Amela Delic
First of all, Amela Delić is an ordinary person. I love kids, animals, hiking, nature, poetry, literature, life, other people, and I love the most my family, friend, and students. I was born on 22.01.1990. in Zvornik, small town in southeast Bosnia - the most beautiful country in the world. I obtained my journalism diploma in 2012 of Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies in Tuzla. In the same year I won the award of Golden student of Tuzla University. (It wasn't so hard). I also won three silver plaques of Tuzla University.I got my Master degree in 2015 at the same University. I wrote about war past, concrete title of my thesis was: Confronting the war past in online media. I survived war as a little baby. When war, precisely aggression on my country finished, I had just five years. But I am constantly talk about war past because it is important for all the people who died for our freedom, and for all of us who have to live together in peace. We have to tell the truth about war past if we want to continue with our lives normally. Avoiding discussion about past just because we have different views about it, won't take us to the stable peace. It is a trap. So I will continue talking about it 'till I am alive. I have worked as an assistant on the scientific filed of Communication studies since 2.10.2013, than since 2.10.2017 as a senior assistant on the scientific field of Communication studies of Journalism Department of Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies in Tuzla, and since February 2022. as a Assistant Professor. I was an editor of Student newspaper and participated in article writing for Monography – 40 years of Tuzla University. I finished my PhD on 23.10.2020. My thesis was about „Structural changes in journalism as form of cognition of reality in digitalization era“. I did my PhD at the Faculty of Political Sciences of Sarajevo University, Communication studies Department, under the mentorship of dear professor Lejla Turčilo.I am also a Fulbright visiting scholar at great University of Utah, Department for Communication. It is my great pleasure to be here, and work with all of these wonderful people around me, at the Communication Department, but also at whole University. I also wrote a book of poetry, named The wind's house. Those songs represent my life.
Phone: 0038761054326
Address: Ulica Tihomila Markovića br. 1 Tuzla
Phone: 0038761054326
Address: Ulica Tihomila Markovića br. 1 Tuzla
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Conference Presentations by Amela Delic
dijskih organizacija kojima je primarni cilj stjecanje profita. Profesionalni mediji, označeni kao fake news, na različite načine su pokušali vratiti izgubljeni ugled u društvu i reetablirati društveni značaj profesionalnog novinarstva. Ipak, brojne analize ukazuju da neće biti dovoljno samo
reafirmisati postojeće koncepte i vrijednosti već da je potrebno graditi nove profesionalne kulture. Trumpova zaostavština u pogledu odnosa prema etabliranim medijima i profesionalnom novinarstvu, nije donijela neke posebne novosti medijima i novinarima u Bosni i Hercegovini
(BiH) koji proteklih 30 godina djeluju u izrazito nepovoljnom okruženju, u kojem populizam predstavlja modus operandi političkog djelovanja. Ipak, potrebno je da transformacije novinarstva koje se najavljuju kao rezultat odnosa medija i autoritarnih populista u demokratskim društvima, ne ostanu bez odjeka u BiH jer bi se postojeća slabašna institucionalna kultura novinarstva mogla koristiti kao alat za daljnje osnaživanje populista.
the framework of journalistic professionalism, were particularly negatively
portrayed in the Bosnian media. Many anti-immigrant web portals In Bosnia were launched, an anti-immigrant campaign was conducted through articles that, through metaphors, bias, and logical errors, imposed desirable views of undesirable „others.” In this paper, we have analyzed fake news created about migrants and refugees as dangerous transmitters of infection, texts about migrants and refugees on portals oriented towards writing anti-migrant texts, articles of the mainstream portals in Bosnia and Herzegovina about people on the move. We used critical analysis of media discourse, analyzed metaphors which were used, logical errors and other techniques of partisan reporting. To set up the theoretical framework, we used the works of Teun van Dijk on critical discourse analysis, Georgio Agamben on sacred life and the thin line between life outside of law and death, Predrag Stojadinović’s analysis of logical errors, biased reporting techniques explained by Najil Kurtić.
Books by Amela Delic
Papers by Amela Delic
changing the way in which we experience ourselves and the world we live in. Broadcasting our lives on the web also involves the everyday exteriorization of emotions onto the technical mediators of the third degree, as Jensen calls them (2006). Expressions of emotional experience is something we see every day on social networks, but they are also becoming an integral part of user content under the media text on web portals. These so-called intellectual technologies are acquiring some of the essential human characteristics such as rationality, memory, calculation, and translation, as well as emotionality and communication (Carr 2014, Turkle 2011).
Where do Emotions live when we transfer them into the virtual world and how do they become an integral part of media content? Where does one’s soul live when transferred to one’s virtual self? These are the questions we will try to answer in the first part of this paper.
We will analyse the virtual space, its possibilities and limitations. We will discuss the potential of online media to mediate emotional experiences. We will also seek to understand technology and devices as an alternative humanity, when people fail or refuse to act by themselves. We will try to find answers to questions about the consequences of such mediation, referring to the research of other scholars including Siva Vaidhyanathan, Sherry Turkle, Nicholas Carr, and others.
proaktivno i ide dalje od prezentovanja postojećeg problema. U ovoj vrsti izvještavanja novinar pokušava otkriti moguća rješenja i primjere dobrih odgovora na problem koji su negdje već uspješno implementirani, a koji bi se mogli imitirati u konkretnom društvenom kontekstu u sadašnjosti ili budućnosti, te tako odgovara na pitanje Šta dalje. U konačnici ono doprinosi kreiranju nove kulture vijesti u kojoj se definitivno mijenja
interpretacijski okvir, ali ne i agenda medijskog izvještavanja. U drugom dijelu rada predstavljeni su rezultati empirijskog istraživanja autorice dobijeni metodama kvantitativne analize sadržaja i ispitivanja tehnikom pismene ankete. Analiza sadržaja bosanskohercegovačkih medija (N=663) pokazala je da u njima dominira klasični model izvještavanja s fokusom na probleme, s akcentom na konflikt i negativnosti kao dominantne vrijednosti vijesti. Građani (N=445) su svojim odgovorima pokazali da preferiraju neke od elemenata konstruktivnih priča.
about natural science, while domestic research focused more on social science and humanities. Most texts are published in the form of news, without deeper analysis and interpretation. In the texts dominate
leads which are characteristic for informative forms, and reporters contacted mostly just one interlocutor in their texts. There is a large number of texts (about 24%) without any source of information.
dijskih organizacija kojima je primarni cilj stjecanje profita. Profesionalni mediji, označeni kao fake news, na različite načine su pokušali vratiti izgubljeni ugled u društvu i reetablirati društveni značaj profesionalnog novinarstva. Ipak, brojne analize ukazuju da neće biti dovoljno samo
reafirmisati postojeće koncepte i vrijednosti već da je potrebno graditi nove profesionalne kulture. Trumpova zaostavština u pogledu odnosa prema etabliranim medijima i profesionalnom novinarstvu, nije donijela neke posebne novosti medijima i novinarima u Bosni i Hercegovini
(BiH) koji proteklih 30 godina djeluju u izrazito nepovoljnom okruženju, u kojem populizam predstavlja modus operandi političkog djelovanja. Ipak, potrebno je da transformacije novinarstva koje se najavljuju kao rezultat odnosa medija i autoritarnih populista u demokratskim društvima, ne ostanu bez odjeka u BiH jer bi se postojeća slabašna institucionalna kultura novinarstva mogla koristiti kao alat za daljnje osnaživanje populista.
the framework of journalistic professionalism, were particularly negatively
portrayed in the Bosnian media. Many anti-immigrant web portals In Bosnia were launched, an anti-immigrant campaign was conducted through articles that, through metaphors, bias, and logical errors, imposed desirable views of undesirable „others.” In this paper, we have analyzed fake news created about migrants and refugees as dangerous transmitters of infection, texts about migrants and refugees on portals oriented towards writing anti-migrant texts, articles of the mainstream portals in Bosnia and Herzegovina about people on the move. We used critical analysis of media discourse, analyzed metaphors which were used, logical errors and other techniques of partisan reporting. To set up the theoretical framework, we used the works of Teun van Dijk on critical discourse analysis, Georgio Agamben on sacred life and the thin line between life outside of law and death, Predrag Stojadinović’s analysis of logical errors, biased reporting techniques explained by Najil Kurtić.
changing the way in which we experience ourselves and the world we live in. Broadcasting our lives on the web also involves the everyday exteriorization of emotions onto the technical mediators of the third degree, as Jensen calls them (2006). Expressions of emotional experience is something we see every day on social networks, but they are also becoming an integral part of user content under the media text on web portals. These so-called intellectual technologies are acquiring some of the essential human characteristics such as rationality, memory, calculation, and translation, as well as emotionality and communication (Carr 2014, Turkle 2011).
Where do Emotions live when we transfer them into the virtual world and how do they become an integral part of media content? Where does one’s soul live when transferred to one’s virtual self? These are the questions we will try to answer in the first part of this paper.
We will analyse the virtual space, its possibilities and limitations. We will discuss the potential of online media to mediate emotional experiences. We will also seek to understand technology and devices as an alternative humanity, when people fail or refuse to act by themselves. We will try to find answers to questions about the consequences of such mediation, referring to the research of other scholars including Siva Vaidhyanathan, Sherry Turkle, Nicholas Carr, and others.
proaktivno i ide dalje od prezentovanja postojećeg problema. U ovoj vrsti izvještavanja novinar pokušava otkriti moguća rješenja i primjere dobrih odgovora na problem koji su negdje već uspješno implementirani, a koji bi se mogli imitirati u konkretnom društvenom kontekstu u sadašnjosti ili budućnosti, te tako odgovara na pitanje Šta dalje. U konačnici ono doprinosi kreiranju nove kulture vijesti u kojoj se definitivno mijenja
interpretacijski okvir, ali ne i agenda medijskog izvještavanja. U drugom dijelu rada predstavljeni su rezultati empirijskog istraživanja autorice dobijeni metodama kvantitativne analize sadržaja i ispitivanja tehnikom pismene ankete. Analiza sadržaja bosanskohercegovačkih medija (N=663) pokazala je da u njima dominira klasični model izvještavanja s fokusom na probleme, s akcentom na konflikt i negativnosti kao dominantne vrijednosti vijesti. Građani (N=445) su svojim odgovorima pokazali da preferiraju neke od elemenata konstruktivnih priča.
about natural science, while domestic research focused more on social science and humanities. Most texts are published in the form of news, without deeper analysis and interpretation. In the texts dominate
leads which are characteristic for informative forms, and reporters contacted mostly just one interlocutor in their texts. There is a large number of texts (about 24%) without any source of information.
of critical analysis of the discourse given by Teun A. van Dijk, allocated the key elements of journalistic text that affect the creation of the interpretative frameworks, we can freely say, top topics of today.
It turned out that the media often and superficially reports about terrorist attacks and, that information about the victims of the terrorist attacks in the Middle East is insufficient and inaccurate. Journalists often use information that they receive from sources close to terrorist organisations. Media space is mainly reserved for official sources, the statements of high-ranking officials, but not for the victims, and terrorism is explicitly or implicitly associated with islam. Our starting hypothesis
that the media typically connect terrorism and islam has been proven.
U radu analiziramo način na koji su na informativnim web portalima u Bosni i Hercegovini predstavljene izbjeglice iz Sirije. Istraživali smo koliko pažnje problemima izbjeglica posvećuju četiri najposjećenija web portala u Bosni i Hercegovini. Rezultati su pokazali postojanje četiri ključna interpretacijska okvira u izvještavanju o izbjeglicama: predstavljanje izbjeglica kao nasilnih, predstavljanje izbjeglica kao opasnosti za opstanak Evropske unije, povezivanje izbjeglica sa političkom karijerom njemačke kancelarke Angele Merkel i prikazivanje ličnih priča izbjeglica iz Sirije. Mediji ponavljaju stereotipne ideje o izbjeglicama koje možemo uočiti u naslovima, korištenim riječima, metaforama i fotografijama. Praćeni mediji prenose uglavnom iste informacije o najnovijim događajima vezanim za izbjeglice, te su informacije najčešće preuzete od stranih novinskih angencija, podaci o broju žrtava ponekad nisu ujednačeni ili čak nisu tačno navedeni, a na fotografijama se rijetko vide oni kojima je u ovoj priči najteže – izbjeglice.