Papers by Muntasser M Hameed

Journal of Ecohumanism, 2025
Iraq is considered one of the countries most susceptible to the negative impacts of climate chang... more Iraq is considered one of the countries most susceptible to the negative impacts of climate change. According to international reports, it is classified as among the top five most affected by climate change in the world, leading to economic resource shortages and an increase in water scarcity, which exposes societal stability in Iraq to a threat. This may result in social disintegration and civil conflicts, so climate changes are considered one of the most dangerous crises affecting societal stability in Iraq during this stage. In this context, the research attempts to trace the causes of climate change and their effects on societal stability in Iraq and suggest some necessary measures to confront them in the future. The research sums up the findings of the study, the most important of which is the need to take comprehensive institutional measures to mitigate the harmful effects of environmental degradation, such as the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions, and to develop treatments, such as legislating the necessary laws for water management to ward off immediate and future risks resulting from societal stability due to climate impacts in order to maintain a better level of societal stability.
Iraqi Journal of Political Science, 2024
ترتبط نظرية هيكل الفرص السياسية بدراسة الاحتجاجات الشعبية او الحركات الاجتماعية وفقا لعدة ابعاد ه... more ترتبط نظرية هيكل الفرص السياسية بدراسة الاحتجاجات الشعبية او الحركات الاجتماعية وفقا لعدة ابعاد هي ( الانفتاح او الانغلاق في النظام السياسي , توجهات الانظمة السياسية تجاه قيام الاحتجاجات, تحالفات النخب وانقسامها)
Hawkamah Center for Public Policies, 2019
Governance indicator has been developed after studying global
indicators and its localization to... more Governance indicator has been developed after studying global
indicators and its localization to the context of Iraq through series of
seminars by academics of related specialties (political science, Law,
Communication, Economy, and Statistics) in order to develop an indicator
that better depict the realities of Iraq democracy. It is based on 5 aspects,
taken into considerations previous studies, context of Iraqi democracy, and drivers of democratization.

مجلة دراسات دولية, 2023
تعد التحالفات / التكتلات بين الأحزاب السياسية سمة دائمة للديمقراطيات التعددية. يحدث التحالف عادة ... more تعد التحالفات / التكتلات بين الأحزاب السياسية سمة دائمة للديمقراطيات التعددية. يحدث التحالف عادة في البرلمانات الحديثة عندما لا يستطيع حزب سياسي واحد حشد أغلبية مطلقة من الاصوات بعد الانتخابات، و قد تتشكل التحالفات أيضًا قبل او اثناء الانتخابات في محاولة لتقليل حالة عدم اليقين التي تعقب الانتخابات. تسعى النظريات الكلاسيكية لتشكيل التحالفات السياسية، وهي نظريات مستوحاة من نظرية الاختيار العقلاني ، أن تشرح وتتنبأ بالتحالف الذي يتشكل بعد الانتخابات، وتقوم هذه النظرية (Game Theory) على افتراض أن اللاعبين هم خصوم عقلانيون متشابهون في التفكير، وعلى دراية بتفضيلات واستراتيجيات بعضهم البعض. و إن الألعاب ، بالمعنى العام للكلمة ، يمكن تقسيمها إلى أجزاء في عدد من الفئات على أساس عدد من الأبعاد والتي توفر إطارًا رياضيًا لتحليل تفاعلات اللاعبين المترابطة بشكل متبادل. مما يوفر قدرة على استقراء ابرز خيارات تشكيل التكتلات السياسية التي تشكل الحكومات و بالتالي تحدد سماتها وتوجهاتها.
IPRI Journal , 2022
According to different types of democracy Indexes , hybrid regimes or those in the gray zone, m... more According to different types of democracy Indexes , hybrid regimes or those in the gray zone, make up the majority of regime transformations in the third wave of democracy. However, after nearly three decades, conceptual confusion about hybrid regimes persists and grows, while obstructing the accumulation of knowledge about the nature of hybrid regimes. This leads to significant political repercussions for democratization.
مجلة سياسات عربية, 2022
يعــد "المؤشــر الوطنــي للتحول الديمقراطــي في العراق" أحــد المؤشــرات المحلية لقياس وضــع الدي... more يعــد "المؤشــر الوطنــي للتحول الديمقراطــي في العراق" أحــد المؤشــرات المحلية لقياس وضــع الديمقراطيــة فــي العراق، في ســياق كــم كبير مــن المؤشــرات الأجنبية، التــي - على الرغم من أهميتها - تعتمد، في الغالب، على معلومات عامة، مستمدة من تقارير، إعلامية أو سياسية، وبعض مصادرها غير موثق أو مؤهل. أعد المؤشر الوطني للتحول الديمقراطي ً فــي العــراق "مركز حوكمة للسياســات العامة"، وهو مركز دراســات مقره في بغــداد، انطلاقا مــن الحاجــة إلــى مؤشــر يســتند إلــى منظــور محلــي. أســهم فــي بنــاء المؤشــر فريــق مــن الأكاديميين العراقيين من تخصصات مختلفة، وهو يصدر سنويا ً ، بدءا من العام 2018 .وقد صــدرت منــه، إلــى هــذه اللحظة، أربعــة تقارير. يمثــل هذا النص خلاصــة أعدهــا المركز لصالح "سياسات عربية"، لنتائج التقارير الأربعة، وتمثل إضافة لحال التحول الديمقراطي في العراق، بعد نحو عقدين من الغزو الأميركي للبلاد وسقوط نظام صدام حسين.

Полития, Mar 28, 2022
The research article deals with the process of building or rebuilding the state in Iraq after 200... more The research article deals with the process of building or rebuilding the state in Iraq after 2003 in its various dimensions, in light of the vision and foundational procedures that were developed and supervised by the United States in cooperation with the new leaders of Iraq based on the mechanism of sectarianethnic representation, and diagnosing the imbalances that arose out of that vision and the accompanying procedures, which led to the emergence of new variables in the political process, especially in the post-ISIS* phase, which produced important challenges to the political system and the Iraqi state. The political dynamics and balances emerging after ISIS* represented at the same time opportunities and risks in the process of building the Iraqi state, as opportunities arose to transcend the identity policies adopted by the political system, and address the failures of the political process, and thus strengthen the path of state building, but the risks of those transformations seeking reform may push towards more state fragility, given the weakness of the political administration of the system in the face of the complexities of the political environment and its effects that were rooted in the p olitical system.

The current research includes a look at the participation of Iraqi women in the combat roles, whi... more The current research includes a look at the participation of Iraqi women in the combat roles, which starts from the assumption of the democratic transition that must be led-in one of its aspect-until the army or the military foundation to become a "citizen army," the matter which is represented a demand increasingly needed in the experiences of Democratic transformation that facing serious security challenges such as in Iraq, this means that the army or security foundation-which is involved in counterterrorism-should not reflect a specific group in society , and hence embody the most important democratic principles, which are equality and equal opportunities, especially gender equality. On the other hand, the influence of armed conflict on the whole community ,its values and its attitudes, which is mainly related to the method in which the military and security organizations deal with the community in the context of armed conflict. So the women's participation has a very positive impact on peace building in conflict and post-one , specifically the women's involvement in the military and security operations against terrorist operations, thirdly, A military Foundation is considered one of the most important official establishments that reflect the identity of the community, which requires that all community sectors must be broadly represented which is reflecting positively on the success of the democratic transition process in any country. The matter which has been largely neglected , till now , in the Iraqi experience that is the participation of women in the military and security roles especially in combat roles, which requires great efforts for the purpose of achieving the sound establishments of civil-military relations from the perspective of gender in Iraq, so as to advance the process of democratic transformation relying on the security and political stability through the great participation for all community ' segments .

المجلة العراقية للعلوم السياسية , 2022
The deep state is one of the modern concepts that emerged during the last two decades, especially... more The deep state is one of the modern concepts that emerged during the last two decades, especially after the political changes that appeared in the Middle East countries after 2011, following the social movement that brought down some political regimes and undermined the legitimacy of others. Societies and the institutions of the political system have become an obstacle to achieving the transformation towards the consolidation of democracy, especially as it shows its effects on the trends of the political system with a democratic dimension, and the research reached the conclusion that the deep state uses legitimate and illegal means to achieve its goals, and these means are represented by using the capabilities of the security institutions, the bureaucratic apparatus and the army to incite violence in order to interfere in political life, through which it follows the policies of eliminating hostile parties The state and society, according to her belief.

مجلة حوار الفكر, 2021
بعد مايقرب من عقدين, يبدو جليا ان العملية السياسية لازالت مسارا بلا رؤية, او قل مسارات شتى, ورؤى... more بعد مايقرب من عقدين, يبدو جليا ان العملية السياسية لازالت مسارا بلا رؤية, او قل مسارات شتى, ورؤى مشتته. فأين منها رؤية الدولة؟ , ان الرؤية اصطلاحا هي الافق الذي يحدد مسارات ومآلات الافعال , اذن فالرؤية تتشكل في رواق التأسيس, واذا كانت تلك اللحظة تفهم في سياق عنوان الدولة العراقية بعد 2003, انها لحظة الدستور, فأن بحثنا يذهب الى ماهو اوسع, اي سياق التأسيس, بمعنى ان لانحمل الدستور فوق مايحتمل, فلا نجعل منه "حائط المبكى" بما نلقي عليه من تركة الماضي , و تبعات الولادة – الغزو والاحتلال-, واخطاء الحاضر, انما نبحث في جوهر الميثاقية التي نشأت منها الدولة و قامت عليها بناها المؤسسية والقانونية. واذا كان من المعلوم بأن الدولة بعد 2003 نشأت في ظل رؤى مختلفة, استبطنها او عبر عنها الدستور كما عبرت عنها الديناميكيات السياسية بخطوط متعرجة, فأن المسار اللاحق للتأسيس كشف أن الخطوط المتعرجة لايمكن ان تكون ركائز للبناء بل اوتادا واهنة. لذا فأن البحث جاء في صيغة تساؤلات بحثا عن تلك الرؤية الميثاقية في سياق التأسيس, ثم انصرف الى البحث عن تلك العناصر التي عوقت الرؤية التأسيسية في هيكل النظام و ديناميكاته التي عبر عنها النص الدستوري والعملية السياسية, وصولا الى تشخيص طرق و مرتكزات استكمال الميثاقية التأسيسية للدولة العراقية مابعد 2003.

Cuestiones Políticas
The objective of the investigation was to analyze the structure and administration of the politic... more The objective of the investigation was to analyze the structure and administration of the political system in Iraq (post-ISIS). After 2003, the Iraqi political system suffered the fundamental problem of its failure to achieve the political and social inclusion that characterizes democratic systems, to guarantee the establishment of a "state for all", while respecting differences. Political representation has moved from the system of sectarian ethnic components, under the title of consensual democracy, to the representation of leaders and the realization of their interests and the interests of their parties at the expense of the groups that claim to represent them, which complicates the problem. In this sense, the new political system could not represent social pluralism, on the one hand, and could not satisfy the demands of the same components on the other. Methodologically, it is a political investigation in the framework of the analysis of the political system. It was co...

The research article deals with the process of building or rebuilding the state in Iraq after 200... more The research article deals with the process of building or rebuilding the state in Iraq after 2003 in its various dimensions, in light of the vision and foundational procedures that were developed and supervised by the United States in cooperation with the new leaders of Iraq based on the mechanism of sectarianethnic representation, and diagnosing the imbalances that arose out of that vision and the accompanying procedures, which led to the emergence of new variables in the political process, especially in the post-ISIS* phase, which produced important challenges to the political system and the Iraqi state. The political dynamics and balances emerging after ISIS* represented at the same time opportunities and risks in the process of building the Iraqi state, as opportunities arose to transcend the identity policies adopted by the political system, and address the failures of the political process, and thus strengthen the path of state building, but the risks of those transformations seeking reform may push towards more state fragility, given the weakness of the political administration of the system in the face of the complexities of the political environment and its effects that were rooted in the p olitical system.
The Journal of international studies, 2015
مكتب الهاشمي للكتاب الجامعي, 2020
National Index has been developed after studying global indicators and its localization to the co... more National Index has been developed after studying global indicators and its localization to the context of Iraq through series of seminars by academics of related specialties (political science, Law, Communication, Economy, and Statistics) in order to develop an indicator that better depict the realities of Iraq democracy. It is based on 5 aspects, taken into considerations previous studies, context of Iraqi democracy, and drivers of democratization.

The objective of the investigation was to analyze the structure and administration of the politic... more The objective of the investigation was to analyze the structure and administration of the political system in Iraq (post-ISIS). After 2003, the Iraqi political system suffered the fundamental problem of its failure to achieve the political and social inclusion that characterizes democratic systems, to guarantee the establishment of a "state for all", while respecting differences. Political representation has moved from the system of sectarian ethnic components, under the title of consensual democracy, to the representation of leaders and the realization of their interests and the interests of their parties at the expense of the groups that claim to represent them, which complicates the problem. In this sense, the new political system could not represent social pluralism, on the one hand, and could not satisfy the demands of the same components on the other. Methodologically, it is a political investigation in the framework of the analysis of the political system. It was concluded that the search for new balances is a pending issue. While these emerging balances and arrangements are still fragile and immature to the extent required, they represent a clear entry point to reshape the regime's political structure in one form or another.

The current research includes a look at the participation of Iraqi women in the combat roles, whi... more The current research includes a look at the participation of Iraqi women in the combat roles, which starts from the assumption of the democratic transition that must be led -in one of its aspect -until the army or the military foundation to become a "citizen army," the matter which is represented a demand increasingly needed in the experiences of Democratic transformation that facing serious security challenges such as in Iraq, this means that the army or security foundation -which is involved in counterterrorism -should not reflect a specific group in society , and hence embody the most important democratic principles, which are equality and equal opportunities, especially gender equality. On the other hand, the influence of armed conflict on the whole community ,its values and its attitudes, which is mainly related to the method in which the military and security organizations deal with the community in the context of armed conflict. So the women's participation has a very positive impact on peace building in conflict and post-one , specifically the women's involvement in the military and security operations against terrorist operations, thirdly, A military Foundation is considered one of the most important official establishments that reflect the identity of the community, which requires that all community sectors must be broadly represented which is reflecting positively on the success of the democratic transition process in any country . The matter which has been largely neglected , till now , in the Iraqi experience that is the participation of women in the military and security roles especially in combat roles, which requires great efforts for the purpose of achieving the sound establishments of civil-military relations from the perspective of gender in Iraq, so as to advance the process of democratic transformation relying on the security and political stability through the great participation for all community ' segments .

حوليات اداب عين شمس , 2019
يقوم البحث على دراسة وتحليل دور النخب السياسية بشقيها (الحاكمة والمعارضة) في عملية التحول الديمقر... more يقوم البحث على دراسة وتحليل دور النخب السياسية بشقيها (الحاكمة والمعارضة) في عملية التحول الديمقراطي ، والمقارنة بين عدد من أنماط الأنتقال ومسار التحول عن طريق دراسة وتحليل انموذج لكل نمط , وقد تبنت الدراسة ما جاء به (صاموئيل هانجتون) من تصنيف ثلاثي للتحول ، وتمت دراسة التحول الديمقراطي في اسبانيا كأنموذج للنمط الاول التحول من الاعلى وهو (التحول Transformation ) , ودراسة التحول في كوريا الجنوبية انموذجاً للنمط الثاني الذي يكون فيه التحول بضغط من المعارضة والجماهير وهو (الاحلال Replacement) , ودراسة بولندا كانموذج للنمط الثالث الذي يتم عن طريق التفاوض بين النظام الحاكم والمعارضة، وهو (التحول الاحلالي Transplacement)، واختتم البحث بان نمط الانتقال وطبيعة التوازن بين نخبة الحكم والمعارضة فضلاً عن البنية الحزبية عوامل ذا تأثير على التحول الديمقراطي .
Role of political elites in democratic transformation (patterns and models)
The current research examines and analyzes the role of political elites in their respective branches of regime and the opposition in the process of democratic transformation, and compares the most prominent patterns of transformation by studying and analyzing the model of each pattern. The study adopted Samuel Huntington's triple classification of transformation. Spain as a Model of the First Pattern Transformation from the top is Transformation and the study of transformation in South Korea is a model of the second pattern in which the transformation was made under pressure from the opposition and the masses is the Replacement, the study of transformation in Poland, as a model of the third style negotiated between the regime and the opposition , A Transplacement,
In conclusion The research concludes that the pattern of transition and the nature of the balance between the ruling elite and the opposition, as well as the party structure, are factors that influence democratization.
Papers by Muntasser M Hameed
indicators and its localization to the context of Iraq through series of
seminars by academics of related specialties (political science, Law,
Communication, Economy, and Statistics) in order to develop an indicator
that better depict the realities of Iraq democracy. It is based on 5 aspects,
taken into considerations previous studies, context of Iraqi democracy, and drivers of democratization.
Role of political elites in democratic transformation (patterns and models)
The current research examines and analyzes the role of political elites in their respective branches of regime and the opposition in the process of democratic transformation, and compares the most prominent patterns of transformation by studying and analyzing the model of each pattern. The study adopted Samuel Huntington's triple classification of transformation. Spain as a Model of the First Pattern Transformation from the top is Transformation and the study of transformation in South Korea is a model of the second pattern in which the transformation was made under pressure from the opposition and the masses is the Replacement, the study of transformation in Poland, as a model of the third style negotiated between the regime and the opposition , A Transplacement,
In conclusion The research concludes that the pattern of transition and the nature of the balance between the ruling elite and the opposition, as well as the party structure, are factors that influence democratization.
indicators and its localization to the context of Iraq through series of
seminars by academics of related specialties (political science, Law,
Communication, Economy, and Statistics) in order to develop an indicator
that better depict the realities of Iraq democracy. It is based on 5 aspects,
taken into considerations previous studies, context of Iraqi democracy, and drivers of democratization.
Role of political elites in democratic transformation (patterns and models)
The current research examines and analyzes the role of political elites in their respective branches of regime and the opposition in the process of democratic transformation, and compares the most prominent patterns of transformation by studying and analyzing the model of each pattern. The study adopted Samuel Huntington's triple classification of transformation. Spain as a Model of the First Pattern Transformation from the top is Transformation and the study of transformation in South Korea is a model of the second pattern in which the transformation was made under pressure from the opposition and the masses is the Replacement, the study of transformation in Poland, as a model of the third style negotiated between the regime and the opposition , A Transplacement,
In conclusion The research concludes that the pattern of transition and the nature of the balance between the ruling elite and the opposition, as well as the party structure, are factors that influence democratization.
فضلاً عن ذلك فأنهما دولة وديمقراطية ناشئتان من الأعلى أولاً , وبأثر من العامل الخارجي – بقدر او بآخر – ثانياً , بمعنى اننا نتعامل مع ظاهرة انتقال بالواسطة وبالتجزئة.
لذا وفي خضم هذه الالتباسات و التعارضات بين معطى غير مكتمل ومطلب لازال جنيناً, لا يوجد ما يمكن ان يمثل نقطة تمفصل وأداة للشروع الا القيادات السياسية التي أسست في التجارب التاريخية لدولها وديمقراطياتها أو دولها الديمقراطية , فأصبح يطلق على أولئك القادة بالآباء المؤسسين , بمعنى ان عليهم أن يؤسسوا ويتأسسوا في إطار هذه العملية وفي آن واحد عبر مأسسة قيادتهم بنيوياً و هيكلياً ضمن هذا المشروع.
لذا فأن هذه المهمة الكبرى بمعطياتها ومقوماتها وتحدياتها تمثل مدار بحثنا في هذه الدراسة.
يتضمن العنوان إشكالية البحث ومتغيراته الأساسية , وفي هذا السياق نشأت هيكليته.
تتمثل الإشكالية في دور القيادات السياسية في عملية الانتقال الديمقراطي , اي ما هو الدور المطلوب من القيادة السياسية للنظامين اللبناني والعراقي انتقالياً ؟ وما هي شروطه ومتطلباته ؟ وفي اي سياق ونسق ينبغي ان يكون ؟ .
أما المتغيرات فهي القيادة السياسية كمتغير مستقل , والتنمية السياسية كمتغير وسيط , والانتقال الديمقراطي كمتغير تابع.
على أساس ما تقدم وزعت الدراسة على أربعة فصول يتناول الفصل الأول الإطار النظري, وقد جاء بعنوان (القيادة والتنمية السياسية والانتقال – المفاهيم والعناصر والآليات), ويقسم الى ثلاثة مباحث يعالج كل منها واحداً من المتغيرات الثلاثة بالتتابع.
وكرس الفصل الثاني الموسوم بـ( قواعد الانتقال وهيكل القيادة في لبنان والعراق ) لمعالجة المعطيات التاريخية للانتقال في النموذجين من خلال المبحث الأول , وتناول المبحث الثاني الصيغة الانتقالية الراهنة في العراق ولبنان , بينما خصص المبحث الثالث للبنية السياسية في لبنان والعراق.
وجاء الفصل الثالث بعنوان ( بيئة الانتقال والمتغيرات البنيوية للتحديث ) , وهو في مبحثين , الأول مخصص للبيئة الداخلية , والثاني للبيئة الخارجية.
اما الفصل الرابع فهو بعنوان ( القيادة والانتقال : اطر القرار وآليات الاشتغال ) , وقد قسم الى ثلاثة مباحث , تناول المبحث الأول الأُطر غير الرسمية , وأثرها في اشتغال وانتقال النظام للنموذجين , وتناول المبحث الثاني آليات الاشتغال والانتقال في النظام اللبناني على الصعيد القيادي , بينما عالج المبحث الثالث آليات الاشتغال والانتقال في النظام العراقي على الصعيد القيادي.
وأخيراً جاءت الخاتمة التي اختبرت الفرضيات البحثية وخلصت إلى الخطوة اللاحقة المطلوبة من القيادة السياسية على مسار الانتقال.
of the Democratic Transformation in Iraq
2017 – 2018
(Swinging Democracy)
Prepared by: Group of Researchers
Edited by :
Governance Center for Public Policy (GCPP)