Papers by Patrick Parnaby

Canadian journal of criminology and criminal justice, 2006
This article explores the means by which crime-related risks are discursively framed by practitio... more This article explores the means by which crime-related risks are discursively framed by practitioners and supporters of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED). It will argue that crime-related risks are framed in three interrelated ways: first, as forms of foreseeable danger; second, as depoliticized potentialities; and third, as potentialities that require complete responsibilization. It is argued that these discursive practices constitute the means by which practitioners legitimate their area of professional expertise while at the same time providing them with an opportunity to exercise pastoral control over their client(s). Furthermore, it is argued that these frames demonstrate how "risk" has become an important discourse through which neo-liberal governmentalities (Foucault 1991) with respect to crime control are actualized.
Journal of Risk Research, Nov 1, 2011

Canadian Journal of Sociology, Mar 22, 2003
woke early the morning of 17 January 1997 to find that a load of manure had been dumped on the si... more woke early the morning of 17 January 1997 to find that a load of manure had been dumped on the sidewalk and driveway of his home. Claiming responsibility was a group called CRAP and their message to city politicians was clear-the Molson Indy would not be welcomed at Hastings Park in 1998. These anti-Indy activists dumped the manure while Owen and his family slept in their Shaughnessy home, an upscale area in Vancouver's west side, and then later called a local radio station to protest the noise and disruption caused by the Indy every Labour Day weekend. 1 This came despite the fact that Owen had stated publicly that he thought moving the race to Hastings Park was a 'non-starter' because the park was destined to become 'a green, passive, quiet park for the community and the region.' Nonetheless, as urban planning consultant and writer Noel Hulsman put it, rather than welcoming Indy-car racing to their community CRAP was making a statement of defiance: 'Jacques Villeneuve isn't a salmon, and that race isn't a restoration stream.' 2 The manure incident came only one day after Molstar Sports and Entertainment announced publicly its interest in relocating the Indy race to Hastings Park. The decision by Molson Indy promoters to move the race to Hastings Park was not simply a spur-of-the-moment decision. The moment it became clear that the Indy was going to lose 'its largest set of grandstands,' a site was sought that could meet the stringent criteria set out by Indy-car's governing body. Although more than eighteen sites were looked
University of British Columbia Press eBooks, 2010
Canadian Journal of Sociology, 2020

Policing: An International Journal, 2020
PurposeMost research on trauma, resilience and well-being among police officers focusses on those... more PurposeMost research on trauma, resilience and well-being among police officers focusses on those still on active duty. Comparatively speaking, and despite an aging workforce and established negative health outcomes, similar inquiries involving police retirees are not as common. The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of on- and off-the-job trauma and resilience on satisfaction with life among a sample of retired police officers.Design/methodology/approachData were collected via a cross-sectional nonprobability electronic survey of police retirees in Ontario, Canada. While controlling for employment-related variables and demographic characteristics, a series of hierarchical multiple regression models were used to examine the effects of on- and off-the-job trauma and resilience on satisfaction with life among a sample of 932 participants.FindingsThe analysis indicates that off-the-job trauma and both personal and social dimensions of resilience contribute uniquely to sati...

Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie, 2020
In this paper, we bring conceptual clarity to the literature on "role residual." Based ... more In this paper, we bring conceptual clarity to the literature on "role residual." Based on the extant literature and our own research involving police retirees, we first delineate three empirical variants of role residual: emotional, cognitive, and behavioral. We then make the case that a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon requires a theoretical framework capable of conceptualizing role residual in a way that is consistent with a broader theory of practice. To that end, we use Bourdieu's work to argue that role residual comprises states of being or behavior that occur at the intersection of (a) schemas and dispositions inscribed in the habitus as a result of one's prior role-specific orientation to the field, and (b) a configuration of proximate conditions in the present that is sufficiently similar to what one would have experienced while in one's prior role.

Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie, 2020
In this paper, we bring conceptual clarity to the literature on "role residual." Based ... more In this paper, we bring conceptual clarity to the literature on "role residual." Based on the extant literature and our own research involving police retirees, we first delineate three empirical variants of role residual: emotional, cognitive, and behavioral. We then make the case that a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon requires a theoretical framework capable of conceptualizing role residual in a way that is consistent with a broader theory of practice. To that end, we use Bourdieu's work to argue that role residual comprises states of being or behavior that occur at the intersection of (a) schemas and dispositions inscribed in the habitus as a result of one's prior role-specific orientation to the field, and (b) a configuration of proximate conditions in the present that is sufficiently similar to what one would have experienced while in one's prior role.

Canadian Journal of Sociology, Sep 22, 2009
Borrowing from Bourdieu's theory of practice, specifically, the relationship between form... more Borrowing from Bourdieu's theory of practice, specifically, the relationship between forms of capital and discourse on the one hand and the nature of symbolic violence and thus control on the other (see Bourdieu 1998; 1991), this paper seeks to answer the following question: what discursive strategies do personal financial planners use to facilitate desirable client behaviour vis-à-vis market investment? On the basis of 32 semistructured interviews with financial planners and textual analyses of relevant industry materials, I argue that planners use three essential discursive strategies: the naturalization of market volatility, the establishing of reasonable expectations, and the managing of external discourses. Together, these discursive strategies constitute the exercising of symbolic violence which, in turn, controls clients so as to cultivate a professional relationship amenable to long-term investment and profitability. Résumé. En s'inspirant de la théorie de pratique de Bourdieu, et plus spécifique-ment de la relation entre les types de capital et discours d'un côté et la nature de la violence symbolique et donc de contrôle de l'autre côté (voir Bourdieu 1998; 1991) ce document chercher à répondre à la question suivante: quelles stratégies discursives les planificateurs financiers utilisent-ils pour obtenir le comporte-ment désiré chez un client vis-à-vis des investissements sur les marchés finan-ciers? Selon 32 entrevues semi-structurées avec des planificateurs financiers et des analyses textuelles de documents pertinents, je crois que les planificateurs utilisent trois stratégies discursives essentielles : la naturalisation de l'instabi-lité du marché, l'établissement d'attentes raisonnables et la gestion des discours externes. Ensemble ces trois stratégies discursives constituent l'exercice de la violence symbolique qui en retour, contrôle les clients afin de cultiver une relation professionnelle menant à des investissements à long terme et à la rentabilité.

Canadian Journal of Sociology, Sep 22, 2009
Borrowing from Bourdieu's theory of practice, specifically, the relationship between form... more Borrowing from Bourdieu's theory of practice, specifically, the relationship between forms of capital and discourse on the one hand and the nature of symbolic violence and thus control on the other (see Bourdieu 1998; 1991), this paper seeks to answer the following question: what discursive strategies do personal financial planners use to facilitate desirable client behaviour vis-à-vis market investment? On the basis of 32 semistructured interviews with financial planners and textual analyses of relevant industry materials, I argue that planners use three essential discursive strategies: the naturalization of market volatility, the establishing of reasonable expectations, and the managing of external discourses. Together, these discursive strategies constitute the exercising of symbolic violence which, in turn, controls clients so as to cultivate a professional relationship amenable to long-term investment and profitability. Résumé. En s'inspirant de la théorie de pratique de Bourdieu, et plus spécifique-ment de la relation entre les types de capital et discours d'un côté et la nature de la violence symbolique et donc de contrôle de l'autre côté (voir Bourdieu 1998; 1991) ce document chercher à répondre à la question suivante: quelles stratégies discursives les planificateurs financiers utilisent-ils pour obtenir le comporte-ment désiré chez un client vis-à-vis des investissements sur les marchés finan-ciers? Selon 32 entrevues semi-structurées avec des planificateurs financiers et des analyses textuelles de documents pertinents, je crois que les planificateurs utilisent trois stratégies discursives essentielles : la naturalisation de l'instabi-lité du marché, l'établissement d'attentes raisonnables et la gestion des discours externes. Ensemble ces trois stratégies discursives constituent l'exercice de la violence symbolique qui en retour, contrôle les clients afin de cultiver une relation professionnelle menant à des investissements à long terme et à la rentabilité.

Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie, 2013
ABSTRACT Ce papier utilise la perspective de Parnaby et Leyden's () qui adapte l'... more ABSTRACT Ce papier utilise la perspective de Parnaby et Leyden's () qui adapte l'approche de Merton de la déviance policière en incorporant des éléments de psychologie évolutionniste. Nous proposons que l'intégration de la psychologie évolutionniste contribue à un modèle théorique plus robuste. Plus précisément, nous considérons qu'une structure sociale anomique crée les conditions sociales par lesquelles des mécanismes psychologiques adaptifs qui coïncident avec les modes d'adaptation de Merton et se manifestent dans le comportement. Nous soulignons l'importance d'une intégration de la sociologie et de la psychologie évolutionniste et adressons certains malentendus sur cette dernière. In this paper, we build on Parnaby and Leyden's () modified Mertonian approach to police deviance by incorporating elements of evolutionary psychology. It is our contention that an infusion of evolutionary psychology will lead to a more robust theoretical model. Specifically, we argue that an anomic social structure helps create the social conditions within which specific adaptive psychological mechanisms manifest behaviorally in ways that coincide with Merton's modes of adaptation. The importance of integrating sociology and evolutionary psychology is emphasized while a number of misunderstandings about the latter are addressed.

Canadian Journal of Sociology / Cahiers canadiens de sociologie, 2003
ABSTRACT Over the past decade, anti-panhandling bylaws have been adopted in several Canadian citi... more ABSTRACT Over the past decade, anti-panhandling bylaws have been adopted in several Canadian cities including Vancouver, Winnipeg, and Montreal. This article examines the rhetorical processes used to construct "squeegee kids" -- homeless youths who clean car windshields for money -- as a social problem requiring a law and order resolution in Toronto. Using materials gathered from newspapers, magazines, government documents, and official reports, it is argued that the implementation of "The Safe Streets Act" depended on anti-squeegee claimants' use of disaster rhetoric and the rhetorical disassociation of squeegee kids from the larger homeless population. These processes are further discussed in relation to emerging trends in neo-liberal forms of governance. /// Pendant la dernière décennie, des lois contre la mendicité ont été adoptées dans plusieurs villes canadiennes y compris Vancouver, Winnipeg et Montréal. Cet article examine la rhétorique qui catégorise les "squeegee kids" (enfants de la rue qui nettoient des pare-brise pour l'argent) comme problème social exigeant une loi sous prétexte d'ordre social. A travers l'information recueillie dans des quotidiens, des revues et des rapports gouvernementaux, cet article constate que "The Safe Streets Act" (la loi sur la sécurité de la rue) résulte de la rhétorique des partisans anti-squeegee kid- une rhétorique d'ordre désastreuse qui vise ces enfants de la rue en les excluant du reste de la population sans abris. Ces procédés rhétoriques seront d'ailleurs discutés par rapport aux tendances récentes de politique néo-libérale.
Policing and Society, 2011
In this article, we take advantage of the versatility inherent in Merton's work and apply his the... more In this article, we take advantage of the versatility inherent in Merton's work and apply his theory of social structure and anomie to the realm of policing. Specifically, we argue that police deviance can be understood as a function of an anomic social structure in which an exuberant cultural emphasis on police as noble, masculine 'crime-fighters' occupies a disproportionate relationship to the availability and/or efficacy of institutionally accepted means. The outcomes, we argue, are forms of deviant behaviour that coincide closely with Merton's four classic modes of adaptation.
Deviant Behavior, 2004
... DOI: 10.1080/01639620490253992 Patrick F. Parnaby a & Vincent F. Sacco ... Al Capone&... more ... DOI: 10.1080/01639620490253992 Patrick F. Parnaby a & Vincent F. Sacco ... Al Capone's various biographers have commented extensively on the degree to which he appeared driven to achieve, not only material success, but also the notoriety that the xenophobic social order ...
Social Media + Society, 2018
Police departments across North America and Europe are using Twitter for many different reasons, ... more Police departments across North America and Europe are using Twitter for many different reasons, one of the most important being public relations (i.e., image work). This article examines the relationship between Twitter use, police image work, and public engagement in the Canadian context. On the basis of 8,174 police-related tweets sent by the Toronto Police Service (TPS) and citizens, we advance the argument that despite its dialogical potential, the TPS use Twitter first and foremost as a means to legitimize the organization and that the organizational precepts of police image appear to preclude meaningful forms of engagement with citizens via Twitter.

Borrowing from Bourdieu's theory of practice, specifically, the rela - tionship between forms... more Borrowing from Bourdieu's theory of practice, specifically, the rela - tionship between forms of capital and discourse on the one hand and the nature of symbolic violence and thus control on the other (see Bourdieu 1998; 1991), this paper seeks to answer the following question: what discursive strategies do personal financial planners use to facilitate desirable client behaviour vis-a-vis market investment? On the basis of 32 semistructured interviews with financial planners and textual analyses of relevant industry materials, I argue that planners use three essential discursive strategies: the naturalization of market volatility, the establishing of reasonable expectations, and the managing of external dis- courses. Together, these discursive strategies constitute the exercising of sym- bolic violence which, in turn, controls clients so as to cultivate a professional relationship amenable to long-term investment and profitability.
Pragmatics and Society, 2017
Using data collected from 42 semi-structured interviews with professional financial planners and ... more Using data collected from 42 semi-structured interviews with professional financial planners and eight recorded meetings between planners and clients, this paper examines two interrelated social phenomena from a Bourdieusian (1977, 1991) perspective. First, it examines how professional financial planners legitimize their expertise by constructing and maintaining a distinction between short-term economic uncertainty on one hand, and the inevitability of long-term economic growth on the other. Second, it conceptualizes those legitimation practices in terms of their symbiotic relationship to broader structural conditions. The analysis concludes by reflecting on the significance of misrecognition as it relates to industry claims about the future.
Papers by Patrick Parnaby