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A&M-Tote problem of wrambling a discrete-time analog sequence for the purpose of privacy encoding is studied. A large family of linear orthogonal invertible scrambling transformations is desrfbed that result in a negligible expmsion of... more
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      CryptographyPulse ModulationElectrical And Electronic EngineeringAmplitude Modulation
Using artificial immune system techniques for malware detection has two major benefits. First, increasing the ability to come over some of the traditional detector's drawbacks, like dealing with the new and polymorphic malware and the... more
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      Information SecurityImmunologyComputer Security
Detecting palindromes in DNA sequence is a central problem in computational biology. Identifying palindromes could help scientists advance the understanding of genomic instability. DNA sequences containing long adjacent inverted repeats... more
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      BioinformaticsWeb Based Applications
Artificial immune system (AIS) is a computational system inspired by the principles and processes of the Biological immune system which has the capabilities to learn, adapt, self tolerance and memories actions, which make it a good... more
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The massive amount of malware created everyday made the process of malware detection is a significant process to protect data and systems. The methods used are varying from signature based to behavior based, and from static to dynamic... more
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