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Visón americano en trampa de captura viva en la Reserva Corazón de la Isla, Tierra del Fuego. Marzo 2010. Laura Fasola Es una publicación del Publicación semestral Año 2 Número 3 -Mayo de 2012
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      ArchaeologyGeologyScience CommunicationBiological Sciences
Exposure of organisms to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is characterized by the climatology (annual cycle) and the variance (anomalies) of biologically-weighted irradiances at eight geographical locations in austral South America, from... more
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      MeteorologyPhotosynthesisDNA damagePhytoplankton
The error in irradiance measured with Sun-calibrated multichannel radiometers may be large when the solar zenith angle (SZA) increases. This could be particularly detrimental in radiometers installed at mid and high latitudes, where SZAs... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAppliedApplied OpticsOptical physics
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    • Ozone
... 2002). De las 10 especies de mamíferos nativas solo una es endémica: el roedor cavícola Ctenomys magellanicus o "tucu-tuco", que vive en colonias y construye redes de túneles en zonas abiertas con buen... more
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      Tierra del FuegoRevista Chilena de Historia Natural
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      MultidisciplinaryTierra del FuegoInterciencia
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      Biological SciencesTierra del FuegoRevista Chilena de Historia Natural
This article describes the use of group model building to facilitate interaction with stakeholders, synthesize research results and assist in the development of hypotheses about climate change at the global level in relation to UV-B... more
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      Climate ChangeTime SeriesPhotochemistryCarbon Cycle
In studies of the biological effects of UV radiation, ozone depletion can be mimicked by performing the study under ambient conditions and adding radiation with UV-B lamps. We evaluated this methodology at three different locations along... more
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      PhotochemistryBiological SciencesCanadaComputer Simulation
1] Measuring ultraviolet radiation in the Antarctic region, where weather conditions are extremely challenging, is a demanding task. Proper quality control of the measurements and quality assurance of the data, which are the basis of all... more
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      Solar PhysicsMultidisciplinaryQuality ControlGlobal change
Three NILU-UV multichannel radiometers have been installed in 1999 at the Argentinian sites of Ushuaia (54S), Marambio (64S) and Belgrano-II (77S) in order to continuously monitor UV radiation, photosynthetically active radiation and... more
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      Time SeriesQuality ControlQuality AssuranceUv Radiation
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In the last two decades as a consequence of ozone depletion there has been an increasing interest in the study of biological effects of ultraviolet radiation (UV). Spectral instruments, which provide detailed information on UV... more
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      Earth SciencesTime SeriesBiological SciencesUv Radiation
The host response to 3 different larval digeneans affecting Southwestern Atlantic and Magellanic populations of the bivalve Gaimardia trapesina (Lamarck, 1819) (Gaimardiidae) is described. Unencysted metacercariae of 2 species of... more
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      Biological SciencesTrematodaHost-parasite interactionsMollusca
1] Measurements of spectral and multichannel UV radiation became more common in the middle and late eighties after the discovery of the ''ozone hole,'' but time series for these measurements are still relatively short for the... more
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      Time SeriesMultidisciplinaryUv RadiationSouth Pole
At some regions of southern South America, UV radiation is too low for part of the year to produce suitable levels of vitamin D for some skin types and body area exposure.
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      Vitamin DSkinSouth AmericaTime Factors
Ozone and UV radiation were analyzed at eight stations from tropical to sub-Antarctic regions in South America. Ground UV irradiances were measured by multichannel radiometers as part of the Inter American Institute for Global Change... more
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      PhotochemistryBiological SciencesUv RadiationPhysical sciences
After the discovery of ozone depletion, the study of the variability of the UV-B radiation at the earth's surface became a topic of interest for the atmospheric community. Also, biologists, physicians and epidemiologists, working in... more
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      Case StudyUv RadiationSolar radiationSouth Pole
On June 4th, 2011, the Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcanic complex (40135 0 25″S 72107 0 02″W, Chile) started eruption, sending ash 45,000 feet into the atmosphere. After the initial period, the eruption continued for several months, with less... more
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El objetivo fundamental del IPY es el estudio del papel del Ártico y la Antártida en el contexto planetario, permitiendo el desarrollo de nuestra comprensión de los procesos polares y de nuevos sistemas de observación o la mejora de los... more
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