The purpose of this article is to highlight the power relations between transnational corporation... more The purpose of this article is to highlight the power relations between transnational corporations and developing countries due to the application of the Flags of Convenience (FoC) system in the cruise tourism industry. The focus is to answer whether the FoC in global cruise tourism is a good opportunity or actually a system that exploits developing countries. This article uses literature review method by referring to the concept of power of transnational corporations as an analytical framework. This study found that the FoC system strengthens the position of non-state actors in the international system through its regulations and by achieving its business goals through its power over the country, particularly developing countries.
Election on 2014 was a battle between politicians. Almost every politicians campaigning for thems... more Election on 2014 was a battle between politicians. Almost every politicians campaigning for themselves or their party to gain people’s vote. On the campaign period, we see a lot of political party’s campaign on television. Analysis shows that 62.3% beginner voters frequently exposed by political party commercial on television, but not all of them watch the whole commercial. 40.8% of the respondent did not watch the whole commercial from start to end. Even though the PDI Perjuangan commercial was the most viewed and interesting, it doesn’t make it the most remembered and liked commercial. Gerindra’s commercial was the most remembered and liked by the viewers. It was because of the commercial presents a politician with high popularity, it was PrabowoSubianto. Even though beginner voters’ perception to political commercial is on positive state and the exposure intensity is high, it doesn’t make voters choose those political party. Beginner voters tend to see more of the politician figu...
Tirta Mumbul Jaya Abadi is a company of mineral water (AMDK) . This company is a branch of Water ... more Tirta Mumbul Jaya Abadi is a company of mineral water (AMDK) . This company is a branch of Water Supply Local Company in Buleleng regency (PDAM) which is part of the Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD) . It cooperates with private company, Mara Jaya Dewi Sakti that has been establish in organizational way since 2004. This water company is quite new in its operation but it has succeded to become the market leader of mineral water in Buleleng regency. It is due to the effort of whole staffs of Tirta Mumbul Jaya Abadi Company especially its public relation. This research applied Image Building and Two Way Symmetrical Model analysing the strategy used by public relation of Tirta Mumbul Jaya Abadi company. It is a descriptive qualitative research that applied triangulation technic in collecting data. This research took place in Singaraja city. The result showed that strategy which was quite effective to be used were publication and public relationship. Public relation of Tirta Mumbul Jaya...
This reseacrh aims to analyze the correlation between the exposures of violent scenes in Grand Th... more This reseacrh aims to analyze the correlation between the exposures of violent scenes in Grand Theft Auto V towards aggressive behavior in teenagers, by posing a central question: how does violence scenes in this game relate to aggressive behavior in teenagers? By using associative quantitative research methods, this research is done through literature study and collecting data in the form of questionnaires. A total of 150 participants who aged 17 to 19 years old and have played Grand Theft Auto V agreed to participate as a respondent. Based on the research, the media exposure dimensions that have been formulated are Frequency, Duration, and Intensity. Aggressive behavior as a form of a teenager’s response to violent scenes has four dimensions: physical aggression, verbal aggression, anger, and hostility. The results of this research indicate that there is a correlation between the exposure Grand Theft Auto V violent scenes towards aggresive behavior in teenagers, with a correlation...
This reseacrh aims to analyze the correlation between the exposures of violent scenes in Grand Th... more This reseacrh aims to analyze the correlation between the exposures of violent scenes in Grand Theft Auto V towards aggressive behavior in teenagers, by posing a central question: how does violence scenes in this game relate to aggressive behavior in teenagers? By using associative quantitative research methods, this research is done through literature study and collecting data in the form of questionnaires. A total of 150 participants who aged 17 to 19 years old and have played Grand Theft Auto V agreed to participate as a respondent. Based on the research, the media exposure dimensions that have been formulated are Frequency, Duration, and Intensity. Aggressive behavior as a form of a teenager’s response to violent scenes has four dimensions: physical aggression, verbal aggression, anger, and hostility. The results of this research indicate that there is a correlation between the exposure Grand Theft Auto V violent scenes towards aggresive behavior in teenagers, with a correlation...
INJECT (Interdisciplinary Journal of Communication)
The development of the advertising world often follows the development of society. The close rela... more The development of the advertising world often follows the development of society. The close relationship between human and their religion is one of the factors that influence the packaging and advertising of products and then is wrapped in religious values. Changes and additions to the value of products with values that increase the selling power of the product are called commodification expressed by Mosco. One product advertisement with the commodification of religious values is a fresh hijab body lotion advertisement. This paper will describe how the process of commodification in advertisements through the symbols in the ad. This study is a qualitative study using Peirce's semiotic analysis. The process of commodification occurs through the shifting of the message and the impression given is seen from the clothing used by actors in advertisements, the behavior of actors in accordance with Islamic teachings and messages with words that reinforce advertisements in the form of a...
Penggambaran transgender di media massa terkadang menimbulkan transphobia di masyarakat. Media se... more Penggambaran transgender di media massa terkadang menimbulkan transphobia di masyarakat. Media seringkali lepas tanggung jawab terhadap penggambaran tentang transgender, sehingga masyarakat sebaiknya menuntut media untuk bertanggung jawab terhadap informasi yang disebarkan kepada masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan menggambarkan transgender dalam novel novel Calabai karya Pepi Al Bayqunie dan memberi gambaran dari sudut pandang yang berbeda mengenai transgender. Novel Calabai menceritakan Saidi, seorang transgender dalam petualangannya mencari jati diri hingga bisa menjadi bissu, pemimpin spiritual tertinggi masyarakat Bugis. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi teks. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis teks berupa analisis isi kualitatif dengan melihat teks pada novel yang merepresentasikan transgender. Temuan penelitian: keistimewaan seorang dengan dua gender dalam satu tubuh memberikan pandangan baru. Kaum ya...
This article aims at describing the use of drama series as an instruments of soft power, particul... more This article aims at describing the use of drama series as an instruments of soft power, particularly Indian drama series which were aired in Indonesian national television channels. The specific objective of this study is to examine the opinion of Indonesian audiences toward the attractiveness power of the drama series as an instrument of soft power. This research is a descriptive qualitative research using literature study and in depth – interview method. Informants in this study were determined through purposive technique and snowball sampling. Using the concept of soft power, this study found that eventhough Indian drama series are considered quite attractive by Indonesian audiences, not all Indian drama series are able to build a positive image of India. Only the drama series which contains high culture values ??can build positive image of the country. Keyword: India, Indonesia, audiences, drama series, soft power
ABSTRAK IMISSU merupakan sebuah sistem terintegrasi milik Universitas Udayana yang bertujuan untu... more ABSTRAK IMISSU merupakan sebuah sistem terintegrasi milik Universitas Udayana yang bertujuan untuk mewujudkan self service technology pada organisasi. Dosen sebagai salah satu pengguna IMISSU diharapkan mampu mendokumentasikan kegiatannya dengan memanfaatkan IMISSU. Namun, sebelum seorang individu memutuskan untuk menerima atau menolak sebuah teknologi, kesiapan mereka untuk menerima teknologi menjadi satu hal yang penting. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan kesiapan dosen di Universitas Udayana untuk mengadopsi IMISSU sebagai sebuah inovasi. IMISSU merupakan sistem terintegrasi milik Universitas Udayana unutk mempermudah civitas akademika dalam melakukan pekerjaan. Sebanyak 157 dosen yang memiliki akun dan menggunakan IMISSU secara reguler menjadi sampel dalam penelitian ini. Kesiapan dosen dalam mengadopsi IMISSU diukur dengan menggunakan Indeks Kesiapan Teknologi yang meliputi empat dimensi, yaitu optimism, keinovatifan, ketidaknyamanan, dan ketidakamanan. Penelitian ini ...
The purpose of this article is to highlight the power relations between transnational corporation... more The purpose of this article is to highlight the power relations between transnational corporations and developing countries due to the application of the Flags of Convenience (FoC) system in the cruise tourism industry. The focus is to answer whether the FoC in global cruise tourism is a good opportunity or actually a system that exploits developing countries. This article uses literature review method by referring to the concept of power of transnational corporations as an analytical framework. This study found that the FoC system strengthens the position of non-state actors in the international system through its regulations and by achieving its business goals through its power over the country, particularly developing countries.
Election on 2014 was a battle between politicians. Almost every politicians campaigning for thems... more Election on 2014 was a battle between politicians. Almost every politicians campaigning for themselves or their party to gain people’s vote. On the campaign period, we see a lot of political party’s campaign on television. Analysis shows that 62.3% beginner voters frequently exposed by political party commercial on television, but not all of them watch the whole commercial. 40.8% of the respondent did not watch the whole commercial from start to end. Even though the PDI Perjuangan commercial was the most viewed and interesting, it doesn’t make it the most remembered and liked commercial. Gerindra’s commercial was the most remembered and liked by the viewers. It was because of the commercial presents a politician with high popularity, it was PrabowoSubianto. Even though beginner voters’ perception to political commercial is on positive state and the exposure intensity is high, it doesn’t make voters choose those political party. Beginner voters tend to see more of the politician figu...
Tirta Mumbul Jaya Abadi is a company of mineral water (AMDK) . This company is a branch of Water ... more Tirta Mumbul Jaya Abadi is a company of mineral water (AMDK) . This company is a branch of Water Supply Local Company in Buleleng regency (PDAM) which is part of the Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD) . It cooperates with private company, Mara Jaya Dewi Sakti that has been establish in organizational way since 2004. This water company is quite new in its operation but it has succeded to become the market leader of mineral water in Buleleng regency. It is due to the effort of whole staffs of Tirta Mumbul Jaya Abadi Company especially its public relation. This research applied Image Building and Two Way Symmetrical Model analysing the strategy used by public relation of Tirta Mumbul Jaya Abadi company. It is a descriptive qualitative research that applied triangulation technic in collecting data. This research took place in Singaraja city. The result showed that strategy which was quite effective to be used were publication and public relationship. Public relation of Tirta Mumbul Jaya...
This reseacrh aims to analyze the correlation between the exposures of violent scenes in Grand Th... more This reseacrh aims to analyze the correlation between the exposures of violent scenes in Grand Theft Auto V towards aggressive behavior in teenagers, by posing a central question: how does violence scenes in this game relate to aggressive behavior in teenagers? By using associative quantitative research methods, this research is done through literature study and collecting data in the form of questionnaires. A total of 150 participants who aged 17 to 19 years old and have played Grand Theft Auto V agreed to participate as a respondent. Based on the research, the media exposure dimensions that have been formulated are Frequency, Duration, and Intensity. Aggressive behavior as a form of a teenager’s response to violent scenes has four dimensions: physical aggression, verbal aggression, anger, and hostility. The results of this research indicate that there is a correlation between the exposure Grand Theft Auto V violent scenes towards aggresive behavior in teenagers, with a correlation...
This reseacrh aims to analyze the correlation between the exposures of violent scenes in Grand Th... more This reseacrh aims to analyze the correlation between the exposures of violent scenes in Grand Theft Auto V towards aggressive behavior in teenagers, by posing a central question: how does violence scenes in this game relate to aggressive behavior in teenagers? By using associative quantitative research methods, this research is done through literature study and collecting data in the form of questionnaires. A total of 150 participants who aged 17 to 19 years old and have played Grand Theft Auto V agreed to participate as a respondent. Based on the research, the media exposure dimensions that have been formulated are Frequency, Duration, and Intensity. Aggressive behavior as a form of a teenager’s response to violent scenes has four dimensions: physical aggression, verbal aggression, anger, and hostility. The results of this research indicate that there is a correlation between the exposure Grand Theft Auto V violent scenes towards aggresive behavior in teenagers, with a correlation...
INJECT (Interdisciplinary Journal of Communication)
The development of the advertising world often follows the development of society. The close rela... more The development of the advertising world often follows the development of society. The close relationship between human and their religion is one of the factors that influence the packaging and advertising of products and then is wrapped in religious values. Changes and additions to the value of products with values that increase the selling power of the product are called commodification expressed by Mosco. One product advertisement with the commodification of religious values is a fresh hijab body lotion advertisement. This paper will describe how the process of commodification in advertisements through the symbols in the ad. This study is a qualitative study using Peirce's semiotic analysis. The process of commodification occurs through the shifting of the message and the impression given is seen from the clothing used by actors in advertisements, the behavior of actors in accordance with Islamic teachings and messages with words that reinforce advertisements in the form of a...
Penggambaran transgender di media massa terkadang menimbulkan transphobia di masyarakat. Media se... more Penggambaran transgender di media massa terkadang menimbulkan transphobia di masyarakat. Media seringkali lepas tanggung jawab terhadap penggambaran tentang transgender, sehingga masyarakat sebaiknya menuntut media untuk bertanggung jawab terhadap informasi yang disebarkan kepada masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan menggambarkan transgender dalam novel novel Calabai karya Pepi Al Bayqunie dan memberi gambaran dari sudut pandang yang berbeda mengenai transgender. Novel Calabai menceritakan Saidi, seorang transgender dalam petualangannya mencari jati diri hingga bisa menjadi bissu, pemimpin spiritual tertinggi masyarakat Bugis. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi teks. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis teks berupa analisis isi kualitatif dengan melihat teks pada novel yang merepresentasikan transgender. Temuan penelitian: keistimewaan seorang dengan dua gender dalam satu tubuh memberikan pandangan baru. Kaum ya...
This article aims at describing the use of drama series as an instruments of soft power, particul... more This article aims at describing the use of drama series as an instruments of soft power, particularly Indian drama series which were aired in Indonesian national television channels. The specific objective of this study is to examine the opinion of Indonesian audiences toward the attractiveness power of the drama series as an instrument of soft power. This research is a descriptive qualitative research using literature study and in depth – interview method. Informants in this study were determined through purposive technique and snowball sampling. Using the concept of soft power, this study found that eventhough Indian drama series are considered quite attractive by Indonesian audiences, not all Indian drama series are able to build a positive image of India. Only the drama series which contains high culture values ??can build positive image of the country. Keyword: India, Indonesia, audiences, drama series, soft power
ABSTRAK IMISSU merupakan sebuah sistem terintegrasi milik Universitas Udayana yang bertujuan untu... more ABSTRAK IMISSU merupakan sebuah sistem terintegrasi milik Universitas Udayana yang bertujuan untuk mewujudkan self service technology pada organisasi. Dosen sebagai salah satu pengguna IMISSU diharapkan mampu mendokumentasikan kegiatannya dengan memanfaatkan IMISSU. Namun, sebelum seorang individu memutuskan untuk menerima atau menolak sebuah teknologi, kesiapan mereka untuk menerima teknologi menjadi satu hal yang penting. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan kesiapan dosen di Universitas Udayana untuk mengadopsi IMISSU sebagai sebuah inovasi. IMISSU merupakan sistem terintegrasi milik Universitas Udayana unutk mempermudah civitas akademika dalam melakukan pekerjaan. Sebanyak 157 dosen yang memiliki akun dan menggunakan IMISSU secara reguler menjadi sampel dalam penelitian ini. Kesiapan dosen dalam mengadopsi IMISSU diukur dengan menggunakan Indeks Kesiapan Teknologi yang meliputi empat dimensi, yaitu optimism, keinovatifan, ketidaknyamanan, dan ketidakamanan. Penelitian ini ...
Papers by devia pradipta