Papers by Anna Chita
Info DaF. Informationen Deutsch als Fremdsprache/Informationen Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Mar 25, 2024
WP1: Community interpreting in Greece: on the face and under the surface of it In this initial st... more WP1: Community interpreting in Greece: on the face and under the surface of it In this initial stage of the project Community Interpreting in Greece (CiGreece) the complexity of the term community interpreting will be addressed. Community interpreting will be defined and described for the purposes of this project. Secondly, legal issues regarding community interpreting will be presented and an overview of the situation internationally will be provided. The research leading to these results has received funding from the EEA Mechanism 2009-2014 under Project Contract n° 3681.
WP1: Community interpreting in Greece: on the face and under the surface of it In this initial st... more WP1: Community interpreting in Greece: on the face and under the surface of it In this initial stage of the project Community Interpreting in Greece (CiGreece) the complexity of the term community interpreting will be addressed. Community interpreting will be defined and described for the purposes of this project. Secondly, legal issues regarding community interpreting will be presented and an overview of the situation internationally will be provided. The research leading to these results has received funding from the EEA Mechanism 2009-2014 under Project Contract n° 3681.
Consolidation of the international expertise and data concerning the picture in Greece collected ... more Consolidation of the international expertise and data concerning the picture in Greece collected and processed in wp 1-4.

Lernertexte zu bewerten gehört in die Praxis des Fremdsprachenunterrichts. Mit den verschiedenste... more Lernertexte zu bewerten gehört in die Praxis des Fremdsprachenunterrichts. Mit den verschiedensten Methoden und Strategien versucht man, Lernern die Zielsprache zu vermitteln und diese dann der Stufe entsprechend anhand von festgesetzten Normen bzw. Kriterien zu bewerten. In dieser Dissertation geht es konkret um kriteriumsorientierte Sprachtests der Niveaus B2 und C1 des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens. Verschiedene Testanbieter wollen anhand ihrer standardisierten Prüfungen Sprachkompetenzen in den verschiedensten Teilbereichen überprüfen und evaluieren. Im Mittelpunkt stehen hier nun die Bewertungskriterien der Teilkompetenz schriftlicher Ausdruck des Goethe-Instituts und des TestDaF-Instituts. Unter Betrachtung der definierten Bewertungsraster bzw. Bewertungskriterien wird versucht, die Frage nach der Gewährleistung der Validität zu beantworten. Eine der zentralen Fragen ist, ob die Resultate derartiger standardisierter Prüfungen tatsächlich etwas über die tatsächliche ...

Nordic Journal of English Studies, 2020
As Dagut (1976: 32) pointed out, the particular cultural experiences and semantic associations ex... more As Dagut (1976: 32) pointed out, the particular cultural experiences and semantic associations exploited by translation and the extent to which these can, or cannot, be produced non-anomalously into the target language, depending on the degree of overlap in each particular case, constitute the basis for the translatability of a metaphor. Snell-Hornby (1995: 41) stated that the extent to which a text is translatable varies with the degree to which it is embedded in its own specific culture. This paper focuses on the translation of metaphor as a cultural concept. It is based on Newmark’s (1982: 84-95) theory of translation and uses Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray as the corpus for metaphor analysis. Through contrastive analysis we aim to discover and we highlight the ways in which metaphors in an English fictional text are rendered in Greek and German. Linguistic frames and cultural images and influences are taken into account by comparing the metaphorical reproductions in Ge...
International Journal of Language, Translation and Intercultural Communication, 2016
Sprache Und Literatur in Wissenschaft Und Unterricht, 2008
International Journal of Language, Translation and Intercultural Communication, 2016

International Journal of Language, Translation and Intercultural Communication, 2015
Foreign language is an everyday necessity of every European citizen, since it is essential for th... more Foreign language is an everyday necessity of every European citizen, since it is essential for the communication and adaptation to contemporary needs in education, workplace and everyday life. It is important that people, who have learned a foreign language, can put it into use in their daily communication. In this article, we intent to focus on the discussion pertaining to the foreign language use in the workplace and especially in the Greek Public Administration Sector. Our intention is to present and discuss the results of a study concerning the linguistic and intercultural skills needed in the working environment of concrete in the broader and narrower range of the Greek public sector. The research took place in the period from October to November 2010 in various areas of public services in the geographic area of Epirus (north-western Greece). It focuses on the language and intercultural skills that are required both for effective communication in a foreign language, as well as the execution of officer duties. Our main aim is to contribute to the academic discussion of defining the fields as well as the micro-skills that are necessary for the efficient execution of specific professional functions.

The profile of the legal interpreter in Greece has so far not been researched. We will provide an... more The profile of the legal interpreter in Greece has so far not been researched. We will provide an image of the legal interpreter as mirrored by the opinion of legal and police professionals in Greece. The aim of the paper is to inform about the project "DIDI", whose ambition is to record the present situation and increase awareness among policy makers in Greece as far legal interpreting is concerned. The project is co-funded by the Hellenic Republic and the European Social Fund. In particular, the project aims at mapping for the first time the situation in Greece concerning the provision of legal interpreting services; secondly, at highlighting the shortcomings in the provision of interpreting services in a delicate environment such as the courts and police authorities in Greece, and, thirdly, at increasing awareness and providing the policy-makers with the necessary information to take measures that will improve the situation in Greece. In our paper, we will deliver an overview of how interpreting before police authorities and courts has been handled so far in Greece; the second part of the paper will be dedicated to the picture of the legal interpreter by presenting the findings our research team produced so far and providing an overview of the steps that will follow.
Conference Presentations by Anna Chita
Cristina Plaza Lara: Integración de la competencia instrumental-profesional en el aula de traducc... more Cristina Plaza Lara: Integración de la competencia instrumental-profesional en el aula de traducción. ISBN 978-3-7329-0309-2 Susanne J. Jekat / Heike Elisabeth Jüngst / Klaus Schubert / Claudia Villiger (Hg.): Sprache barrierefrei gestalten. Perspektiven aus der Angewandten Linguistik. Spitzl (Hg.): (Neu-)Kompositionen. Aspekte transkultureller Translationswissenschaft. ISBN 978-3-7329-0306-1 Ursula Gross-Dinter (Hg.): Dolmetschen 3.0 -Einblicke in einen Beruf im Wandel. Hartwig Kalverkämper (Hg.): Fachkommunikation im Fokus -Paradigmen, Positionen, Perspektiven. ISBN 978-3-7329-0214-9 Maria Mushchinina: Sprachverwendung und Normvorstellung in der Fachkommunikation. ISBN 978-3-7329-0293-4 Anja Centeno García: Textarbeit in der geisteswissenschaftlichen Lehre.
Nota / NB: las zonas con relleno indican que el evento tendrá lugar en el Edificio B5; las zonas ... more Nota / NB: las zonas con relleno indican que el evento tendrá lugar en el Edificio B5; las zonas sin relleno serán en el Aula Magna (Edificio C1); las zonas negras indican descansos / Shaded cells indicate that the event takes place in Building B5; Cells without any type of shading indicate events in Building C1, where the Aula Magna is; Breaks are found in the black cells.
Papers by Anna Chita
Conference Presentations by Anna Chita
The paper tries to answer the question how the legal interpreter is seen in the judicial process. We will provide an image of the legal interpreter as mirrored by the consumers of legal interpreting services. The paper will mirror the opinion of both foreigners who have been confronted with the Greek judiciary and of legal and police professionals in Greece.
Initially, the paper informs about the project DIDI which records the present situation and tries to increase awareness among policy makers in Greece as far legal interpreting is concerned. The project is co-funded by the Hellenic Republic and the European Social Fund.
In particular, the project aims at mapping for the first time the situation in Greece concerning the provision of legal interpreting services; secondly, at. highlighting the shortcomings in the provision of interpreting services in a delicate environment such as the courts and police authorities in Greece, and, thirdly, at increasing awareness and providing the policy-makers with the necessary information to take measures that will improve the situation in Greece.
In our presentation we will deliver an overview of how interpreting before police authorities and courts has been handled so far in Greece; the second part of the paper will be dedicated to the picture of the legal interpreter by presenting the findings our research team produced so far and provide an overview of the steps that will follow. The data to be presented stem from research conducted among foreign nationals in Greek prisons and legal and police professionals.