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Since its inception Gothic narratives have created discontinuity between the real and the fictional world they describe, leaving a liminal space from which projections of cultural fears, anxieties, terrors, and horrors are articulated.... more
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      Gothic LiteratureDreamscape
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      ShakespeareCanadian TheatreShakespearean performance historyWebsites
"This work investigates Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet', one of the exemplary heteronormative love stories in Western culture. By engaging in new queer or pomosexual readings of Shakespeare's text, in relation to various adaptations,... more
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      Gender StudiesTheatre HistoryFilm StudiesRenaissance Studies
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    • Children's and Young Adult Literature
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      Gender StudiesGender and WorkHelene CixousFilm
We ask authors to answer for the unity of the works published in their names; we ask that they reveal, or at least display the hidden sense pervading their work; we ask them to reveal their personal lives, to account for their experiences... more
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      Knowledge ManagementShakespeareGender and SexualityMichel Foucault
John Heywood’s interlude The Play of the Wether: A New and Very Mery Enterlude of All Maner Wethers (1533) focuses specifically on the relationship between humans and the weather as negotiated through the divine. Curiously, most studies... more
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      EcocriticismDark EcologyEarly Modern English dramaEnglish Renaissance Literature
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      GenreAcademic WritingAffordancesImage
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      Composition and RhetoricDesignGenreAcademic Writing
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      RhetoricComposition and RhetoricDesignGenre
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      RhetoricComposition and RhetoricDesignGenre
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      RhetoricComposition and RhetoricDesignGenre
Faustus's magic circle, then, represents a self-containment, undertaken for defence, and as a means of concentrating power in order to escape from the limits he sees pressing on his wilful soul in all the academic disciplines, and... more
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    • Dr Faustus
Marlowe's Doctor Faustus is a play about boundless aspirations and the enclosing spiritual and theological structure that renders them tragically absurd. As Edward A. Snow has remarked, Faustus's desires are endless in the dual sense of... more
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    • Renaissance Studies
Readers of Marlowe's Doctor Faustus find themselves, at present, in a very curious position. The play survived the Elizabethan age in two versions, which were first printed in 1604 (the “A-text”) and 1616 (the “B-text”). These two... more
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    • Christopher Marlowe
A critical and polemical study of the so-called 'political correctness' wars of the early 1990s, which in many ways anticipated the current wave of neo-McCarthyism. Published by House of Anansi Press, Toronto, 1996. x, 246 pp.
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
An essay first published in 'The Faustian Century: German Literature and Culture in the Age of Luther and Faustus', edited by Jim Van der Laan and Andrew Weeks (New York: Camden House, 2013), pp. 67-91. In that version the footnotes are... more
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      Higher EducationMagicHermetismCritical Humanism
[This essay, which applied a formalist-structural analysis to Marlowe's play, dates from 1980. It has not previously been published. Except in note 16, where I have added in square brackets a reference to my 2008 edition of Doctor... more
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      Christopher MarloweDoctor Faustus Christopher MarloweDoctor Faustus