American youth spend more time with media than any other waking activity: an average of 7.5 hours... more American youth spend more time with media than any other waking activity: an average of 7.5 hours per day, every day. On average, 29% of that time is spent juggling multiple media streams simultaneously (ie, media multitasking). This phenomenon is not limited to American youth but is paralleled across the globe. Given that a large number of media multitaskers (MMTs) are children and young adults whose brains are still developing, there is great urgency to understand the neurocognitive profiles of MMTs. It is critical to understand the relation between the relevant cognitive domains and underlying neural structure and function. Of equal importance is understanding the types of information processing that are necessary in 21st century learning environments. The present review surveys the growing body of evidence demonstrating that heavy MMTs show differences in cognition (eg, poorer memory), psychosocial behavior (eg, increased impulsivity), and neural structure (eg, reduced volume in...
Virtual reality (VR) technologies allow for controlled simulations of affectively engaging backgr... more Virtual reality (VR) technologies allow for controlled simulations of affectively engaging background narratives. These virtual environments offer promise for enhancing emotionally relevant experiences and social interactions. Within this context, VR can allow instructors, therapists, neuropsychologists, and service providers to offer safe, repeatable, and diversifiable interventions that can benefit assessments and learning in both typically developing children and children with disabilities. Research has also pointed to VR's capacity to reduce children's experience of aversive stimuli and reduce anxiety levels. Although there are a number of purported advantages of VR technologies, challenges have emerged. One challenge for this field of study is the lack of consensus on how to do trials. A related issue is the need for establishing the psychometric properties of VR assessments and interventions. This review investigates the advantages and challenges inherent in the applic...
Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange
The purpose of this study was to examine high school students' learning by looking at the effect ... more The purpose of this study was to examine high school students' learning by looking at the effect of texting with friends through a computer chat program on their comprehension and memory of video lectures. Two videos were selected and two settings (texting and no-texting settings) were created. Students were asked to watch one video while being interrupted by a friend to text with them, and to watch another video without being interrupted. The results of the students' video lecture comprehension and memory quizzes showed that the students scored lower while texting with friends, and that they scored differently between the two videos when texting with friends.
New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 2006
The phenomenon of modern man has become wholly appearance; he is not visible in what he represent... more The phenomenon of modern man has become wholly appearance; he is not visible in what he represents but rather concealed by it.
This paper connects an online learning model to the rights to education that the online education... more This paper connects an online learning model to the rights to education that the online educational environments can provide. The model emerges from a study of ninety-two online learners and is composed of three kinds of inquiries, namely, independent inquiry, collaborative inquiry, and formative inquiry towards expert knowledge. Online learners naturally pursue and undertake these inquiries when they are equipped with communication channels and technologies. This model provides a thinking tool for integrating new media and technologies in an online learning environment in order to help students achieve their full rights to education.
any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without written permission from the ... more any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without written permission from the publisher. Product or company names used in this set are for identification purposes only. Inclusion of the names of the products or companies does not indicate a claim of ownership by IGI Global of the trademark or registered trademark.
Digital technologies are for education as iron and steel girders, reinforced concrete, plate glas... more Digital technologies are for education as iron and steel girders, reinforced concrete, plate glass, elevators, central heating and air conditioning were for architecture. Digital technologies set in abeyance significant, long lasting limits on educational activity. (McClintock, 1999, paragraph 10)
editors. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. Summary: "This book not only prese... more editors. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. Summary: "This book not only presents experienced professionals with the most recent and advanced developments in the field, but it also provides clear and comprehensive information for novice readers, introducing theoretical aspects and first-hand practices in virtual world development and use"--Provided by publisher. ISBN 978-1-60960-762-3 (hardcover) --ISBN 978-1-60960-763-0 (ebook) --ISBN 978-1-60960-764-7 (print & perpetual access) 1. Shared virtual environments. 2. Internet in education. 3. Internet games. I.
This study explores how adults learn from asynchronous written dialogue through the lens of psych... more This study explores how adults learn from asynchronous written dialogue through the lens of psychological type preferences. We asked participants to discover their dominant and auxiliary psychological preferences using the Personal Empowerment through Type inventory. Participants then completed an open-ended survey in which they described their experiences with learning through asynchronous written dialogue. The study shows that participants differed in their responses to online learning as reflected in their sense of enjoyment and their participation in the environment and in the quality of their learning experience. We observed that these differences were associated with psychological type preferences, along with the perceived interactions with the instructors and peers in the learning community. The connections between psychological type and asynchronous written dialogue are discussed.
The purpose of this paper is to explore the journey of the scholarship student as he or she becom... more The purpose of this paper is to explore the journey of the scholarship student as he or she becomes a responsible scholar. We present three narratives, each one providing a different lens through which we view the journey of the scholarship student. We use transformative learning (as expounded by Mezirow) as a framework to discuss this transition, assuming that becoming a responsible scholar is the goal we have in mind in higher education. Hoggart's and Rodriguez's works contribute to our understanding and illumination of this transition. Foucault's examination of self-disciplinary power and the Jungian notions of the shadow and soul help us discuss different facets of the journey. Based on discussions of the framework and the individual stories, we suggest implications for teaching and learning.
This study investigates the perceived barriers to adopting information and communication technolo... more This study investigates the perceived barriers to adopting information and communication technologies (ICT) in Omani higher education. One hundred faculty members from four different departments at the College of Applied Sciences in Oman participated in the study. The participants took a survey, which was developed based on the Western literature. Five factors were extracted from the survey: lack of equipment, lack of institutional support, disbelief of ICT benefits, lack of confidence, and lack of time. The findings showed that the faculty members perceived moderate degrees of barriers in applying ICT to their teaching practices. Group differences based on gender, academic rank, and academic field were generally not found except for the interaction effects on the barriers related to lack of equipment, disbelief of ICT benefits, and the overall mean. Male faculty members with less usage of ICT perceived more barriers regarding the lack of computing equipment, disbeliefs of ICT benefits, and the overall barrier than the female counterparts. It is recommended that the survey be further refined to include more subtle and culturally relevant items, larger sample sizes, and more heterogeneous samples to validate and extend the findings. Important implications of this study include a need to provide more institutional support, technical training, and personal time for faculty members to learn and upgrade their knowledge and skills in educational technologies.
This paper examines students' efforts working together to solve problems and to document their so... more This paper examines students' efforts working together to solve problems and to document their solutions to those problems through online problem-based learning (PBL) projects. In particular, this paper focuses on studying patterns that students adopted in co-authoring project documents that their PBL experience required. This focus will help better understand and contribute to the literature on student paper co-authoring approaches in PBL.
While multitasking is not a new concept, it has received increasing attention in recent years wit... more While multitasking is not a new concept, it has received increasing attention in recent years with the development of new media and technologies. Recent trends appear to suggest that multitasking is on the rise among the younger generation. The purpose of the study is to determine if students obtain more or less information in multitasking conditions. We examined the relationships of multitasking to attention, cognitive load and media with 130 college student participants. In this study, participants were given a timed (16 minutes) reading comprehension test in three conditions: Silence (only reading), Background multitasking (reading with a non-tested video shown simultaneously), and Test multitasking (reading with a tested video shown simultaneously) conditions. Our findings indicated that: (1) participants in the Background condition performed as well as those in the Silence condition, and (2) when participants were tested on their video comprehension, the group in the Test condition performed significantly better than the group in the Background condition. The results of this study suggest that cognitive load plays an important role in determining how much information is retained when students perform more than one task at a time.
American youth spend more time with media than any other waking activity: an average of 7.5 hours... more American youth spend more time with media than any other waking activity: an average of 7.5 hours per day, every day. On average, 29% of that time is spent juggling multiple media streams simultaneously (ie, media multitasking). This phenomenon is not limited to American youth but is paralleled across the globe. Given that a large number of media multitaskers (MMTs) are children and young adults whose brains are still developing, there is great urgency to understand the neurocognitive profiles of MMTs. It is critical to understand the relation between the relevant cognitive domains and underlying neural structure and function. Of equal importance is understanding the types of information processing that are necessary in 21st century learning environments. The present review surveys the growing body of evidence demonstrating that heavy MMTs show differences in cognition (eg, poorer memory), psychosocial behavior (eg, increased impulsivity), and neural structure (eg, reduced volume in...
Virtual reality (VR) technologies allow for controlled simulations of affectively engaging backgr... more Virtual reality (VR) technologies allow for controlled simulations of affectively engaging background narratives. These virtual environments offer promise for enhancing emotionally relevant experiences and social interactions. Within this context, VR can allow instructors, therapists, neuropsychologists, and service providers to offer safe, repeatable, and diversifiable interventions that can benefit assessments and learning in both typically developing children and children with disabilities. Research has also pointed to VR's capacity to reduce children's experience of aversive stimuli and reduce anxiety levels. Although there are a number of purported advantages of VR technologies, challenges have emerged. One challenge for this field of study is the lack of consensus on how to do trials. A related issue is the need for establishing the psychometric properties of VR assessments and interventions. This review investigates the advantages and challenges inherent in the applic...
Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange
The purpose of this study was to examine high school students' learning by looking at the effect ... more The purpose of this study was to examine high school students' learning by looking at the effect of texting with friends through a computer chat program on their comprehension and memory of video lectures. Two videos were selected and two settings (texting and no-texting settings) were created. Students were asked to watch one video while being interrupted by a friend to text with them, and to watch another video without being interrupted. The results of the students' video lecture comprehension and memory quizzes showed that the students scored lower while texting with friends, and that they scored differently between the two videos when texting with friends.
New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 2006
The phenomenon of modern man has become wholly appearance; he is not visible in what he represent... more The phenomenon of modern man has become wholly appearance; he is not visible in what he represents but rather concealed by it.
This paper connects an online learning model to the rights to education that the online education... more This paper connects an online learning model to the rights to education that the online educational environments can provide. The model emerges from a study of ninety-two online learners and is composed of three kinds of inquiries, namely, independent inquiry, collaborative inquiry, and formative inquiry towards expert knowledge. Online learners naturally pursue and undertake these inquiries when they are equipped with communication channels and technologies. This model provides a thinking tool for integrating new media and technologies in an online learning environment in order to help students achieve their full rights to education.
any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without written permission from the ... more any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without written permission from the publisher. Product or company names used in this set are for identification purposes only. Inclusion of the names of the products or companies does not indicate a claim of ownership by IGI Global of the trademark or registered trademark.
Digital technologies are for education as iron and steel girders, reinforced concrete, plate glas... more Digital technologies are for education as iron and steel girders, reinforced concrete, plate glass, elevators, central heating and air conditioning were for architecture. Digital technologies set in abeyance significant, long lasting limits on educational activity. (McClintock, 1999, paragraph 10)
editors. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. Summary: "This book not only prese... more editors. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. Summary: "This book not only presents experienced professionals with the most recent and advanced developments in the field, but it also provides clear and comprehensive information for novice readers, introducing theoretical aspects and first-hand practices in virtual world development and use"--Provided by publisher. ISBN 978-1-60960-762-3 (hardcover) --ISBN 978-1-60960-763-0 (ebook) --ISBN 978-1-60960-764-7 (print & perpetual access) 1. Shared virtual environments. 2. Internet in education. 3. Internet games. I.
This study explores how adults learn from asynchronous written dialogue through the lens of psych... more This study explores how adults learn from asynchronous written dialogue through the lens of psychological type preferences. We asked participants to discover their dominant and auxiliary psychological preferences using the Personal Empowerment through Type inventory. Participants then completed an open-ended survey in which they described their experiences with learning through asynchronous written dialogue. The study shows that participants differed in their responses to online learning as reflected in their sense of enjoyment and their participation in the environment and in the quality of their learning experience. We observed that these differences were associated with psychological type preferences, along with the perceived interactions with the instructors and peers in the learning community. The connections between psychological type and asynchronous written dialogue are discussed.
The purpose of this paper is to explore the journey of the scholarship student as he or she becom... more The purpose of this paper is to explore the journey of the scholarship student as he or she becomes a responsible scholar. We present three narratives, each one providing a different lens through which we view the journey of the scholarship student. We use transformative learning (as expounded by Mezirow) as a framework to discuss this transition, assuming that becoming a responsible scholar is the goal we have in mind in higher education. Hoggart's and Rodriguez's works contribute to our understanding and illumination of this transition. Foucault's examination of self-disciplinary power and the Jungian notions of the shadow and soul help us discuss different facets of the journey. Based on discussions of the framework and the individual stories, we suggest implications for teaching and learning.
This study investigates the perceived barriers to adopting information and communication technolo... more This study investigates the perceived barriers to adopting information and communication technologies (ICT) in Omani higher education. One hundred faculty members from four different departments at the College of Applied Sciences in Oman participated in the study. The participants took a survey, which was developed based on the Western literature. Five factors were extracted from the survey: lack of equipment, lack of institutional support, disbelief of ICT benefits, lack of confidence, and lack of time. The findings showed that the faculty members perceived moderate degrees of barriers in applying ICT to their teaching practices. Group differences based on gender, academic rank, and academic field were generally not found except for the interaction effects on the barriers related to lack of equipment, disbelief of ICT benefits, and the overall mean. Male faculty members with less usage of ICT perceived more barriers regarding the lack of computing equipment, disbeliefs of ICT benefits, and the overall barrier than the female counterparts. It is recommended that the survey be further refined to include more subtle and culturally relevant items, larger sample sizes, and more heterogeneous samples to validate and extend the findings. Important implications of this study include a need to provide more institutional support, technical training, and personal time for faculty members to learn and upgrade their knowledge and skills in educational technologies.
This paper examines students' efforts working together to solve problems and to document their so... more This paper examines students' efforts working together to solve problems and to document their solutions to those problems through online problem-based learning (PBL) projects. In particular, this paper focuses on studying patterns that students adopted in co-authoring project documents that their PBL experience required. This focus will help better understand and contribute to the literature on student paper co-authoring approaches in PBL.
While multitasking is not a new concept, it has received increasing attention in recent years wit... more While multitasking is not a new concept, it has received increasing attention in recent years with the development of new media and technologies. Recent trends appear to suggest that multitasking is on the rise among the younger generation. The purpose of the study is to determine if students obtain more or less information in multitasking conditions. We examined the relationships of multitasking to attention, cognitive load and media with 130 college student participants. In this study, participants were given a timed (16 minutes) reading comprehension test in three conditions: Silence (only reading), Background multitasking (reading with a non-tested video shown simultaneously), and Test multitasking (reading with a tested video shown simultaneously) conditions. Our findings indicated that: (1) participants in the Background condition performed as well as those in the Silence condition, and (2) when participants were tested on their video comprehension, the group in the Test condition performed significantly better than the group in the Background condition. The results of this study suggest that cognitive load plays an important role in determining how much information is retained when students perform more than one task at a time.
Papers by Lin Lin