Peter Slattery
I decided to add more personality and detail to my bio - I hope it isn't too much!
I want to improve the world and enjoy life at the same time. It's difficult but always meaningful!
I am curious about a wide range of areas and vocations.
I currently identify as a 'behaviour change' research entrepreneur focused on research ideation, instigation, co-design, execution and dissemination.
I focus on encouraging behaviour that will benefit sentient creatures over the long term future. I am quite influenced by the ideas of effective altruism and 'doing good better'.
I have a PhD from the University of New South Wales examining how to use websites to encourage volunteering and philanthropy and experience co-founding and running a startup called Collaboreat (later CompareMeals) which failed but taught me valuable lessons. I started several other projects over the years, including these recent examples:
I am an interdisciplinary academic and my work has been published across a wide range of disciplines. You can see my latest research here:
I have featured in the media more than 200 times. In 2020, I was the 16th most media engaged academic at Monash University. My media engagement ranges from articles for The Huffington Post and Psychology Today to interviews with BBC and ABC news. You can listen to one interview here:
Outside of where social norms compel me to present myself in a 'professional' manner I am a humble, transparent and grounded individual and happy to acknowledged that a lot of my success has been due to pure luck and social privilege rather than ability. I am also a lot more fun when I am not being professionally sensible.
I take self improvement very seriously and spend a lot of time working on various mental and physical health issues. You can see (and copy) the latest versions of my 'annual review' or 'daily tracker' templates at the links below:
Please note that I cannot always handle the volume of messages that I get on LinkedIn and other social media (not without risking a second round of burnout), so please forgive me if I don't respond to your message! I like to collaborate and help but I can't do that with everyone at the same time!
For work related enquiries, please contact me at [email protected]
I want to improve the world and enjoy life at the same time. It's difficult but always meaningful!
I am curious about a wide range of areas and vocations.
I currently identify as a 'behaviour change' research entrepreneur focused on research ideation, instigation, co-design, execution and dissemination.
I focus on encouraging behaviour that will benefit sentient creatures over the long term future. I am quite influenced by the ideas of effective altruism and 'doing good better'.
I have a PhD from the University of New South Wales examining how to use websites to encourage volunteering and philanthropy and experience co-founding and running a startup called Collaboreat (later CompareMeals) which failed but taught me valuable lessons. I started several other projects over the years, including these recent examples:
I am an interdisciplinary academic and my work has been published across a wide range of disciplines. You can see my latest research here:
I have featured in the media more than 200 times. In 2020, I was the 16th most media engaged academic at Monash University. My media engagement ranges from articles for The Huffington Post and Psychology Today to interviews with BBC and ABC news. You can listen to one interview here:
Outside of where social norms compel me to present myself in a 'professional' manner I am a humble, transparent and grounded individual and happy to acknowledged that a lot of my success has been due to pure luck and social privilege rather than ability. I am also a lot more fun when I am not being professionally sensible.
I take self improvement very seriously and spend a lot of time working on various mental and physical health issues. You can see (and copy) the latest versions of my 'annual review' or 'daily tracker' templates at the links below:
Please note that I cannot always handle the volume of messages that I get on LinkedIn and other social media (not without risking a second round of burnout), so please forgive me if I don't respond to your message! I like to collaborate and help but I can't do that with everyone at the same time!
For work related enquiries, please contact me at [email protected]
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Books by Peter Slattery
Peter Bragge, Alyse Lennox, Jim Curtis, Mark Boulet, Peter Slattery, Julia Meis-Harris, Abby Wild