Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
This work tries to explore into the nature of the Western and its problematic relationships with the real facts, which made it a suitable mean in order to discuss or report many issues, that hadn’t anything to do with the far west and... more
In this article we make an approach to morality from a neurological point of view that try to stand out the prosocial points and the neuroplasticity that we can find in the brain. We show as well some problems that appear in the usual... more
In this paper we explore different faces of current nationalism in relation to the conflict between the Catalan movement pro-independence and the Spanish Government, especially new currents of nationalism, which are not focused on... more
The crisis has been usually considered as an economical crisis, although it is political and social as well. Therefore, one should take into question the axioms of economics which led, for instance, to the idea of a Homo Economicus and... more
Insolence has been till now a concept, which wasn’t important for political philosophy. This article reports this absence and describes briefly its history, focusing on phenomena as the jester and the carnival. Afterwards we analyze the... more
The multitude is a concept which has recently been coined and this word defines, according to some thinkers, most of the latest political movements and it has been even considered as a political model for the future. Nevertheless, this... more
This article studies in depth the movie Jew Süss (Jud Süss) in connection with its context in order to explore anti-semitism in the nazi cinematography. One can see, paradoxically, that this movie was an uncommon product, because Goebbels... more
José Val del Omar sintetiza una de las tragedias habituales que conocemos tan bien en España. No consiste tanto en una muerte violenta o algún suceso concreto teñido de tragedia, sino una tragedia cotidiana que se plasma en la falta de... more
Some thoughts about the problems in relation of the concept of "psicopolitics" and the thinking of Byung Chul Han.
Se trata de pensar cómo desde la introducción del concepto de autoridad en la idea de representación se fragiliza la idea de poder y se puede abrir una apertura democratizadora, gracias a la cual es indispensable la obtención del... more
La figura de Sócrates según las diferentes lecturas de Foucault y Arendt: de la parresía a la experiencia del pensar (O: el conflicto político no deseado que se deriva de la reivindicación de un modelo ético y sus tensiones con la idea de... more
This paper reads the philosophy of Foucault in order to put in question the totalizing and absolutizing paradigm of power and to vindicate the concept of authority.
This papers examines the book Common of Laval and Dardot and the problem of commons in general.
This paper exposes how the bureaucratic violence can be a politic tool in order to deactivate the politic protest and the social changes. The bureaucratic violence is a stronghold of statu quo and can be defined as a passive violence,... more
This article explores the philosophical relationship between Hannah Arendt and Karl Jaspers through the idea of authority, which was a partial counterpoint to the influence of Heidegger. Jaspers developed a philosophy of existence based... more