Tihomir Latinovic
Dr. Tihomir Latinovic,
Professor Dr
scientific fields:
Information Systems, General Electrical Engineering and Intelligent Systems
Born on 21 avgusta.1954 in Banja Luka, Bosnia-Herzegovina.
BS and MS in Electrical Engineering in Banja Luka,
PhD from the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad.
E-mail: [email protected]
Author of 9 books on teaching and scientific fields. Author of 158 papers published in national and international journals and national and international conferences, thirteen papers is the internationally recognized expert SCI lists the RS government licensing of university faculty and Srpska.
Expert Romania and Bosnia and Herzegovina for the accreditation of colleges and the University of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Visiting Professor at the University of Timisoara, Bratislava, Novi Sad, Sofia, Bulgaria etc..
Study visits: Lyon, France, Boston, USA, Trnava, Slovakia, Hunedoara, Romania.
Participated in several international projects TEMPUS, CEEPUS , HERD
Editor of three international journals. CEEPUS project coordinator for the exchange of professors and students from the universities of Central Europe. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2008. Project in progress. Adopted by the European Commission in Brussels.
The project "Development of artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic in production systems", date: 30.12.2008 No. 06/6-030/3-239-1/08. Project in progress.
Project " Robotization small and medium enterprises". Project supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Serbian. He has participated in over 50 projects of information systems. Over 200 different types of electronic publications in the field of information systems. He participated for years in various projects in the IT education of adults mostly used software tools and a range of programs and programming systems (Office, Visual Basic, Visual C, CLIPS, BPWIN, ERWIN, UML).
Fluent in English and placed 4 degrees of the same. Knowledge of Russian language.
Supervisors: Prof. Dr Danilo Obradovic and Prof. Dr Dušan Malbaski
Address: Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Professor Dr
scientific fields:
Information Systems, General Electrical Engineering and Intelligent Systems
Born on 21 avgusta.1954 in Banja Luka, Bosnia-Herzegovina.
BS and MS in Electrical Engineering in Banja Luka,
PhD from the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad.
E-mail: [email protected]
Author of 9 books on teaching and scientific fields. Author of 158 papers published in national and international journals and national and international conferences, thirteen papers is the internationally recognized expert SCI lists the RS government licensing of university faculty and Srpska.
Expert Romania and Bosnia and Herzegovina for the accreditation of colleges and the University of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Visiting Professor at the University of Timisoara, Bratislava, Novi Sad, Sofia, Bulgaria etc..
Study visits: Lyon, France, Boston, USA, Trnava, Slovakia, Hunedoara, Romania.
Participated in several international projects TEMPUS, CEEPUS , HERD
Editor of three international journals. CEEPUS project coordinator for the exchange of professors and students from the universities of Central Europe. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2008. Project in progress. Adopted by the European Commission in Brussels.
The project "Development of artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic in production systems", date: 30.12.2008 No. 06/6-030/3-239-1/08. Project in progress.
Project " Robotization small and medium enterprises". Project supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Serbian. He has participated in over 50 projects of information systems. Over 200 different types of electronic publications in the field of information systems. He participated for years in various projects in the IT education of adults mostly used software tools and a range of programs and programming systems (Office, Visual Basic, Visual C, CLIPS, BPWIN, ERWIN, UML).
Fluent in English and placed 4 degrees of the same. Knowledge of Russian language.
Supervisors: Prof. Dr Danilo Obradovic and Prof. Dr Dušan Malbaski
Address: Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Books by Tihomir Latinovic
Ako ste mislili da je programiranje nešto veoma teško , i da nikada nećete proniknuti u njegove tajne, knjiga dr Tihomira Latinovića "Osnove Programiranja", u izdanju "Besjede", uvjeriće vas u suprotno.
Predočivši svoje znanje i dugogodišnje iskustvo programera na svim programskim jezicima , od prve do četvrte generacije, dr Latinović, asistent, pa profesor na predmetima iz oblasti programiranja i programskih jezika, ovim putem želi da populariše programiranje kao nešto što olakšava tekući život, spaja nas sa ostalim svjetom i pruža neograničene mogućnosti.
U knjizi je obrađen programski jezik Visual Basic, kojim su otvorenna vrata jednog sasvim novog svijeta programiranja, nastalog vizuelizacijom nekadašnjeg Basic-a i uz podršku operativnog sistema Windows.
Detaljna objašnjenja i mnogobrojni primjeri , kao i pregršt ilustracija pokazuju i dokazuju da programiranje nije bauk.
Papers by Tihomir Latinovic
Ako ste mislili da je programiranje nešto veoma teško , i da nikada nećete proniknuti u njegove tajne, knjiga dr Tihomira Latinovića "Osnove Programiranja", u izdanju "Besjede", uvjeriće vas u suprotno.
Predočivši svoje znanje i dugogodišnje iskustvo programera na svim programskim jezicima , od prve do četvrte generacije, dr Latinović, asistent, pa profesor na predmetima iz oblasti programiranja i programskih jezika, ovim putem želi da populariše programiranje kao nešto što olakšava tekući život, spaja nas sa ostalim svjetom i pruža neograničene mogućnosti.
U knjizi je obrađen programski jezik Visual Basic, kojim su otvorenna vrata jednog sasvim novog svijeta programiranja, nastalog vizuelizacijom nekadašnjeg Basic-a i uz podršku operativnog sistema Windows.
Detaljna objašnjenja i mnogobrojni primjeri , kao i pregršt ilustracija pokazuju i dokazuju da programiranje nije bauk.
It is our honour to invite you to attend the second International Conference of Applied Science - ICAS 2018, organized by the University of Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina and the University of Timisoara, Romania. This year's host of the conference is the University of Banja Luka. Please find a letter of invitation attached herein. For more information, please feel free to contact us at:
E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
Official phone: + 387 (0)51 433 001, Viber phone: +387 65 530 723
Best regards,
Organizing Committee ICAS 2018