Conference Presentations by Gede Astawa

Collaborative learning approach has been widely used to improve quality of learning in variety of... more Collaborative learning approach has been widely used to improve quality of learning in variety of courses. This present study used the collaborative approach in English learning for specific purpose of restaurant services. The research used mixed-method. The research data were obtained from the results of pre-and post-performance tests, participant observation notes, and unstructured interview notes. There were 35 students involved as the sample and informants. The quantitative data obtained were calculated by using t-test and the qualitative data obtained were analysed using content analysis. The significance value (2-tailed) of the implementation of the pre-test and post-test was 0.000 (p < 0.05). Thus, the results of the preand post-test experienced a significant change. The students shown positive feedback toward the collaborative approach applied. Based on the findings, collaborative learning could enhance both students' English-speaking skills and job-related skills.

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Bahasa Ibu (SNBI) X, 2017
Penelitian ini membahas tentang ungkapan metaforis bahasa Bali dalam sebuah novel.
Pendekatan yan... more Penelitian ini membahas tentang ungkapan metaforis bahasa Bali dalam sebuah novel.
Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah sebuah Novel berbahasa Bali karya Djelantik Santha dengan judul “Tresnané Lebur Ajur Setondén Kembang.” Dalam pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan metode simak baca dan catat.
Selanjutnya, data yang ditemukan dianalisa dari perspektif unsur fungsional sintaksis dan ruang persepsi manusia ungkapan-ungkapan metaforis novel “Tresnane Lebur Ajur Setonden Kembang.” Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan fungsi secara sintaksis dan persepsi manusia terhadap ungkapan-ungkapan metaforis yang ditemukan dalam novel berjudul “Tresnané Lebur Ajur Setondén Kembang.”
Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari segi sintaksis ungkapan-ungkapan metaforis dalam novel ini terdiri atas tiga kelompok, yaitu: (1) metafora nominative, (2) metafora predikatif, dan (3) metafora kalimat. Sedangkan dari ruang persepsi manusia terdapat beberapa lambang kias, yaitu: (1) ke-ada-an; (2) kosmos, (3) energy, (4) substansi, (5) terrestrial, (6) benda, (7) kehidupan, (8) makhluk bernyawa, dan (9) manusia.
Kata kunci: ungkapan, Bahasa Bali, metafora, novel
Books by Gede Astawa

Linguistik Terapan dalam Berbagai Perspektif, 2020
Linguistik menyediakan perangkat untuk menganalisis teks-teks yang ada di sekeliling kehidupan ma... more Linguistik menyediakan perangkat untuk menganalisis teks-teks yang ada di sekeliling kehidupan manusia. Perangkat-perangkat yang disediakan linguistik tersebut dapat membantu mengungkap cerita-cerita yang hadir di antara barisan teks-teks yang ada. Begitu cerita-cerita tersebut terungkap, dari perspektif ekologis, akan dipertanyakan: apakah teks-teks tersebut mendorong manusia untuk merusak atau melindungi ekosistem yang menjadi sumber kebergantungan kehidupan. Jika teks-teks tersebut bersifat destruktif, maka perlu ditentang, dan jika bermanfaat, perlu didukung (Stibbe, 2015:2). Untuk dapat membedah cerita-cerita yang tersingkap dalam teks, maka bahasa mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting. Isu lingkungan merupakan isu global yang selalu diperbincangakan di seluruh belahan dunia. Kemajuan teknologi dan peradaban manusia selalu dianggap merupakan keberhasilan pembangunan di segala sektor,
Program Magister dan Doktor IImu Linguistik Fakultas IImu Budaya-Universitas Udayana , 2017
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis inti cerita yang terselip di balik lirik-lirik lagu. Dat... more Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis inti cerita yang terselip di balik lirik-lirik lagu. Data dalam penelitian ini diambil dari lirik-lirik salah satu lagu yang bertema lingkungan karya pencipta lagu dan penyangi yang bernama Soedjarwoto Soemarsono (populer dengan panggilan Gombloh). Dalam pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan metode simak dan catat. Selanjutnya data dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan ekolinguistik kristis dengan merujuk ‘ecospshy’ yang diusulkan oleh Arran Stibbe (2015). Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bentuk-bentuk cerita atau kisah hidup yang tersirat dalam lagu tersebut adalah (1) Metaphor, (2) evaluation, dan (3) salience.
Kata kunci: eko-wacana, ekolinguistik, ecosophy, metaphor, evaluation, salience
Thesis Chapters by Gede Astawa
Linguistik Terapan dalam Berbagai perspektif, 2020
Papers by Gede Astawa

Englisia: Journal of Language, Education, and Humanities
The Indonesian government works closely with other agencies to intensely campaign for the movemen... more The Indonesian government works closely with other agencies to intensely campaign for the movement against the virus corona in various ways, one of which is through Public Service Advertisements (PSAs). PSAs have verbal and non-verbal elements that contain meanings, both explicit and implicit meanings. This article aims to analyze three samples of PSAs concerning Covid-19 retrieved from three online website media, namely (1) the website of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia; (2) Republika online; and (3) This research was conducted using qualitative descriptive methods referring to the semiotic theory developed by Roland Barthes and Charles Sanders Peirce, and the modern hermeneutics theory developed by Paul Ricoeur. The analysis of the PSAs in this study was focused on verbal texts, while non-verbal texts were not analyzed deeply. From the three PSAs analyzed, the study found that the explicit meanings lying in the P...

Kementerian Pariwisata Indonesia memandang perlu percepatan pemberdayaan masyarakat desa wisata y... more Kementerian Pariwisata Indonesia memandang perlu percepatan pemberdayaan masyarakat desa wisata yang memiliki karakteristik tersendiri dan memiliki potensi ekonomi cukup besar sehingga perlu mengandeng berbagai pihak, termasuk perguruan tinggi. Oleh karena itu, sebagai salah satu perguruan tinggi pariwisata di Bali, Akademi Pariwisata Denpasar, melalui program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM), turut serta memberikan kontribusi pemercepatan ketercapaian program pemerintah tersebut melalui pendampingan Desa Wisata Besan Klungkung dengan beberapa bentuk program pelatihan, yang salah satunya adalah pelatihan untuk pramuwisata lokal yang sudah ada di desa tersebut yang berjumlah 12 orang. Pelatihan bagi pemandu wisata lokal ini adalah bersifat pengayaan khazanah di dalam hal kesantunan berbahasa, hospitalitas, dan teknik memandu wisatawan. Untuk mengetahui dampak pelatihan ini, dilakukan pre-test dan post-test. Hasil analisis sig. (2-tailed) terhadap nilai rerata kumulatif peserta men...

Jurnal Kajian dan Terapan Pariwisata (JKTP), 2022
Collaborative learning approach has been widely used to improve the quality of learning in a vari... more Collaborative learning approach has been widely used to improve the quality of learning in a variety of courses. This present study used the collaborative approach in English learning for the specific purpose of restaurant services. The research used a mixed-method. The research data were obtained from the result of pre-and post-performance tests, participant observation notes, and unstructured interview notes. There were 35 students involved as the sample and informants. The quantitative data obtained were calculated by using a t-test and the qualitative data obtained were analysed using content analysis. The significance value (2-tailed) of the implementation of the pre-test and post-test was 0.000 (p < 0.05). Thus, the results of the preand post-test experienced a significant change. The students shown positive feedback toward the collaborative approach applied. Based on the findings, collaborative learning could enhance both students' English-speaking skills and job-related skills.

Jurnal Kajian dan Terapan Pariwisata
The collaborative learning approach has been widely used to improve the quality of learning in a ... more The collaborative learning approach has been widely used to improve the quality of learning in a variety of courses. This present study used the collaborative approach in English learning for the specific purpose of restaurant services. The research used a mixed-method. The research data were obtained from the result of pre-and post-performance tests, participant observation notes, and unstructured interview notes. There were 35 students involved as the sample and informants. The quantitative data obtained were calculated by using a t-test and the qualitative data obtained were analyzed using content analysis. The significance value (2-tailed) of the implementation of the pre-test and post-test was 0.000 (p < 0.05). Thus, the results of the pre-and post-test experienced a significant change. The students showed positive feedback toward the collaborative approach applied. Based on the findings, collaborative learning could enhance both students’ English-speaking skills and job-...

e-Journal of Linguistics, 2019
The earlier research on critical ecolinguistics tended to criticize the negative impacts of langu... more The earlier research on critical ecolinguistics tended to criticize the negative impacts of language in encouraging ecologically destructive behavior. However, this present study acts differently, it focusses on analysing positive impacts of language in preserving the environment. This present study aims at analysing the interpretation of ecological preservation revealed in the awig-awig (customary law) text belonging to Tenganan Pegringsingan Village. The data of the research were taken from lexicons, phrases, clauses or sentences used in the written text of the awig-awig. The collected data were analysed using Positive Discourse Analyisi (PDA) developed by Stibbe (2017). The findings of the present study showed that the interpretation of ecological preservation in the awig-awig text took the form of preservation of natural ecology, preservation of human ecology, and preservation of spiritual ecology. The three findings above correspond to the Tri Hita Karana (THK) concept which w...
Jurnal Kajian dan Terapan Pariwisata, 2020
This study aimed at figuring out the effectiveness of using virtual reality device to teach vocab... more This study aimed at figuring out the effectiveness of using virtual reality device to teach vocabulary for students. Virtual reality device is a tool that can show an interactive media in 3D images and sounds combined with the virtual real-world. The data was collected through journal articles or library research. The result of the library research showed that virtual reality device is effective to teach vocabulary for students. From the library was also found that there are thirteen advantages or impacts in conducting virtual reality device in tourism classroom. It was also found that the steps in conducting virtual reality strategy is easy to be implemented and can be done by the teacher properly. It implies the use of virtual device in the classroom will helpful for teacher and students

Journal of Business on Hospitality and Tourism, 2020
This study aimed at figuring out the access of Indonesian students to English and figuring out th... more This study aimed at figuring out the access of Indonesian students to English and figuring out the difference of scanning skill possessed by bilingual students and monolingual students. The subject of this study was 31 2nd semester students from Denpasar Tourism Academy, Bali. The data was collected through a questionnaire and a provided test. The result of the questionnaire shows that students have more access to English through films, listening to English songs, computer games and their mobile phone when they are chatting. From the questionnaire is also found that 42% of the students were monolingual -they use Bahasa only at school and at home- and 58% of the students were bilingual –they use Bahasa and local language-. The result of the test shows that students who are monolingual in that school outperform the bilingual with the average score is 78.00, meanwhile the bilingual students have the average score with score 64.00. It implies that the monolingual students can answer eas...

Aksara, 2019
English communicative competence is one of the prime preferences for learners in this current ce... more English communicative competence is one of the prime preferences for learners in this current century, including tourism academy students. As the consequence, learners are equipped by relevant skills including how to articulate English communicative competence insight effectively. Learners are encouraged to fulfill the of micro and macro components of English communicative competence and minimize the factors hindered to be a competent English speaker. The aims of this research were to analyze the factors hindering communicative competence and disclose the micro and macro component problems of English communicative competence at the fourth semester of hotel department students enrolled in three-year diploma program in Denpasar tourism academy. This was descriptive-quantitative study and involved 30 students and one English lecturer as respondents at this college. Data were collected through in-depth interview, questionnaire, field observation, and students’ English communicative com...

International Journal of Linguistics, 2018
Awig-awig ‘customary law’ is a written rule which is used to manage customary village organizatio... more Awig-awig ‘customary law’ is a written rule which is used to manage customary village organization in Bali. This customary law has a very important role in maintaining the environment in terms of natural environment (palemahan), social environment (pawongan), and spiritual environment (parhyangan). Therefore, every awig-awig made should be based on Tri Hita Karana (THK) concept. The THK is defined as ‘three causes of happiness and prosperity’. In this study, THK is considered as an ecosophy used to judge the existence of lexical items, grammatical contructs, and other linguistic features used in the awig-awig text. In critical discourse, the exisistence of any texts is considered to bring underlying power and ideology. Thus, the written text of the awig-awig belongs to Tenganan Pegringsingan village reveals the form of power fight and ideology. Therefore, this present study was aimed at finding the influence of the power domination and ideology revealed in the awig-awig text. By ...

WIDYABHAKTI Jurnal Ilmiah Populer
Pemerintah melalui Pasal 7 ayat (2) Undang-undang Nomor 12 Tahun 1995, tentang Pemasyarakatan, me... more Pemerintah melalui Pasal 7 ayat (2) Undang-undang Nomor 12 Tahun 1995, tentang Pemasyarakatan, menetapkan aturan tentang pembinaan dan pembimbingan warga binaan pemasyarakatan. Merujuk peraturan tersebut, Akademi Pariwisata Denpasar melalui kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) memberikan pelatihan tata boga dan patiseri kepada para warga binaan di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kerobokan. Pelatihan ini dilaksanakan selama 6 hari, dari tanggal 29 Juli – 3 Agustus 2019, dengan jumlah mitra sebanyak 20 orang. Pelatihan ini dilaksanakan dengan tiga pokok materi, yakni pengetahuan dasar tentang tata boga dan patiseri, pengolahan, dan penyajiannya. Tujuan dari pelatihan ini adalah untuk memberdayakan para mitra untuk melakukan wirausaha mandiri pasca pembebasan dari Lembaga Pemasyarakatan. Di samping itu, dalam masa tahanan masih berlangsung, para mitra bisa melakukan usaha kecil berupa pembuatan masakan dan kue yang dijual di kantin LP. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dievaluasi oleh tim pelaksa...

Journal of Language Teaching and Research
The awig-awig (Customary Law) of Tenganan Pegringsingan Village has existed since 11th century be... more The awig-awig (Customary Law) of Tenganan Pegringsingan Village has existed since 11th century before the Tri Hita Karana ecosophy was initiated in Bali; however, this awig-awig was able to preserve the environment, in terms of natural environment (palemahan), social environment (pawongan), and spiritual environment (parhyangan). The present study aims at investigating evaluations and assessment of the THK ecosophy employed in the awig-awig text of Tenganan Pegringsingan village. The research aspires to reveal the value of relationship of human with the natural, social, and spiritual environments. The data of the research were taken from the written text of the awig-awig. The collected data were analysed using critical ecolinguistics approach, referring to evaluation theory proposed by Stibbe (2015) and appraisal Theory by Martin and White (2005). The results showed that the awig-awig text reveals positive, ambivalent, and negative evaluations. The positive evaluations are in a line...
Conference Presentations by Gede Astawa
Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah sebuah Novel berbahasa Bali karya Djelantik Santha dengan judul “Tresnané Lebur Ajur Setondén Kembang.” Dalam pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan metode simak baca dan catat.
Selanjutnya, data yang ditemukan dianalisa dari perspektif unsur fungsional sintaksis dan ruang persepsi manusia ungkapan-ungkapan metaforis novel “Tresnane Lebur Ajur Setonden Kembang.” Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan fungsi secara sintaksis dan persepsi manusia terhadap ungkapan-ungkapan metaforis yang ditemukan dalam novel berjudul “Tresnané Lebur Ajur Setondén Kembang.”
Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari segi sintaksis ungkapan-ungkapan metaforis dalam novel ini terdiri atas tiga kelompok, yaitu: (1) metafora nominative, (2) metafora predikatif, dan (3) metafora kalimat. Sedangkan dari ruang persepsi manusia terdapat beberapa lambang kias, yaitu: (1) ke-ada-an; (2) kosmos, (3) energy, (4) substansi, (5) terrestrial, (6) benda, (7) kehidupan, (8) makhluk bernyawa, dan (9) manusia.
Kata kunci: ungkapan, Bahasa Bali, metafora, novel
Books by Gede Astawa
Kata kunci: eko-wacana, ekolinguistik, ecosophy, metaphor, evaluation, salience
Thesis Chapters by Gede Astawa
Papers by Gede Astawa
Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah sebuah Novel berbahasa Bali karya Djelantik Santha dengan judul “Tresnané Lebur Ajur Setondén Kembang.” Dalam pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan metode simak baca dan catat.
Selanjutnya, data yang ditemukan dianalisa dari perspektif unsur fungsional sintaksis dan ruang persepsi manusia ungkapan-ungkapan metaforis novel “Tresnane Lebur Ajur Setonden Kembang.” Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan fungsi secara sintaksis dan persepsi manusia terhadap ungkapan-ungkapan metaforis yang ditemukan dalam novel berjudul “Tresnané Lebur Ajur Setondén Kembang.”
Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari segi sintaksis ungkapan-ungkapan metaforis dalam novel ini terdiri atas tiga kelompok, yaitu: (1) metafora nominative, (2) metafora predikatif, dan (3) metafora kalimat. Sedangkan dari ruang persepsi manusia terdapat beberapa lambang kias, yaitu: (1) ke-ada-an; (2) kosmos, (3) energy, (4) substansi, (5) terrestrial, (6) benda, (7) kehidupan, (8) makhluk bernyawa, dan (9) manusia.
Kata kunci: ungkapan, Bahasa Bali, metafora, novel
Kata kunci: eko-wacana, ekolinguistik, ecosophy, metaphor, evaluation, salience