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This paper examines metaphorical expressions and their conceptual metaphors, found in Alexandar Hemon’s short stories. The corpus of this paper is two stories: The Lives of Others and The Kauders Case. The stories are taken from The Book... more
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    • Cognitive Linguistics
Enisa Kajtazović: Univerzalnost konceptualne metafore s komponentom sreća u b/h/s i engleskom jeziku U radu se istražuje da li u b/h/s jeziku postoje konceptualne metafore i odgovarajući lin-gvistički izrazi za konceptualizaciju sreće,... more
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      Conceptual Metaphor TheoryCognitive LinguisticsAplied Linguistics
U radu se istražuju metaforični izrazi i njihove konceptualne metafore koje se koriste u kratkim pričama Aleksandra Hemona. Korpus rada su dvije priče: "Životi drugih" (The Lives of Others) i "Slučaj Kauders" (The Kauders Case). Priče su... more
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The evergreen shrub Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC. (Rutaceae), originating from warm temperate and subtropical Asia, has existed successfully in the Jevremovac Botanical Garden in Belgrade for more than 80 years. The seasonal pattern of... more
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jeziku nalazimo tri vrste afiksa: prefiksi, sufiksi i infiksi. Prve dvije vrste su vrlo česte, dok je treća jako rijetka. navodi primjer abso-bloody-lutely u kojem je infiks bloody umetnut u sredinu riječi absolutely. Dok prefiksi ne... more
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    • Cognitive Linguistics
As an international lingua franca, English is used in many countries as a second or a foreign language. As a consequence, many regions worldwide have developed their own varieties, often referred to as World Englishes. These varieties... more
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The aim of the paper is to analyze metaphors used in B&H and the US newspaper articles about persons with disabilities. Persons with disabilities are a vulnerable group, marginalized, stereotyped and stigmatized everywhere. Although... more
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    • Contrastive Analysis
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    • Contrastive Analysis
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