Books by iva milivojevic jestratijevic
In History of Art in Serbia: XX century
Ed. Misko Suvakovic
Orion Art, 2014

Ubrzanim razvojem studija kulture poslednjih decenija XX veka konačno se prevazilaze svi nedostac... more Ubrzanim razvojem studija kulture poslednjih decenija XX veka konačno se prevazilaze svi nedostaci prethodnih pristupa ovoj zahtevnoj društvenoj i kulturnoj praksi. Studije mode postaju jedan od integralnih podsistema u okviru savremenih studija kulture i u tom smislu telo i odelo čine neraskidivu celinu koja se menja u skladu sa promenama koje diktira okruženje, odnosno, kulturni i društveni kontekst u kojem se realizuje individualno postojanje putem prezentovanja niza nekoherentnih kulturalnih identiteta. Knjiga Studija mode predstavlja naučni pristup razvoja mode kao važnog segmenta kulturalne prakse i obuhvata istorijski okvir evolucije odevnih formi i njihovih prvobitnih funkcija, pa preko evolucije moderne odeće i izvora proučavanja predmeta mode, prateći tekstualne teorije analize mode i mode kao domena proizvodnje kulturalnih identiteta do industrijske revolucije i društvenog značaja (nove) mode.

Apstrakt ................................................................................. more Sadržaj:
Apstrakt ........................................................................................................................ 3
Abstract ........................................................................................................................ 5
* Uvod ........................................................................................................................ 7
I MODA KAO TEKST KULTURE ................................................................ 16
1.1. Istorijski okviri evolucije odevnih formi i njihovih prvobitnih funkcija .......... 16
1.2. Odevanje i moda ............................................................................................... 20
1.3. Evolucija moderne odeće i izvori proučavanja predmeta mode ....................... 26
1.3.1. Moda između umetnosti i zanatstva ...................................................... 29
1.3.2. Visoka moda (Haute couture) i prvi modni kreatori ............................ 35
1.3.3. Razvojne tendencije modernog sistema mode ...................................... 41
II TEKSTUALNE TEORIJE ANALIZE MODE ............................................ 49
2.1. Operativne definicije mode ............................................................................... 49
2.2. Sistem teksta, mode i identiteta ........................................................................ 52
2.3. Istorija teorija i analitičkih pristupa .................................................................. 55
2.4. Sistem jezika, teksta i komunikacije ................................................................. 63
2.4.1. Tri odevna predmeta .............................................................................. 67
2.4.2. Retorika mode ....................................................................................... 70
2.4.3. Tekstualne teorije analize mode ............................................................ 80
III MODNI TEKST I IDENTITET .................................................................... 85
3.1. Moda kao domen proizvodnje kulturalnih identiteta ........................................ 85
3.2. Moda i klasni identitet ...................................................................................... 95
3.2.1 Trickle - down model širenja mode ...................................................... 101
3.2.2 Industrijska revolucija i društveni značaj (nove) mode ....................... 104
3.3. Identitet modernizma ........................................................................................ 109
3.3.1. Trickle – up model širenja mode .......................................................... 111
3.3.2. Bipolaran sistem proizvodnje mode: Haute couture vs Prêt-a-porte .. 115
3.3.3. Supkulturalna (anti)moda-stil kao značenjska praksa ......................... 124
3.4. Moda, rodni i seksualni identiteti ..................................................................... 137
3.4.1 Psihoanalitička interpretacija odevnih značenja .................................. 145
3.4.2. Feminizam i izvođenje alternativnih ženskih identiteta ...................... 152
3.5. Postmoderna moda i fluidni kulturalni identiteti ............................................. 165
3.5.1. Moda „industrija” komunikacije .......................................................... 177
3.5.2. Postkolonijalne modne tendencije ....................................................... 189
3.5.3. Moda/antimoda vs fast/slow fashion ................................................... 205
IV STUDIJA SLUČAJA ..................................................................................... 214
4.1. Džins i subverzija značenja u odevnoj modi .................................................... 214
** Zaključak .......................................................................................................... 237
Apendix I - Reč Moda, Valerie Steele….………………………………………………………258
Apendix II – Upitnik (1929), John Carl Flugel…………………………………………..260
Papers by iva milivojevic jestratijevic
Six Forms of Sustainable Fashion, 2018
Citation: Iva Jestratijevic, Nancy A Rudd. Six Forms of Sustainable Fashion. Trends in Textile & ... more Citation: Iva Jestratijevic, Nancy A Rudd. Six Forms of Sustainable Fashion. Trends in Textile & Fash Design 2(4)-2018. LTTFD.MS.ID.000145.
DOI: 10.32474/LTTFD.2018.02.000145.
published in:
dr Misko Suvakovic : Istorija Umetnosti u Srbiji, tom II
Modernizmi i realizmi
unit one - key elements (teaching file)
industry must sell, but consumers don't have to buy

S u m m a r y
The world’s magazine industry has been... more EUROPEANIZATION OF PRINTED MEDIA IN SERBIA
S u m m a r y
The world’s magazine industry has been expanding continuously. In addition to the launch of
new titles, an increasing number of popular magazines are crossing national borders and becoming
a globally present and recognized cultural brands. A relatively young market of women’s popular
press in our country, which has been growing slowly but steadily over the past couple of years,
has been chosen as the most representative example of this trend. The Europeanization of the
entire field of printed media in Serbia has generated an increase in the overall production of printed
media directed at women (domestic vs international editions) as well as further segmentation
of the aforesaid. Furthermore, the trend of standardization of the content of popular press targeted
at women is quite noticeable. In this way, popular texts (and their meanings) in the local context
can be viewed as an extension of the global production of media content, as well as an instrument
for spreading present femininity paradigms in a contemporary environment. Given that permeation
of these globally–popular products, as creations of the center, contribute to the development
of the policy of cultural diversities in a local context; the example of development of licensing of
commercial women’s magazines has been chosen to show the aforementioned trend and to point
out to the need that in this abundance of archetypal products preservation and development of local
press production is of prime importance.
Key words: glocalisation, consumer magazines, lifestyle magazines, media public, media content,
popular text, rhetoric of photography, representation, reading of media messages, meanings,
connotation/denotation, inter–textuality
Ključne reči: glokalizacija, potrošački magazini, lifestyle magazini, medijska publika, medijski
sadržaj, popularan tekst, retorika fotografije, reprezentacija, čitanje medijske poruke, značenja,
konotacija/denotacija, intertekstualnost.
Books by iva milivojevic jestratijevic
Apstrakt ........................................................................................................................ 3
Abstract ........................................................................................................................ 5
* Uvod ........................................................................................................................ 7
I MODA KAO TEKST KULTURE ................................................................ 16
1.1. Istorijski okviri evolucije odevnih formi i njihovih prvobitnih funkcija .......... 16
1.2. Odevanje i moda ............................................................................................... 20
1.3. Evolucija moderne odeće i izvori proučavanja predmeta mode ....................... 26
1.3.1. Moda između umetnosti i zanatstva ...................................................... 29
1.3.2. Visoka moda (Haute couture) i prvi modni kreatori ............................ 35
1.3.3. Razvojne tendencije modernog sistema mode ...................................... 41
II TEKSTUALNE TEORIJE ANALIZE MODE ............................................ 49
2.1. Operativne definicije mode ............................................................................... 49
2.2. Sistem teksta, mode i identiteta ........................................................................ 52
2.3. Istorija teorija i analitičkih pristupa .................................................................. 55
2.4. Sistem jezika, teksta i komunikacije ................................................................. 63
2.4.1. Tri odevna predmeta .............................................................................. 67
2.4.2. Retorika mode ....................................................................................... 70
2.4.3. Tekstualne teorije analize mode ............................................................ 80
III MODNI TEKST I IDENTITET .................................................................... 85
3.1. Moda kao domen proizvodnje kulturalnih identiteta ........................................ 85
3.2. Moda i klasni identitet ...................................................................................... 95
3.2.1 Trickle - down model širenja mode ...................................................... 101
3.2.2 Industrijska revolucija i društveni značaj (nove) mode ....................... 104
3.3. Identitet modernizma ........................................................................................ 109
3.3.1. Trickle – up model širenja mode .......................................................... 111
3.3.2. Bipolaran sistem proizvodnje mode: Haute couture vs Prêt-a-porte .. 115
3.3.3. Supkulturalna (anti)moda-stil kao značenjska praksa ......................... 124
3.4. Moda, rodni i seksualni identiteti ..................................................................... 137
3.4.1 Psihoanalitička interpretacija odevnih značenja .................................. 145
3.4.2. Feminizam i izvođenje alternativnih ženskih identiteta ...................... 152
3.5. Postmoderna moda i fluidni kulturalni identiteti ............................................. 165
3.5.1. Moda „industrija” komunikacije .......................................................... 177
3.5.2. Postkolonijalne modne tendencije ....................................................... 189
3.5.3. Moda/antimoda vs fast/slow fashion ................................................... 205
IV STUDIJA SLUČAJA ..................................................................................... 214
4.1. Džins i subverzija značenja u odevnoj modi .................................................... 214
** Zaključak .......................................................................................................... 237
Apendix I - Reč Moda, Valerie Steele….………………………………………………………258
Apendix II – Upitnik (1929), John Carl Flugel…………………………………………..260
Papers by iva milivojevic jestratijevic
DOI: 10.32474/LTTFD.2018.02.000145.
S u m m a r y
The world’s magazine industry has been expanding continuously. In addition to the launch of
new titles, an increasing number of popular magazines are crossing national borders and becoming
a globally present and recognized cultural brands. A relatively young market of women’s popular
press in our country, which has been growing slowly but steadily over the past couple of years,
has been chosen as the most representative example of this trend. The Europeanization of the
entire field of printed media in Serbia has generated an increase in the overall production of printed
media directed at women (domestic vs international editions) as well as further segmentation
of the aforesaid. Furthermore, the trend of standardization of the content of popular press targeted
at women is quite noticeable. In this way, popular texts (and their meanings) in the local context
can be viewed as an extension of the global production of media content, as well as an instrument
for spreading present femininity paradigms in a contemporary environment. Given that permeation
of these globally–popular products, as creations of the center, contribute to the development
of the policy of cultural diversities in a local context; the example of development of licensing of
commercial women’s magazines has been chosen to show the aforementioned trend and to point
out to the need that in this abundance of archetypal products preservation and development of local
press production is of prime importance.
Key words: glocalisation, consumer magazines, lifestyle magazines, media public, media content,
popular text, rhetoric of photography, representation, reading of media messages, meanings,
connotation/denotation, inter–textuality
Ključne reči: glokalizacija, potrošački magazini, lifestyle magazini, medijska publika, medijski
sadržaj, popularan tekst, retorika fotografije, reprezentacija, čitanje medijske poruke, značenja,
konotacija/denotacija, intertekstualnost.
Apstrakt ........................................................................................................................ 3
Abstract ........................................................................................................................ 5
* Uvod ........................................................................................................................ 7
I MODA KAO TEKST KULTURE ................................................................ 16
1.1. Istorijski okviri evolucije odevnih formi i njihovih prvobitnih funkcija .......... 16
1.2. Odevanje i moda ............................................................................................... 20
1.3. Evolucija moderne odeće i izvori proučavanja predmeta mode ....................... 26
1.3.1. Moda između umetnosti i zanatstva ...................................................... 29
1.3.2. Visoka moda (Haute couture) i prvi modni kreatori ............................ 35
1.3.3. Razvojne tendencije modernog sistema mode ...................................... 41
II TEKSTUALNE TEORIJE ANALIZE MODE ............................................ 49
2.1. Operativne definicije mode ............................................................................... 49
2.2. Sistem teksta, mode i identiteta ........................................................................ 52
2.3. Istorija teorija i analitičkih pristupa .................................................................. 55
2.4. Sistem jezika, teksta i komunikacije ................................................................. 63
2.4.1. Tri odevna predmeta .............................................................................. 67
2.4.2. Retorika mode ....................................................................................... 70
2.4.3. Tekstualne teorije analize mode ............................................................ 80
III MODNI TEKST I IDENTITET .................................................................... 85
3.1. Moda kao domen proizvodnje kulturalnih identiteta ........................................ 85
3.2. Moda i klasni identitet ...................................................................................... 95
3.2.1 Trickle - down model širenja mode ...................................................... 101
3.2.2 Industrijska revolucija i društveni značaj (nove) mode ....................... 104
3.3. Identitet modernizma ........................................................................................ 109
3.3.1. Trickle – up model širenja mode .......................................................... 111
3.3.2. Bipolaran sistem proizvodnje mode: Haute couture vs Prêt-a-porte .. 115
3.3.3. Supkulturalna (anti)moda-stil kao značenjska praksa ......................... 124
3.4. Moda, rodni i seksualni identiteti ..................................................................... 137
3.4.1 Psihoanalitička interpretacija odevnih značenja .................................. 145
3.4.2. Feminizam i izvođenje alternativnih ženskih identiteta ...................... 152
3.5. Postmoderna moda i fluidni kulturalni identiteti ............................................. 165
3.5.1. Moda „industrija” komunikacije .......................................................... 177
3.5.2. Postkolonijalne modne tendencije ....................................................... 189
3.5.3. Moda/antimoda vs fast/slow fashion ................................................... 205
IV STUDIJA SLUČAJA ..................................................................................... 214
4.1. Džins i subverzija značenja u odevnoj modi .................................................... 214
** Zaključak .......................................................................................................... 237
Apendix I - Reč Moda, Valerie Steele….………………………………………………………258
Apendix II – Upitnik (1929), John Carl Flugel…………………………………………..260
DOI: 10.32474/LTTFD.2018.02.000145.
S u m m a r y
The world’s magazine industry has been expanding continuously. In addition to the launch of
new titles, an increasing number of popular magazines are crossing national borders and becoming
a globally present and recognized cultural brands. A relatively young market of women’s popular
press in our country, which has been growing slowly but steadily over the past couple of years,
has been chosen as the most representative example of this trend. The Europeanization of the
entire field of printed media in Serbia has generated an increase in the overall production of printed
media directed at women (domestic vs international editions) as well as further segmentation
of the aforesaid. Furthermore, the trend of standardization of the content of popular press targeted
at women is quite noticeable. In this way, popular texts (and their meanings) in the local context
can be viewed as an extension of the global production of media content, as well as an instrument
for spreading present femininity paradigms in a contemporary environment. Given that permeation
of these globally–popular products, as creations of the center, contribute to the development
of the policy of cultural diversities in a local context; the example of development of licensing of
commercial women’s magazines has been chosen to show the aforementioned trend and to point
out to the need that in this abundance of archetypal products preservation and development of local
press production is of prime importance.
Key words: glocalisation, consumer magazines, lifestyle magazines, media public, media content,
popular text, rhetoric of photography, representation, reading of media messages, meanings,
connotation/denotation, inter–textuality
Ključne reči: glokalizacija, potrošački magazini, lifestyle magazini, medijska publika, medijski
sadržaj, popularan tekst, retorika fotografije, reprezentacija, čitanje medijske poruke, značenja,
konotacija/denotacija, intertekstualnost.