric perturbations. The first one is a generalisation of the traditional GEM ansatz, and succeeds in reproducing the whole set of Maxwell’s equations even for a dynamical vector potential A . The second form, the so-called alternative ansatz, goes beyond that leading to an expression for the Lorentz force that matches the one of electromagnetism and is free of additional terms even for a dynamical scalar potential Φ . In the context of the linearised theory, we then search for scalar invariant quantities in analogy to electromagnetism. We define three novel, 3rd-rank gravitational tensors, and demonstrate that the last two can be employed to construct scalar quantities that succeed in giving results very similar to those found in electromagnetism. Finally, the gauge invariance of the linearised gravitational theory is studied, and shown to lead to the gauge invariance of the GEM fields E and B for a general configuration of the arbitrary vector involved in the coordinate transformations.

Gen.Rel.Grav. 46 (2014) 1742
In the first part of the present work, we focus on the theory of gravitoelectromagnetism (GEM), a... more In the first part of the present work, we focus on the theory of gravitoelectromagnetism (GEM), and we derive the full set of equations and constraints that the GEM scalar and vector potentials ought to satisfy. We discuss important aspects of the theory, such as the presence of additional constraints resulting from the field equations and gauge condition, the requirement of the time-independence of the vector potential and the emergence of additional terms in the expression of the Lorentz force. We also propose an alternative ansatz for the metric perturbations that is found to be compatible only with a vacuum configuration but evades several of the aforementioned obstacles. In the second part of this work, we pose the question of whether a tensorial theory using the formalism of General Relativity could re-produce the theory of Electromagnetism. We demonstrate that the full set of Maxwell's equations can be exactly re-produced for a large class of models, but the framework has several weak points common with those found in GEM.
master theses by Athanasios Bakopoulos
arXiv:1610.08357 [gr-qc]
This work is focused on the theory of Gravitoelectromagnetism (GEM). In the first part of this wo... more This work is focused on the theory of Gravitoelectromagnetism (GEM). In the first part of this work we present a brief review of gravitoelectromagnetism, we locate and discuss all the problems which appear in this approach. We also try to avoid these problems by proposing new approaches in which we use the additional degrees of freedom of the gravitational field. In the second part of this work, we review our previous work regarding the construction of a tensorial theory, using the formalism of General Relativity, which aims to describe the true electromagnetism. We also extend this theory in order to make it more realistic. Finally in the third part of this work, we investigate the existence of gravitational invariants similar to the electromagnetic ones.
Papers by Athanasios Bakopoulos
master theses by Athanasios Bakopoulos