Papers by Sariyah Sariyah

The implementation of the community's participation related to halal product assurance regulated ... more The implementation of the community's participation related to halal product assurance regulated in Chapter VII, Articles 53-55 of Act Number 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Assurance (Jaminan Produk Halal/JPH) is an important issue to be deeply examined. Based on the pre-research, the community does not seem to have performed its role optimally based on JPH regulations on local halal food. Therefore, measuring the implementation of the provisions of the article is considered necessary as a reference that whether the regulation of the article has been carried out as it should, or whether more in-depth study and education in the community is needed. Therefore, research using empirical juridical research methods with an abductive approach, and qualitative methods of data analysis was carried out using primary and secondary data. Primary data is in the form of in-depth interviews with local food producers and consumers in Banten Province. Furthermore, secondary data are obtained from primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials. The results of the study provide various facts in the community that community's participation based on regulations has partially run, and minors in some circumstances, namely, the community's participation on implementation local halal food based on the JPH Act related to the concept of halalan thayyiban, the education on JPH regulations, and the supervision of local halal food circulation. Nevertheless, the community's awareness on fulfilling local halal food has been emerged. Subsequently, the public education on local halal food by the government and stakeholders is the main thing in increasing community participation.

The community's participation in the implementation of halal product assurance regulates in Artic... more The community's participation in the implementation of halal product assurance regulates in Articles 53, 54, and 55 of the JPH Law. However, its fact is under expectations. This paper aims to determine the obstacles in implementing the community's participation in local halal food assurance based on halal product assurance regulations in Banten province and the efforts made by the government to protect Muslim consumers. The study used sociolegal research methods with an abductive approach and qualitative data analysis, then data collection done by using in-depth interviews and related legal materials. The results showed the existence of four obstacles in the implementation of community participation in local halal food assurance based on halal product assurance regulations in Banten province, namely, the willingness to obtain halal raw materials for local food is limited, the processing process of local food products is less professional, the packaging of local food products is less attractive, the sale of halal local food products is still traditional and less desirable and weak public knowledge of consumer rights. The tripartite government efforts are essential to collaborate, namely the government (BPJPH), civil society, and business actors.
Papers by Sariyah Sariyah