Books by Guillermo Bautista

Research on learning and digital technology shows that in developed countries Information and Com... more Research on learning and digital technology shows that in developed countries Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are integrated into the life of a high percentage of students and faculty. However, as to the degree of their ICT use, this same research shows that technology plays a secondary role in teaching and learning processes or at least does not suggest that technology has played an important role as a means for the innovation and improvement of learning processes (Kennedy, Krause, Gray, Judd, Bennett, Maton, Dalgarno and Bishop, 2006; Duart, Gil, Pujol and Castaño, 2008; UCL-CIBER Group, 2008).
This chapter deals with the competences that both faculty and students should acquire to carry out learning processes in online and face to face settings and take part in them. These competences have been obtained and described in a research and development project (EDU2009-12125), financed by the government of Spain, where the aim was to analyse the so-called digital natives’ uses, preferences and attitudes regarding digital technologies in higher education (Prensky, 2001; Trinder, Guiller, Margaryan, Littlejohn, Nicol, 2008).
Educational institutions should put into practice policies and strategies in order for these competences to be acquired gradually by faculty as much as by students. These policies and strategies must go beyond a mere inclusion of technology in the classrooms. To that effect, new teaching methodologies and new instructional contents should be introduced both at the student –from initial to undergrate level– and the teacher training level. In this new scenario the role and the tasks that faculty and students fulfil and develop will change and should be re-thought as regards traditional pedagogy.

Este libro es el resultado de un largo proceso de reflexión desde la práctica y para la práctica ... more Este libro es el resultado de un largo proceso de reflexión desde la práctica y para la práctica de la docencia universitaria. Pretende revisar en profundidad y exhaustivamente aquellos aspectos clave con el objetivo de contribuir a que la universidad y especialmente los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje en educación superior experimenten un salto cualitativo en el marco del nuevo espacio europeo de educación superior y en el contexto de la sociedad de la información y el conocimiento.
Por su temática, el profesorado universitario, los estudiantes de los distintos programas de educación superior, los gestores y autoridades universitarias y los interesados en el ámbito pedagógico en general encontrarán temas próximos planteados como claves y restos, con los que sin duda se sentirán identificados. Estos tienen que ver con aspectos como la innovación en el contexto universitario como motor para la mejora, la relación entre investigación y docencia y cómo articular estos campos importantes de ocupación docente, las estrategias de aprendizaje colaborativo entre estudiantes como alternativa a la clase magistral o las claves para un verdadera evaluación formativa.
In this book, the authors review the most important issues with respect
to virtual teaching and ... more In this book, the authors review the most important issues with respect
to virtual teaching and learning environments. E-learning is becoming
the main focus for 21 st -century universities, given that, currently, most
of them are undertaking virtual learning activities. The highlight of this
work is the detailed study of all the elements involved in the e-learning
process: teachers, students and materials. It also pays special attention
to the planning of teaching, the development and monitoring of online
study activities, and the assessment processes; taking into account, for
each, the opinion of the teachers and students involved, and incorporating
a great number of examples gained from the day-to-day professional
activities of the authors.
Papers by Guillermo Bautista
RUSC: revista de …, 2006
The article discusses the characteristics and educational role of an electronic portfolio for stu... more The article discusses the characteristics and educational role of an electronic portfolio for students in the con-text of a virtual university. The portfolio in question pla-ces considerable emphasis on the formative assessment of learning on the basis of the ongoing development of ...

A lo largo de la última década, niños y jóvenes han sido etiquetados como nativos digitales. Se c... more A lo largo de la última década, niños y jóvenes han sido etiquetados como nativos digitales. Se considera que cualquier persona nacida a partir de la década de los 80 es hablante nativo de una lengua digital basada en el uso de los ordenadores, los videojuegos e Internet. De todos modos, algunos autores cuestionan este concepto. ¿Se trata realmente de jóvenes que aprenden de modo distinto, o simplemente incorporan algunas herramientas y procedimientos nuevos a su forma de acceder a la información y socializarse? El artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación (Usos de las TIC entre los estudiantes universitarios: perspectiva académica y social de los procesos de aprendizaje mediados. EDU2009-12125) centrada en el uso de las TIC que hacen los jóvenes universitarios de las diferentes universidades de Cataluña. Los resultados revelan distintos usos de las tecnologías, diferenciados por los ámbitos de uso y se alinean en las visiones críticas del concepto de nativo digital. La relevancia de los resultados apuntan a lineas emergentes de investigación para seguir mejorando la educación superior.

Research on learning and digital technology shows that in developed countries ICT is integrated i... more Research on learning and digital technology shows that in developed countries ICT is integrated into the life of a high percentage of students and faculty. However, as to the degree of their ICT use, this same research shows that technology plays a secondary role in teaching and learning processes (Kennedy, Krause, Gray, Judd, Bennett, Maton, Dalgarno and Bishop, 2006; Duart, Gil, Pujol and Castaño, 2008; UCL-CIBER Group, 2008).
This chapter deals with the competences that both faculty and students should acquire to carry out learning processes in online settings and take part in them. These competences have been obtained and described in a research and development project (EDU2009-12125), financed by the government of Spain, where the aim was to analyse the so-called digital natives’ uses, preferences and attitudes regarding digital technologies in higher education (Prensky, 2001; Trinder, Guiller, Margaryan, Littlejohn, Nicol, 2008).
Educational institutions should put into practice policies and strategies in order for these competences to be acquired gradually by faculty as much as by students. To that effect, new teaching methodologies and new instructional contents should be introduced both at the student and the teacher training level. In this new scenario the role and the tasks that faculty and students fulfil and develop will change and should be re-thought as regards traditional pedagogy.

RUSC - Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento, Oct 1, 2006
El artículo expone el sentido y las características de un portfolio electrónico aplicado en un co... more El artículo expone el sentido y las características de un portfolio electrónico aplicado en un contexto universitario de enseñanza en línea. El portfolio que se presenta pone su énfasis en el seguimiento de los trabajos de los estudiantes basándose en el progreso continuado de las competencias profesionales que se han desarrollado a lo largo de los Estudios de Psicopedagogía y que se resumen en su asignatura de Practicum. El avance de las competencias se expone mediante la publicación de evidencias de logro que documentan el nivel de progreso de las citadas competencias. El portfolio electrónico que se plantea es de carácter individual y está sostenido por un mecanismo de apoyo por parte del profesor mediante el que aporta retroalimentación continuada a los estudiantes, lo que les facilita el ajuste de sus actuaciones a las competencias profesionales planteadas.
IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technology, Jul 3, 2013
Despite entering a new century where agents and elements in education have changed, students, tea... more Despite entering a new century where agents and elements in education have changed, students, teachers, curriculum, resources and so on, the classroom, as the learning space in the school, has experienced no change as regards configuration and structure. Traditional classrooms with rows of desks facing the teacher and the board do not fulfill present-day educational needs and expectations; therefore the learning space at school requires adaptation to the new contexts and roles in education. In this paper the authors outline general principles on the design and methodology of Smart Classrooms, new learning spaces which may better fit present and future learning needs and roles.
Books by Guillermo Bautista
This chapter deals with the competences that both faculty and students should acquire to carry out learning processes in online and face to face settings and take part in them. These competences have been obtained and described in a research and development project (EDU2009-12125), financed by the government of Spain, where the aim was to analyse the so-called digital natives’ uses, preferences and attitudes regarding digital technologies in higher education (Prensky, 2001; Trinder, Guiller, Margaryan, Littlejohn, Nicol, 2008).
Educational institutions should put into practice policies and strategies in order for these competences to be acquired gradually by faculty as much as by students. These policies and strategies must go beyond a mere inclusion of technology in the classrooms. To that effect, new teaching methodologies and new instructional contents should be introduced both at the student –from initial to undergrate level– and the teacher training level. In this new scenario the role and the tasks that faculty and students fulfil and develop will change and should be re-thought as regards traditional pedagogy.
Por su temática, el profesorado universitario, los estudiantes de los distintos programas de educación superior, los gestores y autoridades universitarias y los interesados en el ámbito pedagógico en general encontrarán temas próximos planteados como claves y restos, con los que sin duda se sentirán identificados. Estos tienen que ver con aspectos como la innovación en el contexto universitario como motor para la mejora, la relación entre investigación y docencia y cómo articular estos campos importantes de ocupación docente, las estrategias de aprendizaje colaborativo entre estudiantes como alternativa a la clase magistral o las claves para un verdadera evaluación formativa.
to virtual teaching and learning environments. E-learning is becoming
the main focus for 21 st -century universities, given that, currently, most
of them are undertaking virtual learning activities. The highlight of this
work is the detailed study of all the elements involved in the e-learning
process: teachers, students and materials. It also pays special attention
to the planning of teaching, the development and monitoring of online
study activities, and the assessment processes; taking into account, for
each, the opinion of the teachers and students involved, and incorporating
a great number of examples gained from the day-to-day professional
activities of the authors.
Papers by Guillermo Bautista
This chapter deals with the competences that both faculty and students should acquire to carry out learning processes in online settings and take part in them. These competences have been obtained and described in a research and development project (EDU2009-12125), financed by the government of Spain, where the aim was to analyse the so-called digital natives’ uses, preferences and attitudes regarding digital technologies in higher education (Prensky, 2001; Trinder, Guiller, Margaryan, Littlejohn, Nicol, 2008).
Educational institutions should put into practice policies and strategies in order for these competences to be acquired gradually by faculty as much as by students. To that effect, new teaching methodologies and new instructional contents should be introduced both at the student and the teacher training level. In this new scenario the role and the tasks that faculty and students fulfil and develop will change and should be re-thought as regards traditional pedagogy.
This chapter deals with the competences that both faculty and students should acquire to carry out learning processes in online and face to face settings and take part in them. These competences have been obtained and described in a research and development project (EDU2009-12125), financed by the government of Spain, where the aim was to analyse the so-called digital natives’ uses, preferences and attitudes regarding digital technologies in higher education (Prensky, 2001; Trinder, Guiller, Margaryan, Littlejohn, Nicol, 2008).
Educational institutions should put into practice policies and strategies in order for these competences to be acquired gradually by faculty as much as by students. These policies and strategies must go beyond a mere inclusion of technology in the classrooms. To that effect, new teaching methodologies and new instructional contents should be introduced both at the student –from initial to undergrate level– and the teacher training level. In this new scenario the role and the tasks that faculty and students fulfil and develop will change and should be re-thought as regards traditional pedagogy.
Por su temática, el profesorado universitario, los estudiantes de los distintos programas de educación superior, los gestores y autoridades universitarias y los interesados en el ámbito pedagógico en general encontrarán temas próximos planteados como claves y restos, con los que sin duda se sentirán identificados. Estos tienen que ver con aspectos como la innovación en el contexto universitario como motor para la mejora, la relación entre investigación y docencia y cómo articular estos campos importantes de ocupación docente, las estrategias de aprendizaje colaborativo entre estudiantes como alternativa a la clase magistral o las claves para un verdadera evaluación formativa.
to virtual teaching and learning environments. E-learning is becoming
the main focus for 21 st -century universities, given that, currently, most
of them are undertaking virtual learning activities. The highlight of this
work is the detailed study of all the elements involved in the e-learning
process: teachers, students and materials. It also pays special attention
to the planning of teaching, the development and monitoring of online
study activities, and the assessment processes; taking into account, for
each, the opinion of the teachers and students involved, and incorporating
a great number of examples gained from the day-to-day professional
activities of the authors.
This chapter deals with the competences that both faculty and students should acquire to carry out learning processes in online settings and take part in them. These competences have been obtained and described in a research and development project (EDU2009-12125), financed by the government of Spain, where the aim was to analyse the so-called digital natives’ uses, preferences and attitudes regarding digital technologies in higher education (Prensky, 2001; Trinder, Guiller, Margaryan, Littlejohn, Nicol, 2008).
Educational institutions should put into practice policies and strategies in order for these competences to be acquired gradually by faculty as much as by students. To that effect, new teaching methodologies and new instructional contents should be introduced both at the student and the teacher training level. In this new scenario the role and the tasks that faculty and students fulfil and develop will change and should be re-thought as regards traditional pedagogy.