Motorcycle racing is generally known as a dangerous sport, but it is enjoyed as an exciting pasti... more Motorcycle racing is generally known as a dangerous sport, but it is enjoyed as an exciting pastime. In increasing the potential of motorcycle racers in Indonesia in general and in West Kalimantan in particular, it is necessary to build a sports facility in the form of a circuit in accordance with national standards in Kubu Raya Regency. The purpose of designing the Road Race Circuit in Kubu Raya Regency is to provide a place for racers in West Kalimantan to develop their hobbies. The design method used is the Robert Whitaker design method, which consists of the introduction stage, definition stage, preparation stage, analysis stage, synthesis stage, evaluation stage, and re-evaluation stage. The main concept in this design is to create circuit facilities with national standards that are integrated with commercial, recreational, and educational areas to meet the needs of Road Races. This design produces a track with a length of 2.6 km and has 15 bends that circle the area and is int...
Seminary is a place for Christian religious education to form and educate prospective Christian c... more Seminary is a place for Christian religious education to form and educate prospective Christian clergy. The seminary is equipped with various educational support facilities, because it is a special education that focuses on theological/religious education. Seminary facilities in the Pontianak City area are currently considered to be less than optimal, both in terms of quantity/quantity, and quality of facilities. The purpose of this design is to produce the design of educational facilities and religious tourism that is able to accommodate the needs of users and visitors in the form of facilities and infrastructure. The design object focuses on the Bukit Doa Psalm 21 area, Anjongan, Mempawah. The method used in this design is observation, comparison, and analysis. The author will conduct field observations at seminaries and retreat houses in Pontianak, as well as interviews with related parties. The design focus is on identifying seminary facilities and the need for infrastructure. T...
Sambas Regency is an area that has a coastal area stretching from the Semelagi area to the Temaju... more Sambas Regency is an area that has a coastal area stretching from the Semelagi area to the Temajuk Coast region which borders Malaysia. Sinam Beach is one of the tourist attractions, precisely in Pemangkat District. The beach is often visited by tourists on weekends for recreation and relaxation. This Sinam Beach Tourism Area is very worrying because natural disasters often occur in the form of tidal floods, strong winds and coastal abrasion, the inability of the community and local government to utilize and manage existing potentials optimally to create tourist attractions. The purpose of this design is to produce a plan and design for the Sinam Beach Tourism Area in Pemangkat District which can meet the needs of tourists and utilize the potential of natural resources.The concept used is green open space by the beach. The method used in the design is to find ideas, collect data and analyze data. The design of the Sinam Beach Tourism Area creates a tourist zone, namely land tourism,...
Local residents of West Borneo have expertise in producing variety of traditional crafts, one of ... more Local residents of West Borneo have expertise in producing variety of traditional crafts, one of which is woven fabrics, which is no less competitive with other regions. But there are several problems regarding the lack of facilities and infrastructure, such as less productive weaving processes, exhibitions that are held irregularly, difficulty of marketing products and no place for discussion. Therefore, the need of a place to product, exhibit, and market the products of West Borneo woven fabrics called "Center of West Borneo Weaving Craft Gallery in Pontianak" is essential. The design process starts from the analysis of functions which are divided into 3 groups, such as the main function group is commercial function, the extension function group is to produce recreation, education and performance function, while the other support function group is to produce management and service functions. The design applies theme of contemporary architecture as an approach that will s...
Thermal comfort is one of the important aspects to ensure the comfort of a building. School build... more Thermal comfort is one of the important aspects to ensure the comfort of a building. School building, e.g. Sekolah Bina Mulia, Pontianak is used for education activities for about eight hours a day. The teachersfourth floor and still applies the natural air ventilation system while other rooms use mechanical ventilation system. It is interesting to see thermal comfort condition in the ort of the room depends on the environment. Because of its position on the fourth floor, the wind circulation can flow freely and the application of air ventilation is possible. The average temperature is 29.599ºC, 71.216% for relative humidity and 0.143 m/s for wind speed, and 29.482ºC for MRT. The average value of PMV is 1.615. The thermal comfort value, based on the average of PPS*(PMV) calculation for three days observation is 0.130 and it is the neutral condition. This means the room is comfort for the users and it is mainly because of the windows, sun shading, and the building materials which su...
Sports are activity carried out with the aim of getting physical and spiritual health. People of ... more Sports are activity carried out with the aim of getting physical and spiritual health. People of Pontianak, especially academic’s civitas at Tanjungpura University, often do sports activities. There are various ways to develop sports activities, one of which is providing a container that can accommodate sports activities, such as the "Sport Center of Tanjungpura University" with the aim of being a place for matches and training. By applying with a modern architectural approach can generate buildings that emphasize function, relations with the surrounding environment, honesty in the use of materials and simplicity. The planning method used in this report is by collecting data through descriptive methods. This method describes systematically, explains factually and accurately about the facts, nature and relationship of design requirements and design provisions to planning and design. Based on the terms and conditions of the design, which will be searched for the required dat...
Animal Park is a form of ex-situ conservation institution that functions as a forum for preservin... more Animal Park is a form of ex-situ conservation institution that functions as a forum for preserving fauna outside of their natural habitat which is public. Besides having a conservation function, the Animal Park also has recreational, educational and research functions. Animal Park Planning in Pontianak City is also a form of designation and management of protected areas that are able to pay attention to the sustainability of supporting environmental functions in Pontianak City. This article aims to explain the process of designing a Wildlife Park as a recreation and tourism center regarding the introduction of native animals of West Kalimantan. The theme or design concept that is planned is the consideration of the animal's life behavior without reducing the comfort from the visitor's side. This design provides a boundary between the end zone and the animal zone, as well as the placement of a management service zone that is separate from the visitor zone but can still be con...
Local residents of West Borneo have expertise in producing variety of traditional crafts, one of ... more Local residents of West Borneo have expertise in producing variety of traditional crafts, one of which is woven fabrics, which is no less competitive with other regions. But there are several problems regarding the lack of facilities and infrastructure, such as less productive weaving processes, exhibitions that are held irregularly, difficulty of marketing products and no place for discussion. Therefore, the need of a place to product, exhibit, and market the products of West Borneo woven fabrics called "Center of West Borneo Weaving Craft Gallery in Pontianak" is essential. The design process starts from the analysis of functions which are divided into 3 groups, such as the main function group is commercial function, the extension function group is to produce recreation, education and performance function, while the other support function group is to produce management and service functions. The design applies theme of contemporary architecture as an approach that will s...
Mastery of foreign languages is an important skill to compete in the international world in the f... more Mastery of foreign languages is an important skill to compete in the international world in the future. The Language Unit of Universitas Tanjungpura also supports the mastery of foreign languages and has a vision and mission to become a center for international language education and services in West Kalimantan. With the development of Universitas Tanjungpura, Universitas Tanjungpura currently has BLU status, so educational facilities need to provide commercial areas to fulfill this BLU status. Therefore, an Universitas Tanjungpura Language Training Center is needed that can support foreign language learning and there is a commercial area. The design location is located on Daya National Street, Sea Bansir, Southeast Pontianak Subdistrict, Pontianak City, West Kalimantan, with an area of ±11,000 m2. The design uses a comparison method between the results of site observations, existing buildings, literature studies, with training center standards, as well as analyzing internal and ext...
Local residents of West Borneo have expertise in producing variety of traditional crafts, one of ... more Local residents of West Borneo have expertise in producing variety of traditional crafts, one of which is woven fabrics, which is no less competitive with other regions. But there are several problems regarding the lack of facilities and infrastructure, such as less productive weaving processes, exhibitions that are held irregularly, difficulty of marketing products and no place for discussion. Therefore, the need of a place to product, exhibit, and market the products of West Borneo woven fabrics called "Center of West Borneo Weaving Craft Gallery in Pontianak" is essential. The design process starts from the analysis of functions which are divided into 3 groups, such as the main function group is commercial function, the extension function group is to produce recreation, education and performance function, while the other support function group is to produce management and service functions. The design applies theme of contemporary architecture as an approach that will s...
Reported by the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2019 regarding the literacy culture of each ... more Reported by the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2019 regarding the literacy culture of each region, West Kalimantan is listed as the third lowest province in literacy culture or reading interest, the Pontianak City Government has provided places for the public to develop reading interest in the Pontianak City Library, however The Pontianak City Library as the parent of literacy media in Pontianak City has problems in terms of architecture such as inaccurate spatial programs, inadequate spatial size, and the formation of a library that is less representative. Several steps are used in the new library design starting from ideas, data, analysis, synthesis of the initial design to design development, the focus of library design is on programming a space where one of the commercial rooms and a separate room, also in library collections requires special treatment so that processing The collection provides space in the manager building by bridges between buildings for manager access. ...
Pembangunan transmigrasi pada hakekatnya merupakan bagian integral dari pembangunan nasional dan ... more Pembangunan transmigrasi pada hakekatnya merupakan bagian integral dari pembangunan nasional dan pembangunan daerah, sebagai upaya untuk mempercepat pembangunan terutama di kawasan terisolir/tertinggal sekaligus dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan para transmigran dan masyarakat sekitar. Namun tidak seluruh unit permukiman transmigrasi berkembang dengan baik. Berbagai permasalahan terjadi yang berdampak pada tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat transmigran sampai saat ini. Paradigma baru pembangunan transmigrasi adalah membentuk kawasan transmigrasi menjadi pusat pertumbuhan baru sehingga dapat melibatkan seluruh stakeholder lebih partisipasif, holistik dan berkesinambungan. Berbagai strategi ini disiasati dengan, pencanangan program Kota Terpadu Mandiri (KTM). Untuk mendukung semua aktivitas yang ada di dalam Kota Terpadu Mandiri, perlu dibuat konsep permukiman KTM yang dapat mengarahkan kepada suatu standar/pedoman teknis (NSPM) KTM. Penyusunan konsep permukiman KTM ini didasarkan pada pendekatan strategis, teknis, pengelolaan; partisipasi; pembangunan yang berkelanjutan dan pembangunan berwawasan sosial budaya. Konsep permukiman KTM selanjutnya dibagi dalam identifikasi kondisi awal, potensi dan kendala sumberdaya wilayah serta kebijakan sektoral dan kebijaksanaan pembangunan daerah, analisis potensi dan perkembangan wilayah, pola dan struktur infrastruktur wilayah, identifikasi pokok-pokok permasalahan infrastruktur; dan perumusan konsep permukiman KTM. Analisis dilakukan melalui kajian data lapangan dipadukan dengan landasan teori tata ruang. Konsep permukiman disesuaikan dengan fungsi kawasan diwujudkan dengan konsep dasar kebutuhan sarana dan prasarana yang diselaraskan dengan tahapan pembangunan.
Proyek konstruksi bangunan merupakan kegiatan yang menentukan penerapan prinsip bangunan hijau. G... more Proyek konstruksi bangunan merupakan kegiatan yang menentukan penerapan prinsip bangunan hijau. Gerakan bangunan hijau yang telah berlangsung cukup lama telah cukup berhasil secara teknologi dan ekonomis, namun halangan dapat datang dari manusia yang terlibat (stakeholders) pada proyek tersebut. Penghalang ini berangkat dari faktor sosial dan psikologis manusia, yang seringkali tidak disadari. Kajian tentang penghalang tersebut dilihat dari tingkat individu, organisasi dan kelembagaan. Pemecahan masalah dilakukan dengan melihat penghalang sebagai kesempatan atau sebagai masalah yang harus dipecahkan. Faktor edukasi memegang peranan penting dalam mengubah faktor sosial dan psikologis yang menghalangi tersebut. Termasuk pula peranan penting pemerintah sebagai pengatur.
Sintang merupakan salah satu kota di Kalimantan Barat yang berada di pertemuan dua sungai, yaitu ... more Sintang merupakan salah satu kota di Kalimantan Barat yang berada di pertemuan dua sungai, yaitu sungai Kapuas dan Sungai Melawi. Kelurahan Kapuas Kiri Hilir, Kelurahan Menyumbung Tengah dan Kelurahan Ulak Jaya merupakan kawasan permukiman padat yang sudah ada sejak lama di Sintang, dekat dengan pusat historis Kota Sintang yaitu Keraton Sintang dan tetap eksis sampai sekarang. Sedangkan kondisi dunia yang sedang mengalami pemanasan global mengakibatkan kawasan-kawasan yang berhubungan langsung dengan air rentan mengalami kenaikan permukaan air sungai (pasang air). Mengingat mahalnya harga nyawa manusia maka diperlukan penelitian pada pemanfaatan ruang sirkulasi dan ruang terbuka untuk mitigasi bencana berbasis bencana air ketiga kelurahan tersebut.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi dan mengilustrasikan model mitigasi bencana berbasis bencana air (hydrometeorological disaster), dilihat dari persepsi masyarakat dan pemanfaatan ruang sirkulasi dan ruang terbuka.Penelitian ini di...
Arsitektur vernakular adalah arsitektur yang memiliki respon yang baik terhadap iklim setempat. H... more Arsitektur vernakular adalah arsitektur yang memiliki respon yang baik terhadap iklim setempat. Hal ini juga berpengaruh terhadap kenyamanan termal dalam bangunan. Sebagai kota yang memiliki iklim tropis lembab, kenyamanan termal bangunan di Kota Pontianak banyak ditentukan oleh pergerakan angin yang terjadi di dalam bangunan. Adaptasi terhadap iklim pada rumah vernakular melayu Pontianak tidak hanya pada penggunaan elemen bangunan seperti bukaan dan bahan bangunan, juga pada tata ruang yang khas, di antaranya terdapat teras, ruang tengah serta pelataran belakang yang memisahkan rumah induk dengan rumah anak. Tujuan penelitian adalah melihat apakah tata ruang ini berpengaruh terhadap penghawaan alami di ruang dalam. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pengukuran di lapangan terhadap variabel kenyamanan termal, terutama temperatur dan kelajuan angin. Kemudian hasil pengukuran dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif dan dilihat hubungan antara variabel dengan tata ruang, yaitu bagaimana temperatur dan kelajuan angin yang berbeda terjadi di setiap ruang, sehingga dapat ditarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tata ruang di rumah vernakular melayu Pontianak, yaitu hadirnya teras dan pelataran belakang turut berperan dalam penghawaan alami yang terjadi di ruang dalam. Teras berperan dalam menurunkan temperatur luar yang masuk ke dalam bangunan (30,74 °C di ruang luar, lalu 29,84 °C di teras depan, dan 29,09 °C di ruang dalam). Pelataran belakang serta tata ruang dalam memberikan pergerakan angin yang lebih baik, ditunjukkan dengan selisih yang kecil antara kelajuan angin di ruang dalam dengan ruang luar pada rumah dengan pelataran belakang (0,51 m/s) dibandingkan dengan rumah tanpa pelataran belakang (0,77 m/s). Kata-kata Kunci: penghawaan alami, vernakular, tata ruang
Motorcycle racing is generally known as a dangerous sport, but it is enjoyed as an exciting pasti... more Motorcycle racing is generally known as a dangerous sport, but it is enjoyed as an exciting pastime. In increasing the potential of motorcycle racers in Indonesia in general and in West Kalimantan in particular, it is necessary to build a sports facility in the form of a circuit in accordance with national standards in Kubu Raya Regency. The purpose of designing the Road Race Circuit in Kubu Raya Regency is to provide a place for racers in West Kalimantan to develop their hobbies. The design method used is the Robert Whitaker design method, which consists of the introduction stage, definition stage, preparation stage, analysis stage, synthesis stage, evaluation stage, and re-evaluation stage. The main concept in this design is to create circuit facilities with national standards that are integrated with commercial, recreational, and educational areas to meet the needs of Road Races. This design produces a track with a length of 2.6 km and has 15 bends that circle the area and is int...
Seminary is a place for Christian religious education to form and educate prospective Christian c... more Seminary is a place for Christian religious education to form and educate prospective Christian clergy. The seminary is equipped with various educational support facilities, because it is a special education that focuses on theological/religious education. Seminary facilities in the Pontianak City area are currently considered to be less than optimal, both in terms of quantity/quantity, and quality of facilities. The purpose of this design is to produce the design of educational facilities and religious tourism that is able to accommodate the needs of users and visitors in the form of facilities and infrastructure. The design object focuses on the Bukit Doa Psalm 21 area, Anjongan, Mempawah. The method used in this design is observation, comparison, and analysis. The author will conduct field observations at seminaries and retreat houses in Pontianak, as well as interviews with related parties. The design focus is on identifying seminary facilities and the need for infrastructure. T...
Sambas Regency is an area that has a coastal area stretching from the Semelagi area to the Temaju... more Sambas Regency is an area that has a coastal area stretching from the Semelagi area to the Temajuk Coast region which borders Malaysia. Sinam Beach is one of the tourist attractions, precisely in Pemangkat District. The beach is often visited by tourists on weekends for recreation and relaxation. This Sinam Beach Tourism Area is very worrying because natural disasters often occur in the form of tidal floods, strong winds and coastal abrasion, the inability of the community and local government to utilize and manage existing potentials optimally to create tourist attractions. The purpose of this design is to produce a plan and design for the Sinam Beach Tourism Area in Pemangkat District which can meet the needs of tourists and utilize the potential of natural resources.The concept used is green open space by the beach. The method used in the design is to find ideas, collect data and analyze data. The design of the Sinam Beach Tourism Area creates a tourist zone, namely land tourism,...
Local residents of West Borneo have expertise in producing variety of traditional crafts, one of ... more Local residents of West Borneo have expertise in producing variety of traditional crafts, one of which is woven fabrics, which is no less competitive with other regions. But there are several problems regarding the lack of facilities and infrastructure, such as less productive weaving processes, exhibitions that are held irregularly, difficulty of marketing products and no place for discussion. Therefore, the need of a place to product, exhibit, and market the products of West Borneo woven fabrics called "Center of West Borneo Weaving Craft Gallery in Pontianak" is essential. The design process starts from the analysis of functions which are divided into 3 groups, such as the main function group is commercial function, the extension function group is to produce recreation, education and performance function, while the other support function group is to produce management and service functions. The design applies theme of contemporary architecture as an approach that will s...
Thermal comfort is one of the important aspects to ensure the comfort of a building. School build... more Thermal comfort is one of the important aspects to ensure the comfort of a building. School building, e.g. Sekolah Bina Mulia, Pontianak is used for education activities for about eight hours a day. The teachersfourth floor and still applies the natural air ventilation system while other rooms use mechanical ventilation system. It is interesting to see thermal comfort condition in the ort of the room depends on the environment. Because of its position on the fourth floor, the wind circulation can flow freely and the application of air ventilation is possible. The average temperature is 29.599ºC, 71.216% for relative humidity and 0.143 m/s for wind speed, and 29.482ºC for MRT. The average value of PMV is 1.615. The thermal comfort value, based on the average of PPS*(PMV) calculation for three days observation is 0.130 and it is the neutral condition. This means the room is comfort for the users and it is mainly because of the windows, sun shading, and the building materials which su...
Sports are activity carried out with the aim of getting physical and spiritual health. People of ... more Sports are activity carried out with the aim of getting physical and spiritual health. People of Pontianak, especially academic’s civitas at Tanjungpura University, often do sports activities. There are various ways to develop sports activities, one of which is providing a container that can accommodate sports activities, such as the "Sport Center of Tanjungpura University" with the aim of being a place for matches and training. By applying with a modern architectural approach can generate buildings that emphasize function, relations with the surrounding environment, honesty in the use of materials and simplicity. The planning method used in this report is by collecting data through descriptive methods. This method describes systematically, explains factually and accurately about the facts, nature and relationship of design requirements and design provisions to planning and design. Based on the terms and conditions of the design, which will be searched for the required dat...
Animal Park is a form of ex-situ conservation institution that functions as a forum for preservin... more Animal Park is a form of ex-situ conservation institution that functions as a forum for preserving fauna outside of their natural habitat which is public. Besides having a conservation function, the Animal Park also has recreational, educational and research functions. Animal Park Planning in Pontianak City is also a form of designation and management of protected areas that are able to pay attention to the sustainability of supporting environmental functions in Pontianak City. This article aims to explain the process of designing a Wildlife Park as a recreation and tourism center regarding the introduction of native animals of West Kalimantan. The theme or design concept that is planned is the consideration of the animal's life behavior without reducing the comfort from the visitor's side. This design provides a boundary between the end zone and the animal zone, as well as the placement of a management service zone that is separate from the visitor zone but can still be con...
Local residents of West Borneo have expertise in producing variety of traditional crafts, one of ... more Local residents of West Borneo have expertise in producing variety of traditional crafts, one of which is woven fabrics, which is no less competitive with other regions. But there are several problems regarding the lack of facilities and infrastructure, such as less productive weaving processes, exhibitions that are held irregularly, difficulty of marketing products and no place for discussion. Therefore, the need of a place to product, exhibit, and market the products of West Borneo woven fabrics called "Center of West Borneo Weaving Craft Gallery in Pontianak" is essential. The design process starts from the analysis of functions which are divided into 3 groups, such as the main function group is commercial function, the extension function group is to produce recreation, education and performance function, while the other support function group is to produce management and service functions. The design applies theme of contemporary architecture as an approach that will s...
Mastery of foreign languages is an important skill to compete in the international world in the f... more Mastery of foreign languages is an important skill to compete in the international world in the future. The Language Unit of Universitas Tanjungpura also supports the mastery of foreign languages and has a vision and mission to become a center for international language education and services in West Kalimantan. With the development of Universitas Tanjungpura, Universitas Tanjungpura currently has BLU status, so educational facilities need to provide commercial areas to fulfill this BLU status. Therefore, an Universitas Tanjungpura Language Training Center is needed that can support foreign language learning and there is a commercial area. The design location is located on Daya National Street, Sea Bansir, Southeast Pontianak Subdistrict, Pontianak City, West Kalimantan, with an area of ±11,000 m2. The design uses a comparison method between the results of site observations, existing buildings, literature studies, with training center standards, as well as analyzing internal and ext...
Local residents of West Borneo have expertise in producing variety of traditional crafts, one of ... more Local residents of West Borneo have expertise in producing variety of traditional crafts, one of which is woven fabrics, which is no less competitive with other regions. But there are several problems regarding the lack of facilities and infrastructure, such as less productive weaving processes, exhibitions that are held irregularly, difficulty of marketing products and no place for discussion. Therefore, the need of a place to product, exhibit, and market the products of West Borneo woven fabrics called "Center of West Borneo Weaving Craft Gallery in Pontianak" is essential. The design process starts from the analysis of functions which are divided into 3 groups, such as the main function group is commercial function, the extension function group is to produce recreation, education and performance function, while the other support function group is to produce management and service functions. The design applies theme of contemporary architecture as an approach that will s...
Reported by the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2019 regarding the literacy culture of each ... more Reported by the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2019 regarding the literacy culture of each region, West Kalimantan is listed as the third lowest province in literacy culture or reading interest, the Pontianak City Government has provided places for the public to develop reading interest in the Pontianak City Library, however The Pontianak City Library as the parent of literacy media in Pontianak City has problems in terms of architecture such as inaccurate spatial programs, inadequate spatial size, and the formation of a library that is less representative. Several steps are used in the new library design starting from ideas, data, analysis, synthesis of the initial design to design development, the focus of library design is on programming a space where one of the commercial rooms and a separate room, also in library collections requires special treatment so that processing The collection provides space in the manager building by bridges between buildings for manager access. ...
Pembangunan transmigrasi pada hakekatnya merupakan bagian integral dari pembangunan nasional dan ... more Pembangunan transmigrasi pada hakekatnya merupakan bagian integral dari pembangunan nasional dan pembangunan daerah, sebagai upaya untuk mempercepat pembangunan terutama di kawasan terisolir/tertinggal sekaligus dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan para transmigran dan masyarakat sekitar. Namun tidak seluruh unit permukiman transmigrasi berkembang dengan baik. Berbagai permasalahan terjadi yang berdampak pada tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat transmigran sampai saat ini. Paradigma baru pembangunan transmigrasi adalah membentuk kawasan transmigrasi menjadi pusat pertumbuhan baru sehingga dapat melibatkan seluruh stakeholder lebih partisipasif, holistik dan berkesinambungan. Berbagai strategi ini disiasati dengan, pencanangan program Kota Terpadu Mandiri (KTM). Untuk mendukung semua aktivitas yang ada di dalam Kota Terpadu Mandiri, perlu dibuat konsep permukiman KTM yang dapat mengarahkan kepada suatu standar/pedoman teknis (NSPM) KTM. Penyusunan konsep permukiman KTM ini didasarkan pada pendekatan strategis, teknis, pengelolaan; partisipasi; pembangunan yang berkelanjutan dan pembangunan berwawasan sosial budaya. Konsep permukiman KTM selanjutnya dibagi dalam identifikasi kondisi awal, potensi dan kendala sumberdaya wilayah serta kebijakan sektoral dan kebijaksanaan pembangunan daerah, analisis potensi dan perkembangan wilayah, pola dan struktur infrastruktur wilayah, identifikasi pokok-pokok permasalahan infrastruktur; dan perumusan konsep permukiman KTM. Analisis dilakukan melalui kajian data lapangan dipadukan dengan landasan teori tata ruang. Konsep permukiman disesuaikan dengan fungsi kawasan diwujudkan dengan konsep dasar kebutuhan sarana dan prasarana yang diselaraskan dengan tahapan pembangunan.
Proyek konstruksi bangunan merupakan kegiatan yang menentukan penerapan prinsip bangunan hijau. G... more Proyek konstruksi bangunan merupakan kegiatan yang menentukan penerapan prinsip bangunan hijau. Gerakan bangunan hijau yang telah berlangsung cukup lama telah cukup berhasil secara teknologi dan ekonomis, namun halangan dapat datang dari manusia yang terlibat (stakeholders) pada proyek tersebut. Penghalang ini berangkat dari faktor sosial dan psikologis manusia, yang seringkali tidak disadari. Kajian tentang penghalang tersebut dilihat dari tingkat individu, organisasi dan kelembagaan. Pemecahan masalah dilakukan dengan melihat penghalang sebagai kesempatan atau sebagai masalah yang harus dipecahkan. Faktor edukasi memegang peranan penting dalam mengubah faktor sosial dan psikologis yang menghalangi tersebut. Termasuk pula peranan penting pemerintah sebagai pengatur.
Sintang merupakan salah satu kota di Kalimantan Barat yang berada di pertemuan dua sungai, yaitu ... more Sintang merupakan salah satu kota di Kalimantan Barat yang berada di pertemuan dua sungai, yaitu sungai Kapuas dan Sungai Melawi. Kelurahan Kapuas Kiri Hilir, Kelurahan Menyumbung Tengah dan Kelurahan Ulak Jaya merupakan kawasan permukiman padat yang sudah ada sejak lama di Sintang, dekat dengan pusat historis Kota Sintang yaitu Keraton Sintang dan tetap eksis sampai sekarang. Sedangkan kondisi dunia yang sedang mengalami pemanasan global mengakibatkan kawasan-kawasan yang berhubungan langsung dengan air rentan mengalami kenaikan permukaan air sungai (pasang air). Mengingat mahalnya harga nyawa manusia maka diperlukan penelitian pada pemanfaatan ruang sirkulasi dan ruang terbuka untuk mitigasi bencana berbasis bencana air ketiga kelurahan tersebut.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi dan mengilustrasikan model mitigasi bencana berbasis bencana air (hydrometeorological disaster), dilihat dari persepsi masyarakat dan pemanfaatan ruang sirkulasi dan ruang terbuka.Penelitian ini di...
Arsitektur vernakular adalah arsitektur yang memiliki respon yang baik terhadap iklim setempat. H... more Arsitektur vernakular adalah arsitektur yang memiliki respon yang baik terhadap iklim setempat. Hal ini juga berpengaruh terhadap kenyamanan termal dalam bangunan. Sebagai kota yang memiliki iklim tropis lembab, kenyamanan termal bangunan di Kota Pontianak banyak ditentukan oleh pergerakan angin yang terjadi di dalam bangunan. Adaptasi terhadap iklim pada rumah vernakular melayu Pontianak tidak hanya pada penggunaan elemen bangunan seperti bukaan dan bahan bangunan, juga pada tata ruang yang khas, di antaranya terdapat teras, ruang tengah serta pelataran belakang yang memisahkan rumah induk dengan rumah anak. Tujuan penelitian adalah melihat apakah tata ruang ini berpengaruh terhadap penghawaan alami di ruang dalam. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pengukuran di lapangan terhadap variabel kenyamanan termal, terutama temperatur dan kelajuan angin. Kemudian hasil pengukuran dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif dan dilihat hubungan antara variabel dengan tata ruang, yaitu bagaimana temperatur dan kelajuan angin yang berbeda terjadi di setiap ruang, sehingga dapat ditarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tata ruang di rumah vernakular melayu Pontianak, yaitu hadirnya teras dan pelataran belakang turut berperan dalam penghawaan alami yang terjadi di ruang dalam. Teras berperan dalam menurunkan temperatur luar yang masuk ke dalam bangunan (30,74 °C di ruang luar, lalu 29,84 °C di teras depan, dan 29,09 °C di ruang dalam). Pelataran belakang serta tata ruang dalam memberikan pergerakan angin yang lebih baik, ditunjukkan dengan selisih yang kecil antara kelajuan angin di ruang dalam dengan ruang luar pada rumah dengan pelataran belakang (0,51 m/s) dibandingkan dengan rumah tanpa pelataran belakang (0,77 m/s). Kata-kata Kunci: penghawaan alami, vernakular, tata ruang
Papers by Tri Caesariadi