This study aims to determine the development of farmer's share and marketing margin of rice i... more This study aims to determine the development of farmer's share and marketing margin of rice in Indonesia for 2010 – 2020. Farmer's share is a share of the price received by farmers with the price paid by consumers. Meanwhile, marketing margin is the difference between the price received by farmers and the price paid by consumers. This study uses secondary data obtained from government statistics and literature studies in accordance with the object of study. Farmer's share data analysis is expressed in percentages, while the marketing margin analysis is expressed in rupiah. From this study, it was found that the development of farmer's share rice for all quality groups in Indonesia in 2010 – 2020 tended to vary. Meanwhile, the development of marketing margins rice for all quality groups in Indonesia in 2010 – 2020 continued to increase from year to year although in certain years it decreased
Proceedings of the 1st Aceh Global Conference (AGC 2018), 2019
The presentation of this paper aims to evaluate the potential influence of carbon and methane gas... more The presentation of this paper aims to evaluate the potential influence of carbon and methane gas emissions caused by rice farmers' production activities in Indonesia. According to the data and ranking released by Food and Agriculture Organization (2018) Indonesia is classified into the top three of the ten largest carbon emitting countries from the rice cultivation sector and ranked seventh in agriculture activities in total. Using the FAO data series and applying simple regression models found a significant relationship between rice production activities and increased carbon emissions equivalent (CO2eq.) as well as rural populations. The recommendation of the results of this study is the extension of organic farming activities supported by the results of subsequent research in increasing sustainable rice cultivation.
Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Sep 1, 2011
Rice is an important commodity for Indonesia because of its main source of societal food. This re... more Rice is an important commodity for Indonesia because of its main source of societal food. This research aims to analyze the import demand for rice in Indonesia (1975-2009) by using partialadjustment model (Nerlove, 1972). The result of estimated-import demandfor rice model shows that the coefficients ofimported-rice price (I'm), domestic rice price (Pd), GDP (Y) dan lag-import demand for rice (MDf.j significantly affect on the import demand for rice in Indonesia in the short-run and long-run. The difference of rice price between domestic and international markets influences the change ofdemanded-quantity import for rice in the short run and the long run. Hence, the stability of domestic rice price and tariff should be effectively managed by Indonesian government.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor tingkat keterikatan dan kepuasan dosen... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor tingkat keterikatan dan kepuasan dosen dan tenaga kepandidikan pada Perguruan Tinggi Baru (PTN-B). Tingkat keterikatan dilihat dari indikator Focused Work, Interpersonal Support dan Individual Value. Data dari penelitian ini didapatkan dari penyebaran kuesioner pada PTN-B. Dari hasil analisis penilitian ini, diketahui bahwa terdapat tingkat keterikatan dan kepuasan yang tinggi di PTN-B secara keseluruhan. Kemudian, dosen dengan jabatan lektor kepala memiliki tingkat kepuasan yang lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan dosen dengan jabatan fungsional di bawahnya. Selanjutnya, hasil yang cukup menarik juga dapat kita lihat dari segi status kepegawaian, bahwa dosen dan tendik yang berstatus PNS cenderung memiliki keterikatan dan kepuasan yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dosen dan tendik dengan status kepegawaian lainnya, meskipun masih dikategorikan pada indeks yang masih tinggi, begitu pula jika dilihat dari faktor umur dan masa k...
The study aims to find and test simultaneous equation models in an effort to obtain the right mod... more The study aims to find and test simultaneous equation models in an effort to obtain the right model to estimate fit in the analysis of the needs of a national rice reserve. By using the data of the Central Board of Statistics of various editions and data of the Food Agricultural Organization all data needs of variables can be fulfilled. The method of estimation is using Two stage Ordinary Least Square (TSLS). Taking into consideration the condition of the variables, this model is identified overidentified, using some variable lag. The estimated results show some parameters quite significant, there are still some variables that are not statistically significant. Therefore, it is necessary pedekatan more precise model specifications, and other estimation methods, such as the Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) technique. Keywords: Simultaneous Model, partial adjusment, TSLS
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2020
- This study aims to examine the supply chain strategy in causal relationship between world CPO p... more - This study aims to examine the supply chain strategy in causal relationship between world CPO price causality, production and marketing margin price using the Granger causality approach in the period January 2006-December 2017. This research proves that: (i) The results of the bivariate causality test explain that Indonesian CPO production has a single causality direction with world CPO prices. (ii) The results of the impulse response function and variance decomposition explain that the shock of the marketing margin variable gives a fluctuating response to fluctuations in world CPO prices, but the response is always positively given by the shock marketing margin in response to changes experienced by the variable world CPO prices. The results of this study are efforts to increase the price of CPO in the country by encouraging the development of palm oil derivative industries in increasing derivatives of high economic value products.
The aim of this article is to describe how the paradigm qualitative and quantitative occur and it... more The aim of this article is to describe how the paradigm qualitative and quantitative occur and its evolution concisely and the distinction between these two paradigm in the early days and particularly in the mid 1950’s which cause the paradigm wars on methodology and also epistemology point of view in the social science and economics dicipline. Both qualitative and quantitative significantly contribute in the social science overall. In addition to, the Nobel Prize winner in 1974 Gunnar Myrdal in Asian Drama: An Inquiry Into the Poverty of Nations (1957) by using sociological frameworkand Garry S. Becker, winner of the 1992 economic Nobel in his doctoral dissertation Discrimination in the Market Place (1955) which included elements of crime, social conflicts (racial discrimination), and institutional economics in examining economic problems. The dichotomy of the qualitative and quantitative approaches is no longer relevant, because both have their advantages and disadvantages, in the...
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2020
The energy consumption is projected to improve living standards and the economy of society. Howev... more The energy consumption is projected to improve living standards and the economy of society. However, for achieving this objective, the government should spend much money in kind of subsidies especially in fuel oil. In several previous studies, they stated that the Indonesia government was experiencing a budget deficit due to their policy about fuel oil subsidy policy. Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine the efficiency of government spending regarding fuel oil subsidy policy in Indonesia. This study designed by using quantitative analysis collected from three data sources, namely Bank Indonesia, Central Bureau of Statistics, and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. The quarterly data for 21 years which consists of 1996 to 2017 analysed using the stochastic frontier model by assisting statistical software, namely Eviews 10. In this study, we examine the relationship government expenditure via fuel subsidy policy (FUELsubs) on economics growth (GDPpc). Also, the relationship between unemployment (UNEMPLY) and inflation rates (INFL). Besides, for analysing the efficiency of government expenditure on energy consumption (FUEL) subsidy policy in Indonesia, we use the estimation values of the stochastic frontier model through error components, vi and ui. The results of this study found the fuel subsidy policy does not meet the energy subsidy target for the Indonesian economy. Then, there is inefficiency in subsidies that impacts the tradeoff between unemployment and inflation.
Consumption of each society is closely related to micro and macro conditions, as the income recei... more Consumption of each society is closely related to micro and macro conditions, as the income received by each community will affect their lifestyle patterns. The higher the income, the greater the expenditure on food and non-food consumption. Women have considerable potential in contributing to income, especially in poor households, but women do not stand out and claim that they are the main support in providing the economy for the family. The purpose of this study is to analyse the effect of women's income in the short and long term and predict food consumption in Aceh Province in the future. The model analysis used in this study is a partial adjustment model with panel data from 23 cities/regencies in Aceh Province. The next step is to predict the level of consumption in each district and city, and make a regional analysis based on the geographical conditions of this province in four regional divisions to get an aggregate depiction of the differences in food consumption levels...
This article aims to examine some of the components that affect rice imports in Indonesia in the ... more This article aims to examine some of the components that affect rice imports in Indonesia in the short and long term through a time-series analysis method approach using the Vector Error Correction model as an approach of estimating commodity specific import demand models. Data series in the period 1975-2015 of variable domestic prices, international rice prices, exchange rates and GDP. Estimation results show only a one-way causality relationship between relative prices, exchange rates and income. While the long-term relationship is not found in this import demand model. Therefore, implications in further research especially in modeling time-series are the main recommendations in this article. Keyword : vector error correctio n, Import Demand,
The purpose of the present paper is to examine the efficiency of Indonesian rice production condu... more The purpose of the present paper is to examine the efficiency of Indonesian rice production conducted in Aceh Province, by using agricultural census data 2013 with a sample of 1,029 characteristics of farm households. The analysis model used is stochastic frontier analysis (SFA)) approach and the estimation result obtained that rice production factors such as wages of farm workers, harvested area, fertilizer, and seeds have not been technically efficient. Furthermore, the economical scale of rice production in Aceh Province is decreasing return to scale that coherent with the results of the efficiency test. Keywords: efficiency, farmer household, stochastic frontier analysis, economic scale.
This article discusses the rational expectations theory in the perspective of the appearance proc... more This article discusses the rational expectations theory in the perspective of the appearance process and its contribution to economic thought in terms of the science and its application on the economy. The methodology in writing this paper is through literature review, generally taken from journal articles which examine from two viewpoints: from economists who initiated and supported the concept of this theory and those who opposed it. Furthermore, it also discuss about its application, particularly in terms of future economic studies. As part of the New Classical Economics, the theory pioneered by Robert E. Lucas, Jr. along with Thomas J. Sargent has provided a great contribution of empirical and multifaceted approaches, which provides a compilation of the results of the study and generalization theory by numerous macroeconomist and econometrician in Rational Expectations and Econometric Practice (1981), it quite influential on level of academic and applied economics. In other word...
This study aims to determine the development of farmer's share and marketing margin of rice i... more This study aims to determine the development of farmer's share and marketing margin of rice in Indonesia for 2010 – 2020. Farmer's share is a share of the price received by farmers with the price paid by consumers. Meanwhile, marketing margin is the difference between the price received by farmers and the price paid by consumers. This study uses secondary data obtained from government statistics and literature studies in accordance with the object of study. Farmer's share data analysis is expressed in percentages, while the marketing margin analysis is expressed in rupiah. From this study, it was found that the development of farmer's share rice for all quality groups in Indonesia in 2010 – 2020 tended to vary. Meanwhile, the development of marketing margins rice for all quality groups in Indonesia in 2010 – 2020 continued to increase from year to year although in certain years it decreased
Proceedings of the 1st Aceh Global Conference (AGC 2018), 2019
The presentation of this paper aims to evaluate the potential influence of carbon and methane gas... more The presentation of this paper aims to evaluate the potential influence of carbon and methane gas emissions caused by rice farmers' production activities in Indonesia. According to the data and ranking released by Food and Agriculture Organization (2018) Indonesia is classified into the top three of the ten largest carbon emitting countries from the rice cultivation sector and ranked seventh in agriculture activities in total. Using the FAO data series and applying simple regression models found a significant relationship between rice production activities and increased carbon emissions equivalent (CO2eq.) as well as rural populations. The recommendation of the results of this study is the extension of organic farming activities supported by the results of subsequent research in increasing sustainable rice cultivation.
Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Sep 1, 2011
Rice is an important commodity for Indonesia because of its main source of societal food. This re... more Rice is an important commodity for Indonesia because of its main source of societal food. This research aims to analyze the import demand for rice in Indonesia (1975-2009) by using partialadjustment model (Nerlove, 1972). The result of estimated-import demandfor rice model shows that the coefficients ofimported-rice price (I'm), domestic rice price (Pd), GDP (Y) dan lag-import demand for rice (MDf.j significantly affect on the import demand for rice in Indonesia in the short-run and long-run. The difference of rice price between domestic and international markets influences the change ofdemanded-quantity import for rice in the short run and the long run. Hence, the stability of domestic rice price and tariff should be effectively managed by Indonesian government.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor tingkat keterikatan dan kepuasan dosen... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor tingkat keterikatan dan kepuasan dosen dan tenaga kepandidikan pada Perguruan Tinggi Baru (PTN-B). Tingkat keterikatan dilihat dari indikator Focused Work, Interpersonal Support dan Individual Value. Data dari penelitian ini didapatkan dari penyebaran kuesioner pada PTN-B. Dari hasil analisis penilitian ini, diketahui bahwa terdapat tingkat keterikatan dan kepuasan yang tinggi di PTN-B secara keseluruhan. Kemudian, dosen dengan jabatan lektor kepala memiliki tingkat kepuasan yang lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan dosen dengan jabatan fungsional di bawahnya. Selanjutnya, hasil yang cukup menarik juga dapat kita lihat dari segi status kepegawaian, bahwa dosen dan tendik yang berstatus PNS cenderung memiliki keterikatan dan kepuasan yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dosen dan tendik dengan status kepegawaian lainnya, meskipun masih dikategorikan pada indeks yang masih tinggi, begitu pula jika dilihat dari faktor umur dan masa k...
The study aims to find and test simultaneous equation models in an effort to obtain the right mod... more The study aims to find and test simultaneous equation models in an effort to obtain the right model to estimate fit in the analysis of the needs of a national rice reserve. By using the data of the Central Board of Statistics of various editions and data of the Food Agricultural Organization all data needs of variables can be fulfilled. The method of estimation is using Two stage Ordinary Least Square (TSLS). Taking into consideration the condition of the variables, this model is identified overidentified, using some variable lag. The estimated results show some parameters quite significant, there are still some variables that are not statistically significant. Therefore, it is necessary pedekatan more precise model specifications, and other estimation methods, such as the Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) technique. Keywords: Simultaneous Model, partial adjusment, TSLS
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2020
- This study aims to examine the supply chain strategy in causal relationship between world CPO p... more - This study aims to examine the supply chain strategy in causal relationship between world CPO price causality, production and marketing margin price using the Granger causality approach in the period January 2006-December 2017. This research proves that: (i) The results of the bivariate causality test explain that Indonesian CPO production has a single causality direction with world CPO prices. (ii) The results of the impulse response function and variance decomposition explain that the shock of the marketing margin variable gives a fluctuating response to fluctuations in world CPO prices, but the response is always positively given by the shock marketing margin in response to changes experienced by the variable world CPO prices. The results of this study are efforts to increase the price of CPO in the country by encouraging the development of palm oil derivative industries in increasing derivatives of high economic value products.
The aim of this article is to describe how the paradigm qualitative and quantitative occur and it... more The aim of this article is to describe how the paradigm qualitative and quantitative occur and its evolution concisely and the distinction between these two paradigm in the early days and particularly in the mid 1950’s which cause the paradigm wars on methodology and also epistemology point of view in the social science and economics dicipline. Both qualitative and quantitative significantly contribute in the social science overall. In addition to, the Nobel Prize winner in 1974 Gunnar Myrdal in Asian Drama: An Inquiry Into the Poverty of Nations (1957) by using sociological frameworkand Garry S. Becker, winner of the 1992 economic Nobel in his doctoral dissertation Discrimination in the Market Place (1955) which included elements of crime, social conflicts (racial discrimination), and institutional economics in examining economic problems. The dichotomy of the qualitative and quantitative approaches is no longer relevant, because both have their advantages and disadvantages, in the...
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2020
The energy consumption is projected to improve living standards and the economy of society. Howev... more The energy consumption is projected to improve living standards and the economy of society. However, for achieving this objective, the government should spend much money in kind of subsidies especially in fuel oil. In several previous studies, they stated that the Indonesia government was experiencing a budget deficit due to their policy about fuel oil subsidy policy. Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine the efficiency of government spending regarding fuel oil subsidy policy in Indonesia. This study designed by using quantitative analysis collected from three data sources, namely Bank Indonesia, Central Bureau of Statistics, and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. The quarterly data for 21 years which consists of 1996 to 2017 analysed using the stochastic frontier model by assisting statistical software, namely Eviews 10. In this study, we examine the relationship government expenditure via fuel subsidy policy (FUELsubs) on economics growth (GDPpc). Also, the relationship between unemployment (UNEMPLY) and inflation rates (INFL). Besides, for analysing the efficiency of government expenditure on energy consumption (FUEL) subsidy policy in Indonesia, we use the estimation values of the stochastic frontier model through error components, vi and ui. The results of this study found the fuel subsidy policy does not meet the energy subsidy target for the Indonesian economy. Then, there is inefficiency in subsidies that impacts the tradeoff between unemployment and inflation.
Consumption of each society is closely related to micro and macro conditions, as the income recei... more Consumption of each society is closely related to micro and macro conditions, as the income received by each community will affect their lifestyle patterns. The higher the income, the greater the expenditure on food and non-food consumption. Women have considerable potential in contributing to income, especially in poor households, but women do not stand out and claim that they are the main support in providing the economy for the family. The purpose of this study is to analyse the effect of women's income in the short and long term and predict food consumption in Aceh Province in the future. The model analysis used in this study is a partial adjustment model with panel data from 23 cities/regencies in Aceh Province. The next step is to predict the level of consumption in each district and city, and make a regional analysis based on the geographical conditions of this province in four regional divisions to get an aggregate depiction of the differences in food consumption levels...
This article aims to examine some of the components that affect rice imports in Indonesia in the ... more This article aims to examine some of the components that affect rice imports in Indonesia in the short and long term through a time-series analysis method approach using the Vector Error Correction model as an approach of estimating commodity specific import demand models. Data series in the period 1975-2015 of variable domestic prices, international rice prices, exchange rates and GDP. Estimation results show only a one-way causality relationship between relative prices, exchange rates and income. While the long-term relationship is not found in this import demand model. Therefore, implications in further research especially in modeling time-series are the main recommendations in this article. Keyword : vector error correctio n, Import Demand,
The purpose of the present paper is to examine the efficiency of Indonesian rice production condu... more The purpose of the present paper is to examine the efficiency of Indonesian rice production conducted in Aceh Province, by using agricultural census data 2013 with a sample of 1,029 characteristics of farm households. The analysis model used is stochastic frontier analysis (SFA)) approach and the estimation result obtained that rice production factors such as wages of farm workers, harvested area, fertilizer, and seeds have not been technically efficient. Furthermore, the economical scale of rice production in Aceh Province is decreasing return to scale that coherent with the results of the efficiency test. Keywords: efficiency, farmer household, stochastic frontier analysis, economic scale.
This article discusses the rational expectations theory in the perspective of the appearance proc... more This article discusses the rational expectations theory in the perspective of the appearance process and its contribution to economic thought in terms of the science and its application on the economy. The methodology in writing this paper is through literature review, generally taken from journal articles which examine from two viewpoints: from economists who initiated and supported the concept of this theory and those who opposed it. Furthermore, it also discuss about its application, particularly in terms of future economic studies. As part of the New Classical Economics, the theory pioneered by Robert E. Lucas, Jr. along with Thomas J. Sargent has provided a great contribution of empirical and multifaceted approaches, which provides a compilation of the results of the study and generalization theory by numerous macroeconomist and econometrician in Rational Expectations and Econometric Practice (1981), it quite influential on level of academic and applied economics. In other word...
Papers by helmi noviar