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Ruangan adalah suatu tempat tertutup dengan langit-langit yang berada di rumah atau bentuk bangunan lainnya. Ruangan biasanya memiliki pintu dan beberapa jendela yang berfungsi sebagai tempat masuknya cahaya, aliran udara, dan akses... more
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We consider the Soft-Wall-model of AdS/QCD to calculate photon production in strongly coupled Quark Gluon Plasma (sQGP). The IR cut-off only affects the low-frequency-component of the production rate. The full spectral function is... more
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      High Energy PhysicsLow FrequencyMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
Using AdS/CFT we investigate the effect of angular-momentum-induced anisotropy on the instantaneous drag force of a heavy quark. The dual description is that of a string moving in the background of a Kerr-AdS black holes. The system... more
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      Quark Gluon PlasmaHigh Energy PhysicsMathematical SciencesAdS/CFT Correspondence