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During the past few months, the international community has been following closely the Crimea crisis as well as the events in Syria and Iraq. Due to the latter's explosive nature, the situation slowly developing in the Maghreb countries... more
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      Middle East StudiesMaghreb
Boko Haram famously came to the forefront in 2009 with a string of attacks in Northern and Central Nigeria. At its early beginnings in 2002 , it was merely identified as a Sunni religious anti-western movement attempting to fill the void... more
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      Middle Eastern StudiesBoko Haram
The relationship between the current Egyptian administration and the Egyptian religious authority of al-Azhar has been going through some changes in the past few months. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s ascension to the Presidency in 2014 was... more
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      Middle East StudiesEgypt
Throughout the years 2011-2012, the waves of the Arab Spring uprisings hit Egypt, paving the way for the party of the Muslim Brotherhood to win the first elections following the removal of former President Hosni Mubarak from power. The... more
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      Middle East StudiesEgypt
Η κατάσταση στην Υεμένη διαιωνίζεται από το 2014 και την εξέγερση των Χούθι κατά της κυβέρνησης του προέδρου Μανσούρ Χάντι. Ωστόσο, οφείλουμε να ανατρέξουμε στα γεγονότα των προηγουμένων ετών, ώστε να εντοπιστούν τα αίτια της σημερινής... more
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    • Yemen
Ανατρέχοντας στις τεταμένες τουρκο-συριακές σχέσεις της δεκαετίας του 1990, αναδεικνύεται η μείζονα σημασία του κουρδικού στοιχείου τόσο στα εσωτερικά όσο και στα εξωτερικά πράγματα της Τουρκίας. Κατά τη διάρκεια αυτής της δεκαετίας, η... more
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      Middle East StudiesTurkeySyria
Although the states in the Middle East were largely defined in terms of national identity during the 20th century, a number of recent developments leading up and during the Arab Spring help shine a light on matters of state, national and... more
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    • Middle East Studies
In the past few years, relations between Turkey and Israel have been strained. The current status quo that resulted from the 2009 Davos World Economic Forum, and especially the Mavi Marmara incident in 2010 could only be described as an... more
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      Middle East StudiesTurkeyIsrael
2014 is the year in which old and new challenges will arise for Israel. As the state heads towards the 66th anniversary of its independence, it faces roadblocks that – in a nutshell – impede the urgency of its finding a solution for its... more
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    • Israel
Η Λιβύη, την επαύριο της αραβικής άνοιξης, ελλείψει κρατικής συνοχής κινδυνεύει από την ραγδαία άνοδο αυτο-νομιστικών κινημάτων, σημαντικότερο των οποίων είναι αυτό των εκτός του κυβερνητικού σχηματισμού ισλαμιστών.
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      Middle East StudiesLibya
Η επόμενη μέρα της κατάρρευσης της Σοβιετικής Ενωσης και της εγκατάστασης της «Νέας Τάξης Πραγμάτων» στις αρχές του 1990 οδήγησε στην εντονότερη προσέγγιση μεταξύ της Τουρκίας και του Ισραήλ. Με ορίζοντα δεκαετίας, οι σχέσεις τους... more
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      Middle East StudiesTurkeyIsrael
Over the past few months, a growing number of jihadist attacks have taken place in western countries. These attacks were linked to the activities of the Islamic State (IS) and were carried out under its mandate. The questions that arise... more
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      Middle East StudiesJihadism
This article seeks to contrast Egypt’s leadership role in the Middle East after the Second World War with the one Turkey is currently aiming for, while emphasizing the fundamental changes that occurred in Middle East countries during the... more
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      Middle East StudiesTurkeyIsrael
The financial crisis that hit Greece in 2010 has forced the country to undertake severe public spending cuts as demanded by both the International Monetary Fund and the
European Union in order to get access to bailout funds.
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    • Greece
The refugee issue within the Maghreb area cannot be limited to the recent exodus of refugees from Syria due to the ongoing civil war. The region of the Maghreb is comprised of four countries: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya. This... more
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      Middle East StudiesMaghreb
The Tunisian Revolution of January 2011 ushered a new era in the states of the Arab World. While its repercussions were plainly perceived in the cases of Libya and Egypt, one needs to assess the revolution’s lasting effects in Tunisia, as... more
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      Middle East StudiesMoroccoAlgeriaTunisia
Syria has been, for the past couple of years, on the forefront of what remains of the Arab uprisings of 2011. Although recent developments have focused on the actions and the rise to power of the Islamic State, domestically as well as... more
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      Middle East StudiesSyria
The US policy for the Middle East is dictated by a number of factors, one of which is the energy dimension. Energy seems to be the driving force in developments recently, a statement made even more relevant by the many natural gas... more
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      Middle East StudiesEnergy
The Syrian Crisis begins in 2011 as part of the Arab Spring movement. The Republican Party won the 2008 Presidential elections and is at the helm of the initiative to handle the situation. Its willingness and affinity for military... more
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      Middle East StudiesSyria