Papers by Prof. Dr. Abdulhussain A . AbdulKarim Abbas

Periodica Polytechnica-civil Engineering, Sep 29, 2021
This study aims to evaluate the performance of the sewage treatment plant in Al-Thagher city, in ... more This study aims to evaluate the performance of the sewage treatment plant in Al-Thagher city, in the north of Basrah governorate, the southern part of Iraq. The plant's performance was estimated based on an analysis of influent and effluent wastewater quality data that represented the monthly averages from Feb. 2017 to Dec. 2018. The results show that the values of temperature (T), pH, ammonia (NH 3-N), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biological oxygen demand (BOD) in all collected samples from the effluent of the plant met the Iraqi water quality standard (IWQS), whereas the values of electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), total suspended solids (TSS), sulfate (SO 4-2), chloride (Cl-1) and phosphate (PO 4-P) met the Iraqi water quality standard (IWQS) in some months and did not meet the standard in other months. The average removal efficiencies were in the following order: COD (77.12%) > BOD (77.03%) > TSS (62.26%) > NH 3-N (59.99%) > PO 4-P (12.42%) > Cl-1 (1.97%). The removal percentages for the remaining parameters had negative values. The Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment water quality index (CCME WQI) value of the treated water was 51.80 and classified as "marginal." The coefficients of determination between each parameter in influent or effluent were calculated. Finally, linear regression equations between these parameters were formulated so that the value of one parameter could be used to predict the value of a different parameter.

Environmental Technology, Apr 1, 2012
Municipal solid wastes (MSW) in China contain a large fraction of food waste and have high moistu... more Municipal solid wastes (MSW) in China contain a large fraction of food waste and have high moisture content. MSW is usually held in waste pits for a few days to reduce moisture content before combustion in an incineration plant. In this study, leachate from the Tongxing MSW incineration plant was characterized and a combined anaerobic-aerobic-coagulation system was proposed and investigated. Optimal operation conditions for the processes in the proposed system were identified. The performance of the treatment process was assessed by monitoring the removal of organic matter (COD) and ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N). The results showed that the optimal volume ratio of leachate and sewage was 1:6. During the initial anaerobic treatment, 62.1% COD and 49.5% ammonia were removed (optimal reaction time: 20 h, hydraulic retention time: 4 d). During the subsequent aerobic treatment (optimal aeration time of 14 h, dissolved oxygen of4 mg/L), up to 94.0% COD and 89.4% ammonia could be removed. The coagulation process served as a polishing step. The optimal dose of Fe2(SO4)3 was 600 mg/L at a pH of 5.0. The COD and ammonia concentrations in the final effluent after the combined treatment were 138 mg/L and 22 mg/L, respectively, which meet the Chinese integrated wastewater discharge standards.
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, May 1, 2023

Journal of University of Babylon, 2016
The success of waste management requires accurate data on generation and composition of waste whi... more The success of waste management requires accurate data on generation and composition of waste which is pivotal for the decisions towards the appropriate waste management system. A five years (2008-2012) study was conducted to evaluate the solid wastes management system in all the six divisions of Basrah district (more than 30 sub-districts). Recent investigations in 2012 resulted information that population of Basrah district has reached 1,018,000 person The quantity of municipal solid waste generated was recorded to be 634 tons per day with MSW generation rates of 0.62 kg per capita per day. Municipal solid waste density was conducted as 192.6 kg/m3 with moisture content of 31.1%. The main components of the MSW were Food wastes represents largest proportion (54.8%), followed by plastic (25.2%) and paper (7%). The study results reveal that the MSW stream has the largest proportion of biodegradable and recyclable waste. Therefore, the study recommends to use methods of waste treatmen...

Hydrology, 2019
Recently, the Shatt Al-Arab River has suffered from increased salinization of its water due to th... more Recently, the Shatt Al-Arab River has suffered from increased salinization of its water due to the reduction of freshwater from its tributaries, mainly from the Tigris River, which has resulted in long-distance salinity intrusion. Therefore, there is a need to establish a regulator in the Abu-Flus district to prevent salt intrusion. The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of a proposed regulator on the Shatt Al-Arab River with simulations using the Hydrologic Engineering Center’s River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) model. The upstream boundary conditions were the daily discharges of Tigris River and the downstream boundary conditions were the hourly water stages of the Shatt Al-Arab River. The river model was operated by using the daily discharges recorded in 2014 for calibration and verification of the model. Then, a program operated with a suggested regulator and a flood wave assumed a 200 m3/s peak flow for a duration of 27 days. The flooding occurrence period of the flood ...

International Journal of Civil Engineering, 2020
The Hydrological Tank model was used in this study to simulate the rainfall-runoff relationship i... more The Hydrological Tank model was used in this study to simulate the rainfall-runoff relationship in the Flint River basin near Carsonville, Georgia, USA. The model's structure consisted of two tanks (upper and lower), and it depended primarily on a set of eight parameters to simulate daily stream flow components (surface, subsurface, and base flows) from daily precipitation while taking into account the effects of daily evapotranspiration, the water storage height, and the infiltration rate. The parameter set was calibrated, optimized, and validated with data spanning a period of 10 years (Oct. 1st, 2007-Sep. 30th, 2017). Model calibration and validation were performed by using the first and second 5-year periods of water flow data, respectively. The model performance was verified using the coefficient of determination (R 2) and the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) coefficient. The results of one-and two-parameter sensitivity analyses showed that the model performance was highly dependent on the parameters Ko and K1 (the coefficients of the surface and subsurface flows, respectively). The Downhill Simplex Method (DSM) was used to find the optimum parameter set via the maximization of R 2 and NSE. The optimum parameter set produced by maximizing the NSE values was adopted in this study because it produced a very good correlation between the simulated and observed stream flows for both the calibration and validation time periods. Using the adopted optimum parameter set, the maximum values of R 2 and NSE were 0.818 and 0.812 in the calibration time period, respectively, and 0.756 and 0.750 in the validation time period, respectively. Moreover, the DSM has proven to be very reliable in locating global optimums and requires reasonable computational efforts in the calibration of a hydrological model.

Journal of Ecological Engineering, May 1, 2022
The Basrah province (southern of Iraq) was interested in establishing desalination plants to prov... more The Basrah province (southern of Iraq) was interested in establishing desalination plants to provide drinking water due to the high levels of salinity in its water resources. This work was carried out in order to evaluate and simulate the functionality of the reverse osmosis plant in the Al-Maqal port. From the field and laboratory measurement, this study concluded that the considered parameters of product water by reverse osmosis (RO) plant were within the Iraqi standard (IRS) limits. The calculation of operation indices showed that the recovery rate of plant (72%) and the permeate flux of plant (20 lmh) was within for limitation of brackish surface water. In turn, the plant has a low salt rejection (90.1%) and a high pressure drop (5 bar); therefore, the membranes require backwashing or chemical cleaning. Then, the performance of RO membrane was simulated by the Winflows software. The best operating parameters were identified. The coefficient of determination (R 2) between simulated and measured TDS was 0.83. Therefore, the simulated TDS of permeate multiplied by 5.3 was given a good estimation for actual TDS within acceptable an error rate of 17%.

International journal of advances in scientific research and engineering, 2019
For a long time, Iraq has been suffering from the environmental pollution and electricity crisis.... more For a long time, Iraq has been suffering from the environmental pollution and electricity crisis. Therefore, tidal energy is one of the best renewable sources should be used to solve together the environmental pollution and electricity crisis. Tidal energy is usually available in coastal areas. Southern of Iraq has coastal areas in Basra Governorate on the northern Arabian Gulf. Therefore, this study has been investigated the possibility of establishing tidal power stations in two locations in Basra, Um Qasr and Al-Faw. In the case of the construction of a 4km 2 tidal barrage in Um Qasr, the electricity generated was 98.85MW and 197.69MW to meet the demand for electricity in Basra by 6.59% and 13.18% in the case of one-way and two-way generation, respectively. While in case of construction of a 4km 2 tidal lagoon in Al-Faw, the electricity generated was 31.37MW and 62.73MW to meet the demand for electricity in Basra by 2.09% and 4.18% in the case of one-way and two way generation, respectively. So, this study clearly shows that tidal energy can contribute significantly to relief the electricity crisis in Basra Governorate.

Regional Studies in Marine Science, Nov 1, 2022
Deep drawing is characterized by very complicated deformation affected by the process parameter v... more Deep drawing is characterized by very complicated deformation affected by the process parameter values including die geometry, blank holder force, material properties, and frictional conditions. The aim of this study is to model and optimize the deep drawing process for stainless steel 304 (SUS304). To achieve the purpose, die radius, punch radius, blank holder force, and frictional conditions are designated as input parameters. Thinning, as one of the major failure modes in deep drawn parts, is considered as the process output parameter. Based on the results of finite element (FE) analysis, an artificial neural network (ANN) has been developed, as a predictor, to relate important process parameters to process output characteristics. The proposed feed forward back propagation ANN is trained and tested with pairs of input/output data obtained from FE analysis. To verify the FE model, the results obtained from the FE model were compared with those of several experimental tests. Afterward, the ANN is integrated into a simulated annealing algorithm to optimize the process parameters. Optimization results indicate that by selecting the proper process parameter settings, uniform wall thickness with minimum thinning can be achieved. Keywords Deep drawing. Finite element analysis. Optimization. Artificial neural networks Nomenclature BHF Blank holder force FE Finite element σy Yield stress σUTS Ultimate stress FLDs Forming limit diagrams FLSDs Forming limit stress diagrams DOE Design of experiment ANN Artificial neural network R p Punch radius R d Die radius μ 1 Friction coefficient between punch and blank μ 2 Friction coefficient between die and blank N Number of possible design L Number of factors STH m Minimum section thickness BPN Back propagation network FEM Finite element method MSE Mean square error SA Simulated annealing algorithm P r Probability number ΔC Difference between the present and the new objective function value T k Temperature in k-th iteration 1 Introduction Sheet metal forming is a widely used manufacturing process for mass production due to its high speed and low cost. Deep drawing is one of the most common sheet metal forming processes which is widely used for mass production of cupshaped parts in automobile, petrochemical, and packaging industries [1-4]. Cup drawing is also used as a basic test for sheet metal formability. Figure 1 shows deep drawing tools and the states of forming parts. In this figure, D o , D p , c, R p , and T are the diameter of initial blank, diameter of punch, clearance between punch and die, punch radius, and thickness of blank, respectively.

Journal of Hazardous Materials, Jun 1, 2010
The leachate from Changshengqiao landfill (Chongqing, China) was characterized and submitted to a... more The leachate from Changshengqiao landfill (Chongqing, China) was characterized and submitted to a combined process of air stripping, Fenton, sequencing batch reactor (SBR), and coagulation. Optimum operating conditions for each process were identified. The performance of the treatment was assessed by monitoring the removal of organic matter (COD and BOD 5) and ammonia nitrogen (NH 3-N). It has been confirmed that air stripping (at pH 11.0 and aeration time 18 h) effectively removed 96.6% of the ammonia. The Fenton process was investigated under optimum conditions (pH 3.0, FeSO 4 •7H 2 O of 20 g l −1 and H 2 O 2 of 20 ml l −1), COD removal of up to 60.8% was achieved. Biodegradability (BOD 5 /COD ratio) increased from 0.18 to 0.38. Thereafter the Fenton effluent was mixed with sewage at dilutions to a ratio of 1:3 before it was subjected to the SBR reactor; under the optimum aeration time of 20 h, up to 82.8% BOD 5 removal and 83.1% COD removal were achieved. The optimum coagulant (Fe 2 (SO 4) 3) was a dosage of 800 mg l −1 at pH of 5.0, which reduced COD to an amount of 280 mg l −1. These combined processes were successfully employed and very effectively decreased pollutant loading.

Journal of Ecological Engineering, 2022
The Basrah province (southern of Iraq) was interested in establishing desalination plants to prov... more The Basrah province (southern of Iraq) was interested in establishing desalination plants to provide drinking water due to the high levels of salinity in its water resources. This work was carried out in order to evaluate and simulate the functionality of the reverse osmosis plant in the Al-Maqal port. From the field and laboratory measurement, this study concluded that the considered parameters of product water by reverse osmosis (RO) plant were within the Iraqi standard (IRS) limits. The calculation of operation indices showed that the recovery rate of plant (72%) and the permeate flux of plant (20 lmh) was within for limitation of brackish surface water. In turn, the plant has a low salt rejection (90.1%) and a high pressure drop (5 bar); therefore, the membranes require backwashing or chemical cleaning. Then, the performance of RO membrane was simulated by the Winflows software. The best operating parameters were identified. The coefficient of determination (R 2) between simulated and measured TDS was 0.83. Therefore, the simulated TDS of permeate multiplied by 5.3 was given a good estimation for actual TDS within acceptable an error rate of 17%.

Journal of Ecological Engineering
Shatt Al-Arab River in Basrah province, Iraq, was assessed by applying comprehensive pollution in... more Shatt Al-Arab River in Basrah province, Iraq, was assessed by applying comprehensive pollution index (CPI) at fifteen sampling locations from 2011 to 2020, taking into consideration twelve physicochemical parameters which included pH, Tur., TDS, EC, TH, Na + , K + , Ca +2 , Mg +2 , Alk., SO 4-2 , and Cl-. The effectiveness of multiple linear regression (MLR) and artificial neural network (ANN) for predicting comprehensive pollution index was examined in this research. In order to determine the ideal values of the predictor parameters that lead to the lowest CPI value, the genetic algorithm coupled with multiple linear regression (GA-MLR) was used. A multi-layer feed-forward neural network with backpropagation algorithm was used in this study. The optimal ANN structure utilized in this research consisted of three layers: the input layer, one hidden layer, and one output layer. The predicted equation of the comprehensive pollution index was created using the regression technique and used as an objective function of the genetic algorithm. The minimum predicted comprehensive pollution index value recommended by the GA-MLR approach was 0.3777.

Journal of hazardous materials, 2010
The leachate from Changshengqiao landfill (Chongqing, China) was characterized and submitted to a... more The leachate from Changshengqiao landfill (Chongqing, China) was characterized and submitted to a combined process of air stripping, Fenton, sequencing batch reactor (SBR), and coagulation. Optimum operating conditions for each process were identified. The performance of the treatment was assessed by monitoring the removal of organic matter (COD and BOD(5)) and ammonia nitrogen (NH(3)-N). It has been confirmed that air stripping (at pH 11.0 and aeration time 18h) effectively removed 96.6% of the ammonia. The Fenton process was investigated under optimum conditions (pH 3.0, FeSO(4).7H(2)O of 20 g l(-1) and H(2)O(2) of 20 ml l(-1)), COD removal of up to 60.8% was achieved. Biodegradability (BOD(5)/COD ratio) increased from 0.18 to 0.38. Thereafter the Fenton effluent was mixed with sewage at dilutions to a ratio of 1:3 before it was subjected to the SBR reactor; under the optimum aeration time of 20 h, up to 82.8% BOD(5) removal and 83.1% COD removal were achieved. The optimum coagula...

Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering
This study aims to evaluate the performance of the sewage treatment plant in Al-Thagher city, in ... more This study aims to evaluate the performance of the sewage treatment plant in Al-Thagher city, in the north of Basrah governorate, the southern part of Iraq. The plant’s performance was estimated based on an analysis of influent and effluent wastewater quality data that represented the monthly averages from Feb. 2017 to Dec. 2018. The results show that the values of temperature (T), pH, ammonia (NH3–N), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biological oxygen demand (BOD) in all collected samples from the effluent of the plant met the Iraqi water quality standard (IWQS), whereas the values of electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), total suspended solids (TSS), sulfate (SO4–2), chloride (Cl–1) and phosphate (PO4–P) met the Iraqi water quality standard (IWQS) in some months and did not meet the standard in other months. The average removal efficiencies were in the following order: COD (77.12%) > BOD (77.03%) > TSS (62.26%) > NH3–N (59.99%) > PO4–P (12.42%) &g...

American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2009
Problem Statement: Sanitary landfilling is the most common way to eliminate solid urban wastes. A... more Problem Statement: Sanitary landfilling is the most common way to eliminate solid urban wastes. An important problem associated to landfills is the production of leachates. This study is a review of landfill leachate treatments. Approach: The advantages and disadvantages of the various existing leachate treatments discussed under the items: (i) Leachate channeling (combined treatment with domestic sewage, recycling) (ii) Biological processing (aerobic and anaerobic) (iii) Chemical/physical treatment (flotation, coagulation/flocculation, chemical precipitation, adsorption, ammonium stripping, chemical oxidation, ion exchange and electrochemical treatment) (iv) Membrane filtration (microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis). Conclusion: The major fraction of old or biologically treated leachate was large recalcitrant organic molecules that are not easy removed during biological treatment. So that, in order to meet strict quality standards for direct discharge of leachate into the surface water, a development of integrated methods of treatment, a combination of biological, chemical, physical and membrane process steps, were required. Today, the use of membrane technologies, more especially Reverse Osmosis (RO), either as a main step in a landfill leachate treatment chain or as single post-treatment step had shown to be an indispensable means of achieving purification.

Environmental Technology, 2012
Municipal solid wastes (MSW) in China contain a large fraction of food waste and have high moistu... more Municipal solid wastes (MSW) in China contain a large fraction of food waste and have high moisture content. MSW is usually held in waste pits for a few days to reduce moisture content before combustion in an incineration plant. In this study, leachate from the Tongxing MSW incineration plant was characterized and a combined anaerobic-aerobic-coagulation system was proposed and investigated. Optimal operation conditions for the processes in the proposed system were identified. The performance of the treatment process was assessed by monitoring the removal of organic matter (COD) and ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N). The results showed that the optimal volume ratio of leachate and sewage was 1:6. During the initial anaerobic treatment, 62.1% COD and 49.5% ammonia were removed (optimal reaction time: 20 h, hydraulic retention time: 4 d). During the subsequent aerobic treatment (optimal aeration time of 14 h, dissolved oxygen of4 mg/L), up to 94.0% COD and 89.4% ammonia could be removed. The coagulation process served as a polishing step. The optimal dose of Fe2(SO4)3 was 600 mg/L at a pH of 5.0. The COD and ammonia concentrations in the final effluent after the combined treatment were 138 mg/L and 22 mg/L, respectively, which meet the Chinese integrated wastewater discharge standards.
Papers by Prof. Dr. Abdulhussain A . AbdulKarim Abbas