Papers by Josep Cazorla Palomo
Comunidades sostenibles: dilemas y retos desde el trabajo social, 2017, ISBN 978-84-9177-336-8, págs. 527-534, 2017

Las respuestas a las problemáticas relacionadas con el ámbito de la salud mental se han centrado ... more Las respuestas a las problemáticas relacionadas con el ámbito de la salud mental se han centrado en la creencia de que la diversidad era un hecho individual de cada persona, responsabilizando al individuo de su voluntad de cambio, olvidando las condicionantes sociales de este hecho. En contraposición, en Europa se han creado diferentes movimientos fomentados por personas usuarias y ex-usuarias de los servicios de la red de salud mental que reivindican una serie de derechos, de soluciones y de propuestas alternativas a las institucionales. El presente artículo se basa en la primera parte de la tesis doctoral, que se centra en el estudio del papel de Trabajo Social como facilitador de los procesos de empoderamiento de las personas diagnosticadas con un trastorno mental. La intención es la aproximación al mundo asociativo «en primera persona» y el papel que ha obtenido en el momento actual en Cataluña. Para ello se cuenta con la opinión de nueve personas vinculadas a las nueve asociaci...
Comunidades sostenibles: dilemas y retos desde el trabajo social, 2017, ISBN 978-84-9177-336-8, págs. 1899-1904, 2017
Cuadernos Fronterizos, Apr 28, 2021
Trabajo social y salud, 2019

Alternativas. Cuadernos de trabajo social, 2017
El modelo rehabilitador es en la actualidad el modelo rector de nuestra sociedad y del mundo de l... more El modelo rehabilitador es en la actualidad el modelo rector de nuestra sociedad y del mundo de la atención de la Salud Mental. Este estándar exige al individuo que se adapte al medio, responsabilizándolo de sus limitaciones y rechazando la diferencia. Desde esta visión se transforma a la persona en un usuario o un consumidor de servicios, reforzándose la discriminación a partir de los ideales establecidos y los mecanismos de control institucionales.El trabajo social emerge, desde sus inicios, como una disciplina que reconoce las capacidades y las experiencias de las personas de forma singularizada, para facilitar que sean estas las protagonistas de sus relatos de vida. Es por ello, que en el ámbito de la Salud Mental uno de los principales propósitos es la descategorización de la diferencia que perpetua el estigma. Esta concepción se encuentra estrechamente unida al modelo social, perspectiva que concibe toda vida humana con las mismas condiciones de dignidad que el resto de la soc...
El Trabajo Social Ante El Reto De La Crisis Y La Educacion Superior Recurso Electronico 2014 Isbn 978 84 7991 424 0 Pags 847 854, 2014
Alternativas. Cuadernos de trabajo Social, 2014
Social relationships in mental health: A study on the perceived impact of social relationships on... more Social relationships in mental health: A study on the perceived impact of social relationships on improving the autonomy of people with mental diversity and its relationship with social work

Alternativas. Cuadernos de trabajo social
Las respuestas a las problemáticas relacionadas con el ámbito de la salud mental se han centrado ... more Las respuestas a las problemáticas relacionadas con el ámbito de la salud mental se han centrado en la creencia de que la diversidad era un hecho individual de cada persona, responsabilizando al individuo de su voluntad de cambio, olvidando las condicionantes sociales de este hecho. En contraposición, en Europa se han creado diferentes movimientos fomentados por personas usuarias y ex-usuarias de los servicios de la red de salud mental que reivindican una serie de derechos, de soluciones y de propuestas alternativas a las institucionales. El presente artículo se basa en la primera parte de la tesis doctoral, que se centra en el estudio del papel de Trabajo Social como facilitador de los procesos de empoderamiento de las personas diagnosticadas con un trastorno mental. La intención es la aproximación al mundo asociativo «en primera persona» y el papel que ha obtenido en el momento actual en Cataluña. Para ello se cuenta con la opinión de nueve personas vinculadas a las nueve asociaci...
A constant in the social construction of those who are identified as carriers of mental illness h... more A constant in the social construction of those who are identified as carriers of mental illness has been throughout history the vulnerability exercise of their rights and dignity. It resulted
Este trabajo fue presentado, en su primera version, como ponencia del I Congreso Internacional de... more Este trabajo fue presentado, en su primera version, como ponencia del I Congreso Internacional de Facultades y Escuelas de Trabajo Social, celebrado en abril de 2014 en Murcia (Espana). Se publica ahora como articulo, una vez transformado/adaptado por sus autores, aceptado por TSG, y superado el proceso de revision por pares, y previa autorizacion de los editores de las Actas del referido Congreso. [N. de Ed.]
De Política / núm. 15, volumen 9 /agosto-diciembre 2020, 2020
JOSEP CAZORLA PALOMO, ANDRÉS LORENZO-APARICIO/ PÁG. 37 El COVID-19 y la información de desigualda... more JOSEP CAZORLA PALOMO, ANDRÉS LORENZO-APARICIO/ PÁG. 37 El COVID-19 y la información de desigualdad: el discurso unilateral de la pedagogía de la instrucción

Trabajo Social Global. Revista de Investigaciones en Intervención social, 4 (7), 3-19, 2014
Ethics, as a practical element, infuses interest in the Social Work of people and their personal ... more Ethics, as a practical element, infuses interest in the Social Work of people and their personal
characteristics. It encourages the development of autonomy, restores the exercise of rights, and
promotes people's human dignity. When transferred to the field social research, these objectives are
reached by setting individuals at the center stage of the research activity, thereby directly promoting
their participation in the process. Following this line, we present a social investigation articulated via a
methodology developed according to the aforementioned ethical perspective. This study underscores
the importance of our methodology's qualitative perspective, from the tools it uses to collect data, to its
ability as a method to better approximate the actual reality of its protagonists.Our results suggest that
participants view their collaboration in the research positively, as it provides them a step forward in
gaining recognition for their abilities. Finally, it contributes further to the issue regarding the importance
of understanding social reality from the point of view of its protagonists.

Alternativas.Cuadernos de Trabajo Social, 2017
Currently, the rehabilitation approach is the guiding
model in mental health care as... more Currently, the rehabilitation approach is the guiding
model in mental health care as well as in society in
This standard demands individuals to fit in
their environment, making them responsible for their
limitations and rejecting difference. From that point
of view, a person becomes a user or a consumer, which
reinforces discrimination through established ideas and
mechanisms of institutional control.
From the beginning, social work emerges as a
discipline that recognizes individuals’ capacities and
experiences in a singular way, making it easier for them
to star in their life story. For that reason, one of the
main goals in mental health care is the decategorization
of the difference which perpetuates the stigma. This
idea is closely linked to the social approach, which
conceives the whole human life in terms of equal dig-
nity conditions, which makes it easier for people with
mental disorders to be acknowledged as citizens with
full rights and obligations in the society they are living
Papers by Josep Cazorla Palomo
characteristics. It encourages the development of autonomy, restores the exercise of rights, and
promotes people's human dignity. When transferred to the field social research, these objectives are
reached by setting individuals at the center stage of the research activity, thereby directly promoting
their participation in the process. Following this line, we present a social investigation articulated via a
methodology developed according to the aforementioned ethical perspective. This study underscores
the importance of our methodology's qualitative perspective, from the tools it uses to collect data, to its
ability as a method to better approximate the actual reality of its protagonists.Our results suggest that
participants view their collaboration in the research positively, as it provides them a step forward in
gaining recognition for their abilities. Finally, it contributes further to the issue regarding the importance
of understanding social reality from the point of view of its protagonists.
model in mental health care as well as in society in
This standard demands individuals to fit in
their environment, making them responsible for their
limitations and rejecting difference. From that point
of view, a person becomes a user or a consumer, which
reinforces discrimination through established ideas and
mechanisms of institutional control.
From the beginning, social work emerges as a
discipline that recognizes individuals’ capacities and
experiences in a singular way, making it easier for them
to star in their life story. For that reason, one of the
main goals in mental health care is the decategorization
of the difference which perpetuates the stigma. This
idea is closely linked to the social approach, which
conceives the whole human life in terms of equal dig-
nity conditions, which makes it easier for people with
mental disorders to be acknowledged as citizens with
full rights and obligations in the society they are living
characteristics. It encourages the development of autonomy, restores the exercise of rights, and
promotes people's human dignity. When transferred to the field social research, these objectives are
reached by setting individuals at the center stage of the research activity, thereby directly promoting
their participation in the process. Following this line, we present a social investigation articulated via a
methodology developed according to the aforementioned ethical perspective. This study underscores
the importance of our methodology's qualitative perspective, from the tools it uses to collect data, to its
ability as a method to better approximate the actual reality of its protagonists.Our results suggest that
participants view their collaboration in the research positively, as it provides them a step forward in
gaining recognition for their abilities. Finally, it contributes further to the issue regarding the importance
of understanding social reality from the point of view of its protagonists.
model in mental health care as well as in society in
This standard demands individuals to fit in
their environment, making them responsible for their
limitations and rejecting difference. From that point
of view, a person becomes a user or a consumer, which
reinforces discrimination through established ideas and
mechanisms of institutional control.
From the beginning, social work emerges as a
discipline that recognizes individuals’ capacities and
experiences in a singular way, making it easier for them
to star in their life story. For that reason, one of the
main goals in mental health care is the decategorization
of the difference which perpetuates the stigma. This
idea is closely linked to the social approach, which
conceives the whole human life in terms of equal dig-
nity conditions, which makes it easier for people with
mental disorders to be acknowledged as citizens with
full rights and obligations in the society they are living