This article examines the jurisdictional of ICSID Arbitration and the dispute resolution mechani... more This article examines the jurisdictional of ICSID Arbitration and the dispute resolution mechanism of Churchill Mining plc and Planet Mining pty ltd against Indonesia at ICSID. This research is in the form of normative legal research conducted by collecting legal materials. Legal materials are collected using the literature study method by collecting legal materials and information in primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials. According to Article 25 of ICSID Convention, dispute arising directly from an Investment, absolute requirement of jurisdiction is the existence of a legal dispute. The general secretariat serves as a screening and checks whether the request for arbitration is outside the center's jurisdiction because it is not related to investment. ICSID should no longer need to carry its competency test for too long because both parties have made a contract in determining the choice of forum at ICSID.
This paper examines ExxonMobil's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs for the reme... more This paper examines ExxonMobil's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs for the remedy of affected people in the crimes against humanity cases that occurred in North Aceh, Indonesia. The method applied to this paper is normative research that describes the case, gathers, and organizes a wide variety of data from the document to produce a report about the role of CSR programs for the remedy of the affected people in crimes against humanity cases committed by the party that is affiliated with the ExxonMobil, (Indonesian National Armed Forces). This paper found that the role of CSR for the remedy of affected people in ExxonMobil crimes against humanity case can be handled by corporate citizenship, which is a limited concept of CSR that comply with international guidance and standard of CSR.
ABSTRACT: Payment for Environmental Service (PES) is an environmental regulatory concept that as ... more ABSTRACT: Payment for Environmental Service (PES) is an environmental regulatory concept that as a voluntary transaction where a well-defined environmental service is being "bought" by at least one environmental service buyer from at least one environmental service provider, if and only if the environmental service buyer secures the environmental service as a conditionality. There is increasing interest and experience in PES in both developed and developing countries. In Asia, PES concept is manifested in forest and/or water resources management policy, such as in China, Japan. In the present state of the world, PES has come to the fore in step with concerns to save the environment in a holistic manner. Now, PES has become a way or a mechanism of stakeholders to maintain and manage the environment by providing economic incentives/compensation from users to providers of environmental services. In Aceh, this mechanism is implemented for protecting river stream area, such as ...
Undang-Undang No. 44/1999 tentang Penyelenggaraan Keistimewaan Aceh jo. Undang-Undang No. 22/1999... more Undang-Undang No. 44/1999 tentang Penyelenggaraan Keistimewaan Aceh jo. Undang-Undang No. 22/1999 tentang Pokok-pokok Pemerintahan Daerah, mengatur lembaga-lembaga adat, termasuk mengaktifkan kembali lembaga Tuha Peut dalam berbagai perangkat regulasi/aturan dan kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah di Aceh. Selanjutnya, Undang-Undang No. 18/2001 tentang Otonomi Khusus dan terakhir dengan Undang-undang No. 11/2006 tentang Pemerintahan Aceh, maka lahirlah berbagai produk hukum berupa qanun, yang menempatkan kembali lembaga dan peran tuha peut dalam Pemerintahan Gampong dan Mukim di Aceh. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perlunya pendekatan kontemporer ditempuh oleh pemerintah dengan melibatkan sejumlah pihak dan kalangan dalam menjaga perdamaian Aceh. Salah satu pendekatan kontemporer tersebut dengan melibatkan unsur perempuan sebagai agen perdamaian yang terdapat dalam struktur Tuha Puet Gampong. Namun demilian banyak diantara perempuan enggan mencalonkan diri sebagai anggota dari Tuha Peut ...
There is the fact that in Aceh, more than 60 percent of coral reef are bleaching. Scientiests als... more There is the fact that in Aceh, more than 60 percent of coral reef are bleaching. Scientiests also found that 80 percent of marine species in Aceh marine are going to death. It is a dangerous situation because coral reef are a protecting place for fish and other sea biotas. Huge fishes are also usually gathering around the coral reef that provide food for them. This research will be conducted at the coral reef ecosystem in Ujung Pancu, Kecamatan Peukan Bada, Great Aceh. The aims of the research are to analyze the rule of protecting coral reef in Aceh Province, to explain the efforts of coral reef protection in Ujong Pancu area in order to increase the fishing productivity, and to comprehend the challenges faced in preserving coral reef in Ujong Pancu area. The research shows that the legal basis for the coral reef conservation has regulated both in national and local law. It means that the government has been taking into account and giving proper attention to the conservation progra...
This article aims to analyze and explain the opportunities and challenges for coffee farmers in o... more This article aims to analyze and explain the opportunities and challenges for coffee farmers in obtaining financing from banks using Warehouse Receipts (RG) as collateral. Capital for coffee production costs is one of the obstacles coffee farmers face in Central Aceh. As one of the Warehouse Receipt System (WRS) commodities, coffee can be used as collateral in the form of Warehouse Receipts issued by the WRS warehouse. It is under the provisions of Law No. 9 of 2009 concerning WRS. This research is empirical juridical research. Data were obtained through interviews with farmers/farmer groups, warehouse managers, and Disperindagkop Central Aceh District. This research found that Central Aceh farmers/farmer groups have an excellent opportunity to get financing with Warehouse Receipts as collateral. It can be seen from the support of the local Government in accelerating the certification process for 3 WRS warehouses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, in Central Aceh, 5 WRS wareho...
Indonesia's forest degradation which is triggered by decades of uncontrolled deforestation ha... more Indonesia's forest degradation which is triggered by decades of uncontrolled deforestation has caused massive tropical forest depletion. The same situation also happened to Aceh's forest whose forest areas have been shrinking from year to year. Indication of the increase in illegal logging is both in Indonesia and especially in Aceh as if showing an indication and an academic conclusion that there is a crucial problem. Therefore, there is a need for a mechanism to create an effective legal role to at least reduce illegal logging that is increasingly prevalent in Indonesia's forests. One of the mechanisms is by using a remote sensing technology approach to monitor the occurrence of illegal logging or other criminal acts in the forest which are considered to be the cause of the loss of Aceh's forest in particular and Indonesia in general. This study aims to find out the use of remote sensing satellite technology to monitor illegal logging in Aceh and to identify the u...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Law, Governance and Islamic Society (ICOLGIS 2019), 2020
Illegal fishing financially detrimental to Indonesia. This issue has an impact on the amount of f... more Illegal fishing financially detrimental to Indonesia. This issue has an impact on the amount of fish that can be caught by local fishermen to meet national needs. So far, the action taken by the Indonesian government is only to sink the ship and decide the case through the court. Meanwhile, there are still challenges in how to resolve the case quickly and cheaply. This study aims to find out how the efforts to resolve the cases of illegal fishing conducted by the foreign vessels in Aceh waters, given that so far, the cases are always settled through litigation, which takes a long time and costs a lot. Meanwhile, there are still ways of settlement that can be taken besides the litigation, such as mediation and negotiation. This study is a qualitative study with an empirical juridical approach. Data were obtained through a structured interview to find out the mechanism of case resolution as well as to find out what factors cause foreign fishing vessels to conduct illegal fishing in Aceh waters.
Salah satu kewajiban yang harus dihormati dan ditaati oleh para pihak dalam satu konflik bersenja... more Salah satu kewajiban yang harus dihormati dan ditaati oleh para pihak dalam satu konflik bersenjata adalah penghormatan terhadap para petugas medis. Peran petugas medis dalam melaksanakan misi kemanusiaannya tidak saja merawat korban konflik bersenjata atau perang tetapi juga diharapkan bisa sebagai penjaga dan promotor perdamaian. Perlindungan hukum terhadap petugas medis dalam suatu konflik bersenjata itu sendiri telah diatur dalam beberapa ketentuan dalam hukum humaniter internasional. Buku ini membahas dengan detail berbagai ketentuan dalam hukum humaniter internasional yang menyangkut perlindungan petugas medis. Disertai dengan berbagai contoh kasus konflik bersenjata baik horizontal maupun vertikal di Indonesia, buku ini juga memberikan gambaran langsung penanganan perlindungan petugas medis yang terjadi secara nyata di lapangan.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has a primary role in providing financial support to countr... more The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has a primary role in providing financial support to countries facing financial crises, such as the 1998 world financial crisis. The situation has brought an enormous impact on developing countries, particularly Indonesia. This paper explores the role of The IMF and maps out the problems related to the financial crisis and its impact on Indonesian political reforms. It will be done by compiling the milestones in chronological order from 1997 until 2017. It also aims to examine the lending policies of the International Monetary Fund, which brings a country like Indonesia becomes addicted and difficult to survive or improve in its economic development. There will be an understanding of how the actual process happens. It can be used as an instrument to assess whether the existence and role of the IMF in Indonesia have a better or harmful impact on the long-term economic development of Indonesia. Keywords: The International Monetary Fund (IMF), Ec...
This study analyses how Indonesia enforces the law to protect the freedom of the press for foreig... more This study analyses how Indonesia enforces the law to protect the freedom of the press for foreign journalists and imposes strict visa regulations on them. The method used to conduct this research is the normative legal method. This study shows that Indonesia upholds human rights such as freedom of expression, but there are no specific legal rules to uphold such rights over foreign journalists. Rules are only available on the enactment of a journalistic visa. Therefore, it is recommended for Indonesia's Lawmakers to compose a new Law to uphold the rights and obligations of foreign journalists while they are in Indonesia and develop a monitoring body for foreign journalists so that Indonesia can ensure the protection of freedom of the press and the national security. Keywords: Foreign journalists; Freedom of Press; Journalistic Visa.
This paper discusses the inconsistency of International Centre for Settlement of Investment Dispu... more This paper discusses the inconsistency of International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) awards over an emergency situation in Argentina in 2001. Utilising a doctrinal methodology under Third World Approach to International Law (TWAIL) paradigm, this paper explores the argument set out in Argentina case in the first trial and its appeals, then makes an effort to find out the better and systematic argument for Argentina. Therefore, this paper contributes to factually understanding the different argument from two perspectives in ICSID proceedings which has been contested and herewith proposed a better formulated argument for the future of ICSID awards making by placing economic development in Third World States as a basis of argument. Hence this argument can be used for the similar cases in the ICSID in future.
Penelitian ini ingin menjawab interpretasi dan pelaksanaan asas ketertiban umum terhadap putusan ... more Penelitian ini ingin menjawab interpretasi dan pelaksanaan asas ketertiban umum terhadap putusan arbitrase asing di pengadilan Indonesia. Dengan berbasis pada penelitian hukum, penelitian diharapkan akan menjawab pengakuan dan pelaksanaan keputusan arbritase asing tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengecualian terhadap ketertiban umum ditemukan dalam Pasal V Paragraph 2 angka (b) Konvensi New York 1958 tentang Pengakuan dan Pelaksanaan Keputusan Arbitrase Asing. Konvensi menentukan bahwa pengakuan dan pelaksanaan putusan arbitrase dapat ditolak apabila kemudian ditemukan pengakuan dan pelaksanaan putusan tersebut melanggar ketentuan ketertiban umum di negara yang bersangkutan. Namun demikian, Konvensi tidak memberikan pengertian secara jelas tentang ketertiban umum, hal ini diserahkan kepada masing-masing negara peserta konvensi. Berdasarkan putusan pengadilan, konsep ketertiban umum yang diterapkan di Indonesia diinterpretasi secara luas dan domestik. The Implementation ...
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Bidang Hukum Kenegaraan, 2020
The application of the principle of most-favored nation (MFN) in GATS to social media becomes a q... more The application of the principle of most-favored nation (MFN) in GATS to social media becomes a quite complicated problem, along with technological developments on social media itself. This study uses a juridical-normative method by comparing the application of MFN principles with the right of domestic regulation that allows each member country to protect its sovereignty. GATS as the parent of this regulation allows the exclusion of the MFN principles for some of the reasons outlined in article VI of the agreement, namely, non-discrimination, unfavorable to one party and decisions must be made by consensus. However, the description of non-discrimination in GATS is still too general so that its application often causes problems. The MFN principle can be set aside by using article VI on GATS about domestic regulation that allows a country to create boundaries for a social media provider to enter the country. Eventually the MFN principle can be set aside to protect the sovereignty and ideology of a country by using article VI. Although article VI states that domestic rules must not be discriminatory, the determination of rules made unilaterally by the state without requiring negotiations between service providers and the state.
There is the fact that in Aceh, more than 60 percent of coral reef are bleaching. Scientiests als... more There is the fact that in Aceh, more than 60 percent of coral reef are bleaching. Scientiests also found that 80 percent of marine species in Aceh marine are going to death. It is a dangerous situation because coral reef are a protecting place for fish and other sea biotas. Huge fishes are also usually gathering around the coral reef that provide food for them. This research will be conducted at the coral reef ecosystem in Ujung Pancu, Kecamatan Peukan Bada, Great Aceh. The aims of the research are to analyze the rule of protecting coral reef in Aceh Province, to explain the efforts of coral reef protection in Ujong Pancu area in order to increase the fishing productivity, and to comprehend the challenges faced in preserving coral reef in Ujong Pancu area. The research shows that the legal basis for the coral reef conservation has regulated both in national and local law. It means that the government has been taking into account and giving proper attention to the conservation program. Moreover, the coral reef conservation in Ujung Pancu also got supports not only form the local government but also from the civitas academica but also from the local and international non governmental organizations. It is concluded that the barriers in coral reef preserving program in Ujung Pancu are minimalized. PENDAHULUAN Negara archipelago atau kepulauan adalah istilah yang sering disebut untuk negara Indonesia. Sebagai bangsa Indonesia kita perlu bangga karena Indonesia merupakan negara kedua dengan garis pantai terpanjang didunia setelah Kanada. Tidak dapat dipungkiri lagi bahwa Indonesia merupakan salah satu pusat keanekaragaman hayati dunia, termasuk terumbu karang. Secara geografis, Indonesia memiliki 116 pulau kecil dan kelompok pulau-pulau kecil yang mudah mengalami kerusakan ekologi. 1
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini ingin menjawab interpretasi dan pelaksanaan asas ketertiban umum terhadap ... more ABSTRAK Penelitian ini ingin menjawab interpretasi dan pelaksanaan asas ketertiban umum terhadap putusan arbitrase asing di pengadilan Indonesia. Dengan berbasis pada penelitian hukum, penelitian diharapkan akan menjawab pengakuan dan pelaksanaan keputusan arbritase asing tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengecualian terhadap ketertiban umum ditemukan dalam Pasal V Paragraph 2 angka (b) Konvensi New York 1958 tentang Pengakuan dan Pelaksanaan Keputusan Arbitrase Asing. Konvensi menentukan bahwa pengakuan dan pelaksanaan putusan arbitrase dapat ditolak apabila kemudian ditemukan pengakuan dan pelaksanaan putusan tersebut melanggar ketentuan ketertiban umum di negara yang bersangkutan. Namun demikian, Konvensi tidak memberikan pengertian secara jelas tentang ketertiban umum, hal ini diserahkan kepada masing-masing negara peserta konvensi. Berdasarkan putusan pengadilan, konsep ketertiban umum yang diterapkan di Indonesia diinterpretasi secara luas dan domestik. Kata Kunci: Asas ketertiban umum; arbritase asing; hukum Indonesia. ABSTRACT This study aims to answer the interpretation and implementation of public order principle on foreign arbitral awards in Indonesian courts. Based on legal research, it is expected to answer the recognition and implementation of foreign arbitral awards. The results show that the exception to public order is found in Article V Paragraph 2 Number (b) of the 1958 New York Convention concerning the Recognition and Implementation of Foreign Arbitral Awards. The Convention stipulates that the recognition and implementation of an arbitral award can be rejected if later found that the recognition and implementation of the award violates the provisions of public order in the concerned country. However, the Convention does not provide a clear conception of public order, this is submitted to the respective countries participating in the convention. Based on a court decisions, the concept of public order applied in Indonesia was interpreted widely and domestically.
This article examines the jurisdictional of ICSID Arbitration and the dispute resolution mechani... more This article examines the jurisdictional of ICSID Arbitration and the dispute resolution mechanism of Churchill Mining plc and Planet Mining pty ltd against Indonesia at ICSID. This research is in the form of normative legal research conducted by collecting legal materials. Legal materials are collected using the literature study method by collecting legal materials and information in primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials. According to Article 25 of ICSID Convention, dispute arising directly from an Investment, absolute requirement of jurisdiction is the existence of a legal dispute. The general secretariat serves as a screening and checks whether the request for arbitration is outside the center's jurisdiction because it is not related to investment. ICSID should no longer need to carry its competency test for too long because both parties have made a contract in determining the choice of forum at ICSID.
This paper examines ExxonMobil's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs for the reme... more This paper examines ExxonMobil's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs for the remedy of affected people in the crimes against humanity cases that occurred in North Aceh, Indonesia. The method applied to this paper is normative research that describes the case, gathers, and organizes a wide variety of data from the document to produce a report about the role of CSR programs for the remedy of the affected people in crimes against humanity cases committed by the party that is affiliated with the ExxonMobil, (Indonesian National Armed Forces). This paper found that the role of CSR for the remedy of affected people in ExxonMobil crimes against humanity case can be handled by corporate citizenship, which is a limited concept of CSR that comply with international guidance and standard of CSR.
ABSTRACT: Payment for Environmental Service (PES) is an environmental regulatory concept that as ... more ABSTRACT: Payment for Environmental Service (PES) is an environmental regulatory concept that as a voluntary transaction where a well-defined environmental service is being "bought" by at least one environmental service buyer from at least one environmental service provider, if and only if the environmental service buyer secures the environmental service as a conditionality. There is increasing interest and experience in PES in both developed and developing countries. In Asia, PES concept is manifested in forest and/or water resources management policy, such as in China, Japan. In the present state of the world, PES has come to the fore in step with concerns to save the environment in a holistic manner. Now, PES has become a way or a mechanism of stakeholders to maintain and manage the environment by providing economic incentives/compensation from users to providers of environmental services. In Aceh, this mechanism is implemented for protecting river stream area, such as ...
Undang-Undang No. 44/1999 tentang Penyelenggaraan Keistimewaan Aceh jo. Undang-Undang No. 22/1999... more Undang-Undang No. 44/1999 tentang Penyelenggaraan Keistimewaan Aceh jo. Undang-Undang No. 22/1999 tentang Pokok-pokok Pemerintahan Daerah, mengatur lembaga-lembaga adat, termasuk mengaktifkan kembali lembaga Tuha Peut dalam berbagai perangkat regulasi/aturan dan kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah di Aceh. Selanjutnya, Undang-Undang No. 18/2001 tentang Otonomi Khusus dan terakhir dengan Undang-undang No. 11/2006 tentang Pemerintahan Aceh, maka lahirlah berbagai produk hukum berupa qanun, yang menempatkan kembali lembaga dan peran tuha peut dalam Pemerintahan Gampong dan Mukim di Aceh. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perlunya pendekatan kontemporer ditempuh oleh pemerintah dengan melibatkan sejumlah pihak dan kalangan dalam menjaga perdamaian Aceh. Salah satu pendekatan kontemporer tersebut dengan melibatkan unsur perempuan sebagai agen perdamaian yang terdapat dalam struktur Tuha Puet Gampong. Namun demilian banyak diantara perempuan enggan mencalonkan diri sebagai anggota dari Tuha Peut ...
There is the fact that in Aceh, more than 60 percent of coral reef are bleaching. Scientiests als... more There is the fact that in Aceh, more than 60 percent of coral reef are bleaching. Scientiests also found that 80 percent of marine species in Aceh marine are going to death. It is a dangerous situation because coral reef are a protecting place for fish and other sea biotas. Huge fishes are also usually gathering around the coral reef that provide food for them. This research will be conducted at the coral reef ecosystem in Ujung Pancu, Kecamatan Peukan Bada, Great Aceh. The aims of the research are to analyze the rule of protecting coral reef in Aceh Province, to explain the efforts of coral reef protection in Ujong Pancu area in order to increase the fishing productivity, and to comprehend the challenges faced in preserving coral reef in Ujong Pancu area. The research shows that the legal basis for the coral reef conservation has regulated both in national and local law. It means that the government has been taking into account and giving proper attention to the conservation progra...
This article aims to analyze and explain the opportunities and challenges for coffee farmers in o... more This article aims to analyze and explain the opportunities and challenges for coffee farmers in obtaining financing from banks using Warehouse Receipts (RG) as collateral. Capital for coffee production costs is one of the obstacles coffee farmers face in Central Aceh. As one of the Warehouse Receipt System (WRS) commodities, coffee can be used as collateral in the form of Warehouse Receipts issued by the WRS warehouse. It is under the provisions of Law No. 9 of 2009 concerning WRS. This research is empirical juridical research. Data were obtained through interviews with farmers/farmer groups, warehouse managers, and Disperindagkop Central Aceh District. This research found that Central Aceh farmers/farmer groups have an excellent opportunity to get financing with Warehouse Receipts as collateral. It can be seen from the support of the local Government in accelerating the certification process for 3 WRS warehouses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, in Central Aceh, 5 WRS wareho...
Indonesia's forest degradation which is triggered by decades of uncontrolled deforestation ha... more Indonesia's forest degradation which is triggered by decades of uncontrolled deforestation has caused massive tropical forest depletion. The same situation also happened to Aceh's forest whose forest areas have been shrinking from year to year. Indication of the increase in illegal logging is both in Indonesia and especially in Aceh as if showing an indication and an academic conclusion that there is a crucial problem. Therefore, there is a need for a mechanism to create an effective legal role to at least reduce illegal logging that is increasingly prevalent in Indonesia's forests. One of the mechanisms is by using a remote sensing technology approach to monitor the occurrence of illegal logging or other criminal acts in the forest which are considered to be the cause of the loss of Aceh's forest in particular and Indonesia in general. This study aims to find out the use of remote sensing satellite technology to monitor illegal logging in Aceh and to identify the u...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Law, Governance and Islamic Society (ICOLGIS 2019), 2020
Illegal fishing financially detrimental to Indonesia. This issue has an impact on the amount of f... more Illegal fishing financially detrimental to Indonesia. This issue has an impact on the amount of fish that can be caught by local fishermen to meet national needs. So far, the action taken by the Indonesian government is only to sink the ship and decide the case through the court. Meanwhile, there are still challenges in how to resolve the case quickly and cheaply. This study aims to find out how the efforts to resolve the cases of illegal fishing conducted by the foreign vessels in Aceh waters, given that so far, the cases are always settled through litigation, which takes a long time and costs a lot. Meanwhile, there are still ways of settlement that can be taken besides the litigation, such as mediation and negotiation. This study is a qualitative study with an empirical juridical approach. Data were obtained through a structured interview to find out the mechanism of case resolution as well as to find out what factors cause foreign fishing vessels to conduct illegal fishing in Aceh waters.
Salah satu kewajiban yang harus dihormati dan ditaati oleh para pihak dalam satu konflik bersenja... more Salah satu kewajiban yang harus dihormati dan ditaati oleh para pihak dalam satu konflik bersenjata adalah penghormatan terhadap para petugas medis. Peran petugas medis dalam melaksanakan misi kemanusiaannya tidak saja merawat korban konflik bersenjata atau perang tetapi juga diharapkan bisa sebagai penjaga dan promotor perdamaian. Perlindungan hukum terhadap petugas medis dalam suatu konflik bersenjata itu sendiri telah diatur dalam beberapa ketentuan dalam hukum humaniter internasional. Buku ini membahas dengan detail berbagai ketentuan dalam hukum humaniter internasional yang menyangkut perlindungan petugas medis. Disertai dengan berbagai contoh kasus konflik bersenjata baik horizontal maupun vertikal di Indonesia, buku ini juga memberikan gambaran langsung penanganan perlindungan petugas medis yang terjadi secara nyata di lapangan.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has a primary role in providing financial support to countr... more The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has a primary role in providing financial support to countries facing financial crises, such as the 1998 world financial crisis. The situation has brought an enormous impact on developing countries, particularly Indonesia. This paper explores the role of The IMF and maps out the problems related to the financial crisis and its impact on Indonesian political reforms. It will be done by compiling the milestones in chronological order from 1997 until 2017. It also aims to examine the lending policies of the International Monetary Fund, which brings a country like Indonesia becomes addicted and difficult to survive or improve in its economic development. There will be an understanding of how the actual process happens. It can be used as an instrument to assess whether the existence and role of the IMF in Indonesia have a better or harmful impact on the long-term economic development of Indonesia. Keywords: The International Monetary Fund (IMF), Ec...
This study analyses how Indonesia enforces the law to protect the freedom of the press for foreig... more This study analyses how Indonesia enforces the law to protect the freedom of the press for foreign journalists and imposes strict visa regulations on them. The method used to conduct this research is the normative legal method. This study shows that Indonesia upholds human rights such as freedom of expression, but there are no specific legal rules to uphold such rights over foreign journalists. Rules are only available on the enactment of a journalistic visa. Therefore, it is recommended for Indonesia's Lawmakers to compose a new Law to uphold the rights and obligations of foreign journalists while they are in Indonesia and develop a monitoring body for foreign journalists so that Indonesia can ensure the protection of freedom of the press and the national security. Keywords: Foreign journalists; Freedom of Press; Journalistic Visa.
This paper discusses the inconsistency of International Centre for Settlement of Investment Dispu... more This paper discusses the inconsistency of International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) awards over an emergency situation in Argentina in 2001. Utilising a doctrinal methodology under Third World Approach to International Law (TWAIL) paradigm, this paper explores the argument set out in Argentina case in the first trial and its appeals, then makes an effort to find out the better and systematic argument for Argentina. Therefore, this paper contributes to factually understanding the different argument from two perspectives in ICSID proceedings which has been contested and herewith proposed a better formulated argument for the future of ICSID awards making by placing economic development in Third World States as a basis of argument. Hence this argument can be used for the similar cases in the ICSID in future.
Penelitian ini ingin menjawab interpretasi dan pelaksanaan asas ketertiban umum terhadap putusan ... more Penelitian ini ingin menjawab interpretasi dan pelaksanaan asas ketertiban umum terhadap putusan arbitrase asing di pengadilan Indonesia. Dengan berbasis pada penelitian hukum, penelitian diharapkan akan menjawab pengakuan dan pelaksanaan keputusan arbritase asing tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengecualian terhadap ketertiban umum ditemukan dalam Pasal V Paragraph 2 angka (b) Konvensi New York 1958 tentang Pengakuan dan Pelaksanaan Keputusan Arbitrase Asing. Konvensi menentukan bahwa pengakuan dan pelaksanaan putusan arbitrase dapat ditolak apabila kemudian ditemukan pengakuan dan pelaksanaan putusan tersebut melanggar ketentuan ketertiban umum di negara yang bersangkutan. Namun demikian, Konvensi tidak memberikan pengertian secara jelas tentang ketertiban umum, hal ini diserahkan kepada masing-masing negara peserta konvensi. Berdasarkan putusan pengadilan, konsep ketertiban umum yang diterapkan di Indonesia diinterpretasi secara luas dan domestik. The Implementation ...
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Bidang Hukum Kenegaraan, 2020
The application of the principle of most-favored nation (MFN) in GATS to social media becomes a q... more The application of the principle of most-favored nation (MFN) in GATS to social media becomes a quite complicated problem, along with technological developments on social media itself. This study uses a juridical-normative method by comparing the application of MFN principles with the right of domestic regulation that allows each member country to protect its sovereignty. GATS as the parent of this regulation allows the exclusion of the MFN principles for some of the reasons outlined in article VI of the agreement, namely, non-discrimination, unfavorable to one party and decisions must be made by consensus. However, the description of non-discrimination in GATS is still too general so that its application often causes problems. The MFN principle can be set aside by using article VI on GATS about domestic regulation that allows a country to create boundaries for a social media provider to enter the country. Eventually the MFN principle can be set aside to protect the sovereignty and ideology of a country by using article VI. Although article VI states that domestic rules must not be discriminatory, the determination of rules made unilaterally by the state without requiring negotiations between service providers and the state.
There is the fact that in Aceh, more than 60 percent of coral reef are bleaching. Scientiests als... more There is the fact that in Aceh, more than 60 percent of coral reef are bleaching. Scientiests also found that 80 percent of marine species in Aceh marine are going to death. It is a dangerous situation because coral reef are a protecting place for fish and other sea biotas. Huge fishes are also usually gathering around the coral reef that provide food for them. This research will be conducted at the coral reef ecosystem in Ujung Pancu, Kecamatan Peukan Bada, Great Aceh. The aims of the research are to analyze the rule of protecting coral reef in Aceh Province, to explain the efforts of coral reef protection in Ujong Pancu area in order to increase the fishing productivity, and to comprehend the challenges faced in preserving coral reef in Ujong Pancu area. The research shows that the legal basis for the coral reef conservation has regulated both in national and local law. It means that the government has been taking into account and giving proper attention to the conservation program. Moreover, the coral reef conservation in Ujung Pancu also got supports not only form the local government but also from the civitas academica but also from the local and international non governmental organizations. It is concluded that the barriers in coral reef preserving program in Ujung Pancu are minimalized. PENDAHULUAN Negara archipelago atau kepulauan adalah istilah yang sering disebut untuk negara Indonesia. Sebagai bangsa Indonesia kita perlu bangga karena Indonesia merupakan negara kedua dengan garis pantai terpanjang didunia setelah Kanada. Tidak dapat dipungkiri lagi bahwa Indonesia merupakan salah satu pusat keanekaragaman hayati dunia, termasuk terumbu karang. Secara geografis, Indonesia memiliki 116 pulau kecil dan kelompok pulau-pulau kecil yang mudah mengalami kerusakan ekologi. 1
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini ingin menjawab interpretasi dan pelaksanaan asas ketertiban umum terhadap ... more ABSTRAK Penelitian ini ingin menjawab interpretasi dan pelaksanaan asas ketertiban umum terhadap putusan arbitrase asing di pengadilan Indonesia. Dengan berbasis pada penelitian hukum, penelitian diharapkan akan menjawab pengakuan dan pelaksanaan keputusan arbritase asing tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengecualian terhadap ketertiban umum ditemukan dalam Pasal V Paragraph 2 angka (b) Konvensi New York 1958 tentang Pengakuan dan Pelaksanaan Keputusan Arbitrase Asing. Konvensi menentukan bahwa pengakuan dan pelaksanaan putusan arbitrase dapat ditolak apabila kemudian ditemukan pengakuan dan pelaksanaan putusan tersebut melanggar ketentuan ketertiban umum di negara yang bersangkutan. Namun demikian, Konvensi tidak memberikan pengertian secara jelas tentang ketertiban umum, hal ini diserahkan kepada masing-masing negara peserta konvensi. Berdasarkan putusan pengadilan, konsep ketertiban umum yang diterapkan di Indonesia diinterpretasi secara luas dan domestik. Kata Kunci: Asas ketertiban umum; arbritase asing; hukum Indonesia. ABSTRACT This study aims to answer the interpretation and implementation of public order principle on foreign arbitral awards in Indonesian courts. Based on legal research, it is expected to answer the recognition and implementation of foreign arbitral awards. The results show that the exception to public order is found in Article V Paragraph 2 Number (b) of the 1958 New York Convention concerning the Recognition and Implementation of Foreign Arbitral Awards. The Convention stipulates that the recognition and implementation of an arbitral award can be rejected if later found that the recognition and implementation of the award violates the provisions of public order in the concerned country. However, the Convention does not provide a clear conception of public order, this is submitted to the respective countries participating in the convention. Based on a court decisions, the concept of public order applied in Indonesia was interpreted widely and domestically.
Papers by lena farsia